/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.module.osm; import org.junit.Test; import org.opentripplanner.openstreetmap.model.OSMWithTags; import junit.framework.TestCase; /** * Test the WayPropertySet * @author mattwigway */ public class TestWayPropertySet extends TestCase { /** * Test that two values are within epsilon of each other. * @param val1 * @param val2 * @param epsilon */ private boolean within(float val1, float val2, float epsilon) { return (Math.abs(val1 - val2) < epsilon); } /** * Convert kilometers per hour to meters per second * @param kmh * @return */ private float kmhAsMs (float kmh) { return kmh * 1000 / 3600; } /** * Convenience function to get a speed picker for a given specifier and speed. * @param specifier The OSM specifier, e.g. highway=motorway * @param speed The speed, in meters per second */ private SpeedPicker getSpeedPicker (String specifier, float speed) { SpeedPicker sp = new SpeedPicker(); sp.specifier = new OSMSpecifier(specifier); sp.speed = speed; return sp; } /** * Test that car speeds are calculated accurately */ @Test public void testCarSpeeds () { DefaultWayPropertySetSource source = new DefaultWayPropertySetSource(); WayPropertySet wps = source.getWayPropertySet(); OSMWithTags way; float epsilon = 0.01f; way = new OSMWithTags(); way.addTag("maxspeed", "60"); assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(60), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, false), epsilon)); assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(60), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, true), epsilon)); way = new OSMWithTags(); way.addTag("maxspeed:forward", "80"); way.addTag("maxspeed:reverse", "20"); way.addTag("maxspeed", "40"); assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(80), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, false), epsilon)); assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(20), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, true), epsilon)); way = new OSMWithTags(); way.addTag("maxspeed", "40"); way.addTag("maxspeed:lanes", "60|80|40"); assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(80), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, false), epsilon)); assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(80), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, true), epsilon)); way = new OSMWithTags(); way.addTag("maxspeed", "20"); way.addTag("maxspeed:motorcar", "80"); assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(80), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, false), epsilon)); assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(80), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, true), epsilon)); // test with english units way = new OSMWithTags(); way.addTag("maxspeed", "35 mph"); assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(35 * 1.609f), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, false), epsilon)); assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(35 * 1.609f), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, true), epsilon)); // test with no maxspeed tags wps = new WayPropertySet(); wps.addSpeedPicker(getSpeedPicker("highway=motorway", kmhAsMs(100))); wps.addSpeedPicker(getSpeedPicker("highway=*", kmhAsMs(35))); wps.addSpeedPicker(getSpeedPicker("surface=gravel", kmhAsMs(10))); wps.defaultSpeed = kmhAsMs(25); way = new OSMWithTags(); // test default speeds assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(25), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, false), epsilon)); assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(25), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, true), epsilon)); way.addTag("highway", "tertiary"); assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(35), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, false), epsilon)); assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(35), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, true), epsilon)); way = new OSMWithTags(); way.addTag("surface", "gravel"); assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(10), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, false), epsilon)); assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(10), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, true), epsilon)); way = new OSMWithTags(); way.addTag("highway", "motorway"); assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(100), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, false), epsilon)); assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(100), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, true), epsilon)); // make sure that 0-speed ways can't exist way = new OSMWithTags(); way.addTag("maxspeed", "0"); assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(25), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, false), epsilon)); assertTrue(within(kmhAsMs(25), wps.getCarSpeedForWay(way, true), epsilon)); } }