package org.opentripplanner.profile; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import gnu.trove.list.TIntList; import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import org.opentripplanner.analyst.ResultSet; import org.opentripplanner.analyst.SampleSet; import org.opentripplanner.analyst.TimeSurface; import org.opentripplanner.analyst.cluster.ResultEnvelope; import org.opentripplanner.analyst.core.IsochroneData; import org.opentripplanner.analyst.request.SampleGridRenderer; import org.opentripplanner.analyst.request.SampleGridRenderer.WTWD; import org.opentripplanner.analyst.request.SampleGridRenderer.WTWDAccumulativeMetric; import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.AccumulativeGridSampler; import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.DelaunayIsolineBuilder; import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.SparseMatrixZSampleGrid; import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.SphericalDistanceLibrary; import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Graph; import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Vertex; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import; import; import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.toRadians; /** * Stores travel times propagated to the search targets (all vertices in the street network or a set of points of * interest) in one-to-many repeated raptor profile routing. * * Each raptor call finds minimum travel times to each transit stop. Those must be propagated out to the final targets, * giving minimum travel times to each street vertex (or each destination opportunity in accessibility analysis). * Those results are then merged into the summary statistics per target over the whole time window * (over many RAPTOR calls). This class handles the storage and merging of those summary statistics. * * Currently this includes minimum, maximum, and average earliest-arrival travel time for each target. * We could conceivably retain all the propagated times for every departure minute instead of collapsing them down into * three numbers. If they were all sorted, we could read off any quantile, including the median travel time. * Leaving them in departure time order would also be interesting, since you could then see visually how the travel time * varies as a function of departure time. * We could also conceivably store travel time histograms per destination, but this entails a loss of information due * to binning into minutes. These binned times could not be used to apply a smooth sigmoid cutoff which we usually * do at one-second resolution. * * When exploring single-point (one-to-many) query results it would be great to have all these stored or produced on * demand for visualization. */ public class PropagatedTimesStore { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PropagatedTimesStore.class); // Four parallel arrays has worse locality than one big 4|V|-length flat array, but merging per-raptor-call values // into this summary statistics storage is not the slow part of the algorithm. Optimization should concentrate on // the propagation of minimum travel times from transit stops to the street vertices. Graph graph; int size; int[] mins, maxs, avgs; ProfileRequest req; // number of times to bootstrap the mean. public final int N_BOOTSTRAPS = 400; private static final Random random = new Random(); public PropagatedTimesStore(Graph graph, ProfileRequest req) { this(graph, req, Vertex.getMaxIndex()); } public PropagatedTimesStore(Graph graph, ProfileRequest req, int size) { this.graph = graph; this.req = req; this.size = size; mins = new int[size]; maxs = new int[size]; avgs = new int[size]; Arrays.fill(avgs, Integer.MAX_VALUE); Arrays.fill(mins, Integer.MAX_VALUE); Arrays.fill(maxs, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } /** * @param times for search (varying departure time), an array of travel times to each destination. * @param includeInAverages for each iteration, whether that iteration should be included in average calculations. * In RaptorWorker's Monte Carlo code we also include minima and maxima, which should * not be included in averages. * Iterations that are not included in averages are still used to determine extrema. */ public void setFromArray(int[][] times, boolean[] includeInAverages, ConfidenceCalculationMethod confidenceCalculationMethod) { if (times.length == 0) // nothing to do return; // assume array is rectangular int nTargets = times[0].length; // cache random numbers. This should be fine as we're mixing it with the number of minutes // at which each destination is accessible, which is sometimes not 120, as well as the stop // position in the list (note that we have cleverly chosen a number which is a prime // so is not divisible by the number of iterations on the bootstrap). Finally recall that // the maximum number of times we're sampling from is generally 120 and we modulo this, // so the pigeonhole principle applies. // this is effectively a "random number generator" with phase 10007 int[] randomNumbers = random.ints().limit(10007).map(Math::abs).toArray(); int nextRandom = 0; int effectiveIterations = 0; for (int i = 0; i < includeInAverages.length; i++) { if (includeInAverages[i]) effectiveIterations++; } // loop over targets on the outside so we can bootstrap TARGETS: for (int target = 0; target < nTargets; target++) { // compute the average int sum = 0; int count = 0; TIntList timeList = new TIntArrayList(); TIntList avgList = new TIntArrayList(); ITERATIONS: for (int i = 0; i < times.length; i++) { if (times[i][target] == RaptorWorker.UNREACHED) continue ITERATIONS; if (includeInAverages[i]) { avgList.add(times[i][target]); sum += times[i][target]; count++; } timeList.add(times[i][target]); } // never reachable if (count == 0) continue TARGETS; // if the destination is reachable less than half the time, consider it unreachable "on average". // This avoids issues where destinations are reachable for some very small percentage of the time, either because // there is a single departure near the start of the time window, or because they take approximately 2 hours // (the default maximum cutoff) to reach. // Consider a search run with time window 7AM to 9AM, and an origin and destination connected by an express // bus that runs once at 7:05. For the first five minutes of the time window, accessibility is very good. // For the rest, there is no accessibility; if we didn't have this rule in place, the average would be the average // of the time the destination is reachable, and the time it is unreachable would be excluded from the calculation // (see issue 2148) // There is another issue that this rule does not completely address. Consider a trip that takes 1:45 // exclusive of wait time and runs every half-hour. Half the time it takes less than two hours and is considered // and half the time it takes more than two hours and is excluded, so the average is biased low on very long trips. // This rule catches the most egregious cases (say where we average only the best four minutes out of a two-hour // span) but does not completely address the issue. However if you're looking at a time cutoff significantly // less than two hours, it's not a big problem. Significantly less is half the headway of your least-frequent service, because // if there is a trip on your least-frequent service that takes on average the time cutoff plus one minute // it will be unbiased and considered unreachable iff the longest trip is less than two hours, which it has // to be if the time cutoff plus half the headway is less than two hours, assuming a symmetric travel time // distribution. // TODO: due to multiple paths to a target the distribution is not symmetrical though - evaluate the // effect of this. Also, transfers muddy the concept of "worst frequency" since there is variation in mid-trip // wait times as well. if (count >= effectiveIterations * req.reachabilityThreshold) avgs[target] = sum / count; // TODO: correctly handle partial accessibility for bootstrap and percentile options. switch (confidenceCalculationMethod) { case BOOTSTRAP: // now bootstrap out a 95% confidence interval on the time int[] bootMeans = new int[N_BOOTSTRAPS]; nextRandom += N_BOOTSTRAPS * count % randomNumbers.length; // prevent overflow final int randOff = nextRandom; final int finalCount = count; IntStream.range(0, N_BOOTSTRAPS).parallel().forEach(boot -> { int bsum = 0; // sample from the Monte Carlo distribution with replacement for (int iter = 0; iter < finalCount; iter++) { bsum += avgList .get(randomNumbers[(randOff + boot * iter) % randomNumbers.length] % avgList.size()); //bsum += timeList.get(random.nextInt(count)); } bootMeans[boot] = bsum / finalCount; }); Arrays.sort(bootMeans); // 2.5 percentile of distribution of means mins[target] = bootMeans[N_BOOTSTRAPS / 40]; // 97.5 percentile of distribution of means maxs[target] = bootMeans[N_BOOTSTRAPS - N_BOOTSTRAPS / 40]; break; case PERCENTILE: timeList.sort(); mins[target] = timeList.get(timeList.size() / 40); maxs[target] = timeList.get(39 * timeList.size() / 40); break; case NONE: mins[target] = maxs[target] = avgs[target]; break; case MIN_MAX: default: mins[target] = timeList.min(); // worst case: if it is sometimes unreachable, worst case is unreachable; otherwise use the max from the // time list. // NB not using count here as it doesn't count iterations that are not included in averages if (timeList.size() == times.length) maxs[target] = timeList.max(); break; } } } /** * Make a ResultEnvelope directly from a given SampleSet. * The RaptorWorkerData must have been constructed from the same SampleSet. */ public ResultEnvelope makeResults(SampleSet ss, boolean includeTimes, boolean includeHistograms, boolean includeIsochrones) { ResultEnvelope envelope = new ResultEnvelope(); // max times == worst case accessibility envelope.worstCase = new ResultSet(maxs, ss.pset, includeTimes, includeHistograms, includeIsochrones); envelope.avgCase = new ResultSet(avgs, ss.pset, includeTimes, includeHistograms, includeIsochrones); envelope.bestCase = new ResultSet(mins, ss.pset, includeTimes, includeHistograms, includeIsochrones); return envelope; } public TimeSurface.RangeSet makeSurfaces(RepeatedRaptorProfileRouter repeatedRaptorProfileRouter) { TimeSurface.RangeSet rangeSet = new TimeSurface.RangeSet(); rangeSet.min = new TimeSurface(repeatedRaptorProfileRouter); rangeSet.avg = new TimeSurface(repeatedRaptorProfileRouter); rangeSet.max = new TimeSurface(repeatedRaptorProfileRouter); for (Vertex vertex : graph.index.vertexForId.values()) { int min = mins[vertex.getIndex()]; int max = maxs[vertex.getIndex()]; int avg = avgs[vertex.getIndex()]; if (avg == Integer.MAX_VALUE) continue; // Count is positive, extrema and sum must also be present rangeSet.min.times.put(vertex, min); rangeSet.max.times.put(vertex, max); rangeSet.avg.times.put(vertex, avg); } return rangeSet; } /** * This bypasses a bunch of conversion and copy steps and just makes the isochrones. * This assumes that the target indexes in this router/propagatedTimesStore are vertex indexes, not pointset indexes. * TODO parameter for a pointset or a vertex lookup table, so we can handle both. */ public ResultEnvelope makeIsochronesForVertices () { ResultEnvelope envelope = new ResultEnvelope(); envelope.bestCase = makeIsochroneForVertices(mins); envelope.avgCase = makeIsochroneForVertices(avgs); envelope.worstCase = makeIsochroneForVertices(maxs); return envelope; } /** * This bypasses a bunch of TimeSurface conversion/copy steps we were going though and makes the isochrones directly. * This assumes that the target indexes in this router/propagatedTimesStore are vertex indexes, not pointset indexes. * Called three times on min/avg/max to create the three elements of a ResultEnvelope. */ private ResultSet makeIsochroneForVertices (int[] times) { final int spacing = 5; final int nMax = 24; final int cutoffMinutes = 120; final double gridSize = IsochroneGenerator.GRID_SIZE_METERS; final double offroadDistanceMeters = gridSize * IsochroneGenerator.WALK_DISTANCE_GRID_SIZE_RATIO; SparseMatrixZSampleGrid<WTWD> grid = makeSampleGridForVertices(times, gridSize); long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); DelaunayIsolineBuilder<WTWD> isolineBuilder = new DelaunayIsolineBuilder<>(grid.delaunayTriangulate(), new WTWD.IsolineMetric()); List<IsochroneData> isoData = new ArrayList<IsochroneData>(); for (int minutes = spacing, n = 0; minutes <= cutoffMinutes && n < nMax; minutes += spacing, n++) { int seconds = minutes * 60; WTWD z0 = new WTWD(); z0.w = 1.0; z0.wTime = seconds; z0.d = offroadDistanceMeters; IsochroneData isochrone = new IsochroneData(seconds, isolineBuilder.computeIsoline(z0)); isoData.add(isochrone); } long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); ResultSet resultSet = new ResultSet(); resultSet.isochrones = new IsochroneData[isoData.size()]; isoData.toArray(resultSet.isochrones); LOG.debug("Computed {} isochrones in {} msec", isoData.size(), (int) (t1 - t0)); return resultSet; } /** * Create a SampleGrid from only the times stored in this PropagatedTimesStore. * This assumes that the target indexes in this router/propagatedTimesStore are vertex indexes, not pointset indexes. * This is not really ideal since it includes only intersection nodes, and no points along the road segments. * FIXME this may be why we're getting hole-punching failures. * TODO: rewrite the isoline code to use only primitive collections and operate on a scalar field. */ public SparseMatrixZSampleGrid<WTWD> makeSampleGridForVertices (int[] times, final double gridSizeMeters) { SparseMatrixZSampleGrid<WTWD> grid; long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Off-road max distance MUST be APPROX EQUALS to the grid precision // TODO: Loosen this restriction (by adding more closing sample). // Change the 0.8 magic factor here with caution. Should be roughly grid size. final double offroadWalkDistance = 0.8 * gridSizeMeters; final double offroadWalkSpeed = 1.00; // in m/sec Coordinate coordinateOrigin = graph.getCenter().get(); final double cosLat = FastMath.cos(toRadians(coordinateOrigin.y)); double dY = Math.toDegrees(gridSizeMeters / SphericalDistanceLibrary.RADIUS_OF_EARTH_IN_M); double dX = dY / cosLat; grid = new SparseMatrixZSampleGrid<WTWD>(16, times.length, dX, dY, coordinateOrigin); AccumulativeGridSampler.AccumulativeMetric<SampleGridRenderer.WTWD> metric = new WTWDAccumulativeMetric(cosLat, offroadWalkDistance, offroadWalkSpeed, gridSizeMeters); AccumulativeGridSampler<WTWD> sampler = new AccumulativeGridSampler<>(grid, metric); // Iterate over every vertex, adding it to the ZSampleGrid if it was reached. for (int v = 0; v < times.length; v++) { int time = times[v]; if (time == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { continue; // MAX_VALUE is the "unreached" value } WTWD z = new WTWD(); z.w = 1.0; z.d = 0.0; z.wTime = time; z.wBoardings = 0; // unused z.wWalkDist = 0; // unused Vertex vertex = graph.getVertexById(v); // FIXME ack, this uses a hashtable and autoboxing! // FIXME we should propagate along street geometries here if (vertex != null) { sampler.addSamplingPoint(vertex.getCoordinate(), z, offroadWalkSpeed); } } sampler.close(); long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();"Made scalar SampleGrid from TimeSurface in {} msec.", (int) (t1 - t0)); return grid; } public int countTargetsReached() { int count = 0; for (int min : mins) { if (min != RaptorWorker.UNREACHED) { count++; } } return count; } public static enum ConfidenceCalculationMethod { /** Do not calculate confidence intervals */ NONE, /** * Calculate confidence intervals around the mean using the bootstrap. Note that this calculates * the confidence that the mean is in fact the mean of all possible schedules, not the confidence * that a particular but unknown schedule will behave a certain way. * * This is absolutely the correct approach in systems that are specified as frequencies both * in the model and operationally, because the parameter of interest is the average accessibility * afforded by every realization of transfer and wait time. This yields nice tiny confidence * intervals around the mean, and allows us easily to measure changes in average accessibility. * * However, when you have a system that will eventually be scheduled, you are interested not * in the distribution of the average accessibility over all possible schedules, but rather * the distribution of the accessibility afforded by a particular but unknown schedule. This * does not require bootstrapping; it's just taking percentiles on the output of the Monte * Carlo simulation. Unfortunately this requires a lot more Monte Carlo samples, as of * course the middle of the distribution will stabilize long before the extrema. */ BOOTSTRAP, /** * Calculate confidence intervals based on percentiles, which is what you want to do when * you have a scheduled network. */ PERCENTILE, /** * Take the min and the max of the experienced of the experienced times. Monte Carlo simulations also include * one run with worst-case and one run with best-case boarding, so this is valid even for frequency service. */ MIN_MAX } }