package; import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpServer; import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.NetworkListener; import org.glassfish.grizzly.strategies.SameThreadIOStrategy; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; // benchmark: $ ab -n 2000 -k -c 100 http://localhost:9001/ // TODO Merge with Broker public class BrokerMain implements Runnable { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BrokerMain.class); private static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 9001; private static final String DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS = ""; Properties config = new Properties(); public Broker broker; public static void main(String[] args) { File cfg; if (args.length > 0) cfg = new File(args[0]); else cfg = new File("broker.conf"); if (!cfg.exists()) { LOG.error("Broker configuration file {} not found", cfg); return; } Properties brokerConfig = new Properties(); try { FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(cfg); brokerConfig.load(is); is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Error reading config file {}", e); return; } // Create instance and run in the current thread. new BrokerMain(brokerConfig).run(); } public BrokerMain(Properties brokerConfig) { this.config = brokerConfig; } public void run() { int port = config.getProperty("port") != null ? Integer.parseInt(config.getProperty("port")) : DEFAULT_PORT; String addr = config.getProperty("bind-address") != null ? config.getProperty("bind-address") : DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS;"Starting analyst broker on port {} of interface {}", port, addr); HttpServer httpServer = new HttpServer(); NetworkListener networkListener = new NetworkListener("broker", addr, port); // We avoid blocking IO, and the following line allows us to see closed connections. networkListener.getTransport().setIOStrategy(SameThreadIOStrategy.getInstance()); httpServer.addListener(networkListener); // Bypass Jersey etc. and add a low-level Grizzly handler. // As in servlets, * is needed in base path to identify the "rest" of the path. broker = new Broker(config, addr, port); httpServer.getServerConfiguration().addHttpHandler(new BrokerHttpHandler(broker), "/*"); try { httpServer.start();"Broker running.");; // run queue broker task pump in this thread Thread.currentThread().join(); } catch (BindException be) { LOG.error("Cannot bind to port {}. Is it already in use?", port); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("IO exception while starting server."); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {"Interrupted, shutting down."); } httpServer.shutdown(); } }