package; import com.amazonaws.regions.Regions; import; import; import*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.Request; import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.Response; import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.HttpStatus; import org.opentripplanner.analyst.cluster.AnalystClusterRequest; import org.opentripplanner.analyst.cluster.AnalystWorker; import org.opentripplanner.api.model.AgencyAndIdSerializer; import org.opentripplanner.api.model.JodaLocalDateSerializer; import org.opentripplanner.api.model.QualifiedModeSetSerializer; import org.opentripplanner.api.model.TraverseModeSetSerializer; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import*; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.*; /** * This class tracks incoming requests from workers to consume Analyst tasks, and attempts to match those * requests to enqueued tasks. It aims to draw tasks fairly from all users, and fairly from all jobs within each user, * while attempting to respect the graph affinity of each worker (give it tasks that require the same graph it has been * working on recently). * * When no work is available or no workers are available, the polling functions return immediately, avoiding spin-wait. * When they are receiving no work, workers are expected to disconnect and re-poll occasionally, on the order of 30 * seconds. This serves as a signal to the broker that they are still alive and waiting. * * TODO if there is a backlog of work (the usual case when jobs are lined up) workers will constantly change graphs. * Because (at least currently) two users never share the same graph, we can get by with pulling tasks cyclically or * randomly from all the jobs, and just actively shaping the number of workers with affinity for each graph by forcing * some of them to accept tasks on graphs other than the one they have declared affinity for. * * This could be thought of as "affinity homeostasis". We will constantly keep track of the ideal proportion of workers * by graph (based on active queues), and the true proportion of consumers by graph (based on incoming requests) then * we can decide when a worker's graph affinity should be ignored and what it should be forced to. * * It may also be helpful to mark jobs every time they are skipped in the LRU queue. Each time a job is serviced, * it is taken out of the queue and put at its end. Jobs that have not been serviced float to the top. */ public class Broker implements Runnable { // TODO catalog of recently seen consumers by affinity with IP: response.getRequest().getRemoteAddr(); private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Broker.class); /* How often we should check for delivered tasks that have timed out. */ private static final int REDELIVERY_INTERVAL_SEC = 10; public final CircularList<Job> jobs = new CircularList<>(); /** the most tasks to deliver to a worker at a time */ public final int MAX_TASKS_PER_WORKER = 8; /** * How long to give workers to start up (in ms) before assuming that they have started (and starting more * on a given graph if they haven't. */ public static final long WORKER_STARTUP_TIME = 60 * 60 * 1000; private int nUndeliveredTasks = 0; // Including normal priority jobs and high-priority tasks. private int nWaitingConsumers = 0; // including some that might be closed private int nextTaskId = 0; /** Maximum number of workers allowed */ private int maxWorkers; private static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); private long nextRedeliveryCheckTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); static { mapper.registerModule(AgencyAndIdSerializer.makeModule()); mapper.registerModule(QualifiedModeSetSerializer.makeModule()); mapper.registerModule(JodaLocalDateSerializer.makeModule()); mapper.registerModule(TraverseModeSetSerializer.makeModule()); } /** broker configuration */ private final Properties config; /** configuration for workers launched by this broker */ private final Properties workerConfig; private WorkerCatalog workerCatalog = new WorkerCatalog(); /** The time at which each task was delivered to a worker, to allow re-delivery. */ TIntIntMap deliveryTimes = new TIntIntHashMap(); /** * Requests that are not part of a job and can "cut in line" in front of jobs for immediate execution. * When a high priority task is first received, we attempt to send it to a worker right away via * the side channels. If that doesn't work, we put them here to be picked up the next time a worker * is available via normal task distribution channels. */ private ArrayListMultimap<String, AnalystClusterRequest> stalledHighPriorityTasks = ArrayListMultimap.create(); /** * High priority requests that have just come and are about to be sent down a single point channel. * They put here for just 100 ms so that any that arrive together are batched to the same worker. * If we didn't do this, two requests arriving at basically the same time could get fanned out to * two different workers because the second came in in between closing the side channel and the worker * reopening it. */ private Multimap<String, AnalystClusterRequest> newHighPriorityTasks = ArrayListMultimap.create(); /** Priority requests that have already been farmed out to workers, and are awaiting a response. */ private TIntObjectMap<Response> highPriorityResponses = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(); /** Outstanding requests from workers for tasks, grouped by worker graph affinity. */ Map<String, Deque<Response>> consumersByGraph = new HashMap<>(); /** * Side channels used to send single point requests to workers, cutting in front of any other work on said workers. * We use a TreeMultimap because it is ordered, and the wrapped response defines an order based on * machine ID. This way, the same machine will tend to get all single point work for a graph, * so multiple machines won't stay alive to do single point work. */ private Multimap<String, WrappedResponse> singlePointChannels = TreeMultimap.create(); /** should we work offline */ private boolean workOffline; private AmazonEC2 ec2; private Timer timer = new Timer(); private String workerName, project; /** * keep track of which graphs we have launched workers on and how long ago we launched them, * so that we don't re-request workers which have been requested. */ private TObjectLongMap<String> recentlyRequestedWorkers = new TObjectLongHashMap<>(); // Queue of tasks to complete Delete, Enqueue etc. to avoid synchronizing all the functions ? public Broker (Properties brokerConfig, String addr, int port) { // print out date on startup so that CloudWatch logs has a unique fingerprint"Analyst worker starting at {}",; this.config = brokerConfig; // create a config for the AWS workers workerConfig = new Properties(); // load the base worker configuration if specified if (config.getProperty("worker-config") != null) { try { File f = new File(config.getProperty("worker-config")); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f); workerConfig.load(fis); fis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Error loading base worker configuration", e); } } workerConfig.setProperty("broker-address", addr); workerConfig.setProperty("broker-port", "" + port); if (brokerConfig.getProperty("statistics-queue") != null) workerConfig.setProperty("statistics-queue", brokerConfig.getProperty("statistics-queue")); workerConfig.setProperty("graphs-bucket", brokerConfig.getProperty("graphs-bucket")); workerConfig.setProperty("pointsets-bucket", brokerConfig.getProperty("pointsets-bucket")); // Tell the workers to shut themselves down automatically workerConfig.setProperty("auto-shutdown", "true"); Boolean workOffline = Boolean.parseBoolean(brokerConfig.getProperty("work-offline")); if (workOffline == null) workOffline = true; this.workOffline = workOffline; workerName = brokerConfig.getProperty("worker-name") != null ? brokerConfig.getProperty("worker-name") : "analyst-worker"; project = brokerConfig.getProperty("project") != null ? brokerConfig.getProperty("project") : "analyst"; this.maxWorkers = brokerConfig.getProperty("max-workers") != null ? Integer.parseInt(brokerConfig.getProperty("max-workers")) : 4; ec2 = new AmazonEC2Client(); // default to current region when running in EC2 com.amazonaws.regions.Region r = Regions.getCurrentRegion(); if (r != null) ec2.setRegion(r); } /** * Enqueue a task for execution ASAP, planning to return the response over the same HTTP connection. * Low-reliability, no re-delivery. */ public synchronized void enqueuePriorityTask (AnalystClusterRequest task, Response response) { boolean workersAvailable = workersAvailableForGraph(task.graphId); if (!workersAvailable) { createWorkersForGraph(task.graphId); // chances are it won't be done in 30 seconds, but we want to poll frequently to avoid issues with phasing try { response.setHeader("Retry-After", "30"); response.sendError(503, "No workers available with this graph affinity, please retry shortly."); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Could not finish high-priority 503 response", e); } } // if we're in offline mode, enqueue anyhow to kick the cluster to build the graph // note that this will mean that requests get delivered multiple times in offline mode, // so some unnecessary computation takes place if (workersAvailable || workOffline) { task.taskId = nextTaskId++; newHighPriorityTasks.put(task.graphId, task); highPriorityResponses.put(task.taskId, response); // wait 100ms to deliver to workers in case another request comes in almost simultaneously timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { deliverHighPriorityTasks(task.graphId); } }, 100); } // do not notify task delivery thread just yet as we haven't put anything in the task delivery queue yet. } /** attempt to deliver high priority tasks via side channels, or move them into normal channels if need be */ public synchronized void deliverHighPriorityTasks (String graphId) { Collection<AnalystClusterRequest> tasks = newHighPriorityTasks.get(graphId); if (tasks.isEmpty()) // someone got here first return; // try to deliver via side channels Collection<WrappedResponse> wrs = singlePointChannels.get(graphId); if (!wrs.isEmpty()) { // there is (probably) a single point machine waiting to receive this WrappedResponse wr = wrs.iterator().next(); try { wr.response.setContentType("application/json"); OutputStream os = wr.response.getOutputStream(); mapper.writeValue(os, tasks); os.close(); wr.response.resume(); newHighPriorityTasks.removeAll(graphId); return; } catch (Exception e) {"Failed to deliver single point job via side channel, reverting to normal channel", e); } finally { // remove responses whether they are dead or alive removeSinglePointChannel(graphId, wr); } } // if we got here we didn't manage to send it via side channel, put it in the rotation for normal channels // not using putAll as it retains a link to the original collection and then we get a concurrent modification exception later. tasks.forEach(t -> stalledHighPriorityTasks.put(graphId, t));"No side channel available for graph {}, delivering {} tasks via normal channel", graphId, tasks.size()); nUndeliveredTasks += tasks.size(); newHighPriorityTasks.removeAll(graphId); // wake up delivery thread notify(); } /** Enqueue some tasks for queued execution possibly much later. Results will be saved to S3. */ public synchronized void enqueueTasks (List<AnalystClusterRequest> tasks) { Job job = findJob(tasks.get(0)); // creates one if it doesn't exist if (!workersAvailableForGraph(job.graphId)) createWorkersForGraph(job.graphId); for (AnalystClusterRequest task : tasks) { task.taskId = nextTaskId++; job.addTask(task); nUndeliveredTasks += 1; LOG.debug("Enqueued task id {} in job {}", task.taskId, job.jobId); if ( ! task.graphId.equals(job.graphId)) { LOG.warn("Task graph ID {} does not match job graph ID {}.", task.graphId, job.graphId); } } // Wake up the delivery thread if it's waiting on input. // This wakes whatever thread called wait() while holding the monitor for this Broker object. notify(); } public boolean workersAvailableForGraph (String graphId) { // make sure that we don't assign work to dead workers workerCatalog.purgeDeadWorkers(); return !workerCatalog.workersByGraph.get(graphId).isEmpty(); } /** Create workers for a given job, if need be */ public void createWorkersForGraph (String graphId) { String clientToken = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-", ""); if (workOffline) {"Work offline enabled, not creating workers for graph {}", graphId); return; } if (workerCatalog.observationsByWorkerId.size() >= maxWorkers) { LOG.warn("{} workers already started, not starting more; jobs on graph {} will not complete", maxWorkers, graphId); return; } // don't re-request workers if (recentlyRequestedWorkers.containsKey(graphId) && recentlyRequestedWorkers.get(graphId) >= System.currentTimeMillis() - WORKER_STARTUP_TIME){"workers still starting on graph {}, not starting more", graphId); return; } // TODO: compute int nWorkers = 1;"Starting {} workers as there are none on graph {}", nWorkers, graphId); // there are no workers on this graph, start one RunInstancesRequest req = new RunInstancesRequest(); req.setImageId(config.getProperty("ami-id")); req.setInstanceType(InstanceType.valueOf(config.getProperty("worker-type"))); req.setSubnetId(config.getProperty("subnet-id")); // even if we can't get all the workers we want at least get some req.setMinCount(1); req.setMaxCount(nWorkers); // it's fine to just modify the worker config as this method is synchronized workerConfig.setProperty("initial-graph-id", graphId); ByteArrayOutputStream cfg = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try {, "Worker config"); cfg.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // send the config as user data String userData = new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(cfg.toByteArray())); req.setUserData(userData); if (config.getProperty("worker-iam-role") != null) req.setIamInstanceProfile(new IamInstanceProfileSpecification().withArn(config.getProperty("worker-iam-role"))); // launch into a VPC if desired if (config.getProperty("subnet") != null) req.setSubnetId(config.getProperty("subnet")); // allow us to retry request at will req.setClientToken(clientToken); // allow machine to shut itself completely off req.setInstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior(ShutdownBehavior.Terminate); RunInstancesResult res = ec2.runInstances(req); res.getReservation().getInstances().forEach(i -> { Collection<Tag> tags = Arrays.asList( new Tag("name", workerName), new Tag("project", project) ); i.setTags(tags); }); recentlyRequestedWorkers.put(graphId, System.currentTimeMillis());"Requesting {} workers", nWorkers); } /** Consumer long-poll operations are enqueued here. */ public synchronized void registerSuspendedResponse(String graphId, Response response) { // Add this worker to our catalog, tracking its graph affinity and the last time it was seen. String workerId = response.getRequest().getHeader(AnalystWorker.WORKER_ID_HEADER); if (workerId != null && !workerId.isEmpty()) { workerCatalog.catalog(workerId, graphId); } else { LOG.error("Worker did not supply a unique ID for itself . Ignoring it."); return; } // Shelf this suspended response in a queue grouped by graph affinity. Deque<Response> deque = consumersByGraph.get(graphId); if (deque == null) { deque = new ArrayDeque<>(); consumersByGraph.put(graphId, deque); } deque.addLast(response); nWaitingConsumers += 1; // Wake up the delivery thread if it's waiting on consumers. // This is whatever thread called wait() while holding the monitor for this Broker object. notify(); } /** When we notice that a long poll connection has closed, we remove it here. */ public synchronized boolean removeSuspendedResponse(String graphId, Response response) { Deque<Response> deque = consumersByGraph.get(graphId); if (deque == null) { return false; } if (deque.remove(response)) { nWaitingConsumers -= 1; LOG.debug("Removed closed connection from queue."); logQueueStatus(); return true; } return false; } /** * Register an HTTP connection that can be used to send single point requests directly to * workers, bypassing normal task distribution channels. */ public synchronized void registerSinglePointChannel (String graphAffinity,WrappedResponse response) { singlePointChannels.put(graphAffinity, response); // no need to notify as the side channels are not used by the normal task delivery loop } /** * Remove a single point channel because the connection was closed. */ public synchronized boolean removeSinglePointChannel (String graphAffinity, WrappedResponse response) { return singlePointChannels.remove(graphAffinity, response); } private void logQueueStatus() {"{} undelivered, of which {} high-priority", nUndeliveredTasks, stalledHighPriorityTasks.size());"{} producers waiting, {} consumers waiting", highPriorityResponses.size(), nWaitingConsumers);"{} total workers", workerCatalog.size()); } /** * Check whether there are any delivered tasks that have reached their invisibility timeout but have not yet been * marked complete. Enqueue those tasks for redelivery. */ private void redeliver() { if (System.currentTimeMillis() > nextRedeliveryCheckTime) { nextRedeliveryCheckTime += REDELIVERY_INTERVAL_SEC * 1000;"Scanning for redelivery..."); int nRedelivered = 0; int nInvisible = 0; for (Job job : jobs) { nInvisible += job.invisibleUntil.size(); nRedelivered += job.redeliver(); }"{} tasks enqueued for redelivery out of {} invisible tasks.", nRedelivered, nInvisible); nUndeliveredTasks += nRedelivered; } } /** * This method checks whether there are any high-priority tasks or normal job tasks and attempts to match them with * waiting workers. It blocks until there are tasks or workers available. */ public synchronized void deliverTasks() throws InterruptedException { // Wait until there are some undelivered tasks. while (nUndeliveredTasks == 0) { LOG.debug("Task delivery thread is going to sleep, there are no tasks waiting for delivery."); logQueueStatus(); wait(); redeliver(); } LOG.debug("Task delivery thread is awake and there are some undelivered tasks."); logQueueStatus(); while (nWaitingConsumers == 0) { LOG.debug("Task delivery thread is going to sleep, there are no consumers waiting."); // Thread will be notified when there are new incoming consumer connections. wait(); } LOG.debug("Task delivery thread awake; consumers are waiting and tasks are available"); // Loop over all jobs and send them to consumers // This makes for an as-fair-as-possible allocation: jobs are fairly allocated between // workers on their graph. // start with high-priority tasks HIGHPRIORITY: for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<AnalystClusterRequest>> e : stalledHighPriorityTasks .asMap().entrySet()) { // the collection is an arraylist with the most recently added at the end String graphId = e.getKey(); Collection<AnalystClusterRequest> tasks = e.getValue(); // see if there are any consumers for this // don't respect graph affinity when working offline; we can't arbitrarily start more workers Deque<Response> consumers; if (!workOffline) consumers = consumersByGraph.get(graphId); else { Optional<Deque<Response>> opt = consumersByGraph.values().stream().filter(c -> !c.isEmpty()).findFirst(); if (opt.isPresent()) consumers = opt.get(); else consumers = null; } if (consumers == null || consumers.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("No consumer found for graph {}, needed for {} high-priority tasks", graphId, tasks.size()); continue HIGHPRIORITY; } Iterator<AnalystClusterRequest> taskIt = tasks.iterator(); while (taskIt.hasNext() && !consumers.isEmpty()) { Response consumer = consumers.pop(); // package tasks into a job Job job = new Job("HIGH PRIORITY"); job.graphId = graphId; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS_PER_WORKER && taskIt.hasNext(); i++) { job.addTask(; taskIt.remove(); } // TODO inefficiency here: we should mix single point and multipoint in the same response deliver(job, consumer); nWaitingConsumers--; } } // deliver low priority tasks while (nWaitingConsumers > 0) { // ensure we advance at least one; advanceToElement will not advance if the predicate passes // for the first element. jobs.advance(); // find a job that both has visible tasks and has available workers // We don't respect graph affinity when working offline, because we can't start more workers Job current; if (!workOffline) { current = jobs.advanceToElement(e -> !e.tasksAwaitingDelivery.isEmpty() && consumersByGraph.containsKey(e.graphId) && !consumersByGraph.get(e.graphId).isEmpty()); } else { current = jobs.advanceToElement(e -> !e.tasksAwaitingDelivery.isEmpty()); } // nothing to see here if (current == null) break; Deque<Response> consumers; if (!workOffline) consumers = consumersByGraph.get(current.graphId); else { Optional<Deque<Response>> opt = consumersByGraph.values().stream().filter(c -> !c.isEmpty()).findFirst(); if (opt.isPresent()) consumers = opt.get(); else consumers = null; } // deliver this job to only one consumer // This way if there are multiple workers and multiple jobs the jobs will be fairly distributed, more or less deliver(current, consumers.pop()); nWaitingConsumers--; } // TODO: graph switching // we've delivered everything we can, prevent anything else from happening until something changes wait(); } /** * This uses a linear search through jobs, which should not be problematic unless there are thousands of * simultaneous jobs. * @return a Job object that contains the given task ID. */ public Job getJobForTask (int taskId) { for (Job job : jobs) { if (job.containsTask(taskId)) { return job; } } return null; } /** * Attempt to hand some tasks from the given job to a waiting consumer connection. * The write will fail if the consumer has closed the connection but it hasn't been removed from the connection * queue yet. This can happen because the Broker methods are synchronized, and the removal action may be waiting * to get the monitor while we are trying to distribute tasks here. * @return whether the handoff succeeded. */ public synchronized boolean deliver (Job job, Response response) { // Check up-front whether the connection is still open. if (!response.getRequest().getRequest().getConnection().isOpen()) { LOG.debug("Consumer connection was closed. It will be removed."); return false; } // Get up to N tasks from the tasksAwaitingDelivery deque List<AnalystClusterRequest> tasks = new ArrayList<>(); while (tasks.size() < MAX_TASKS_PER_WORKER && !job.tasksAwaitingDelivery.isEmpty()) { tasks.add(job.tasksAwaitingDelivery.poll()); } // Attempt to deliver the tasks to the given consumer. try { response.setStatus(HttpStatus.OK_200); OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); mapper.writeValue(out, tasks); response.resume(); } catch (IOException e) { // The connection was probably closed by the consumer, but treat it as a server error. LOG.debug("Consumer connection caused IO error, it will be removed."); response.setStatus(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500); response.resume(); // Delivery failed, put tasks back on (the end of) the queue. job.tasksAwaitingDelivery.addAll(tasks); return false; } // Delivery succeeded, move tasks from undelivered to delivered status LOG.debug("Delivery of {} tasks succeeded.", tasks.size()); nUndeliveredTasks -= tasks.size(); job.markTasksDelivered(tasks); return true; } /** * Take a normal (non-priority) task out of a job queue, marking it as completed so it will not be re-delivered. * TODO maybe use unique delivery receipts instead of task IDs to handle redelivered tasks independently * @return whether the task was found and removed. */ public synchronized boolean markTaskCompleted (int taskId) { Job job = getJobForTask(taskId); if (job == null) { LOG.error("Could not find a job containing task {}, and therefore could not mark the task as completed."); return false; } job.markTaskCompleted(taskId); return true; } /** * Marks the specified priority request as completed, and returns the suspended Response object for the connection * that submitted the priority request (the UI), which probably still waiting to receive a result back over the * same connection. A HttpHandler thread can then pump data from the DELETE body back to the origin of the request, * without blocking the broker thread. * TODO rename to "deregisterSuspendedProducer" and "deregisterSuspendedConsumer" ? */ public synchronized Response deletePriorityTask (int taskId) { return highPriorityResponses.remove(taskId); } // TODO: occasionally purge closed connections from consumersByGraph // TODO: worker catalog and graph affinity homeostasis @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { deliverTasks(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {"Task pump thread was interrupted."); return; } } } /** find the job for a task, creating it if it does not exist */ public Job findJob (AnalystClusterRequest task) { Job job = findJob(task.jobId); if (job != null) return job; job = new Job(task.jobId); job.graphId = task.graphId; jobs.insertAtTail(job); return job; } /** find the job for a jobId, or null if it does not exist */ public Job findJob (String jobId) { for (Job job : jobs) { if (job.jobId.equals(jobId)) { return job; } } return null; } /** delete a job */ public synchronized boolean deleteJob (String jobId) { Job job = findJob(jobId); if (job == null) return false; nUndeliveredTasks -= job.tasksAwaitingDelivery.size(); return jobs.remove(job); } private Multimap<String, String> activeJobsPerGraph = HashMultimap.create(); public synchronized boolean anyJobsActive() { for (Job job : jobs) { if (!job.isComplete()) return true; } return false; } void activateJob (Job job) { activeJobsPerGraph.put(job.graphId, job.jobId); } void deactivateJob (Job job) { activeJobsPerGraph.remove(job.graphId, job.jobId); } /** * We wrap responses in a class that has a machine ID, and then put them in a TreeSet so that * the machine with the lowest ID on a given graph always gets single-point work. The reason * for this is so that a single machine will tend to get single-point work and thus we don't * unnecessarily keep multiple multipoint machines alive. */ public static class WrappedResponse implements Comparable<WrappedResponse> { public final Response response; public final String machineId; public WrappedResponse(Request request, Response response) { this.response = response; this.machineId = request.getHeader(AnalystWorker.WORKER_ID_HEADER); } @Override public int compareTo(WrappedResponse wrappedResponse) { return this.machineId.compareTo(wrappedResponse.machineId); } } }