package org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.linking; import; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString; import com.vividsolutions.jts.index.SpatialIndex; import com.vividsolutions.jts.linearref.LinearLocation; import com.vividsolutions.jts.linearref.LocationIndexedLine; import; import; import; import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.GeometryUtils; import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.HashGridSpatialIndex; import org.opentripplanner.common.geometry.SphericalDistanceLibrary; import org.opentripplanner.common.model.GenericLocation; import org.opentripplanner.common.model.P2; import org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.annotation.BikeParkUnlinked; import org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.annotation.BikeRentalStationUnlinked; import org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.annotation.StopUnlinked; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingRequest; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseMode; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseModeSet; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.StreetBikeParkLink; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.StreetBikeRentalLink; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.StreetEdge; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.StreetTransitLink; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TemporaryFreeEdge; import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Edge; import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Graph; import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Vertex; import org.opentripplanner.routing.location.TemporaryStreetLocation; import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.BikeParkVertex; import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.BikeRentalStationVertex; import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.SplitterVertex; import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.StreetVertex; import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.TemporarySplitterVertex; import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.TemporaryVertex; import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.TransitStop; import org.opentripplanner.util.NonLocalizedString; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import; /** * This class links transit stops to streets by splitting the streets (unless the stop is extremely close to the street * intersection). * * It is intended to eventually completely replace the existing stop linking code, which had been through so many * revisions and adaptations to different street and turn representations that it was very glitchy. This new code is * also intended to be deterministic in linking to streets, independent of the order in which the JVM decides to * iterate over Maps and even in the presence of points that are exactly halfway between multiple candidate linking * points. * * It would be wise to keep this new incarnation of the linking code relatively simple, considering what happened before. * * See discussion in pull request #1922, follow up issue #1934, and the original issue calling for replacement of * the stop linker, #1305. */ public class SimpleStreetSplitter { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleStreetSplitter.class); public static final int MAX_SEARCH_RADIUS_METERS = 1000; /** if there are two ways and the distances to them differ by less than this value, we link to both of them */ public static final double DUPLICATE_WAY_EPSILON_METERS = 0.001; private Graph graph; private HashGridSpatialIndex<Edge> idx; private SpatialIndex transitStopIndex; private static GeometryFactory geometryFactory = GeometryUtils.getGeometryFactory(); //If true edges are split and new edges are created (used when linking transit stops etc. during graph building) //If false new temporary edges are created and no edges are deleted (Used when searching for origin/destination) private final boolean destructiveSplitting; /** * Construct a new SimpleStreetSplitter. Be aware that only one SimpleStreetSplitter should be * active on a graph at any given time. * @param graph * @param hashGridSpatialIndex If not null this index is used instead of creating new one * @param transitStopIndex Index of all transitStops which is generated in {@link org.opentripplanner.routing.impl.StreetVertexIndexServiceImpl} * @param destructiveSplitting If true splitting is permanent (Used when linking transit stops etc.) when false Splitting is only for duration of a request. Since they are made from temporary vertices and edges. */ public SimpleStreetSplitter(Graph graph, HashGridSpatialIndex<Edge> hashGridSpatialIndex, SpatialIndex transitStopIndex, boolean destructiveSplitting) { this.graph = graph; this.transitStopIndex = transitStopIndex; this.destructiveSplitting = destructiveSplitting; //We build a spatial index if it isn't provided if (hashGridSpatialIndex == null) { // build a nice private spatial index, since we're adding and removing edges idx = new HashGridSpatialIndex<Edge>(); for (StreetEdge se : Iterables.filter(graph.getEdges(), StreetEdge.class)) { idx.insert(se.getGeometry(), se); } } else { idx = hashGridSpatialIndex; } } /** * Construct a new SimpleStreetSplitter. Be aware that only one SimpleStreetSplitter should be * active on a graph at any given time. * * SimpleStreetSplitter generates index on graph and splits destructively (used in transit splitter) * @param graph */ public SimpleStreetSplitter(Graph graph) { this(graph, null, null, true); } /** Link all relevant vertices to the street network */ public void link () { for (Vertex v : graph.getVertices()) { if (v instanceof TransitStop || v instanceof BikeRentalStationVertex || v instanceof BikeParkVertex) if (!link(v)) { if (v instanceof TransitStop) LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new StopUnlinked((TransitStop) v))); else if (v instanceof BikeRentalStationVertex) LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new BikeRentalStationUnlinked((BikeRentalStationVertex) v))); else if (v instanceof BikeParkVertex) LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new BikeParkUnlinked((BikeParkVertex) v))); }; } } /** Link this vertex into the graph to the closest walkable edge */ public boolean link (Vertex vertex) { return link(vertex, TraverseMode.WALK, null); } /** Link this vertex into the graph */ public boolean link(Vertex vertex, TraverseMode traverseMode, RoutingRequest options) { // find nearby street edges // TODO: we used to use an expanding-envelope search, which is more efficient in // dense areas. but first let's see how inefficient this is. I suspect it's not too // bad and the gains in simplicity are considerable. final double radiusDeg = SphericalDistanceLibrary.metersToDegrees(MAX_SEARCH_RADIUS_METERS); Envelope env = new Envelope(vertex.getCoordinate()); // local equirectangular projection final double xscale = Math.cos(vertex.getLat() * Math.PI / 180); env.expandBy(radiusDeg / xscale, radiusDeg); double duplicateDeg = SphericalDistanceLibrary.metersToDegrees(DUPLICATE_WAY_EPSILON_METERS); final TraverseModeSet traverseModeSet; if (traverseMode == TraverseMode.BICYCLE) { traverseModeSet = new TraverseModeSet(traverseMode, TraverseMode.WALK); } else { traverseModeSet = new TraverseModeSet(traverseMode); } // We sort the list of candidate edges by distance to the stop // This should remove any issues with things coming out of the spatial index in different orders // Then we link to everything that is within DUPLICATE_WAY_EPSILON_METERS of of the best distance // so that we capture back edges and duplicate ways. List<StreetEdge> candidateEdges = idx.query(env).stream() .filter(streetEdge -> streetEdge instanceof StreetEdge) .map(edge -> (StreetEdge) edge) // note: not filtering by radius here as distance calculation is expensive // we do that below. .filter(edge -> edge.canTraverse(traverseModeSet) && // only link to edges still in the graph. edge.getToVertex().getIncoming().contains(edge)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); // make a map of distances final TIntDoubleMap distances = new TIntDoubleHashMap(); for (StreetEdge e : candidateEdges) { distances.put(e.getId(), distance(vertex, e, xscale)); } // sort the list Collections.sort(candidateEdges, (o1, o2) -> { double diff = distances.get(o1.getId()) - distances.get(o2.getId()); if (diff < 0) return -1; if (diff > 0) return 1; return 0; }); // find the closest candidate edges if (candidateEdges.isEmpty() || distances.get(candidateEdges.get(0).getId()) > radiusDeg) { //We only link to stops if we are searching for origin/destination and for that we need transitStopIndex if (destructiveSplitting || transitStopIndex == null) { return false; } LOG.debug("No street edge was found for {}", vertex); //we search for closest stops (since this is only used in origin/destination linking if no edges were found) //in same way as closest edges are found List<TransitStop> candidateStops = new ArrayList<>(); transitStopIndex.query(env).forEach(candidateStop -> candidateStops.add((TransitStop) candidateStop) ); final TIntDoubleMap stopDistances = new TIntDoubleHashMap(); for (TransitStop t : candidateStops) { stopDistances.put(t.getIndex(), distance(vertex, t, xscale)); } Collections.sort(candidateStops, (o1, o2) -> { double diff = stopDistances.get(o1.getIndex()) - stopDistances.get(o2.getIndex()); if (diff < 0) { return -1; } if (diff > 0) { return 1; } return 0; }); if (candidateStops.isEmpty() || stopDistances.get(candidateStops.get(0).getIndex()) > radiusDeg) { LOG.debug("Stops aren't close either!"); return false; } else { List<TransitStop> bestStops = Lists.newArrayList(); // add stops until there is a break of epsilon meters. // we do this to enforce determinism. if there are a lot of stops that are all extremely close to each other, // we want to be sure that we deterministically link to the same ones every time. Any hard cutoff means things can // fall just inside or beyond the cutoff depending on floating-point operations. int i = 0; do { bestStops.add(candidateStops.get(i++)); } while (i < candidateStops.size() && stopDistances.get(candidateStops.get(i).getIndex()) - stopDistances .get(candidateStops.get(i - 1).getIndex()) < duplicateDeg); for (TransitStop stop: bestStops) { LOG.debug("Linking vertex to stop: {}", stop.getName()); makeTemporaryEdges((TemporaryStreetLocation)vertex, stop); } return true; } } else { // find the best edges List<StreetEdge> bestEdges = Lists.newArrayList(); // add edges until there is a break of epsilon meters. // we do this to enforce determinism. if there are a lot of edges that are all extremely close to each other, // we want to be sure that we deterministically link to the same ones every time. Any hard cutoff means things can // fall just inside or beyond the cutoff depending on floating-point operations. int i = 0; do { bestEdges.add(candidateEdges.get(i++)); } while (i < candidateEdges.size() && distances.get(candidateEdges.get(i).getId()) - distances .get(candidateEdges.get(i - 1).getId()) < duplicateDeg); for (StreetEdge edge : bestEdges) { link(vertex, edge, xscale, options); } return true; } } /** split the edge and link in the transit stop */ private void link(Vertex tstop, StreetEdge edge, double xscale, RoutingRequest options) { // TODO: we've already built this line string, we should save it LineString orig = edge.getGeometry(); LineString transformed = equirectangularProject(orig, xscale); LocationIndexedLine il = new LocationIndexedLine(transformed); LinearLocation ll = il.project(new Coordinate(tstop.getLon() * xscale, tstop.getLat())); // if we're very close to one end of the line or the other, or endwise, don't bother to split, // cut to the chase and link directly // We use a really tiny epsilon here because we only want points that actually snap to exactly the same location on the // street to use the same vertices. Otherwise the order the stops are loaded in will affect where they are snapped. if (ll.getSegmentIndex() == 0 && ll.getSegmentFraction() < 1e-8) { makeLinkEdges(tstop, (StreetVertex) edge.getFromVertex()); } // -1 converts from count to index. Because of the fencepost problem, npoints - 1 is the "segment" // past the last point else if (ll.getSegmentIndex() == orig.getNumPoints() - 1) { makeLinkEdges(tstop, (StreetVertex) edge.getToVertex()); } // nPoints - 2: -1 to correct for index vs count, -1 to account for fencepost problem else if (ll.getSegmentIndex() == orig.getNumPoints() - 2 && ll.getSegmentFraction() > 1 - 1e-8) { makeLinkEdges(tstop, (StreetVertex) edge.getToVertex()); } else { TemporaryVertex temporaryVertex = null; boolean endVertex = false; if (tstop instanceof TemporaryVertex) { temporaryVertex = (TemporaryVertex) tstop; endVertex = temporaryVertex.isEndVertex(); } //This throws runtime TrivialPathException if same edge is split in origin and destination link //It is only used in origin/destination linking since otherwise options is null if (options != null) { options.canSplitEdge(edge); } // split the edge, get the split vertex SplitterVertex v0 = split(edge, ll, temporaryVertex != null, endVertex); makeLinkEdges(tstop, v0); } } /** * Split the street edge at the given fraction * * @param edge to be split * @param ll fraction at which to split the edge * @param temporarySplit if true this is temporary split at origin/destinations search and only temporary edges vertices are created * @param endVertex if this is temporary edge this is true if this is end vertex otherwise it doesn't matter * @return Splitter vertex with added new edges */ private SplitterVertex split (StreetEdge edge, LinearLocation ll, boolean temporarySplit, boolean endVertex) { LineString geometry = edge.getGeometry(); // create the geometries Coordinate splitPoint = ll.getCoordinate(geometry); // every edge can be split exactly once, so this is a valid label SplitterVertex v; if (temporarySplit) { v = new TemporarySplitterVertex(graph, "split from " + edge.getId(), splitPoint.x, splitPoint.y, edge, endVertex); if (edge.isWheelchairAccessible()) { ((TemporarySplitterVertex) v).setWheelchairAccessible(true); } else { ((TemporarySplitterVertex) v).setWheelchairAccessible(false); } } else { v = new SplitterVertex(graph, "split from " + edge.getId(), splitPoint.x, splitPoint.y, edge); } // make the edges // TODO this is using the StreetEdge implementation of split, which will discard elevation information // on edges that have it P2<StreetEdge> edges = edge.split(v, !temporarySplit); if (destructiveSplitting) { // update indices of new edges idx.insert(edges.first.getGeometry(), edges.first); idx.insert(edges.second.getGeometry(), edges.second); // (no need to remove original edge, we filter it when it comes out of the index) // remove original edge from the graph edge.getToVertex().removeIncoming(edge); edge.getFromVertex().removeOutgoing(edge); } return v; } /** Make the appropriate type of link edges from a vertex */ private void makeLinkEdges(Vertex from, StreetVertex to) { if (from instanceof TemporaryStreetLocation) { makeTemporaryEdges((TemporaryStreetLocation) from, to); } else if (from instanceof TransitStop) { makeTransitLinkEdges((TransitStop) from, to); } else if (from instanceof BikeRentalStationVertex) { makeBikeRentalLinkEdges((BikeRentalStationVertex) from, to); } else if (from instanceof BikeParkVertex) { makeBikeParkEdges((BikeParkVertex) from, to); } } /** Make temporary edges to origin/destination vertex in origin/destination search **/ private void makeTemporaryEdges(TemporaryStreetLocation from, Vertex to) { if (destructiveSplitting) { throw new RuntimeException("Destructive splitting is used on temporary edges. Something is wrong!"); } if (to instanceof TemporarySplitterVertex) { from.setWheelchairAccessible(((TemporarySplitterVertex) to).isWheelchairAccessible()); } if (from.isEndVertex()) { LOG.debug("Linking end vertex to {} -> {}", to, from); new TemporaryFreeEdge(to, from); } else { LOG.debug("Linking start vertex to {} -> {}", from, to); new TemporaryFreeEdge(from, to); } } /** Make bike park edges */ private void makeBikeParkEdges(BikeParkVertex from, StreetVertex to) { if (!destructiveSplitting) { throw new RuntimeException("Bike park edges are created with non destructive splitting!"); } for (StreetBikeParkLink sbpl : Iterables.filter(from.getOutgoing(), StreetBikeParkLink.class)) { if (sbpl.getToVertex() == to) return; } new StreetBikeParkLink(from, to); new StreetBikeParkLink(to, from); } /** * Make street transit link edges, unless they already exist. */ private void makeTransitLinkEdges (TransitStop tstop, StreetVertex v) { if (!destructiveSplitting) { throw new RuntimeException("Transitedges are created with non destructive splitting!"); } // ensure that the requisite edges do not already exist // this can happen if we link to duplicate ways that have the same start/end vertices. for (StreetTransitLink e : Iterables.filter(tstop.getOutgoing(), StreetTransitLink.class)) { if (e.getToVertex() == v) return; } new StreetTransitLink(tstop, v, tstop.hasWheelchairEntrance()); new StreetTransitLink(v, tstop, tstop.hasWheelchairEntrance()); } /** Make link edges for bike rental */ private void makeBikeRentalLinkEdges (BikeRentalStationVertex from, StreetVertex to) { if (!destructiveSplitting) { throw new RuntimeException("Bike rental edges are created with non destructive splitting!"); } for (StreetBikeRentalLink sbrl : Iterables.filter(from.getOutgoing(), StreetBikeRentalLink.class)) { if (sbrl.getToVertex() == to) return; } new StreetBikeRentalLink(from, to); new StreetBikeRentalLink(to, from); } /** projected distance from stop to edge, in latitude degrees */ private static double distance (Vertex tstop, StreetEdge edge, double xscale) { // use JTS internal tools wherever possible LineString transformed = equirectangularProject(edge.getGeometry(), xscale); return transformed.distance(geometryFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(tstop.getLon() * xscale, tstop.getLat()))); } /** projected distance from stop to edge, in latitude degrees */ private static double distance (Vertex tstop, Vertex tstop2, double xscale) { // use JTS internal tools wherever possible return new Coordinate(tstop.getLon() * xscale, tstop.getLat()).distance(new Coordinate(tstop2.getLon() * xscale, tstop2.getLat())); } /** project this linestring to an equirectangular projection */ private static LineString equirectangularProject(LineString geometry, double xscale) { Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[geometry.getNumPoints()]; for (int i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) { Coordinate c = geometry.getCoordinateN(i); c = (Coordinate) c.clone(); c.x *= xscale; coords[i] = c; } return geometryFactory.createLineString(coords); } /** * Used to link origin and destination points to graph non destructively. * * Split edges don't replace existing ones and only temporary edges and vertices are created. * * Will throw ThrivialPathException if origin and destination Location are on the same edge * * @param location * @param options * @param endVertex true if this is destination vertex * @return */ public Vertex getClosestVertex(GenericLocation location, RoutingRequest options, boolean endVertex) { if (destructiveSplitting) { throw new RuntimeException("Origin and destination search is used with destructive splitting. Something is wrong!"); } if (endVertex) { LOG.debug("Finding end vertex for {}", location); } else { LOG.debug("Finding start vertex for {}", location); } Coordinate coord = location.getCoordinate(); //TODO: add nice name String name; if ( == null || { if (endVertex) { name = "Destination"; } else { name = "Origin"; } } else { name =; } TemporaryStreetLocation closest = new TemporaryStreetLocation(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), coord, new NonLocalizedString(name), endVertex); TraverseMode nonTransitMode = TraverseMode.WALK; //It can be null in tests if (options != null) { TraverseModeSet modes = options.modes; if (modes.getCar()) // for park and ride we will start in car mode and walk to the end vertex if (endVertex && (options.parkAndRide || options.kissAndRide)) { nonTransitMode = TraverseMode.WALK; } else { nonTransitMode = TraverseMode.CAR; } else if (modes.getWalk()) nonTransitMode = TraverseMode.WALK; else if (modes.getBicycle()) nonTransitMode = TraverseMode.BICYCLE; } if(!link(closest, nonTransitMode, options)) { LOG.warn("Couldn't link {}", location); } return closest; } }