package org.opentripplanner.analyst; import java.util.Map.Entry; /** * Represents the difference between two Analyst ResultSets. This expresses the change in travel time from one point to * a whole set of points (improvement or worsening) when switching from one transport network scenario to another. * * TODO since the times2 are pulled out of another ResultSet I'd really expect this class to be a wrapper around two ResultSet instances. */ public class ResultSetDelta extends ResultSet { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6723127825189535112L; public int[] times2; public int[] delta; public ResultSetDelta(SampleSet samples1, SampleSet samples2, TimeSurface surface1, TimeSurface surface2) { id = + "_" + + "_" + + "_delta"; // Evaluate the surface at all points in the pointset this.times = samples1.eval(surface1); this.times2 = samples2.eval(surface2); buildDelta(); buildDeltaHistograms(samples1.pset); } /** build a resultsetdelta from two resultsetswithtimes that have already been precalculated */ public ResultSetDelta(ResultSet result1, ResultSet result2) { if (result1.times.length != result2.times.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Result sets do not match when constructing delta!"); this.times = result1.times; this.times2 = result2.times; buildDelta(); } protected void buildDelta () { = new int[times.length]; for(int i = 0; i < this.times.length; i++) { if(this.times[i] > 0 && this.times2[i] > 0) // TODO: what to do if one is unreachable?[i] = this.times[i] - times2[i]; } } protected void buildDeltaHistograms(PointSet targets) { int[] magSum = new int[times.length]; for (Entry<String, int[]> cat : { // FIXME this appears to be summing the value of every column for each feature - what? String catId = cat.getKey(); int[] values = cat.getValue(); for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++){ magSum[i] += values[i]; } } this.histograms.put("scenario1", new Histogram(times, magSum)); this.histograms.put("scenario2", new Histogram(times2, magSum)); } }