package org.opentripplanner.routing.spt; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingRequest; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.State; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.SimpleTransfer; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.StreetEdge; import; import java.util.Objects; /** * A class that determines when one search branch prunes another at the same Vertex, and ultimately which solutions * are retained. In the general case, one branch does not necessarily win out over the other, i.e. multiple states can * coexist at a single Vertex. * * Even functions where one state always wins (least weight, fastest travel time) are applied within a multi-state * shortest path tree because bike rental, car or bike parking, and turn restrictions all require multiple incomparable * states at the same vertex. These need the graph to be "replicated" into separate layers, which is achieved by * applying the main dominance logic (lowest weight, lowest cost, Pareto) conditionally, only when the two states * have identical bike/car/turn direction status. * * Dominance functions are serializable so that routing requests may passed between machines in different JVMs, for instance * in OTPA Cluster. */ public abstract class DominanceFunction implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; /** * Return true if the first state "defeats" the second state or at least ties with it in terms of suitability. * In the case that they are tied, we still want to return true so that an existing state will kick out a new one. * Provide this custom logic in subclasses. You would think this could be static, but in Java for some reason * calling a static function will call the one on the declared type, not the runtime instance type. */ protected abstract boolean betterOrEqual(State a, State b); /** * For bike rental, parking, and approaching turn-restricted intersections states are incomparable: * they exist on separate planes. The core state dominance logic is wrapped in this public function and only * applied when the two states have all these variables in common (are on the same plane). */ public boolean betterOrEqualAndComparable(State a, State b) { // States before boarding transit and after riding transit are incomparable. // This allows returning transit options even when walking to the destination is the optimal strategy. if (a.isEverBoarded() != b.isEverBoarded()) { return false; } // The result of a SimpleTransfer must not block alighting normally from transit. States that are results of // SimpleTransfers are incomparable with states that are not the result of SimpleTransfers. if ((a.backEdge instanceof SimpleTransfer) != (b.backEdge instanceof SimpleTransfer)) { return false; } // Does one state represent riding a rented bike and the other represent walking before/after rental? if (a.isBikeRenting() != b.isBikeRenting()) { return false; } // In case of bike renting, different networks (ie incompatible bikes) are not comparable if (a.isBikeRenting()) { if (!Objects.equals(a.getBikeRentalNetworks(), b.getBikeRentalNetworks())) return false; } // Does one state represent driving a car and the other represent walking after the car was parked? if (a.isCarParked() != b.isCarParked()) { return false; } // Does one state represent riding a bike and the other represent walking after the bike was parked? if (a.isBikeParked() != b.isBikeParked()) { return false; } // Are the two states arriving at a vertex from two different directions where turn restrictions apply? if (a.backEdge != b.getBackEdge() && (a.backEdge instanceof StreetEdge)) { if (! a.getOptions().getRoutingContext().graph.getTurnRestrictions(a.backEdge).isEmpty()) { return false; } } // These two states are comparable (they are on the same "plane" or "copy" of the graph). return betterOrEqual(a, b); } /** * Create a new shortest path tree using this function, considering whether it allows co-dominant States. * MultiShortestPathTree is the general case -- it will work with both single- and multi-state functions. */ public ShortestPathTree getNewShortestPathTree(RoutingRequest routingRequest) { return new ShortestPathTree(routingRequest, this); } public static class MinimumWeight extends DominanceFunction { /** Return true if the first state has lower weight than the second state. */ @Override public boolean betterOrEqual (State a, State b) { return a.weight <= b.weight; } } /** * This approach is more coherent in Analyst when we are extracting travel times from the optimal * paths. It also leads to less branching and faster response times when building large shortest path trees. */ public static class EarliestArrival extends DominanceFunction { /** Return true if the first state has lower elapsed time than the second state. */ @Override public boolean betterOrEqual (State a, State b) { return a.getElapsedTimeSeconds() <= b.getElapsedTimeSeconds(); } } /** * A dominance function that prefers the least walking. This should only be used with walk-only searches because * it does not include any functions of time, and once transit is boarded walk distance is constant. * * It is used when building stop tree caches for egress from transit stops. */ public static class LeastWalk extends DominanceFunction { @Override protected boolean betterOrEqual(State a, State b) { return a.getWalkDistance() <= b.getWalkDistance(); } } /** In this implementation the relation is not symmetric. There are sets of mutually co-dominant states. */ public static class Pareto extends DominanceFunction { @Override public boolean betterOrEqual (State a, State b) { // The key problem in pareto-dominance in OTP is that the elements of the state vector are not orthogonal. // When walk distance increases, weight increases. When time increases weight increases. // It's easy to get big groups of very similar states that don't represent significantly different outcomes. // Our solution to this is to give existing states some slack to dominate new states more easily. final double EPSILON = 1e-4; return (a.getElapsedTimeSeconds() <= (b.getElapsedTimeSeconds() + EPSILON) && a.getWeight() <= (b.getWeight() + EPSILON)); } } }