package; import com.conveyal.geojson.GeoJsonModule; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.Method; import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpHandler; import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.Request; import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.Response; import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.HttpStatus; import org.opentripplanner.analyst.cluster.AnalystClusterRequest; import org.opentripplanner.api.model.AgencyAndIdSerializer; import org.opentripplanner.api.model.JodaLocalDateSerializer; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import; /** * A Grizzly Async Http Service (uses reponse suspend/resume) * * * When resuming a response object, "The only reliable way to check the socket status is to try to read or * write something." Though you also have: * * response.getRequest().getRequest().getConnection().isOpen() * response.getRequest().getRequest().getConnection().addCloseListener(); * But none of these work, I've tried all three of them. You can even write to the outputstream after the connection * is closed. * Solution: networkListener.getTransport().setIOStrategy(SameThreadIOStrategy.getInstance()); * This makes all three work! isOpen, CloseListener, and IOExceptions from flush(); * * Grizzly has Comet support, but this seems geared toward subscriptions to broadcast events. * */ class BrokerHttpHandler extends HttpHandler { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BrokerHttpHandler.class); // TODO we should really just make one static mapper somewhere and use it throughout OTP private ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper() .registerModule(AgencyAndIdSerializer.makeModule()) .registerModule(JodaLocalDateSerializer.makeModule()) .registerModule(new GeoJsonModule()) .setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL);; private Broker broker; public BrokerHttpHandler(Broker broker) { = broker; } @Override public void service(Request request, Response response) throws Exception { response.setContentType("application/json"); // request.getRequestURI(); // without protocol or server, only request path // request.getPathInfo(); // without handler base path String[] pathComponents = request.getPathInfo().split("/"); // Path component 0 is empty since the path always starts with a slash. if (pathComponents.length < 2) { response.setStatus(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST_400); response.setDetailMessage("path should have at least one part"); } try { if (request.getMethod() == Method.HEAD) { /* Let the client know server is alive and URI + request are valid. */ mapper.readTree(request.getInputStream()); response.setStatus(HttpStatus.OK_200); return; } else if (request.getMethod() == Method.GET && "status".equals(pathComponents[1])) { /* fetch job status */ String[] jobIds = pathComponents[2].split(","); List<JobStatus> ret = Arrays.asList(jobIds).stream() .map(id -> broker.findJob(id)) .filter(job -> job != null) .map(job -> new JobStatus(job)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (ret.isEmpty()) { response.setStatus(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND_404); response.setDetailMessage("no job IDs were found"); } else { response.setStatus(HttpStatus.OK_200); OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream(); mapper.writeValue(os, ret); os.close(); } return; } else if (request.getMethod() == Method.POST) { /* dequeue messages. */ String command = pathComponents[1]; if ("dequeue".equals(command)) { String graphAffinity = pathComponents[2]; request.getRequest().getConnection() .addCloseListener((closeable, iCloseType) -> { broker.removeSuspendedResponse(graphAffinity, response); }); response.suspend(); // The request should survive after the handler function exits. broker.registerSuspendedResponse(graphAffinity, response); } /* not dequeueing, enqueuing */ else if ("enqueue".equals(command)) { String context = pathComponents[2]; if ("priority".equals(context)) { // Enqueue a single priority task AnalystClusterRequest task = mapper.readValue(request.getInputStream(), AnalystClusterRequest.class); broker.enqueuePriorityTask(task, response); // Enqueueing the priority task has set its internal taskId. // TODO move all removal listener registration into the broker functions. request.getRequest().getConnection() .addCloseListener((closeable, iCloseType) -> { broker.deletePriorityTask(task.taskId); }); response.suspend(); // The request should survive after the handler function exits. return; } else if ("jobs".equals(context)) { // Enqueue a list of tasks that belong to jobs List<AnalystClusterRequest> tasks = mapper .readValue(request.getInputStream(), new TypeReference<List<AnalystClusterRequest>>() { }); // Pre-validate tasks checking that they are all on the same job AnalystClusterRequest exemplar = tasks.get(0); for (AnalystClusterRequest task : tasks) { if (task.jobId != exemplar.jobId || task.graphId != exemplar.graphId) { response.setStatus(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST_400); response.setDetailMessage( "All tasks must be for the same graph and job."); } } broker.enqueueTasks(tasks); response.setStatus(HttpStatus.ACCEPTED_202); } else { response.setStatus(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND_404); response.setDetailMessage( "Context not found; should be either 'jobs' or 'priority'"); } } else if ("complete".equals(command)) { // Mark a specific high-priority task as completed, and record its result. // We were originally planning to do this with a DELETE request that has a body, // but that is nonstandard enough to anger many libraries including Grizzly. int taskId = Integer.parseInt(pathComponents[3]); Response suspendedProducerResponse = broker.deletePriorityTask(taskId); if (suspendedProducerResponse == null) { response.setStatus(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND_404); return; } // Copy the result back to the connection that was the source of the task. try { ByteStreams.copy(request.getInputStream(), suspendedProducerResponse.getOutputStream()); } catch (IOException ioex) { // Apparently the task producer did not wait to retrieve its result. Priority task result delivery // is not guaranteed, we don't need to retry, this is not considered an error by the worker. } response.setStatus(HttpStatus.OK_200); suspendedProducerResponse.setStatus(HttpStatus.OK_200); suspendedProducerResponse.resume(); return; } else if ("single".equals(command)) { // await single point responses String graphAffinity = pathComponents[2]; Broker.WrappedResponse wr = new Broker.WrappedResponse(request, response); request.getRequest().getConnection().addCloseListener((c, i) -> { broker.removeSinglePointChannel(graphAffinity, wr); }); response.suspend(); broker.registerSinglePointChannel(graphAffinity, wr); } } else if (request.getMethod() == Method.DELETE) { /* Acknowledge completion of a task and remove it from queues, avoiding re-delivery. */ if ("tasks".equalsIgnoreCase(pathComponents[1])) { int taskId = Integer.parseInt(pathComponents[2]); // This must not have been a priority task. Try to delete it as a normal job task. if (broker.markTaskCompleted(taskId)) { response.setStatus(HttpStatus.OK_200); } else { response.setStatus(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND_404); } } else if ("jobs".equals((pathComponents[1]))) { if (broker.deleteJob(pathComponents[2])) { response.setStatus(HttpStatus.OK_200); response.setDetailMessage("job deleted"); } else { response.setStatus(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND_404); response.setDetailMessage("job not found"); } } else { response.setStatus(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST_400); response.setDetailMessage("Delete is only allowed for tasks and jobs."); } } else { response.setStatus(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST_400); response.setDetailMessage("Unrecognized HTTP method."); } } catch (JsonProcessingException jpex) { response.setStatus(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST_400); response.setDetailMessage("Could not decode/encode JSON payload. " + jpex.getMessage());"Error processing JSON from client", jpex); } catch (Exception ex) { response.setStatus(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500); response.setDetailMessage(ex.toString());"Error processing client request", ex); } } public void writeJson (Response response, Object object) throws IOException { mapper.writeValue(response.getOutputStream(), object); } }