package org.opentripplanner.analyst.cluster; import org.opentripplanner.common.MavenVersion; import; /** * Statistics about running a single task. * TODO add markField functions: "field = System.currentTimeMillis() - field;" * Every time it's called after the first time will record the elapsed time, assuming fields are initialized to 0. */ public class TaskStatistics implements Serializable{ public static final long serialVersionUID = 1; /** milliseconds of compute time once the RAPTOR worker was started, exclusive of building result sets */ public int compute = -1; /** number of milliseconds spent in graph build */ public int graphBuild = -1; /** number of milliseconds spent in stop tree caching */ public int stopTreeCaching = -1; /** milliseconds of time spent in RAPTOR algorithm (transit search) */ public int transitSearch = -1; /** milliseconds of time spent in initial stop search */ public int initialStopSearch = -1; /** milliseconds spent in walk search (this is not a search per se but simply using the SPT from the initial stop search to create walk times to reachable destinations */ public int walkSearch = -1; /** milliseconds spent in propagating travel times from transit stops to targets */ public int propagation = -1; /** time to make raptor data (milliseconds) */ public int raptorData; /** number of discrete times (e.g. minutes) for which a RAPTOR search was performed */ public int searchCount; /** time step between RAPTOR searches (seconds) */ public int timeStep; /** milliseconds spent in preparing resultsets */ public int resultSets = -1; /** was this an isochrone request */ public boolean isochrone = false; /** total processing time, including fetching and pushing results, in milliseconds */ public int total = -1; /** number of stops used in search (i.e. number of stops that had service on this day) */ public int stopCount = -1; /** number of stops found in the initial walk search (stand-in for density/city-ness) */ public int initialStopCount = -1; /** number of patterns used in the search (i.e. those in the RAPTOR worker data) */ public int patternCount = -1; /** number of targets of this search */ public int targetCount = -1; /** number of targets reached */ public int targetsReached = 0; /** number of scheduled trips in the RAPTOR worker data */ public int scheduledTripCount = -1; /** number of frequency trips (the actual number of trips - i.e. a frequency entry running every 10 minutes for an hour is 6 trips */ public int frequencyTripCount = -1; /** number of frequency entries */ public int frequencyEntryCount = -1; /** number of stops in the graph */ public int graphStopCount; /** number of trips in the graph */ public int graphTripCount; /** latitude of origin (note: potentially sensitive, should be stripped from some analyses) */ public double lat; /** longitude of origins */ public double lon; /** graph ID */ public String graphId; /** point set ID */ public String pointsetId; /** the job ID */ public String jobId; /** AWS instance type, if applicable */ public String awsInstanceType; /** unique ID of the worker (to control for any variation introduced by e.g. noisy neighbors in a virtualized environment) */ public String workerId; /** was this request successful */ public boolean success; /** was this a single-point request */ public boolean single; /** OTP commit used for computation */ public String otpCommit; /** UTC date/time this was computed */ public long computeDate; public TaskStatistics() { otpCommit = MavenVersion.VERSION.commit; computeDate = System.currentTimeMillis(); } }