package; import gnu.trove.list.array.TByteArrayList; import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeMap; import net.osmand.Location; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.osmand.util.MapUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class RouteLayer extends OsmandMapLayer { private static final float EPSILON_IN_DPI = 2; private OsmandMapTileView view; private final RoutingHelper helper; // keep array lists created private List<Location> actionPoints = new ArrayList<Location>(); private Path path; // cache private Bitmap coloredArrowUp; private Bitmap actionArrow; private Paint paintIcon; private Paint paintIconAction; private Paint paintIconSelected; private Bitmap selectedPoint; private LatLon selectedPointLatLon; private RenderingLineAttributes attrs; public RouteLayer(RoutingHelper helper){ this.helper = helper; } public LatLon getSelectedPointLatLon() { return selectedPointLatLon; } public void setSelectedPointLatLon(LatLon selectedPointLatLon) { this.selectedPointLatLon = selectedPointLatLon; } private void initUI() { actionArrow = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(view.getResources(), R.drawable.map_action_arrow, null); path = new Path(); paintIcon = new Paint(); paintIcon.setFilterBitmap(true); paintIcon.setAntiAlias(true); paintIcon.setColor(Color.BLACK); paintIcon.setStrokeWidth(3); paintIconAction = new Paint(); paintIconAction.setFilterBitmap(true); paintIconAction.setAntiAlias(true); attrs = new RenderingLineAttributes("route"); attrs.defaultWidth = (int) (12 * view.getDensity()); attrs.defaultWidth3 = (int) (7 * view.getDensity()); attrs.defaultColor = view.getResources().getColor(R.color.nav_track); attrs.paint3.setStrokeCap(Cap.BUTT); attrs.paint3.setColor(Color.WHITE); attrs.paint2.setStrokeCap(Cap.BUTT); attrs.paint2.setColor(Color.BLACK); paintIconSelected = new Paint(); selectedPoint = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(view.getResources(), R.drawable.map_default_location); } @Override public void initLayer(OsmandMapTileView view) { this.view = view; initUI(); } public void updateLayerStyle() { attrs.cachedHash = -1; } @Override public void onPrepareBufferImage(Canvas canvas, RotatedTileBox tileBox, DrawSettings settings) { if (helper.getFinalLocation() != null && helper.getRoute().isCalculated()) { boolean updatePaints = attrs.updatePaints(view, settings, tileBox); attrs.isPaint3 = false; attrs.isPaint2 = false; if(updatePaints) { paintIconAction.setColorFilter(new PorterDuffColorFilter(attrs.paint3.getColor(), Mode.MULTIPLY)); paintIcon.setColorFilter(new PorterDuffColorFilter(attrs.paint2.getColor(), Mode.MULTIPLY)); } if(coloredArrowUp == null) { Bitmap originalArrowUp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(view.getResources(), R.drawable.map_route_direction_arrow, null); coloredArrowUp = originalArrowUp; // coloredArrowUp = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(originalArrowUp, originalArrowUp.getWidth() * 3 / 4, // originalArrowUp.getHeight() * 3 / 4, true); } int w = tileBox.getPixWidth(); int h = tileBox.getPixHeight(); Location lastProjection = helper.getLastProjection(); final RotatedTileBox cp ; if(lastProjection != null && tileBox.containsLatLon(lastProjection.getLatitude(), lastProjection.getLongitude())){ cp = tileBox.copy(); cp.increasePixelDimensions(w /2, h); } else { cp = tileBox; } final QuadRect latlonRect = cp.getLatLonBounds(); double topLatitude =; double leftLongitude = latlonRect.left; double bottomLatitude = latlonRect.bottom; double rightLongitude = latlonRect.right; // double lat = 0; // double lon = 0; // this is buggy lat/lon should be 0 but in that case // it needs to be fixed in case there is no route points in the view bbox double lat = topLatitude - bottomLatitude + 0.1; double lon = rightLongitude - leftLongitude + 0.1; drawLocations(tileBox, canvas, topLatitude + lat, leftLongitude - lon, bottomLatitude - lat, rightLongitude + lon); if (selectedPointLatLon != null && selectedPointLatLon.getLatitude() >= latlonRect.bottom && selectedPointLatLon.getLatitude() <= && selectedPointLatLon.getLongitude() >= latlonRect.left && selectedPointLatLon.getLongitude() <= latlonRect.right) { float x = tileBox.getPixXFromLatLon(selectedPointLatLon.getLatitude(), selectedPointLatLon.getLongitude()); float y = tileBox.getPixYFromLatLon(selectedPointLatLon.getLatitude(), selectedPointLatLon.getLongitude()); canvas.drawBitmap(selectedPoint, x - selectedPoint.getWidth() / 2, y - selectedPoint.getHeight() / 2, paintIconSelected); } } } @Override public void onDraw(Canvas canvas, RotatedTileBox tileBox, DrawSettings settings) {} private void drawAction(RotatedTileBox tb, Canvas canvas, List<Location> actionPoints) { if (actionPoints.size() > 0) { canvas.rotate(-tb.getRotate(), tb.getCenterPixelX(), tb.getCenterPixelY()); try { Path pth = new Path(); Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); boolean first = true; int x = 0, px = 0, py = 0, y = 0; for (int i = 0; i < actionPoints.size(); i++) { Location o = actionPoints.get(i); if (o == null) { first = true; canvas.drawPath(pth, attrs.paint3); double angleRad = Math.atan2(y - py, x - px); double angle = (angleRad * 180 / Math.PI) + 90f; double distSegment = Math.sqrt((y - py) * (y - py) + (x - px) * (x - px)); if (distSegment == 0) { continue; } // int len = (int) (distSegment / pxStep); float pdx = x - px; float pdy = y - py; matrix.reset(); matrix.postTranslate(0, -actionArrow.getHeight() / 2); matrix.postRotate((float) angle, actionArrow.getWidth() / 2, 0); matrix.postTranslate(px + pdx - actionArrow.getWidth() / 2, py + pdy); canvas.drawBitmap(actionArrow, matrix, paintIconAction); } else { px = x; py = y; x = (int) tb.getPixXFromLatLon(o.getLatitude(), o.getLongitude()); y = (int) tb.getPixYFromLatLon(o.getLatitude(), o.getLongitude()); if (first) { pth.reset(); pth.moveTo(x, y); first = false; } else { pth.lineTo(x, y); } } } } finally { canvas.rotate(tb.getRotate(), tb.getCenterPixelX(), tb.getCenterPixelY()); } } } private void cullRamerDouglasPeucker(TByteArrayList survivor, List<Location> points, int start, int end, double epsillon) { double dmax = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; int index = -1; Location startPt = points.get(start); Location endPt = points.get(end); for (int i = start + 1; i < end; i++) { Location pt = points.get(i); double d = MapUtils.getOrthogonalDistance(pt.getLatitude(), pt.getLongitude(), startPt.getLatitude(), startPt.getLongitude(), endPt.getLatitude(), endPt.getLongitude()); if (d > dmax) { dmax = d; index = i; } } if (dmax > epsillon) { cullRamerDouglasPeucker(survivor, points, start, index, epsillon); cullRamerDouglasPeucker(survivor, points, index, end, epsillon); } else { survivor.set(end, (byte) 1); } } private void drawArrowsOverPath(Canvas canvas, RotatedTileBox tb, TIntArrayList tx, TIntArrayList ty, List<Double> angles, List<Double> distances, Bitmap arrow, double distPixToFinish) { int h = tb.getPixHeight(); int w = tb.getPixWidth(); int left = -w / 4; int right = w + w / 4; int top = - h/4; int bottom = h + h/4; double pxStep = arrow.getHeight() * 4f; Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); double dist = 0; if(distPixToFinish != 0) { dist = distPixToFinish - pxStep * ((int) (distPixToFinish / pxStep)); // dist < 1 } for (int i = tx.size() - 2; i >= 0; i --) { int px = tx.get(i); int py = ty.get(i); int x = tx.get(i + 1); int y = ty.get(i + 1); double distSegment = distances.get(i + 1); double angle = angles.get(i + 1); // double angleRad = Math.atan2(y - py, x - px); // angle = (angleRad * 180 / Math.PI) + 90f; // distSegment = Math.sqrt((y - py) * (y - py) + (x - px) * (x - px)); if(distSegment == 0) { continue; } if(dist >= pxStep) { dist = 0; // unnecessary but double check to avoid errors } double percent = 1 - (pxStep - dist) / distSegment; dist += distSegment; while(dist >= pxStep) { double pdx = (x - px) * percent; double pdy = (y - py) * percent; if (isIn((int)(px + pdx), (int) (py + pdy), left, top, right, bottom)) { float icony = (float) (py + pdy); float iconx = (float) (px + pdx - arrow.getWidth() / 2); matrix.reset(); matrix.postTranslate(0, -arrow.getHeight() / 2); matrix.postRotate((float) angle, arrow.getWidth() / 2, 0); matrix.postTranslate(iconx, icony); canvas.drawBitmap(arrow, matrix, paintIcon); } dist -= pxStep; percent -= pxStep / distSegment; } } } private static class RouteGeometryZoom { final TByteArrayList simplifyPoints; List<Double> distances; List<Double> angles; public RouteGeometryZoom(List<Location> locations, RotatedTileBox tb) { // this.locations = locations; tb = new RotatedTileBox(tb); tb.setZoomAndAnimation(tb.getZoom(), 0, tb.getZoomFloatPart()); simplifyPoints = new TByteArrayList(locations.size()); distances = new ArrayList<Double>(locations.size()); angles = new ArrayList<Double>(locations.size()); simplifyPoints.fill(0, locations.size(), (byte)0); if(locations.size() > 0) { simplifyPoints.set(0, (byte) 1); } double distInPix = (tb.getDistance(0, 0, tb.getPixWidth(), 0) / tb.getPixWidth()); double cullDistance = (distInPix * (EPSILON_IN_DPI * Math.max(1, tb.getDensity()))); cullRamerDouglasPeucker(simplifyPoints, locations, 0, locations.size() - 1, cullDistance); int previousIndex = -1; for(int i = 0; i < locations.size(); i++) { double d = 0; double angle = 0; if(simplifyPoints.get(i) > 0) { if(previousIndex > -1) { Location loc = locations.get(i); Location pr = locations.get(previousIndex); float x = tb.getPixXFromLatLon(loc.getLatitude(), loc.getLongitude()); float y = tb.getPixYFromLatLon(loc.getLatitude(), loc.getLongitude()); float px = tb.getPixXFromLatLon(pr.getLatitude(), pr.getLongitude()); float py = tb.getPixYFromLatLon(pr.getLatitude(), pr.getLongitude()); d = Math.sqrt((y - py) * (y - py) + (x - px) * (x - px)); if(px != x || py != y) { double angleRad = Math.atan2(y - py, x - px); angle = (angleRad * 180 / Math.PI) + 90f; } } previousIndex = i; } distances.add(d); angles.add(angle); } } public List<Double> getDistances() { return distances; } private void cullRamerDouglasPeucker(TByteArrayList survivor, List<Location> points, int start, int end, double epsillon) { double dmax = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; int index = -1; Location startPt = points.get(start); Location endPt = points.get(end); for (int i = start + 1; i < end; i++) { Location pt = points.get(i); double d = MapUtils.getOrthogonalDistance(pt.getLatitude(), pt.getLongitude(), startPt.getLatitude(), startPt.getLongitude(), endPt.getLatitude(), endPt.getLongitude()); if (d > dmax) { dmax = d; index = i; } } if (dmax > epsillon) { cullRamerDouglasPeucker(survivor, points, start, index, epsillon); cullRamerDouglasPeucker(survivor, points, index, end, epsillon); } else { survivor.set(end, (byte) 1); } } public TByteArrayList getSimplifyPoints() { return simplifyPoints; } } private class RouteSimplificationGeometry { RouteCalculationResult route; double mapDensity; TreeMap<Integer, RouteGeometryZoom> zooms = new TreeMap<>(); List<Location> locations = Collections.emptyList(); // cache arrays TIntArrayList tx = new TIntArrayList(); TIntArrayList ty = new TIntArrayList(); List<Double> angles = new ArrayList<>(); List<Double> distances = new ArrayList<>(); public void updateRoute(RotatedTileBox tb, RouteCalculationResult route) { if(tb.getMapDensity() != mapDensity || this.route != route) { this.route = route; if(route == null) { locations = Collections.emptyList(); } else { locations = route.getImmutableAllLocations(); } this.mapDensity = tb.getMapDensity(); zooms.clear(); } } private RouteGeometryZoom getGeometryZoom(RotatedTileBox tb) { RouteGeometryZoom zm = zooms.get(tb.getZoom()); if(zm == null) { zm = new RouteGeometryZoom(locations, tb); zooms.put(tb.getZoom(), zm); } return zm; } private void drawSegments(RotatedTileBox tb, Canvas canvas, double topLatitude, double leftLongitude, double bottomLatitude, double rightLongitude, Location lastProjection, int currentRoute) { RouteGeometryZoom geometryZoom = getGeometryZoom(tb); TByteArrayList simplification = geometryZoom.getSimplifyPoints(); List<Double> odistances = geometryZoom.getDistances(); clearArrays(); boolean previousVisible = false; if (lastProjection != null) { if (leftLongitude <= lastProjection.getLongitude() && lastProjection.getLongitude() <= rightLongitude && bottomLatitude <= lastProjection.getLatitude() && lastProjection.getLatitude() <= topLatitude) { addLocation(tb, lastProjection, tx, ty, angles, distances, 0); previousVisible = true; } } List<Location> routeNodes = locations; int previous = -1; for (int i = currentRoute; i < routeNodes.size(); i++) { Location ls = routeNodes.get(i); if(simplification.getQuick(i) == 0) { continue; } if (leftLongitude <= ls.getLongitude() && ls.getLongitude() <= rightLongitude && bottomLatitude <= ls.getLatitude() && ls.getLatitude() <= topLatitude) { double dist = 0; if (!previousVisible) { Location lt = null; if (previous != -1) { lt = routeNodes.get(previous); dist = odistances.get(i); } else if (lastProjection != null) { lt = lastProjection; } addLocation(tb, lt, tx, ty, angles, distances, 0); // first point } addLocation(tb, ls, tx, ty, angles, distances, dist); previousVisible = true; } else if (previousVisible) { addLocation(tb, ls, tx, ty, angles, distances, previous == -1 ? 0 : odistances.get(i)); double distToFinish = 0; for(int ki = i + 1; ki < odistances.size(); ki++) { distToFinish += odistances.get(ki); } drawRouteSegment(tb, canvas, tx, ty, angles, distances, distToFinish); previousVisible = false; clearArrays(); } previous = i; } drawRouteSegment(tb, canvas, tx, ty, angles, distances, 0); } private void clearArrays() { tx.clear(); ty.clear(); distances.clear(); angles.clear(); } private void addLocation(RotatedTileBox tb, Location ls, TIntArrayList tx, TIntArrayList ty, List<Double> angles, List<Double> distances, double dist) { float x = tb.getPixXFromLatLon(ls.getLatitude(), ls.getLongitude()); float y = tb.getPixYFromLatLon(ls.getLatitude(), ls.getLongitude()); float px = x; float py = y; int previous = tx.size() - 1; if (previous >= 0 && previous < tx.size()) { px = tx.get(previous); py = ty.get(previous); } double angle = 0; if (px != x || py != y) { double angleRad = Math.atan2(y - py, x - px); angle = (angleRad * 180 / Math.PI) + 90f; } double distSegment = Math.sqrt((y - py) * (y - py) + (x - px) * (x - px)); if(dist != 0) { distSegment = dist; } tx.add((int) x); ty.add((int) y); angles.add(angle); distances.add(distSegment); } } RouteSimplificationGeometry routeGeometry = new RouteSimplificationGeometry(); private void drawRouteSegment(RotatedTileBox tb, Canvas canvas, TIntArrayList tx, TIntArrayList ty, List<Double> angles, List<Double> distances, double distToFinish) { if(tx.size() < 2) { return; } try { path.reset(); canvas.rotate(-tb.getRotate(), tb.getCenterPixelX(), tb.getCenterPixelY()); calculatePath(tb, tx, ty, path); attrs.drawPath(canvas, path); if (tb.getZoomAnimation() == 0) { drawArrowsOverPath(canvas, tb, tx, ty, angles, distances, coloredArrowUp, distToFinish); } } finally { canvas.rotate(tb.getRotate(), tb.getCenterPixelX(), tb.getCenterPixelY()); } } public void drawLocations(RotatedTileBox tb, Canvas canvas, double topLatitude, double leftLongitude, double bottomLatitude, double rightLongitude) { RouteCalculationResult route = helper.getRoute(); routeGeometry.updateRoute(tb, route); routeGeometry.drawSegments(tb, canvas, topLatitude, leftLongitude, bottomLatitude, rightLongitude, helper.getLastProjection(), route == null ? 0 : route.getCurrentRoute()); List<RouteDirectionInfo> rd = helper.getRouteDirections(); Iterator<RouteDirectionInfo> it = rd.iterator(); if (tb.getZoom() >= 14) { List<Location> actionPoints = calculateActionPoints(topLatitude, leftLongitude, bottomLatitude, rightLongitude, helper.getLastProjection(), helper.getRoute().getRouteLocations(), helper.getRoute().getCurrentRoute(), it, tb.getZoom()); drawAction(tb, canvas, actionPoints); } } private List<Location> calculateActionPoints(double topLatitude, double leftLongitude, double bottomLatitude, double rightLongitude, Location lastProjection, List<Location> routeNodes, int cd, Iterator<RouteDirectionInfo> it, int zoom) { RouteDirectionInfo nf = null; double DISTANCE_ACTION = 35; if(zoom >= 17) { DISTANCE_ACTION = 15; } else if (zoom == 15) { DISTANCE_ACTION = 70; } else if (zoom < 15) { DISTANCE_ACTION = 110; } double actionDist = 0; Location previousAction = null; List<Location> actionPoints = this.actionPoints; actionPoints.clear(); int prevFinishPoint = -1; for (int routePoint = 0; routePoint < routeNodes.size(); routePoint++) { Location loc = routeNodes.get(routePoint); if(nf != null) { int pnt = nf.routeEndPointOffset == 0 ? nf.routePointOffset : nf.routeEndPointOffset; if(pnt < routePoint + cd ) { nf = null; } } while (nf == null && it.hasNext()) { nf =; int pnt = nf.routeEndPointOffset == 0 ? nf.routePointOffset : nf.routeEndPointOffset; if (pnt < routePoint + cd) { nf = null; } } boolean action = nf != null && (nf.routePointOffset == routePoint + cd || (nf.routePointOffset <= routePoint + cd && routePoint + cd <= nf.routeEndPointOffset)); if(!action && previousAction == null) { // no need to check continue; } boolean visible = leftLongitude <= loc.getLongitude() && loc.getLongitude() <= rightLongitude && bottomLatitude <= loc.getLatitude() && loc.getLatitude() <= topLatitude; if(action && !visible && previousAction == null) { continue; } if (!action) { // previousAction != null float dist = loc.distanceTo(previousAction); actionDist += dist; if (actionDist >= DISTANCE_ACTION) { actionPoints.add(calculateProjection(1 - (actionDist - DISTANCE_ACTION) / dist, previousAction, loc)); actionPoints.add(null); prevFinishPoint = routePoint; previousAction = null; actionDist = 0; } else { actionPoints.add(loc); previousAction = loc; } } else { // action point if (previousAction == null) { addPreviousToActionPoints(actionPoints, lastProjection, routeNodes, DISTANCE_ACTION, prevFinishPoint, routePoint, loc); } actionPoints.add(loc); previousAction = loc; prevFinishPoint = -1; actionDist = 0; } } if(previousAction != null) { actionPoints.add(null); } return actionPoints; } private void addPreviousToActionPoints(List<Location> actionPoints, Location lastProjection, List<Location> routeNodes, double DISTANCE_ACTION, int prevFinishPoint, int routePoint, Location loc) { // put some points in front int ind = actionPoints.size(); Location lprevious = loc; double dist = 0; for (int k = routePoint - 1; k >= -1; k--) { Location l = k == -1 ? lastProjection : routeNodes.get(k); float locDist = lprevious.distanceTo(l); dist += locDist; if (dist >= DISTANCE_ACTION) { if (locDist > 1) { actionPoints.add(ind, calculateProjection(1 - (dist - DISTANCE_ACTION) / locDist, lprevious, l)); } break; } else { actionPoints.add(ind, l); lprevious = l; } if (prevFinishPoint == k) { if (ind >= 2) { actionPoints.remove(ind - 2); actionPoints.remove(ind - 2); } break; } } } private Location calculateProjection(double part, Location lp, Location l) { Location p = new Location(l); p.setLatitude(lp.getLatitude() + part * (l.getLatitude() - lp.getLatitude())); p.setLongitude(lp.getLongitude() + part * (l.getLongitude() - lp.getLongitude())); return p; } public RoutingHelper getHelper() { return helper; } @Override public void destroyLayer() { } @Override public boolean drawInScreenPixels() { return false; } @Override public boolean onLongPressEvent(PointF point, RotatedTileBox tileBox) { return false; } @Override public boolean onSingleTap(PointF point, RotatedTileBox tileBox) { return false; } }