package; import net.osmand.IndexConstants; import; import; import; import net.osmand.util.Algorithms; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class GPXDatabase { private static final String DB_NAME = "gpx_database"; private static final int DB_VERSION = 2; private static final String GPX_TABLE_NAME = "gpxTable"; private static final String GPX_COL_NAME = "fileName"; private static final String GPX_COL_DIR = "fileDir"; private static final String GPX_COL_TOTAL_DISTANCE = "totalDistance"; private static final String GPX_COL_TOTAL_TRACKS = "totalTracks"; private static final String GPX_COL_START_TIME = "startTime"; private static final String GPX_COL_END_TIME = "endTime"; private static final String GPX_COL_TIME_SPAN = "timeSpan"; private static final String GPX_COL_TIME_MOVING = "timeMoving"; private static final String GPX_COL_TOTAL_DISTANCE_MOVING = "totalDistanceMoving"; private static final String GPX_COL_DIFF_ELEVATION_UP = "diffElevationUp"; private static final String GPX_COL_DIFF_ELEVATION_DOWN = "diffElevationDown"; private static final String GPX_COL_AVG_ELEVATION = "avgElevation"; private static final String GPX_COL_MIN_ELEVATION = "minElevation"; private static final String GPX_COL_MAX_ELEVATION = "maxElevation"; private static final String GPX_COL_MAX_SPEED = "maxSpeed"; private static final String GPX_COL_AVG_SPEED = "avgSpeed"; private static final String GPX_COL_POINTS = "points"; private static final String GPX_COL_WPT_POINTS = "wptPoints"; private static final String GPX_COL_COLOR = "color"; private static final String GPX_TABLE_CREATE = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + GPX_TABLE_NAME + " (" + GPX_COL_NAME + " TEXT, " + GPX_COL_DIR + " TEXT, " + GPX_COL_TOTAL_DISTANCE + " double, " + GPX_COL_TOTAL_TRACKS + " int, " + GPX_COL_START_TIME + " long, " + GPX_COL_END_TIME + " long, " + GPX_COL_TIME_SPAN + " long, " + GPX_COL_TIME_MOVING + " long, " + GPX_COL_TOTAL_DISTANCE_MOVING + " double, " + GPX_COL_DIFF_ELEVATION_UP + " double, " + GPX_COL_DIFF_ELEVATION_DOWN + " double, " + GPX_COL_AVG_ELEVATION + " double, " + GPX_COL_MIN_ELEVATION + " double, " + GPX_COL_MAX_ELEVATION + " double, " + GPX_COL_MAX_SPEED + " double, " + GPX_COL_AVG_SPEED + " double, " + GPX_COL_POINTS + " int, " + GPX_COL_WPT_POINTS + " int, " + GPX_COL_COLOR + " TEXT);"; private static final String GPX_TABLE_SELECT = "SELECT " + GPX_COL_NAME + ", " + GPX_COL_DIR + "," + GPX_COL_TOTAL_DISTANCE + ", " + GPX_COL_TOTAL_TRACKS + ", " + GPX_COL_START_TIME + ", " + GPX_COL_END_TIME + ", " + GPX_COL_TIME_SPAN + ", " + GPX_COL_TIME_MOVING + ", " + GPX_COL_TOTAL_DISTANCE_MOVING + ", " + GPX_COL_DIFF_ELEVATION_UP + ", " + GPX_COL_DIFF_ELEVATION_DOWN + ", " + GPX_COL_AVG_ELEVATION + ", " + GPX_COL_MIN_ELEVATION + ", " + GPX_COL_MAX_ELEVATION + ", " + GPX_COL_MAX_SPEED + ", " + GPX_COL_AVG_SPEED + ", " + GPX_COL_POINTS + ", " + GPX_COL_WPT_POINTS + ", " + GPX_COL_COLOR + " FROM " + GPX_TABLE_NAME; private OsmandApplication context; public static class GpxDataItem { private File file; private GPXTrackAnalysis analysis; private int color; public GpxDataItem(File file, GPXTrackAnalysis analysis) { this.file = file; this.analysis = analysis; } public File getFile() { return file; } public GPXTrackAnalysis getAnalysis() { return analysis; } public int getColor() { return color; } public void setColor(int color) { this.color = color; } } public GPXDatabase(OsmandApplication app) { context = app; } private SQLiteConnection openConnection(boolean readonly) { SQLiteConnection conn = context.getSQLiteAPI().getOrCreateDatabase(DB_NAME, readonly); if (conn.getVersion() == 0 || DB_VERSION != conn.getVersion()) { if (readonly) { conn.close(); conn = context.getSQLiteAPI().getOrCreateDatabase(DB_NAME, readonly); } if (conn.getVersion() == 0) { onCreate(conn); } else { onUpgrade(conn, conn.getVersion(), DB_VERSION); } conn.setVersion(DB_VERSION); } return conn; } private void onCreate(SQLiteConnection db) { db.execSQL(GPX_TABLE_CREATE); } private void onUpgrade(SQLiteConnection db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { if (oldVersion < 2) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + GPX_TABLE_NAME + " ADD " + GPX_COL_COLOR + " TEXT"); } } public boolean rename(File currentFile, File newFile) { SQLiteConnection db = openConnection(false); if (db != null){ try { String newFileName = getFileName(newFile); String newFileDir = getFileDir(newFile); String fileName = getFileName(currentFile); String fileDir = getFileDir(currentFile); db.execSQL("UPDATE " + GPX_TABLE_NAME + " SET " + GPX_COL_NAME + " = ? " + ", " + GPX_COL_DIR + " = ? " + " WHERE " + GPX_COL_NAME + " = ? AND " + GPX_COL_DIR + " = ?", new Object[] { newFileName, newFileDir, fileName, fileDir }); } finally { db.close(); } return true; } return false; } public boolean updateColor(GpxDataItem item, int color) { SQLiteConnection db = openConnection(false); if (db != null){ try { String fileName = getFileName(item.file); String fileDir = getFileDir(item.file); db.execSQL("UPDATE " + GPX_TABLE_NAME + " SET " + GPX_COL_COLOR + " = ? " + " WHERE " + GPX_COL_NAME + " = ? AND " + GPX_COL_DIR + " = ?", new Object[] { (color == 0 ? "" : Algorithms.colorToString(color)), fileName, fileDir }); item.setColor(color); } finally { db.close(); } return true; } return false; } public boolean remove(File file) { SQLiteConnection db = openConnection(false); if (db != null){ try { String fileName = getFileName(file); String fileDir = getFileDir(file); db.execSQL("DELETE FROM " + GPX_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + GPX_COL_NAME + " = ? AND " + GPX_COL_DIR + " = ?", new Object[] { fileName, fileDir }); } finally { db.close(); } return true; } return false; } public boolean remove(GpxDataItem item) { return remove(item.file); } public boolean add(GpxDataItem item) { SQLiteConnection db = openConnection(false); if (db != null){ try { insert(item, db); } finally { db.close(); } return true; } return false; } private String getFileName(File itemFile) { return itemFile.getName(); } private String getFileDir(File itemFile) { return itemFile.getParentFile() == null || itemFile.getParentFile().equals(context.getAppPath(IndexConstants.GPX_INDEX_DIR)) ? "" : itemFile.getParentFile().getName(); } private void insert(GpxDataItem item, SQLiteConnection db) { String fileName = getFileName(item.file); String fileDir = getFileDir(item.file); GPXTrackAnalysis a = item.getAnalysis(); String color; if (item.color == 0) { color = ""; } else { color = Algorithms.colorToString(item.color); } db.execSQL( "INSERT INTO " + GPX_TABLE_NAME + " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", new Object[] { fileName, fileDir, a.totalDistance, a.totalTracks, a.startTime, a.endTime, a.timeSpan, a.timeMoving, a.totalDistanceMoving, a.diffElevationUp, a.diffElevationDown, a.avgElevation, a.minElevation, a.maxElevation, a.maxSpeed, a.avgSpeed, a.points, a.wptPoints, color }); } private GpxDataItem readItem(SQLiteCursor query) { String fileName = query.getString(0); String fileDir = query.getString(1); float totalDistance = (float)query.getDouble(2); int totalTracks = (int)query.getInt(3); long startTime = query.getLong(4); long endTime = query.getLong(5); long timeSpan = query.getLong(6); long timeMoving = query.getLong(7); float totalDistanceMoving = (float)query.getDouble(8); double diffElevationUp = query.getDouble(9); double diffElevationDown = query.getDouble(10); double avgElevation = query.getDouble(11); double minElevation = query.getDouble(12); double maxElevation = query.getDouble(13); float maxSpeed = (float)query.getDouble(14); float avgSpeed = (float)query.getDouble(15); int points = (int)query.getInt(16); int wptPoints = (int)query.getInt(17); String color = query.getString(18); GPXTrackAnalysis a = new GPXTrackAnalysis(); a.totalDistance = totalDistance; a.totalTracks = totalTracks; a.startTime = startTime; a.endTime = endTime; a.timeSpan = timeSpan; a.timeMoving = timeMoving; a.totalDistanceMoving = totalDistanceMoving; a.diffElevationUp = diffElevationUp; a.diffElevationDown = diffElevationDown; a.avgElevation = avgElevation; a.minElevation = minElevation; a.maxElevation = maxElevation; a.maxSpeed = maxSpeed; a.avgSpeed = avgSpeed; a.points = points; a.wptPoints = wptPoints; File dir; if (!Algorithms.isEmpty(fileDir)) { dir = new File(context.getAppPath(IndexConstants.GPX_INDEX_DIR), fileDir); } else { dir = context.getAppPath(IndexConstants.GPX_INDEX_DIR); } GpxDataItem item = new GpxDataItem(new File(dir, fileName), a); try { item.setColor(Algorithms.isEmpty(color) ? 0 : Algorithms.parseColor(color)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { item.setColor(0); } return item; } public List<GpxDataItem> getItems() { List<GpxDataItem> items = new ArrayList<>(); SQLiteConnection db = openConnection(true); if (db != null){ try { SQLiteCursor query = db.rawQuery(GPX_TABLE_SELECT , null); if (query.moveToFirst()) { do { items.add(readItem(query)); } while (query.moveToNext()); } query.close(); } finally { db.close(); } } return items; } public GpxDataItem getItem(File file) { GpxDataItem result = null; SQLiteConnection db = openConnection(true); if (db != null){ try { String fileName = getFileName(file); String fileDir = getFileDir(file); SQLiteCursor query = db.rawQuery(GPX_TABLE_SELECT + " WHERE " + GPX_COL_NAME + " = ? AND " + GPX_COL_DIR + " = ?", new String[] { fileName, fileDir }); if (query.moveToFirst()) { result = readItem(query); } query.close(); } finally { db.close(); } } return result; } }