package; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener; import; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import; import; import; import; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.CompoundButton; import android.widget.ImageButton; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import net.osmand.AndroidUtils; import net.osmand.Location; import net.osmand.TspAnt; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.osmand.util.Algorithms; import net.osmand.util.MapUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** */ public class WaypointDialogHelper { private MapActivity mapActivity; private OsmandApplication app; private WaypointHelper waypointHelper; private WaypointDialogHelperCallbacks helperCallbacks; private boolean flat; private List<LocationPointWrapper> deletedPoints; public interface WaypointDialogHelperCallbacks { void reloadAdapter(); void deleteWaypoint(int position); void exchangeWaypoints(int pos1, int pos2); } private static class RadiusItem { int type; public RadiusItem(int type) { this.type = type; } } public void setHelperCallbacks(WaypointDialogHelperCallbacks callbacks) { this.helperCallbacks = callbacks; } public WaypointDialogHelper(MapActivity mapActivity) { = mapActivity.getMyApplication(); waypointHelper =; this.mapActivity = mapActivity; } public static void updatePointInfoView(final OsmandApplication app, final Activity activity, View localView, final LocationPointWrapper ps, final boolean mapCenter, final boolean nightMode, final boolean edit, final boolean topBar) { WaypointHelper wh = app.getWaypointHelper(); final LocationPoint point = ps.getPoint(); TextView text = (TextView) localView.findViewById(; if (!topBar) { AndroidUtils.setTextPrimaryColor(activity, text, nightMode); } TextView textShadow = (TextView) localView.findViewById(; if (!edit) { localView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { showOnMap(app, activity, point, mapCenter); } }); } TextView textDist = (TextView) localView.findViewById(; ((ImageView) localView.findViewById(, app, nightMode)); int dist = -1; boolean startPoint = ps.type == WaypointHelper.TARGETS && ((TargetPoint) ps.point).start; if (!startPoint) { if (!wh.isRouteCalculated()) { if (activity instanceof MapActivity) { dist = (int) MapUtils.getDistance(((MapActivity) activity).getMapView().getLatitude(), ((MapActivity) activity) .getMapView().getLongitude(), point.getLatitude(), point.getLongitude()); } } else { dist = wh.getRouteDistance(ps); } } if (dist > 0) { textDist.setText(OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedDistance(dist, app)); } else { textDist.setText(""); } TextView textDeviation = (TextView) localView.findViewById(; if (textDeviation != null) { if (dist > 0 && ps.deviationDistance > 0) { String devStr = "+" + OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedDistance(ps.deviationDistance, app); textDeviation.setText(devStr); if (!topBar) { int colorId = nightMode ? R.color.secondary_text_dark : R.color.secondary_text_light; AndroidUtils.setTextSecondaryColor(activity, textDeviation, nightMode); if (ps.deviationDirectionRight) { textDeviation.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds( app.getIconsCache().getIcon(R.drawable.ic_small_turn_right, colorId), null, null, null); } else { textDeviation.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds( app.getIconsCache().getIcon(R.drawable.ic_small_turn_left, colorId), null, null, null); } } textDeviation.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { textDeviation.setText(""); textDeviation.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } String descr; PointDescription pd = point.getPointDescription(app); if (Algorithms.isEmpty(pd.getName())) { descr = pd.getTypeName(); } else { descr = pd.getName(); } if (textShadow != null) { textShadow.setText(descr); } text.setText(descr); String pointDescription = ""; TextView descText = (TextView) localView.findViewById(; if (descText != null) { AndroidUtils.setTextSecondaryColor(activity, descText, nightMode); switch (ps.type) { case WaypointHelper.TARGETS: TargetPoint targetPoint = (TargetPoint) ps.point; if (targetPoint.start) { pointDescription = activity.getResources().getString(R.string.starting_point); } else { pointDescription = targetPoint.getPointDescription(activity).getTypeName(); } break; case WaypointHelper.FAVORITES: FavouritePoint favPoint = (FavouritePoint) ps.point; pointDescription = Algorithms.isEmpty(favPoint.getCategory()) ? activity.getResources().getString(R.string.shared_string_favorites) : favPoint.getCategory(); break; } } if (Algorithms.objectEquals(descr, pointDescription)) { pointDescription = ""; } if (dist > 0 && !Algorithms.isEmpty(pointDescription)) { pointDescription = " • " + pointDescription; } if (descText != null) { descText.setText(pointDescription); } } private List<Object> getPoints() { final List<Object> points; if (flat) { points = new ArrayList<Object>(waypointHelper.getAllPoints()); } else { points = getStandardPoints(); } return points; } private List<Object> getActivePoints(List<Object> points) { List<Object> activePoints = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object p : points) { if (p instanceof LocationPointWrapper) { LocationPointWrapper w = (LocationPointWrapper) p; if (w.type == WaypointHelper.TARGETS && !((TargetPoint) w.point).start) { activePoints.add(p); } } } return activePoints; } private List<Drawable> getCustomDividers(Context ctx, List<Object> points, boolean nightMode) { int color; int pointColor; if (nightMode) { color = ContextCompat.getColor(ctx, R.color.dashboard_divider_dark); pointColor = ContextCompat.getColor(ctx, R.color.dashboard_divider_dark); } else { color = ContextCompat.getColor(ctx, R.color.dashboard_divider_light); pointColor = ContextCompat.getColor(ctx, R.color.ctx_menu_info_divider_light); } Shape fullDividerShape = new ListDividerShape(color, 0); Shape halfDividerShape = new ListDividerShape(color, AndroidUtils.dpToPx(ctx, 56f)); Shape halfPointDividerShape = new ListDividerShape(color, AndroidUtils.dpToPx(ctx, 56f), pointColor, AndroidUtils.dpToPx(ctx, 1.5f), true); Shape headerDividerShape = new ListDividerShape(color, AndroidUtils.dpToPx(ctx, 16f)); final ShapeDrawable fullDivider = new ShapeDrawable(fullDividerShape); final ShapeDrawable halfDivider = new ShapeDrawable(halfDividerShape); final ShapeDrawable halfPointDivider = new ShapeDrawable(halfPointDividerShape); final ShapeDrawable headerDivider = new ShapeDrawable(headerDividerShape); final Drawable startingPointDivider = app.getIconsCache().getIcon(R.drawable.bg_shadow_list_bottom); int divHeight = AndroidUtils.dpToPx(ctx, 1f); fullDivider.setIntrinsicHeight(divHeight); halfDivider.setIntrinsicHeight(divHeight); halfPointDivider.setIntrinsicHeight(divHeight); headerDivider.setIntrinsicHeight(divHeight); List<Drawable> res = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { Object obj = points.get(i); Object objNext = i + 1 < points.size() ? points.get(i + 1) : null; if (objNext == null) { break; } boolean labelView = (obj instanceof Integer); boolean bottomDividerViewNext = (objNext instanceof Boolean) && !((Boolean) objNext); boolean locationPoint = (obj instanceof LocationPointWrapper); boolean locationPointNext = (objNext instanceof LocationPointWrapper); Drawable d = null; if (locationPointNext) { if (locationPoint) { LocationPointWrapper w = (LocationPointWrapper) obj; if (w.type == WaypointHelper.TARGETS && ((TargetPoint) w.point).start) { d = startingPointDivider; // starting point divider } else { if (w.type == WaypointHelper.TARGETS) { d = halfPointDivider; } else { d = halfDivider; } } } else { LocationPointWrapper w = (LocationPointWrapper) objNext; if (w.type == WaypointHelper.TARGETS) { if (!((TargetPoint) w.point).start) { d = fullDivider; } } else { d = fullDivider; } } } else if (objNext instanceof RadiusItem && labelView) { d = headerDivider; } else if (locationPoint && !bottomDividerViewNext) { d = fullDivider; } res.add(d); } return res; } public StableArrayAdapter getWaypointsDrawerAdapter( final boolean edit, final List<LocationPointWrapper> deletedPoints, final MapActivity ctx, final int[] running, final boolean flat, final boolean nightMode) { this.flat = flat; this.deletedPoints = deletedPoints; final List<Object> points = getPoints(); List<Object> activePoints = getActivePoints(points); final WaypointDialogHelper helper = this; final StableArrayAdapter listAdapter = new StableArrayAdapter(ctx, R.layout.waypoint_reached,, points, activePoints) { @Override public void buildDividers() { dividers = getCustomDividers(ctx, getObjects(), nightMode); } @Override public boolean isEnabled(int position) { Object obj = getItem(position); boolean labelView = (obj instanceof Integer); boolean topDividerView = (obj instanceof Boolean) && ((Boolean) obj); boolean bottomDividerView = (obj instanceof Boolean) && !((Boolean) obj); boolean enabled = !labelView && !topDividerView && !bottomDividerView; if (enabled && obj instanceof RadiusItem) { int type = ((RadiusItem) obj).type; enabled = type != WaypointHelper.POI; } return enabled; } @Override public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { // User super class to create the View View v = convertView; final ArrayAdapter<Object> thisAdapter = this; Object obj = getItem(position); boolean labelView = (obj instanceof Integer); boolean topDividerView = (obj instanceof Boolean) && ((Boolean) obj); boolean bottomDividerView = (obj instanceof Boolean) && !((Boolean) obj); if (obj instanceof RadiusItem) { final int type = ((RadiusItem) obj).type; v = createItemForRadiusProximity(ctx, type, running, position, thisAdapter, nightMode); //Drawable d = new ColorDrawable(mapActivity.getResources().getColor(R.color.dashboard_divider_light)); AndroidUtils.setListItemBackground(mapActivity, v, nightMode); } else if (labelView) { v = createItemForCategory(ctx, (Integer) obj, running, position, thisAdapter, nightMode); AndroidUtils.setListItemBackground(mapActivity, v, nightMode); } else if (topDividerView) { v = ctx.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.card_top_divider, null); AndroidUtils.setListBackground(mapActivity, v, nightMode); } else if (bottomDividerView) { v = ctx.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.card_bottom_divider, null); AndroidUtils.setListBackground(mapActivity, v, nightMode); } else if (obj instanceof LocationPointWrapper) { LocationPointWrapper point = (LocationPointWrapper) obj; v = updateWaypointItemView(edit, deletedPoints, app, ctx, helper, v, point, this, nightMode, flat); AndroidUtils.setListItemBackground(mapActivity, v, nightMode); } return v; } }; for (Object p : points) { if (p instanceof LocationPointWrapper) { LocationPointWrapper w = (LocationPointWrapper) p; if (w.type == WaypointHelper.TARGETS) { final TargetPoint t = (TargetPoint) w.point; if (t.getOriginalPointDescription() != null && t.getOriginalPointDescription().isSearchingAddress(mapActivity)) { GeocodingLookupService.AddressLookupRequest lookupRequest = new GeocodingLookupService.AddressLookupRequest(t.point, new GeocodingLookupService.OnAddressLookupResult() { @Override public void geocodingDone(String address) { if (helperCallbacks != null) { helperCallbacks.reloadAdapter(); } else { reloadListAdapter(listAdapter); } //updateRouteInfoMenu(ctx); } }, null); app.getGeocodingLookupService().lookupAddress(lookupRequest); } } } } return listAdapter; } public static View updateWaypointItemView(final boolean edit, final List<LocationPointWrapper> deletedPoints, final OsmandApplication app, final Activity ctx, final WaypointDialogHelper helper, View v, final LocationPointWrapper point, final ArrayAdapter adapter, final boolean nightMode, final boolean flat) { if (v == null || v.findViewById( == null) { v = ctx.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.waypoint_reached, null); } updatePointInfoView(app, ctx, v, point, true, nightMode, edit, false); final View more = v.findViewById(; final View move = v.findViewById(; final View remove = v.findViewById(; if (!edit) { remove.setVisibility(View.GONE); move.setVisibility(View.GONE); more.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else if (point.type == WaypointHelper.TARGETS && !flat) { if (((TargetPoint) point.point).start) { remove.setVisibility(View.GONE); move.setVisibility(View.GONE); more.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); ((ImageButton) more).setImageDrawable(app.getIconsCache().getIcon( R.drawable.map_overflow_menu_white, !nightMode)); more.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { boolean hasActivePoints = false; if (adapter instanceof StableArrayAdapter) { hasActivePoints = ((StableArrayAdapter) adapter).getActiveObjects().size() > 0; } final PopupMenu optionsMenu = new PopupMenu(ctx, more); DirectionsDialogs.setupPopUpMenuIcon(optionsMenu); final TargetPointsHelper targetPointsHelper = app.getTargetPointsHelper(); final TargetPoint start = targetPointsHelper.getPointToStart(); final TargetPoint finish = targetPointsHelper.getPointToNavigate(); MenuItem item; if (hasActivePoints) { item = optionsMenu.getMenu().add( R.string.intermediate_items_sort_by_distance).setIcon(app.getIconsCache(). getThemedIcon(R.drawable.ic_sort_waypoint_dark)); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { // sort door-to-door sortAllTargets(app, ctx, helper); return true; } }); item = optionsMenu.getMenu().add( R.string.switch_start_finish).setIcon(app.getIconsCache(). getThemedIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_undo_dark)); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { switchStartAndFinish(targetPointsHelper, finish, ctx, start, app, helper); return true; } }); if (start != null) { if (targetPointsHelper.getIntermediatePoints().size() > 0) { item = optionsMenu.getMenu().add(R.string.shared_string_move_down) .setIcon(app.getIconsCache().getThemedIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_arrow_drop_down)); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { switchStartAndFirstIntermediate(targetPointsHelper, ctx, start, helper); return true; } }); } item = optionsMenu.getMenu().add(R.string.shared_string_remove) .setIcon(app.getIconsCache().getThemedIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_remove_dark)); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { targetPointsHelper.setStartPoint(null, true, null); updateControls(ctx, helper); return true; } }); } } if (optionsMenu.getMenu().size() > 0) {; } } }); } else { remove.setVisibility(View.GONE); move.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); more.setVisibility(View.GONE); ((ImageView) move).setImageDrawable(app.getIconsCache().getIcon( R.drawable.ic_action_reorder, !nightMode)); if (app.accessibilityEnabled()) { move.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { ((DragIcon) view.getTag()).onClick(); } }); } move.setTag(new DragIcon() { @Override public void onClick() { final PopupMenu optionsMenu = new PopupMenu(ctx, move); DirectionsDialogs.setupPopUpMenuIcon(optionsMenu); List<Object> activeObjects = ((StableArrayAdapter) adapter).getActiveObjects(); int count = activeObjects.size(); int t = -1; for (int i = 0; i < activeObjects.size(); i++) { Object o = activeObjects.get(i); if (point == o) { t = i; break; } } final int index = t; MenuItem item; final TargetPointsHelper targetPointsHelper = app.getTargetPointsHelper(); final TargetPoint start = targetPointsHelper.getPointToStart(); if (count > 1 && (index > 0 || start != null)) { item = optionsMenu.getMenu().add(R.string.shared_string_move_up) .setIcon(app.getIconsCache().getThemedIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_arrow_drop_up)); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { if (index == 0) { switchStartAndFirstIntermediate(targetPointsHelper, ctx, start, helper); } else if (helper != null && helper.helperCallbacks != null) { helper.helperCallbacks.exchangeWaypoints(index, index - 1); } updateRouteInfoMenu(ctx); return true; } }); } if (index < count - 1 && count > 1) { item = optionsMenu.getMenu().add(R.string.shared_string_move_down) .setIcon(app.getIconsCache().getThemedIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_arrow_drop_down)); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { if (helper != null && helper.helperCallbacks != null) { helper.helperCallbacks.exchangeWaypoints(index, index + 1); } updateRouteInfoMenu(ctx); return true; } }); } item = optionsMenu.getMenu().add(R.string.shared_string_remove) .setIcon(app.getIconsCache().getThemedIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_remove_dark)); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { deletePoint(app, ctx, adapter, helper, point, deletedPoints, true); return true; } });; } }); } } else { remove.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); move.setVisibility(View.GONE); more.setVisibility(View.GONE); ((ImageButton) remove).setImageDrawable(app.getIconsCache().getIcon( R.drawable.ic_action_remove_dark, !nightMode)); remove.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { deletePoint(app, ctx, adapter, helper, point, deletedPoints, true); } }); } return v; } private static void updateRouteInfoMenu(Activity ctx) { if (ctx instanceof MapActivity) { ((MapActivity) ctx).getMapLayers().getMapControlsLayer().getMapRouteInfoMenu().updateMenu(); } } // switch start & finish private static void switchStartAndFinish(TargetPointsHelper targetPointsHelper, TargetPoint finish, Activity ctx, TargetPoint start, OsmandApplication app, WaypointDialogHelper helper) { targetPointsHelper.setStartPoint(new LatLon(finish.getLatitude(), finish.getLongitude()), false, finish.getPointDescription(ctx)); if (start == null) { Location loc = app.getLocationProvider().getLastKnownLocation(); if (loc != null) { targetPointsHelper.navigateToPoint(new LatLon(loc.getLatitude(), loc.getLongitude()), true, -1); } } else { targetPointsHelper.navigateToPoint(new LatLon(start.getLatitude(), start.getLongitude()), true, -1, start.getPointDescription(ctx)); } updateControls(ctx, helper); } private static void updateControls(Activity ctx, WaypointDialogHelper helper) { if (helper != null && helper.helperCallbacks != null) { helper.helperCallbacks.reloadAdapter(); } updateRouteInfoMenu(ctx); } // switch start & first intermediate point private static void switchStartAndFirstIntermediate(TargetPointsHelper targetPointsHelper, Activity ctx, TargetPoint start, WaypointDialogHelper helper) { List<TargetPoint> intermediatePoints = targetPointsHelper.getIntermediatePointsWithTarget(); TargetPoint firstIntermediate = intermediatePoints.remove(0); targetPointsHelper.setStartPoint(new LatLon(firstIntermediate.getLatitude(), firstIntermediate.getLongitude()), false, firstIntermediate.getPointDescription(ctx)); TargetPoint destination = new TargetPoint(new LatLon(start.getLatitude(), start.getLongitude()), start.getPointDescription(ctx)); intermediatePoints.add(0, destination); targetPointsHelper.reorderAllTargetPoints(intermediatePoints, true); updateControls(ctx, helper); } public static void deletePoint(final OsmandApplication app, Activity ctx, final ArrayAdapter adapter, final WaypointDialogHelper helper, final Object item, final List<LocationPointWrapper> deletedPoints, final boolean needCallback) { if (item instanceof LocationPointWrapper && adapter != null) { LocationPointWrapper point = (LocationPointWrapper) item; if (point.type == WaypointHelper.TARGETS && adapter instanceof StableArrayAdapter) { StableArrayAdapter stableAdapter = (StableArrayAdapter) adapter; if (helper != null && helper.helperCallbacks != null && needCallback) { helper.helperCallbacks.deleteWaypoint(stableAdapter.getPosition(item)); } updateRouteInfoMenu(ctx); } else { ArrayList<LocationPointWrapper> arr = new ArrayList<>(); arr.add(point); app.getWaypointHelper().removeVisibleLocationPoint(arr); deletedPoints.add(point); adapter.setNotifyOnChange(false); adapter.remove(point); if (adapter instanceof StableArrayAdapter) { StableArrayAdapter stableAdapter = (StableArrayAdapter) adapter; stableAdapter.getObjects().remove(item); stableAdapter.refreshData(); } adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } } protected View createItemForRadiusProximity(final FragmentActivity ctx, final int type, final int[] running, final int position, final ArrayAdapter<Object> thisAdapter, boolean nightMode) { View v; if (type == WaypointHelper.POI) { v = ctx.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.drawer_list_radius_ex, null); AndroidUtils.setTextPrimaryColor(mapActivity, (TextView) v.findViewById(, nightMode); String descEx = app.getPoiFilters().isShowingAnyPoi() ? ctx.getString(R.string.poi) : app.getPoiFilters().getSelectedPoiFiltersName(); ((TextView) v.findViewById( + ":"); ((TextView) v.findViewById( + ":"); final TextView radiusEx = (TextView) v.findViewById(; radiusEx.setText(descEx); v.findViewById( View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { running[0] = position; thisAdapter.notifyDataSetInvalidated(); MapActivity map = (MapActivity) ctx; map.getMapLayers().showSingleChoicePoiFilterDialog(map.getMapView(), new MapActivityLayers.DismissListener() { @Override public void dismiss() { enableType(running, thisAdapter, type, true); } }); } }); AndroidUtils.setTextPrimaryColor(mapActivity, (TextView) v.findViewById(, nightMode); final TextView radius = (TextView) v.findViewById(; radius.setText(OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedDistance(waypointHelper.getSearchDeviationRadius(type), app)); v.findViewById( View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { selectDifferentRadius(type, running, position, thisAdapter, mapActivity); } }); } else { v = ctx.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.drawer_list_radius, null); ((TextView) v.findViewById(; AndroidUtils.setTextPrimaryColor(mapActivity, (TextView) v.findViewById(, nightMode); final TextView radius = (TextView) v.findViewById(; radius.setText(OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedDistance(waypointHelper.getSearchDeviationRadius(type), app)); radius.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { selectDifferentRadius(type, running, position, thisAdapter, mapActivity); } }); } return v; } protected View createItemForCategory(final FragmentActivity ctx, final int type, final int[] running, final int position, final ArrayAdapter<Object> thisAdapter, boolean nightMode) { View v; v = ctx.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.waypoint_header, null); final CompoundButton btn = (CompoundButton) v.findViewById(; btn.setVisibility(waypointHelper.isTypeConfigurable(type) ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); btn.setOnCheckedChangeListener(null); final boolean checked = waypointHelper.isTypeEnabled(type); btn.setChecked(checked); btn.setEnabled(running[0] == -1); v.findViewById( == running[0] ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); btn.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() { @Override public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) { running[0] = position; thisAdapter.notifyDataSetInvalidated(); if (type == WaypointHelper.POI && isChecked) { selectPoi(running, thisAdapter, type, isChecked, ctx); } else { enableType(running, thisAdapter, type, isChecked); } } }); TextView tv = (TextView) v.findViewById(; AndroidUtils.setTextPrimaryColor(mapActivity, tv, nightMode); tv.setText(getHeader(type, checked, ctx)); return v; } private void selectPoi(final int[] running, final ArrayAdapter<Object> listAdapter, final int type, final boolean enable, Activity ctx) { if (ctx instanceof MapActivity && !app.getPoiFilters().isPoiFilterSelected(PoiUIFilter.CUSTOM_FILTER_ID)) { MapActivity map = (MapActivity) ctx; map.getMapLayers().showSingleChoicePoiFilterDialog(map.getMapView(), new MapActivityLayers.DismissListener() { @Override public void dismiss() { if (app.getPoiFilters().isShowingAnyPoi()) { enableType(running, listAdapter, type, enable); } } }); } else { enableType(running, listAdapter, type, enable); } } private void enableType(final int[] running, final ArrayAdapter<Object> listAdapter, final int type, final boolean enable) { new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>() { @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { app.getWaypointHelper().enableWaypointType(type, enable); return null; } protected void onPostExecute(Void result) { running[0] = -1; if (helperCallbacks != null) { helperCallbacks.reloadAdapter(); } else { reloadListAdapter(listAdapter); } } }.execute((Void) null); } public AdapterView.OnItemClickListener getDrawerItemClickListener(final FragmentActivity ctx, final int[] running, final ArrayAdapter<Object> listAdapter) { return new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int item, long l) { if (listAdapter.getItem(item) instanceof LocationPointWrapper) { LocationPointWrapper ps = (LocationPointWrapper) listAdapter.getItem(item); showOnMap(app, ctx, ps.getPoint(), false); // } else if (new Integer(WaypointHelper.TARGETS).equals(listAdapter.getItem(item))) { // IntermediatePointsDialog.openIntermediatePointsDialog(ctx, app, true); } else if (listAdapter.getItem(item) instanceof RadiusItem) { selectDifferentRadius(((RadiusItem) listAdapter.getItem(item)).type, running, item, listAdapter, ctx); } } }; } protected void selectDifferentRadius(final int type, final int[] running, final int position, final ArrayAdapter<Object> thisAdapter, Activity ctx) { int length = WaypointHelper.SEARCH_RADIUS_VALUES.length; String[] names = new String[length]; int selected = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { names[i] = OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedDistance(WaypointHelper.SEARCH_RADIUS_VALUES[i], app); if (WaypointHelper.SEARCH_RADIUS_VALUES[i] == waypointHelper.getSearchDeviationRadius(type)) { selected = i; } } new AlertDialog.Builder(ctx) .setSingleChoiceItems(names, selected, new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) { int value = WaypointHelper.SEARCH_RADIUS_VALUES[i]; if (waypointHelper.getSearchDeviationRadius(type) != value) { running[0] = position; waypointHelper.setSearchDeviationRadius(type, value); recalculatePoints(running, thisAdapter, type); dialogInterface.dismiss(); thisAdapter.notifyDataSetInvalidated(); } } }).setTitle(app.getString(R.string.search_radius_proximity)) .setNegativeButton(R.string.shared_string_cancel, null) .show(); } private void recalculatePoints(final int[] running, final ArrayAdapter<Object> listAdapter, final int type) { new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>() { @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { app.getWaypointHelper().recalculatePoints(type); return null; } protected void onPostExecute(Void result) { running[0] = -1; if (helperCallbacks != null) { helperCallbacks.reloadAdapter(); } else { reloadListAdapter(listAdapter); } } }.execute((Void) null); } public void reloadListAdapter(ArrayAdapter<Object> listAdapter) { mapActivity.getMyApplication().getWaypointHelper().removeVisibleLocationPoint(deletedPoints); listAdapter.setNotifyOnChange(false); listAdapter.clear(); List<Object> points = getPoints(); for (Object point : points) { listAdapter.add(point); } if (listAdapter instanceof StableArrayAdapter) { ((StableArrayAdapter) listAdapter).updateObjects(points, getActivePoints(points)); } listAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } protected String getHeader(int type, boolean checked, Activity ctx) { String str = ctx.getString(R.string.waypoints); switch (type) { case WaypointHelper.TARGETS: str = ctx.getString(R.string.targets); break; case WaypointHelper.ALARMS: str = ctx.getString(R.string.way_alarms); break; case WaypointHelper.FAVORITES: str = ctx.getString(R.string.shared_string_my_favorites); break; case WaypointHelper.WAYPOINTS: str = ctx.getString(R.string.waypoints); break; case WaypointHelper.POI: str = ctx.getString(R.string.poi); break; } return str; } protected List<Object> getStandardPoints() { final List<Object> points = new ArrayList<>(); boolean rc = waypointHelper.isRouteCalculated(); for (int i = 0; i < WaypointHelper.MAX; i++) { List<LocationPointWrapper> tp = waypointHelper.getWaypoints(i); if ((rc || i == WaypointHelper.WAYPOINTS || i == WaypointHelper.TARGETS) && waypointHelper.isTypeVisible(i)) { if (points.size() > 0) { points.add(true); } points.add(i); if (i == WaypointHelper.TARGETS) { TargetPoint start = app.getTargetPointsHelper().getPointToStart(); if (start == null) { LatLon latLon; Location loc = app.getLocationProvider().getLastKnownLocation(); if (loc != null) { latLon = new LatLon(loc.getLatitude(), loc.getLongitude()); } else { latLon = new LatLon(mapActivity.getMapView().getLatitude(), mapActivity.getMapView().getLongitude()); } start = TargetPoint.createStartPoint(latLon, new PointDescription(PointDescription.POINT_TYPE_MY_LOCATION, mapActivity.getString(R.string.shared_string_my_location))); } else { String oname = start.getOnlyName().length() > 0 ? start.getOnlyName() : (mapActivity.getString(R.string.route_descr_map_location) + " " + mapActivity.getString(R.string.route_descr_lat_lon, start.getLatitude(), start.getLongitude())); start = TargetPoint.createStartPoint(new LatLon(start.getLatitude(), start.getLongitude()), new PointDescription(PointDescription.POINT_TYPE_LOCATION, oname)); } points.add(new LocationPointWrapper(null, WaypointHelper.TARGETS, start, 0f, 0)); } else if ((i == WaypointHelper.POI || i == WaypointHelper.FAVORITES || i == WaypointHelper.WAYPOINTS) && rc) { if (waypointHelper.isTypeEnabled(i)) { points.add(new RadiusItem(i)); } } if (tp != null && tp.size() > 0) { points.addAll(tp); } points.add(false); } } return points; } public static void showOnMap(OsmandApplication app, Activity a, LocationPoint locationPoint, boolean center) { if (!(a instanceof MapActivity)) { return; } app.getSettings().setMapLocationToShow(locationPoint.getLatitude(), locationPoint.getLongitude(), 15, locationPoint.getPointDescription(a), false, locationPoint); MapActivity.launchMapActivityMoveToTop(a); } public static void sortAllTargets(final OsmandApplication app, final Activity activity, final WaypointDialogHelper helper) { new AsyncTask<Void, Void, int[]>() { ProgressDialog dlg = null; long startDialogTime = 0; List<TargetPoint> intermediates; protected void onPreExecute() { startDialogTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); dlg = new ProgressDialog(activity); dlg.setTitle(""); dlg.setMessage(activity.getResources().getString(R.string.intermediate_items_sort_by_distance));; } protected int[] doInBackground(Void[] params) { TargetPointsHelper targets = app.getTargetPointsHelper(); intermediates = targets.getIntermediatePointsWithTarget(); Location cll = app.getLocationProvider().getLastKnownLocation(); ArrayList<TargetPoint> lt = new ArrayList<>(intermediates); TargetPoint start; if (cll != null) { LatLon ll = new LatLon(cll.getLatitude(), cll.getLongitude()); start = TargetPoint.create(ll, null); } else if (app.getTargetPointsHelper().getPointToStart() != null) { TargetPoint ps = app.getTargetPointsHelper().getPointToStart(); LatLon ll = new LatLon(ps.getLatitude(), ps.getLongitude()); start = TargetPoint.create(ll, null); } else { start = lt.get(0); } TargetPoint end = lt.remove(lt.size() - 1); ArrayList<LatLon> al = new ArrayList<>(); for (TargetPoint p : lt) { al.add(p.point); } return new TspAnt().readGraph(al, start.point, end.point).solve(); } protected void onPostExecute(int[] result) { if (dlg != null) { long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (t - startDialogTime < 500) { app.runInUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { dlg.dismiss(); } }, 500 - (t - startDialogTime)); } else { dlg.dismiss(); } } List<TargetPoint> alocs = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i : result) { if (i > 0) { TargetPoint loc = intermediates.get(i - 1); alocs.add(loc); } } intermediates.clear(); intermediates.addAll(alocs); TargetPointsHelper targets = app.getTargetPointsHelper(); List<TargetPoint> cur = targets.getIntermediatePointsWithTarget(); boolean eq = true; for (int j = 0; j < cur.size() && j < intermediates.size(); j++) { if (cur.get(j) != intermediates.get(j)) { eq = false; break; } } if (!eq) { targets.reorderAllTargetPoints(intermediates, true); } if (helper.helperCallbacks != null) { helper.helperCallbacks.reloadAdapter(); } updateRouteInfoMenu(activity); } }.execute(); } }