package; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Date; import net.osmand.IndexConstants; import net.osmand.PlatformUtil; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import android.content.Context; import; public class IndexItem implements Comparable<IndexItem> { private static final Log log = PlatformUtil.getLog(IndexItem.class); String description; String fileName; String size; long timestamp; long contentSize; long containerSize; DownloadActivityType type; boolean extra; // Update information boolean outdated; boolean downloaded; long localTimestamp; DownloadResourceGroup relatedGroup; public IndexItem(String fileName, String description, long timestamp, String size, long contentSize, long containerSize, @NonNull DownloadActivityType tp) { this.fileName = fileName; this.description = description; this.timestamp = timestamp; this.size = size; this.contentSize = contentSize; this.containerSize = containerSize; this.type = tp; } public DownloadActivityType getType() { return type; } public void setRelatedGroup(DownloadResourceGroup relatedGroup) { this.relatedGroup = relatedGroup; } public DownloadResourceGroup getRelatedGroup() { return relatedGroup; } public String getFileName() { return fileName; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public long getTimestamp() { return timestamp; } public long getSize(){ return containerSize; } public long getContentSize() { return contentSize; } public double getContentSizeMB() { return ((double)contentSize) / (1 << 20); } public double getArchiveSizeMB() { return ((double)containerSize) / (1 << 20); } public String getSizeDescription(Context ctx) { return size + " MB"; } public DownloadEntry createDownloadEntry(OsmandApplication ctx) { String fileName = this.fileName; File parent = type.getDownloadFolder(ctx, this); boolean preventMediaIndexing = type.preventMediaIndexing(ctx, this); if (parent != null) { parent.mkdirs(); // ".nomedia" indicates there are no pictures and no music to list in this dir for the Gallery and Music apps if (preventMediaIndexing) { try { new File(parent, ".nomedia").createNewFile();//$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (IOException e) { // swallow io exception log.error("IOException", e); } } } DownloadEntry entry; if (parent == null || !parent.exists()) { ctx.showToastMessage(R.string.sd_dir_not_accessible); entry = null; } else { entry = new DownloadEntry(); entry.type = type; entry.baseName = getBasename(); entry.urlToDownload = entry.type.getBaseUrl(ctx, fileName) + entry.type.getUrlSuffix(ctx); entry.zipStream = type.isZipStream(ctx, this); entry.unzipFolder = type.isZipFolder(ctx, this); entry.dateModified = timestamp; entry.sizeMB = contentSize / (1024f*1024f); entry.targetFile = getTargetFile(ctx); } return entry; } public String getTargetFileName() { return type.getTargetFileName(this); } public String getBasename() { return type.getBasename(this); } public File getTargetFile(OsmandApplication ctx) { String basename; if (type == DownloadActivityType.HILLSHADE_FILE) { basename = (FileNameTranslationHelper.HILL_SHADE + getBasename()).replace("_", " "); } else { basename = getBasename(); } return new File(type.getDownloadFolder(ctx, this), basename + type.getUnzipExtension(ctx, this)); } public File getBackupFile(OsmandApplication ctx) { File backup = new File(ctx.getAppPath(IndexConstants.BACKUP_INDEX_DIR), getTargetFile(ctx).getName()); return backup; } @Override public int compareTo(@NonNull IndexItem another) { return getFileName().compareTo(another.getFileName()); } public String getDaysBehind(OsmandApplication app) { if (localTimestamp > 0) { long days = Math.max(1, (getTimestamp() - localTimestamp) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) + 1); return days + " " + app.getString(R.string.days_behind); } return ""; } public String getRemoteDate(DateFormat dateFormat) { if(timestamp <= 0) { return ""; } return dateFormat.format(new Date(timestamp)); } public String getLocalDate(DateFormat dateFormat) { if(localTimestamp <= 0) { return ""; } return dateFormat.format(new Date(localTimestamp)); } public boolean isOutdated() { return outdated && getType() != DownloadActivityType.HILLSHADE_FILE ; } public void setOutdated(boolean outdated) { this.outdated = outdated; } public void setDownloaded(boolean downloaded) { this.downloaded = downloaded; } public void setLocalTimestamp(long localTimestamp) { this.localTimestamp = localTimestamp; } public boolean isDownloaded() { return downloaded; } public String getVisibleName(Context ctx, OsmandRegions osmandRegions) { return type.getVisibleName(this, ctx, osmandRegions, true); } public String getVisibleName(Context ctx, OsmandRegions osmandRegions, boolean includingParent) { return type.getVisibleName(this, ctx, osmandRegions, includingParent); } public String getVisibleDescription(OsmandApplication clctx) { return type.getVisibleDescription(this, clctx); } public String getDate(java.text.DateFormat format) { return format.format(new Date(timestamp)); } public static class DownloadEntry { public long dateModified; public double sizeMB; public File targetFile; public boolean zipStream; public boolean unzipFolder; public File fileToDownload; public String baseName; public String urlToDownload; public boolean isAsset; public String assetName; public DownloadActivityType type; public DownloadEntry() { } public DownloadEntry(String assetName, String fileName, long dateModified) { this.dateModified = dateModified; targetFile = new File(fileName); this.assetName = assetName; isAsset = true; } } }