package; import net.osmand.Collator; import net.osmand.CollatorStringMatcher; import net.osmand.CollatorStringMatcher.StringMatcherMode; import net.osmand.StringMatcher; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader; import net.osmand.binary.CommonWords; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader.SearchRequest; import; import; import net.osmand.util.Algorithms; import net.osmand.util.MapUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Pattern; //immutable object public class SearchPhrase { private List<SearchWord> words = new ArrayList<>(); private List<String> unknownWords = new ArrayList<>(); private List<NameStringMatcher> unknownWordsMatcher = new ArrayList<>(); private String unknownSearchWordTrim; private String unknownSearchPhrase = ""; private NameStringMatcher sm; private SearchSettings settings; private List<BinaryMapIndexReader> indexes; private QuadRect cache1kmRect; private boolean lastUnknownSearchWordComplete; private static final String DELIMITER = " "; private static final String ALLDELIMITERS = "\\s|,"; private static final Pattern reg = Pattern.compile(ALLDELIMITERS); private Collator clt; private static Set<String> conjunctions = new TreeSet<>(); static { // the conjunctions.add("the"); conjunctions.add("der"); conjunctions.add("den"); conjunctions.add("die"); conjunctions.add("das"); conjunctions.add("la"); conjunctions.add("le"); conjunctions.add("el"); conjunctions.add("il"); // and conjunctions.add("and"); conjunctions.add("und"); conjunctions.add("en"); conjunctions.add("et"); conjunctions.add("y"); conjunctions.add("и"); // short conjunctions.add("f"); conjunctions.add("u"); conjunctions.add("jl."); conjunctions.add("j"); conjunctions.add("sk"); conjunctions.add("w"); conjunctions.add("a."); conjunctions.add("of"); conjunctions.add("k"); conjunctions.add("r"); conjunctions.add("h"); conjunctions.add("mc"); conjunctions.add("sw"); conjunctions.add("g"); conjunctions.add("v"); conjunctions.add("m"); conjunctions.add("c."); conjunctions.add("r."); conjunctions.add("ct"); conjunctions.add("e."); conjunctions.add("dr."); conjunctions.add("j."); conjunctions.add("in"); conjunctions.add("al"); conjunctions.add("út"); conjunctions.add("per"); conjunctions.add("ne"); conjunctions.add("p"); conjunctions.add("et"); conjunctions.add("s."); conjunctions.add("f."); conjunctions.add("t"); conjunctions.add("fe"); conjunctions.add("à"); conjunctions.add("i"); conjunctions.add("c"); conjunctions.add("le"); conjunctions.add("s"); conjunctions.add("av."); conjunctions.add("den"); conjunctions.add("dr"); conjunctions.add("y"); } public enum SearchPhraseDataType { MAP, ADDRESS, ROUTING, POI } public SearchPhrase(SearchSettings settings, Collator clt) { this.settings = settings; this.clt = clt; } public Collator getCollator() { return clt; } public SearchPhrase generateNewPhrase(String text, SearchSettings settings) { SearchPhrase sp = new SearchPhrase(settings, this.clt); String restText = text; List<SearchWord> leftWords = this.words; String thisTxt = getText(true); if (text.startsWith(thisTxt)) { // string is longer restText = text.substring(getText(false).length()); sp.words = new ArrayList<>(this.words); leftWords = leftWords.subList(leftWords.size(), leftWords.size()); } for(SearchWord w : leftWords) { if(restText.startsWith(w.getWord() + DELIMITER)) { sp.words.add(w); restText = restText.substring(w.getWord().length() + DELIMITER.length()).trim(); } else { break; } } sp.unknownSearchPhrase = restText; sp.unknownWords.clear(); sp.unknownWordsMatcher.clear(); if (!reg.matcher(restText).find()) { sp.unknownSearchWordTrim = sp.unknownSearchPhrase.trim(); } else { sp.unknownSearchWordTrim = ""; String[] ws = restText.split(ALLDELIMITERS); boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < ws.length ; i++) { String wd = ws[i].trim(); if (wd.length() > 0 && !conjunctions.contains(wd.toLowerCase())) { if (first) { sp.unknownSearchWordTrim = wd; first = false; } else { sp.unknownWords.add(wd); } } } } sp.lastUnknownSearchWordComplete = false; if (text.length() > 0 ) { char ch = text.charAt(text.length() - 1); sp.lastUnknownSearchWordComplete = ch == ' ' || ch == ',' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' || ch == ';'; } return sp; } public List<SearchWord> getWords() { return words; } public boolean isUnknownSearchWordComplete() { return lastUnknownSearchWordComplete || unknownWords.size() > 0; } public boolean isLastUnknownSearchWordComplete() { return lastUnknownSearchWordComplete; } public List<String> getUnknownSearchWords() { return unknownWords; } public List<String> getUnknownSearchWords(Collection<String> exclude) { if(exclude == null || unknownWords.size() == 0 || exclude.size() == 0) { return unknownWords; } List<String> l = new ArrayList<>(); for(String uw : unknownWords) { if(exclude == null || !exclude.contains(uw)) { l.add(uw); } } return l; } public String getUnknownSearchWord() { return unknownSearchWordTrim; } public String getUnknownSearchPhrase() { return unknownSearchPhrase; } public boolean isUnknownSearchWordPresent() { return unknownSearchWordTrim.length() > 0; } public int getUnknownSearchWordLength() { return unknownSearchWordTrim.length() ; } public QuadRect getRadiusBBoxToSearch(int radius) { int radiusInMeters = getRadiusSearch(radius); QuadRect cache1kmRect = get1km31Rect(); if(cache1kmRect == null) { return null; } int max = (1 << 31) - 1; double dx = (cache1kmRect.width() / 2) * radiusInMeters / 1000; double dy = (cache1kmRect.height() / 2) * radiusInMeters / 1000; double topLeftX = Math.max(0, cache1kmRect.left - dx); double topLeftY = Math.max(0, - dy); double bottomRightX = Math.min(max, cache1kmRect.right + dx); double bottomRightY = Math.min(max, cache1kmRect.bottom + dy); return new QuadRect(topLeftX, topLeftY, bottomRightX, bottomRightY); } public QuadRect get1km31Rect() { if(cache1kmRect != null) { return cache1kmRect; } LatLon l = getLastTokenLocation(); if (l == null) { return null; } float coeff = (float) (1000 / MapUtils.getTileDistanceWidth(SearchRequest.ZOOM_TO_SEARCH_POI)); double tx = MapUtils.getTileNumberX(SearchRequest.ZOOM_TO_SEARCH_POI, l.getLongitude()); double ty = MapUtils.getTileNumberY(SearchRequest.ZOOM_TO_SEARCH_POI, l.getLatitude()); double topLeftX = Math.max(0, tx - coeff); double topLeftY = Math.max(0, ty - coeff); int max = (1 << SearchRequest.ZOOM_TO_SEARCH_POI) - 1; double bottomRightX = Math.min(max, tx + coeff); double bottomRightY = Math.min(max, ty + coeff); double pw = MapUtils.getPowZoom(31 - SearchRequest.ZOOM_TO_SEARCH_POI); cache1kmRect = new QuadRect(topLeftX * pw, topLeftY * pw, bottomRightX * pw, bottomRightY * pw); return cache1kmRect; } public Iterator<BinaryMapIndexReader> getRadiusOfflineIndexes(int meters, final SearchPhraseDataType dt) { final QuadRect rect = meters > 0 ? getRadiusBBoxToSearch(meters) : null; return getOfflineIndexes(rect, dt); } public Iterator<BinaryMapIndexReader> getOfflineIndexes(final QuadRect rect, final SearchPhraseDataType dt) { List<BinaryMapIndexReader> list = indexes != null ? indexes : settings.getOfflineIndexes(); final Iterator<BinaryMapIndexReader> lit = list.iterator(); return new Iterator<BinaryMapIndexReader>() { BinaryMapIndexReader next = null; @Override public boolean hasNext() { while (lit.hasNext()) { next =; if(rect != null) { if(dt == SearchPhraseDataType.POI) { if(next.containsPoiData((int)rect.left, (int), (int)rect.right, (int)rect.bottom)) { return true; } } else if(dt == SearchPhraseDataType.ADDRESS) { // containsAddressData not all maps supported if(next.containsPoiData((int)rect.left, (int), (int)rect.right, (int)rect.bottom) && next.containsAddressData()) { return true; } } else if(dt == SearchPhraseDataType.ROUTING) { if(next.containsRouteData((int)rect.left, (int), (int)rect.right, (int)rect.bottom, 15)) { return true; } } else { if(next.containsMapData((int)rect.left, (int), (int)rect.right, (int)rect.bottom, 15)) { return true; } } } else { return true; } } return false; } @Override public BinaryMapIndexReader next() { return next; } @Override public void remove() { } }; } public List<BinaryMapIndexReader> getOfflineIndexes() { if(indexes != null) { return indexes; } return settings.getOfflineIndexes(); } public SearchSettings getSettings() { return settings; } public int getRadiusLevel() { return settings.getRadiusLevel(); } public ObjectType[] getSearchTypes() { return settings == null ? null : settings.getSearchTypes(); } public boolean isCustomSearch() { return getSearchTypes() != null; } public boolean isSearchTypeAllowed(ObjectType searchType) { if (getSearchTypes() == null) { return true; } else { for (ObjectType type : getSearchTypes()) { if (type == searchType) { return true; } } return false; } } public boolean isEmptyQueryAllowed() { return settings.isEmptyQueryAllowed(); } public boolean isSortByName() { return settings.isSortByName(); } public boolean isInAddressSearch() { return settings.isInAddressSearch(); } public SearchPhrase selectWord(SearchResult res) { return selectWord(res, null, false); } public SearchPhrase selectWord(SearchResult res, List<String> unknownWords, boolean lastComplete) { SearchPhrase sp = new SearchPhrase(this.settings, this.clt); addResult(res, sp); SearchResult prnt = res.parentSearchResult; while(prnt != null) { addResult(prnt, sp); prnt = prnt.parentSearchResult; } sp.words.addAll(0, this.words); if(unknownWords != null) { sp.lastUnknownSearchWordComplete = lastComplete; for (int i = 0; i < unknownWords.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) { sp.unknownSearchWordTrim = unknownWords.get(0); } else { sp.unknownWords.add(unknownWords.get(i)); } } } return sp; } private void addResult(SearchResult res, SearchPhrase sp) { SearchWord sw = new SearchWord(res.wordsSpan != null ? res.wordsSpan : res.localeName.trim(), res); sp.words.add(0, sw); } public boolean isLastWord(ObjectType... p) { for (int i = words.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { SearchWord sw = words.get(i); for(ObjectType o : p) { if (sw.getType() == o) { return true; } } if (sw.getType() != ObjectType.UNKNOWN_NAME_FILTER) { return false; } } return false; } public ObjectType getExclusiveSearchType() { SearchWord lastWord = getLastSelectedWord(); if (lastWord != null) { return ObjectType.getExclusiveSearchType(lastWord.getType()); } return null; } public NameStringMatcher getNameStringMatcher() { if(sm != null) { return sm; } sm = getNameStringMatcher(unknownSearchWordTrim, lastUnknownSearchWordComplete); return sm; } public NameStringMatcher getNameStringMatcher(String word, boolean complete) { return new NameStringMatcher(word, (complete ? StringMatcherMode.CHECK_EQUALS_FROM_SPACE : StringMatcherMode.CHECK_STARTS_FROM_SPACE)); } public boolean hasObjectType(ObjectType p) { for(SearchWord s : words) { if(s.getType() == p) { return true; } } return false; } public void syncWordsWithResults() { for(SearchWord w : words) { w.syncWordWithResult(); } } public String getText(boolean includeLastWord) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(SearchWord s : words) { sb.append(s.getWord()).append(DELIMITER.trim() + " "); } if(includeLastWord) { sb.append(unknownSearchPhrase); } return sb.toString(); } public String getTextWithoutLastWord() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List<SearchWord> words = new ArrayList<>(this.words); if(Algorithms.isEmpty(unknownSearchWordTrim) && words.size() > 0) { words.remove(words.size() - 1); } for(SearchWord s : words) { sb.append(s.getWord()).append(DELIMITER.trim() + " "); } return sb.toString(); } public String getStringRerpresentation() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(SearchWord s : words) { sb.append(s.getWord()).append(" [" + s.getType() + "], "); } sb.append(unknownSearchPhrase); return sb.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return getStringRerpresentation(); } public boolean isNoSelectedType() { return words.isEmpty(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return words.isEmpty() && unknownSearchPhrase.isEmpty(); } public SearchWord getLastSelectedWord() { if(words.isEmpty()) { return null; } return words.get(words.size() - 1); } public LatLon getWordLocation() { for(int i = words.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { SearchWord sw = words.get(i); if(sw.getLocation() != null) { return sw.getLocation(); } } return null; } public LatLon getLastTokenLocation() { for(int i = words.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { SearchWord sw = words.get(i); if(sw.getLocation() != null) { return sw.getLocation(); } } // last token or myLocationOrVisibleMap if not selected return settings.getOriginalLocation(); } public void selectFile(BinaryMapIndexReader object) { if(indexes == null) { indexes = new ArrayList<>(); } if(!this.indexes.contains(object)) { this.indexes.add(object); } } public void sortFiles() { if(indexes == null) { indexes = new ArrayList<>(getOfflineIndexes()); } final LatLon ll = getLastTokenLocation(); if(ll != null) { Collections.sort(indexes, new Comparator<BinaryMapIndexReader>() { Map<BinaryMapIndexReader, LatLon> locations = new HashMap<>(); @Override public int compare(BinaryMapIndexReader o1, BinaryMapIndexReader o2) { LatLon rc1 = getLocation(o1); LatLon rc2 = getLocation(o2); double d1 = rc1 == null ? 10000000d : MapUtils.getDistance(rc1, ll); double d2 = rc2 == null ? 10000000d : MapUtils.getDistance(rc2, ll); return, d2); } private LatLon getLocation(BinaryMapIndexReader o1) { if(locations.containsKey(o1)) { return locations.get(o1); } LatLon rc1 = null; if(o1.containsMapData()) { rc1 = o1.getMapIndexes().get(0).getCenterLatLon(); } else { rc1 = o1.getRegionCenter(); } locations.put(o1, rc1); return rc1; } }); } } public static class NameStringMatcher implements StringMatcher { private CollatorStringMatcher sm; public NameStringMatcher(String lastWordTrim, StringMatcherMode mode) { sm = new CollatorStringMatcher(lastWordTrim, mode); } public boolean matches(Collection<String> map) { if(map == null) { return false; } for(String v : map) { if(sm.matches(v)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean matches(String name) { return sm.matches(name); } } public void countUnknownWordsMatch(SearchResult sr) { countUnknownWordsMatch(sr, sr.localeName, sr.otherNames); } public void countUnknownWordsMatch(SearchResult sr, String localeName, Collection<String> otherNames) { if(unknownWords.size() > 0) { for(int i = 0; i < unknownWords.size(); i++) { if(unknownWordsMatcher.size() == i) { unknownWordsMatcher.add(new NameStringMatcher(unknownWords.get(i), i < unknownWords.size() - 1 ? StringMatcherMode.CHECK_EQUALS_FROM_SPACE : StringMatcherMode.CHECK_STARTS_FROM_SPACE)); } NameStringMatcher ms = unknownWordsMatcher.get(i); if(ms.matches(localeName) || ms.matches(otherNames)) { if(sr.otherWordsMatch == null) { sr.otherWordsMatch = new TreeSet<>(); } sr.otherWordsMatch.add(unknownWords.get(i)); } } } if(!sr.firstUnknownWordMatches) { sr.firstUnknownWordMatches = localeName.equals(getUnknownSearchWord()) || getNameStringMatcher().matches(localeName) || getNameStringMatcher().matches(otherNames); } } public int getRadiusSearch(int meters) { return (1 << (getRadiusLevel() - 1)) * meters; } public static int icompare(int x, int y) { return (x < y) ? -1 : ((x == y) ? 0 : 1); } public String getUnknownWordToSearchBuilding() { List<String> unknownSearchWords = getUnknownSearchWords(); if(unknownSearchWords.size() > 0 && Algorithms.extractFirstIntegerNumber(getUnknownSearchWord()) == 0) { for(String wrd : unknownSearchWords) { if(Algorithms.extractFirstIntegerNumber(wrd) != 0) { return wrd; } } } return getUnknownSearchWord(); } public String getUnknownWordToSearch() { List<String> unknownSearchWords = getUnknownSearchWords(); String wordToSearch = getUnknownSearchWord(); if (unknownSearchWords.size() > 0) { List<String> searchWords = new ArrayList<>(unknownSearchWords); searchWords.add(0, getUnknownSearchWord()); Collections.sort(searchWords, new Comparator<String>() { private int lengthWithoutNumbers(String s) { int len = 0; for(int k = 0; k < s.length(); k++) { if(s.charAt(k) >= '0' && s.charAt(k) <= '9') { } else { len++; } } return len; } @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { int i1 = CommonWords.getCommonSearch(o1.toLowerCase()); int i2 = CommonWords.getCommonSearch(o2.toLowerCase()); if (i1 != i2) { return icompare(i1, i2); } // compare length without numbers to not include house numbers return -icompare(lengthWithoutNumbers(o1), lengthWithoutNumbers(o2)); } }); wordToSearch = searchWords.get(0); } return wordToSearch; } }