package; import; import gnu.trove.procedure.TIntObjectProcedure; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapDataObject; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader.TagValuePair; import; import; import; import net.osmand.render.RenderingRuleSearchRequest; import net.osmand.render.RenderingRulesStorage; import net.osmand.util.Algorithms; import net.sf.junidecode.Junidecode; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class TextRenderer { private Paint paintText; private final Context context; private Paint paintIcon; private Typeface defaultTypeface; private Typeface boldItalicTypeface; private Typeface italicTypeface; private Typeface boldTypeface; static class TextDrawInfo { public TextDrawInfo(String text) { this.text = text; } String text = null; Path drawOnPath = null; QuadRect bounds = null; float vOffset = 0; float centerX = 0; float pathRotate = 0; float centerY = 0; float textSize = 0; float minDistance = 0; int textColor = Color.BLACK; int textShadow = 0; int textWrap = 0; boolean bold = false; boolean italic = false; String shieldRes = null; String shieldResIcon = null; int textOrder = 100; int textShadowColor = Color.WHITE; public void fillProperties(RenderingContext rc, RenderingRuleSearchRequest render, float centerX, float centerY) { this.centerX = centerX; // used only for draw on path where centerY doesn't play role this.vOffset = (int) rc.getComplexValue(render, render.ALL.R_TEXT_DY); this.centerY = centerY + this.vOffset; textColor = render.getIntPropertyValue(render.ALL.R_TEXT_COLOR); if (textColor == 0) { textColor = Color.BLACK; } textSize = rc.getComplexValue(render, render.ALL.R_TEXT_SIZE) ; textShadow = (int) rc.getComplexValue(render, render.ALL.R_TEXT_HALO_RADIUS); textShadowColor = render.getIntPropertyValue(render.ALL.R_TEXT_HALO_COLOR); if(textShadowColor == 0) { textShadowColor = Color.WHITE; } textWrap = (int) rc.getComplexValue(render, render.ALL.R_TEXT_WRAP_WIDTH); bold = render.getIntPropertyValue(render.ALL.R_TEXT_BOLD, 0) > 0; italic = render.getIntPropertyValue(render.ALL.R_TEXT_ITALIC, 0) > 0; minDistance = rc.getComplexValue(render, render.ALL.R_TEXT_MIN_DISTANCE); if (render.isSpecified(render.ALL.R_TEXT_SHIELD)) { shieldRes = render.getStringPropertyValue(render.ALL.R_TEXT_SHIELD); } if (render.isSpecified(render.ALL.R_ICON)) { shieldResIcon = render.getStringPropertyValue(render.ALL.R_ICON); } textOrder = render.getIntPropertyValue(render.ALL.R_TEXT_ORDER, 100); } } public TextRenderer(Context context) { this.context = context; paintText = new Paint(); paintText.setStyle(Style.FILL); paintText.setStrokeWidth(1); paintText.setColor(Color.BLACK); paintText.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); defaultTypeface = Typeface.create("Droid Serif", Typeface.NORMAL); boldItalicTypeface = Typeface.create("Droid Serif", Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC); italicTypeface = Typeface.create("Droid Serif", Typeface.ITALIC); boldTypeface = Typeface.create("Droid Serif", Typeface.BOLD); paintText.setTypeface(defaultTypeface); //$NON-NLS-1$ paintText.setAntiAlias(true); paintIcon = new Paint(); paintIcon.setStyle(Style.STROKE); } public Paint getPaintText() { return paintText; } private double sqr(double a) { return a * a; } private float fsqr(float a) { return a * a; } boolean intersects(QuadRect tRect, float tRot, QuadRect sRect, float sRot) { if (Math.abs(tRot) < Math.PI / 15 && Math.abs(sRot) < Math.PI / 15) { return QuadRect.intersects(tRect, sRect); } double dist = Math.sqrt(sqr(tRect.centerX() - sRect.centerX()) + sqr(tRect.centerY() - sRect.centerY())); if (dist < 3) { return true; } // difference close to 90/270 degrees if (Math.abs(Math.cos(tRot - sRot)) < 0.3) { // rotate one rectangle to 90 degrees tRot += Math.PI / 2; double l = tRect.centerX() - tRect.height() / 2; double t = tRect.centerY() - tRect.width() / 2; tRect = new QuadRect(l, t, l + tRect.height(), t + tRect.width()); } // determine difference close to 180/0 degrees if (Math.abs(Math.sin(tRot - sRot)) < 0.3) { // rotate t box // (calculate offset for t center suppose we rotate around s center) float diff = (float) (-Math.atan2(tRect.centerX() - sRect.centerX(), tRect.centerY() - sRect.centerY()) + Math.PI / 2); diff -= sRot; double left = sRect.centerX() + dist * Math.cos(diff) - tRect.width() / 2; double top = sRect.centerY() - dist * Math.sin(diff) - tRect.height() / 2; QuadRect nRect = new QuadRect(left, top, left + tRect.width(), top + tRect.height()); return QuadRect.intersects(nRect, sRect); } // TODO other cases not covered return QuadRect.intersects(tRect, sRect); } void drawTestBox(Canvas cv, RectF r, float rot, String text) {; cv.translate(r.centerX(), r.centerY()); cv.rotate((float) (rot * 180 / Math.PI)); RectF rs = new RectF(-r.width() / 2, -r.height() / 2, r.width() / 2, r.height() / 2); cv.drawRect(rs, paintIcon); if (text != null) { paintText.setTextSize(paintText.getTextSize() - 4); cv.drawText(text, rs.centerX(), rs.centerY(), paintText); paintText.setTextSize(paintText.getTextSize() + 4); } cv.restore(); } List<TextDrawInfo> tempSearch = new ArrayList<TextDrawInfo>(); private boolean findTextIntersection(Canvas cv, RenderingContext rc, QuadTree<TextDrawInfo> boundIntersections, TextDrawInfo text) { // for test purposes // drawTestBox(cv, text.bounds, text.pathRotate, text.text); boundIntersections.queryInBox(text.bounds, tempSearch); for (int i = 0; i < tempSearch.size(); i++) { TextDrawInfo t = tempSearch.get(i); if (intersects(text.bounds, text.pathRotate, t.bounds, t.pathRotate)) { return true; } } if (text.minDistance > 0) { QuadRect boundsSearch = new QuadRect(text.bounds); boundsSearch.inset(-Math.max(rc.getDensityValue(5.0f), text.minDistance), -rc.getDensityValue(15)); boundIntersections.queryInBox(boundsSearch, tempSearch); // drawTestBox(cv, &boundsSearch, text.pathRotate, paintIcon, text.text, NULL/*paintText*/); for (int i = 0; i < tempSearch.size(); i++) { TextDrawInfo t = tempSearch.get(i); if (t.minDistance > 0 && t.text.equals(text.text) && intersects(boundsSearch, text.pathRotate, t.bounds, t.pathRotate)) { return true; } } } boundIntersections.insert(text, text.bounds); return false; } private void drawTextOnCanvas(Canvas cv, String text, float centerX, float centerY, Paint paint, int shadowColor, float textShadow) { if (textShadow > 0) { int c = paintText.getColor(); paintText.setStyle(Style.STROKE); paintText.setColor(shadowColor); paintText.setStrokeWidth(2 + textShadow); cv.drawText(text, centerX, centerY, paint); // reset paintText.setStrokeWidth(2); paintText.setStyle(Style.FILL); paintText.setColor(c); } cv.drawText(text, centerX, centerY, paint); } public void drawTextOverCanvas(RenderingContext rc, Canvas cv, String preferredLocale) { int size = rc.textToDraw.size(); // 1. Sort text using text order Collections.sort(rc.textToDraw, new Comparator<TextDrawInfo>() { @Override public int compare(TextDrawInfo object1, TextDrawInfo object2) { return object1.textOrder - object2.textOrder; } }); QuadRect r = new QuadRect(0, 0, rc.width, rc.height); r.inset(-100, -100); QuadTree<TextDrawInfo> nonIntersectedBounds = new QuadTree<TextDrawInfo>(r, 4, 0.6f); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { TextDrawInfo text = rc.textToDraw.get(i); if (text.text != null && text.text.length() > 0) { if (preferredLocale.length() > 0) { text.text = Junidecode.unidecode(text.text); } // sest text size before finding intersection (it is used there) float textSize = text.textSize * rc.textScale ; paintText.setTextSize(textSize); if(text.bold && text.italic) { paintText.setTypeface(boldItalicTypeface); } else if(text.bold) { paintText.setTypeface(boldTypeface); } else if(text.italic) { paintText.setTypeface(italicTypeface); } else { paintText.setTypeface(defaultTypeface); } paintText.setFakeBoldText(text.bold); paintText.setColor(text.textColor); // align center y text.centerY += (-paintText.ascent()); // calculate if there is intersection boolean intersects = findTextIntersection(cv, rc, nonIntersectedBounds, text); if (!intersects) { if (text.drawOnPath != null) { if (text.textShadow > 0) { paintText.setColor(text.textShadowColor); paintText.setStyle(Style.STROKE); paintText.setStrokeWidth(2 + text.textShadow); cv.drawTextOnPath(text.text, text.drawOnPath, 0, text.vOffset - ( paintText.ascent()/2 + paintText.descent()), paintText); // reset paintText.setStyle(Style.FILL); paintText.setStrokeWidth(2); paintText.setColor(text.textColor); } cv.drawTextOnPath(text.text, text.drawOnPath, 0, text.vOffset - ( paintText.ascent()/2 + paintText.descent()), paintText); } else { drawShieldIcon(rc, cv, text, text.shieldRes); drawShieldIcon(rc, cv, text, text.shieldResIcon); drawWrappedText(cv, text, textSize); } } } } } private void drawShieldIcon(RenderingContext rc, Canvas cv, TextDrawInfo text, String sr) { if (sr != null) { float coef = rc.getDensityValue(rc.screenDensityRatio * rc.textScale); Bitmap ico = RenderingIcons.getIcon(context, sr, true); if (ico != null) { float left = text.centerX - ico.getWidth() / 2 * coef - 0.5f; float top = text.centerY - ico.getHeight() / 2 * coef - paintText.descent() - 0.5f; if(rc.screenDensityRatio != 1f){ RectF rf = new RectF(left, top, left + ico.getWidth() * coef, top + ico.getHeight() * coef); Rect src = new Rect(0, 0, ico.getWidth(), ico .getHeight()); cv.drawBitmap(ico, src, rf, paintIcon); } else { cv.drawBitmap(ico, left, top, paintIcon); } } } } private void drawWrappedText(Canvas cv, TextDrawInfo text, float textSize) { if (text.textWrap == 0) { // set maximum for all text text.textWrap = 40; } if (text.text.length() > text.textWrap) { int start = 0; int end = text.text.length(); int lastSpace = -1; int line = 0; int pos = 0; int limit = 0; while (pos < end) { lastSpace = -1; limit += text.textWrap; while (pos < limit && pos < end) { if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(text.text.charAt(pos))) { lastSpace = pos; } pos++; } if (lastSpace == -1 || pos == end) { drawTextOnCanvas(cv, text.text.substring(start, pos), text.centerX, text.centerY + line * (textSize + 2), paintText, text.textShadowColor, text.textShadow); start = pos; } else { drawTextOnCanvas(cv, text.text.substring(start, lastSpace), text.centerX, text.centerY + line * (textSize + 2), paintText, text.textShadowColor, text.textShadow); start = lastSpace + 1; limit += (start - pos) - 1; } line++; } } else { drawTextOnCanvas(cv, text.text, text.centerX, text.centerY, paintText, text.textShadowColor, text.textShadow); } } private void createTextDrawInfo(final BinaryMapDataObject o, RenderingRuleSearchRequest render, RenderingContext rc, TagValuePair pair, final float xMid, float yMid, Path path, final PointF[] points, String name, String tagName) { render.setInitialTagValueZoom(pair.tag, pair.value, rc.zoom, o); render.setIntFilter(render.ALL.R_TEXT_LENGTH, name.length()); render.setStringFilter(render.ALL.R_NAME_TAG, tagName); if({ if(render.getFloatPropertyValue(render.ALL.R_TEXT_SIZE) > 0){ final TextDrawInfo text = new TextDrawInfo(name); text.fillProperties(rc, render, xMid, yMid); final String tagName2 = render.getStringPropertyValue(render.ALL.R_NAME_TAG2); if (!Algorithms.isEmpty(tagName2)) { o.getObjectNames().forEachEntry(new TIntObjectProcedure<String>() { @Override public boolean execute(int tagid, String nname) { String tagNameN2 = o.getMapIndex().decodeType(tagid).tag; if (tagName2.equals(tagNameN2)) { if (nname != null && nname.trim().length() > 0) { text.text += " (" + nname +")"; } return false; } return true; } }); } paintText.setTextSize(text.textSize); Rect bs = new Rect(); paintText.getTextBounds(name, 0, name.length(), bs); text.bounds = new QuadRect(bs.left,, bs.right, bs.bottom); text.bounds.inset(-rc.getDensityValue(3), -rc.getDensityValue(10)); boolean display = true; if(path != null) { text.drawOnPath = path; display = calculatePathToRotate(rc, text, points, render.getIntPropertyValue(render.ALL.R_TEXT_ON_PATH, 0) != 0); } if(text.drawOnPath == null) { text.bounds.offset(text.centerX, text.centerY); // shift to match alignment text.bounds.offset(-text.bounds.width()/2, 0); } else { text.bounds.offset(text.centerX - text.bounds.width()/2, text.centerY - text.bounds.height()/2); } if(display) { rc.textToDraw.add(text); } } } } public void renderText(final BinaryMapDataObject obj, final RenderingRuleSearchRequest render, final RenderingContext rc, final TagValuePair pair, final float xMid, final float yMid, final Path path, final PointF[] points) { final TIntObjectHashMap<String> map = obj.getObjectNames(); if (map != null) { map.forEachEntry(new TIntObjectProcedure<String>() { @Override public boolean execute(int tag, String name) { if (name != null && name.trim().length() > 0) { boolean isName = tag == obj.getMapIndex().nameEncodingType; String nameTag = isName ? "" : obj.getMapIndex().decodeType(tag).tag; boolean skip = false; // not completely correct we should check "name"+rc.preferredLocale if (isName && !rc.preferredLocale.equals("") && map.containsKey(obj.getMapIndex().nameEnEncodingType)) { skip = true; } // if (tag == obj.getMapIndex().nameEnEncodingType && !rc.useEnglishNames) { // skip = true; // } if(!skip) { createTextDrawInfo(obj, render, rc, pair, xMid, yMid, path, points, name, nameTag); } } return true; } }); } } boolean calculatePathToRotate(RenderingContext rc, TextDrawInfo p, PointF[] points, boolean drawOnPath) { int len = points.length; if (!drawOnPath) { p.drawOnPath = null; // simply calculate rotation of path used for shields float px = 0; float py = 0; for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { px += points[i].x - points[i - 1].x; py += points[i].y - points[i - 1].y; } if (px != 0 || py != 0) { p.pathRotate = (float) (-Math.atan2(px, py) + Math.PI / 2); } return true; } boolean inverse = false; float roadLength = 0; boolean prevInside = false; float visibleRoadLength = 0; float textw = (float) p.bounds.width(); int last = 0; int startVisible = 0; float[] distances = new float[points.length - 1]; float normalTextLen = 1.5f * textw; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++, last++) { boolean inside = points[i].x >= 0 && points[i].x <= rc.width && points[i].x >= 0 && points[i].y <= rc.height; if (i > 0) { float d = (float) Math.sqrt(fsqr(points[i].x - points[i - 1].x) + fsqr(points[i].y - points[i - 1].y)); distances[i-1]= d; roadLength += d; if(inside) { visibleRoadLength += d; if(!prevInside) { startVisible = i - 1; } } else if(prevInside) { if(visibleRoadLength >= normalTextLen) { break; } visibleRoadLength = 0; } } prevInside = inside; } if (textw >= roadLength) { return false; } int startInd = 0; int endInd = len; if(textw < visibleRoadLength && last - startVisible > 1) { startInd = startVisible; endInd = last; // display long road name in center if (visibleRoadLength > 3 * textw) { boolean ch ; do { ch = false; if(endInd - startInd > 2 && visibleRoadLength - distances[startInd] > normalTextLen){ visibleRoadLength -= distances[startInd]; startInd++; ch = true; } if(endInd - startInd > 2 && visibleRoadLength - distances[endInd - 2] > normalTextLen){ visibleRoadLength -= distances[endInd - 2]; endInd--; ch = true; } } while(ch); } } // shrink path to display more text if (startInd > 0 || endInd < len) { // find subpath Path path = new Path(); for (int i = startInd; i < endInd; i++) { if (i == startInd) { path.moveTo(points[i].x, points[i].y); } else { path.lineTo(points[i].x, points[i].y); } } p.drawOnPath = path; } // calculate vector of the road (px, py) to proper rotate it float px = 0; float py = 0; for (int i = startInd + 1; i < endInd; i++) { px += points[i].x - points[i - 1].x; py += points[i].y - points[i - 1].y; } float scale = 0.5f; float plen = (float) Math.sqrt(px * px + py * py); // vector ox,oy orthogonal to px,py to measure height float ox = -py; float oy = px; if(plen > 0) { float rot = (float) (-Math.atan2(px, py) + Math.PI / 2); if (rot < 0) rot += Math.PI * 2; if (rot > Math.PI / 2f && rot < 3 * Math.PI / 2f) { rot += Math.PI; inverse = true; ox = -ox; oy = -oy; } p.pathRotate = rot; ox *= (p.bounds.height() / plen) / 2; oy *= (p.bounds.height() / plen) / 2; } p.centerX = points[startInd].x + scale * px + ox; p.centerY = points[startInd].y + scale * py + oy; // p.hOffset = 0; if (inverse) { Path path = new Path(); for (int i = endInd - 1; i >= startInd; i--) { if (i == endInd - 1) { path.moveTo(points[i].x, points[i].y); } else { path.lineTo(points[i].x, points[i].y); } } p.drawOnPath = path; } return true; } }