package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import net.osmand.Location; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapRouteReaderAdapter.RouteRegion; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapRouteReaderAdapter.RouteTypeRule; import; import; import; import; import; import net.osmand.router.RouteSegmentResult; import net.osmand.router.TurnType; import net.osmand.util.Algorithms; import net.osmand.util.MapUtils; import android.content.Context; import static net.osmand.binary.RouteDataObject.HEIGHT_UNDEFINED; public class RouteCalculationResult { private static double distanceClosestToIntermediate = 400; // could not be null and immodifiable! private final List<Location> locations; private final List<RouteDirectionInfo> directions; private final List<RouteSegmentResult> segments; private final List<AlarmInfo> alarmInfo; private final String errorMessage; private final int[] listDistance; private final int[] intermediatePoints; private final float routingTime; protected int cacheCurrentTextDirectionInfo = -1; protected List<RouteDirectionInfo> cacheAgreggatedDirections; protected List<LocationPoint> locationPoints = new ArrayList<LocationPoint>(); // Note always currentRoute > get(currentDirectionInfo).routeOffset, // but currentRoute <= get(currentDirectionInfo+1).routeOffset protected int currentDirectionInfo = 0; protected int currentRoute = 0; protected int nextIntermediate = 0; protected int currentWaypointGPX = 0; protected int lastWaypointGPX = 0; protected ApplicationMode appMode; public RouteCalculationResult(String errorMessage) { this.errorMessage = errorMessage; this.routingTime = 0; this.intermediatePoints = new int[0]; this.locations = new ArrayList<Location>(); this.segments = new ArrayList<RouteSegmentResult>(); this.listDistance = new int[0]; this.directions = new ArrayList<RouteDirectionInfo>(); this.alarmInfo = new ArrayList<AlarmInfo>(); } public RouteCalculationResult(List<Location> list, List<RouteDirectionInfo> directions, RouteCalculationParams params, List<LocationPoint> waypoints, boolean addMissingTurns) { this.routingTime = 0; this.errorMessage = null; this.intermediatePoints = new int[params.intermediates == null ? 0 : params.intermediates.size()]; List<Location> locations = list == null ? new ArrayList<Location>() : new ArrayList<Location>(list); List<RouteDirectionInfo> localDirections = directions == null? new ArrayList<RouteDirectionInfo>() : new ArrayList<RouteDirectionInfo>(directions); if (!locations.isEmpty()) { checkForDuplicatePoints(locations, localDirections); } if(waypoints != null) { this.locationPoints.addAll(waypoints); } if(addMissingTurns) { removeUnnecessaryGoAhead(localDirections); addMissingTurnsToRoute(locations, localDirections, params.start,params.end, params.mode, params.ctx, params.leftSide); // if there is no closest points to start - add it introduceFirstPointAndLastPoint(locations, localDirections, null, params.start, params.end); } this.appMode = params.mode; this.locations = Collections.unmodifiableList(locations); this.segments = new ArrayList<RouteSegmentResult>(); this.listDistance = new int[locations.size()]; updateListDistanceTime(this.listDistance, this.locations); this.alarmInfo = new ArrayList<AlarmInfo>(); calculateIntermediateIndexes(params.ctx, this.locations, params.intermediates, localDirections, this.intermediatePoints); this.directions = Collections.unmodifiableList(localDirections); updateDirectionsTime(this.directions, this.listDistance); } public RouteCalculationResult(List<RouteSegmentResult> list, Location start, LatLon end, List<LatLon> intermediates, OsmandApplication ctx, boolean leftSide, float routingTime, List<LocationPoint> waypoints, ApplicationMode mode) { this.routingTime = routingTime; if(waypoints != null) { this.locationPoints.addAll(waypoints); } List<RouteDirectionInfo> computeDirections = new ArrayList<RouteDirectionInfo>(); this.errorMessage = null; this.intermediatePoints = new int[intermediates == null ? 0 : intermediates.size()]; List<Location> locations = new ArrayList<Location>(); ArrayList<AlarmInfo> alarms = new ArrayList<AlarmInfo>(); List<RouteSegmentResult> segments = convertVectorResult(computeDirections, locations, list, alarms, ctx); introduceFirstPointAndLastPoint(locations, computeDirections, segments, start, end); this.locations = Collections.unmodifiableList(locations); this.segments = Collections.unmodifiableList(segments); this.listDistance = new int[locations.size()]; calculateIntermediateIndexes(ctx, this.locations, intermediates, computeDirections, this.intermediatePoints); updateListDistanceTime(this.listDistance, this.locations); this.appMode = mode; this.directions = Collections.unmodifiableList(computeDirections); updateDirectionsTime(this.directions, this.listDistance); this.alarmInfo = Collections.unmodifiableList(alarms); } public ApplicationMode getAppMode() { return appMode; } public List<LocationPoint> getLocationPoints() { return locationPoints; } public List<AlarmInfo> getAlarmInfo() { return alarmInfo; } private static void calculateIntermediateIndexes(Context ctx, List<Location> locations, List<LatLon> intermediates, List<RouteDirectionInfo> localDirections, int[] intermediatePoints) { if(intermediates != null && localDirections != null) { int[] interLocations = new int[intermediates.size()]; int currentIntermediate = 0; int currentLocation = 0; double distanceThreshold = 25; double prevDistance = distanceThreshold * 4; while((currentIntermediate < intermediates.size() || prevDistance > distanceThreshold) && currentLocation < locations.size()){ if(currentIntermediate < intermediates.size() && getDistanceToLocation(locations, intermediates.get(currentIntermediate), currentLocation) < distanceClosestToIntermediate) { prevDistance = getDistanceToLocation(locations, intermediates.get(currentIntermediate), currentLocation); interLocations[currentIntermediate] = currentLocation; currentIntermediate++; } else if(currentIntermediate > 0 && prevDistance > distanceThreshold && getDistanceToLocation(locations, intermediates.get(currentIntermediate - 1), currentLocation) < prevDistance) { prevDistance = getDistanceToLocation(locations, intermediates.get(currentIntermediate - 1), currentLocation); interLocations[currentIntermediate - 1] = currentLocation; } currentLocation ++; } int currentDirection = 0; currentIntermediate = 0; while(currentIntermediate < intermediates.size() && currentDirection < localDirections.size()){ int locationIndex = localDirections.get(currentDirection).routePointOffset ; if (locationIndex >= interLocations[currentIntermediate]) { // split directions if (locationIndex > interLocations[currentIntermediate] && getDistanceToLocation(locations, intermediates.get(currentIntermediate), locationIndex) > 50) { RouteDirectionInfo toSplit = localDirections.get(currentDirection); RouteDirectionInfo info = new RouteDirectionInfo(localDirections.get(currentDirection).getAverageSpeed(), TurnType.straight()); info.setRef(toSplit.getRef()); info.setStreetName(toSplit.getStreetName()); info.setDestinationName(toSplit.getDestinationName()); info.routePointOffset = interLocations[currentIntermediate]; info.setDescriptionRoute(ctx.getString(R.string.route_head));//; //$NON-NLS-1$ localDirections.add(currentDirection, info); } intermediatePoints[currentIntermediate] = currentDirection; currentIntermediate++; } currentDirection ++; } } } private static double getDistanceToLocation(List<Location> locations, LatLon p, int currentLocation) { return MapUtils.getDistance(p, locations.get(currentLocation).getLatitude(), locations.get(currentLocation).getLongitude()); } private static void attachAlarmInfo(List<AlarmInfo> alarms, RouteSegmentResult res, int intId, int locInd) { int[] pointTypes = res.getObject().getPointTypes(intId); if (pointTypes != null) { RouteRegion reg = res.getObject().region; for (int r = 0; r < pointTypes.length; r++) { RouteTypeRule typeRule = reg.quickGetEncodingRule(pointTypes[r]); int x31 = res.getObject().getPoint31XTile(intId); int y31 = res.getObject().getPoint31YTile(intId); Location loc = new Location(""); loc.setLatitude(MapUtils.get31LatitudeY(y31)); loc.setLongitude(MapUtils.get31LongitudeX(x31)); AlarmInfo info = AlarmInfo.createAlarmInfo(typeRule, locInd, loc); if(info != null) { alarms.add(info); } } } } public List<RouteSegmentResult> getOriginalRoute() { if (segments.size() == 0) { return null; } List<RouteSegmentResult> list = new ArrayList<RouteSegmentResult>(); list.add(segments.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < segments.size(); i++) { if (segments.get(i - 1) != segments.get(i)) { list.add(segments.get(i)); } } return list; } /** * PREPARATION */ private static List<RouteSegmentResult> convertVectorResult(List<RouteDirectionInfo> directions, List<Location> locations, List<RouteSegmentResult> list, List<AlarmInfo> alarms, OsmandApplication ctx) { float prevDirectionTime = 0; float prevDirectionDistance = 0; double lastHeight = HEIGHT_UNDEFINED; List<RouteSegmentResult> segmentsToPopulate = new ArrayList<RouteSegmentResult>(); for (int routeInd = 0; routeInd < list.size(); routeInd++) { RouteSegmentResult s = list.get(routeInd); float[] vls = s.getObject().calculateHeightArray(); boolean plus = s.getStartPointIndex() < s.getEndPointIndex(); int i = s.getStartPointIndex(); int prevLocationSize = locations.size(); while (true) { Location n = new Location(""); //$NON-NLS-1$ LatLon point = s.getPoint(i); n.setLatitude(point.getLatitude()); n.setLongitude(point.getLongitude()); if (i == s.getEndPointIndex() && routeInd != list.size() - 1) { break; } if (vls != null && i * 2 + 1 < vls.length) { float h = vls[2 * i + 1]; n.setAltitude(h); if (lastHeight == HEIGHT_UNDEFINED && locations.size() > 0) { for (Location l : locations) { if (!l.hasAltitude()) { l.setAltitude(h); } } } lastHeight = h; } locations.add(n); attachAlarmInfo(alarms, s, i, locations.size()); segmentsToPopulate.add(s); if (i == s.getEndPointIndex() ) { break; } if (plus) { i++; } else { i--; } } TurnType turn = s.getTurnType(); if(turn != null) { RouteDirectionInfo info = new RouteDirectionInfo(s.getSegmentSpeed(), turn); if (routeInd < list.size()) { int lind = routeInd; if(turn.isRoundAbout()) { int roundAboutEnd = prevLocationSize ; // take next name for roundabout (not roundabout name) while (lind < list.size() - 1 && list.get(lind).getObject().roundabout()) { roundAboutEnd += Math.abs(list.get(lind).getEndPointIndex() - list.get(lind).getStartPointIndex()); lind++; } // Consider roundabout end. info.routeEndPointOffset = roundAboutEnd; } RouteSegmentResult next = list.get(lind); info.setRef(next.getObject().getRef(ctx.getSettings().MAP_PREFERRED_LOCALE.get(), ctx.getSettings().MAP_TRANSLITERATE_NAMES.get(), next.isForwardDirection())); info.setStreetName(next.getObject().getName(ctx.getSettings().MAP_PREFERRED_LOCALE.get(), ctx.getSettings().MAP_TRANSLITERATE_NAMES.get())); info.setDestinationName(next.getObject().getDestinationName(ctx.getSettings().MAP_PREFERRED_LOCALE.get(), ctx.getSettings().MAP_TRANSLITERATE_NAMES.get(), next.isForwardDirection())); } String description = toString(turn, ctx, false) + " " + RoutingHelper.formatStreetName(info.getStreetName(), info.getRef(), info.getDestinationName(), ctx.getString(R.string.towards)); description = description.trim(); String[] pointNames = s.getObject().getPointNames(s.getStartPointIndex()); if(pointNames != null) { for (int t = 0; t < pointNames.length; t++) { description = description.trim(); description += " " + pointNames[t]; } } info.setDescriptionRoute(description); info.routePointOffset = prevLocationSize; if(directions.size() > 0 && prevDirectionTime > 0 && prevDirectionDistance > 0) { RouteDirectionInfo prev = directions.get(directions.size() - 1); prev.setAverageSpeed(prevDirectionDistance / prevDirectionTime); prevDirectionDistance = 0; prevDirectionTime = 0; } directions.add(info); } prevDirectionDistance += s.getDistance(); prevDirectionTime += s.getSegmentTime(); } if(directions.size() > 0 && prevDirectionTime > 0 && prevDirectionDistance > 0) { RouteDirectionInfo prev = directions.get(directions.size() - 1); prev.setAverageSpeed(prevDirectionDistance / prevDirectionTime); } return segmentsToPopulate; } protected static void addMissingTurnsToRoute(List<Location> locations, List<RouteDirectionInfo> originalDirections, Location start, LatLon end, ApplicationMode mode, Context ctx, boolean leftSide){ if(locations.isEmpty()){ return; } // speed m/s float speed = mode.getDefaultSpeed(); int minDistanceForTurn = mode.getMinDistanceForTurn(); List<RouteDirectionInfo> computeDirections = new ArrayList<RouteDirectionInfo>(); int[] listDistance = new int[locations.size()]; listDistance[locations.size() - 1] = 0; for (int i = locations.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { listDistance[i - 1] = (int) Math.round(locations.get(i - 1).distanceTo(locations.get(i))); listDistance[i - 1] += listDistance[i]; } int previousLocation = 0; int prevBearingLocation = 0; RouteDirectionInfo previousInfo = new RouteDirectionInfo(speed, TurnType.straight()); previousInfo.routePointOffset = 0; previousInfo.setDescriptionRoute(ctx.getString( R.string.route_head)); computeDirections.add(previousInfo); int distForTurn = 0; float previousBearing = 0; int startTurnPoint = 0; for (int i = 1; i < locations.size() - 1; i++) { Location next = locations.get(i + 1); Location current = locations.get(i); float bearing = current.bearingTo(next); // try to get close to current location if possible while(prevBearingLocation < i - 1){ if(locations.get(prevBearingLocation + 1).distanceTo(current) > 70){ prevBearingLocation ++; } else { break; } } if(distForTurn == 0){ // measure only after turn previousBearing = locations.get(prevBearingLocation).bearingTo(current); startTurnPoint = i; } TurnType type = null; String description = null; float delta = previousBearing - bearing; while(delta < 0){ delta += 360; } while(delta > 360){ delta -= 360; } distForTurn += locations.get(i).distanceTo(locations.get(i + 1)); if (i < locations.size() - 1 && distForTurn < minDistanceForTurn) { // For very smooth turn we try to accumulate whole distance // simply skip that turn needed for situation // 1) if you are going to have U-turn - not 2 left turns // 2) if there is a small gap between roads (turn right and after 4m next turn left) - so the direction head continue; } if(delta > 45 && delta < 315){ if(delta < 60){ type = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.TSLL, leftSide); description = ctx.getString( R.string.route_tsll); } else if(delta < 120){ type = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.TL, leftSide); description = ctx.getString( R.string.route_tl); } else if(delta < 150){ type = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.TSHL, leftSide); description = ctx.getString( R.string.route_tshl); } else if(delta < 210){ type = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.TU, leftSide); description = ctx.getString( R.string.route_tu); } else if(delta < 240){ description = ctx.getString( R.string.route_tshr); type = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.TSHR, leftSide); } else if(delta < 300){ description = ctx.getString( R.string.route_tr); type = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.TR, leftSide); } else { description = ctx.getString( R.string.route_tslr); type = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.TSLR, leftSide); } // calculate for previousRoute previousInfo.distance = listDistance[previousLocation]- listDistance[i]; type.setTurnAngle(360 - delta); previousInfo = new RouteDirectionInfo(speed, type); previousInfo.setDescriptionRoute(description); previousInfo.routePointOffset = startTurnPoint; computeDirections.add(previousInfo); previousLocation = startTurnPoint; prevBearingLocation = i; // for bearing using current location } // clear dist for turn distForTurn = 0; } previousInfo.distance = listDistance[previousLocation]; if (originalDirections.isEmpty()) { originalDirections.addAll(computeDirections); } else { int currentDirection = 0; // one more for (int i = 0; i <= originalDirections.size() && currentDirection < computeDirections.size(); i++) { while (currentDirection < computeDirections.size()) { int distanceAfter = 0; if (i < originalDirections.size()) { RouteDirectionInfo resInfo = originalDirections.get(i); int r1 = computeDirections.get(currentDirection).routePointOffset; int r2 = resInfo.routePointOffset; distanceAfter = listDistance[resInfo.routePointOffset]; float dist = locations.get(r1).distanceTo(locations.get(r2)); // take into account that move roundabout is special turn that could be very lengthy if (dist < 100) { // the same turn duplicate currentDirection++; continue; // while cycle } else if (computeDirections.get(currentDirection).routePointOffset > resInfo.routePointOffset) { // check it at the next point break; } } // add turn because it was missed RouteDirectionInfo toAdd = computeDirections.get(currentDirection); if (i > 0) { // update previous RouteDirectionInfo previous = originalDirections.get(i - 1); toAdd.setAverageSpeed(previous.getAverageSpeed()); } toAdd.distance = listDistance[toAdd.routePointOffset] - distanceAfter; if (i < originalDirections.size()) { originalDirections.add(i, toAdd); } else { originalDirections.add(toAdd); } i++; currentDirection++; } } } int sum = 0; for (int i = originalDirections.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { originalDirections.get(i).afterLeftTime = sum; sum += originalDirections.get(i).getExpectedTime(); } } public static String toString(TurnType type, Context ctx, boolean shortName) { if(type.isRoundAbout()){ if (shortName) { return ctx.getString(R.string.route_roundabout_short, type.getExitOut()); } else { return ctx.getString(R.string.route_roundabout, type.getExitOut()); } } else if(type.getValue() == TurnType.C) { return ctx.getString(R.string.route_head); } else if(type.getValue() == TurnType.TSLL) { return ctx.getString(R.string.route_tsll); } else if(type.getValue() == TurnType.TL) { return ctx.getString(R.string.route_tl); } else if(type.getValue() == TurnType.TSHL) { return ctx.getString(R.string.route_tshl); } else if(type.getValue() == TurnType.TSLR) { return ctx.getString(R.string.route_tslr); } else if(type.getValue() == TurnType.TR) { return ctx.getString(R.string.route_tr); } else if(type.getValue() == TurnType.TSHR) { return ctx.getString(R.string.route_tshr); } else if(type.getValue() == TurnType.TU) { return ctx.getString(R.string.route_tu); } else if(type.getValue() == TurnType.TRU) { return ctx.getString(R.string.route_tu); } else if(type.getValue() == TurnType.KL) { return ctx.getString(R.string.route_kl); } else if(type.getValue() == TurnType.KR) { return ctx.getString(R.string.route_kr); } return ""; } public String getErrorMessage() { return errorMessage; } /** * PREPARATION * Remove unnecessary go straight from CloudMade. * Remove also last direction because it will be added after. */ private void removeUnnecessaryGoAhead(List<RouteDirectionInfo> directions) { if (directions != null && directions.size() > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < directions.size();) { RouteDirectionInfo r = directions.get(i); if (r.getTurnType().getValue() == TurnType.C) { RouteDirectionInfo prev = directions.get(i - 1); prev.setAverageSpeed((prev.distance + r.distance) / (prev.distance / prev.getAverageSpeed() + r.distance / r.getAverageSpeed())); prev.setDistance(prev.distance + r.distance); directions.remove(i); } else { i++; } } } } /** * PREPARATION * Check points for duplicates (it is very bad for routing) - cloudmade could return it */ public static void checkForDuplicatePoints(List<Location> locations, List<RouteDirectionInfo> directions) { // for (int i = 0; i < locations.size() - 1;) { if (locations.get(i).distanceTo(locations.get(i + 1)) == 0) { locations.remove(i); if (directions != null) { for (RouteDirectionInfo info : directions) { if (info.routePointOffset > i) { info.routePointOffset--; } } } } else { i++; } } } /** * PREPARATION * If beginning is too far from start point, then introduce GO Ahead * @param end */ private static void introduceFirstPointAndLastPoint(List<Location> locations, List<RouteDirectionInfo> directions, List<RouteSegmentResult> segs, Location start, LatLon end) { if (!locations.isEmpty() && locations.get(0).distanceTo(start) > 50) { // add start point locations.add(0, start); if(segs != null) { segs.add(0, segs.get(0)); } if (directions != null && !directions.isEmpty()) { for (RouteDirectionInfo i : directions) { i.routePointOffset++; } RouteDirectionInfo info = new RouteDirectionInfo(directions.get(0).getAverageSpeed(), TurnType.straight()); info.routePointOffset = 0; // info.setDescriptionRoute(ctx.getString( R.string.route_head));//; //$NON-NLS-1$ directions.add(0, info); } checkForDuplicatePoints(locations, directions); } RouteDirectionInfo lastDirInf = directions.size() > 0 ? directions.get(directions.size() - 1) : null; if((lastDirInf == null || lastDirInf.routePointOffset < locations.size() - 1) && locations.size() - 1 > 0) { int type = TurnType.C; Location prevLast = locations.get(locations.size() - 2); float lastBearing = prevLast.bearingTo(locations.get(locations.size() - 1)); float[] compute = new float[2]; Location.distanceBetween(prevLast.getLatitude(), prevLast.getLongitude(), end.getLatitude(), end.getLongitude(), compute); float bearingToEnd = compute[1]; double diff = MapUtils.degreesDiff(lastBearing, bearingToEnd); if(Math.abs(diff) > 10) { type = diff > 0 ? TurnType.KL : TurnType.KR; } // Wrong AvgSpeed for the last turn can cause significantly wrong total travel time if calculated route ends on a GPX route segment (then last turn is where GPX is joined again) RouteDirectionInfo info = new RouteDirectionInfo(lastDirInf != null ? lastDirInf.getAverageSpeed() : 1, TurnType.valueOf(type, false)); info.distance = 0; info.afterLeftTime = 0; info.routePointOffset = locations.size() - 1; directions.add(info); } } /** * PREPARATION * At the end always update listDistance local vars and time */ private static void updateListDistanceTime(int[] listDistance, List<Location> locations) { if (listDistance.length > 0) { listDistance[locations.size() - 1] = 0; for (int i = locations.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { listDistance[i - 1] = (int) Math.round(locations.get(i - 1).distanceTo(locations.get(i))); listDistance[i - 1] += listDistance[i]; } } } /** * PREPARATION * At the end always update listDistance local vars and time */ private static void updateDirectionsTime(List<RouteDirectionInfo> directions, int[] listDistance) { int sum = 0; for (int i = directions.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { directions.get(i).afterLeftTime = sum; directions.get(i).distance = listDistance[directions.get(i).routePointOffset]; if (i < directions.size() - 1) { directions.get(i).distance -= listDistance[directions.get(i + 1).routePointOffset]; } sum += directions.get(i).getExpectedTime(); } } //////////////////// MUST BE ALL SYNCHRONIZED ??? ////////////////////// public List<Location> getImmutableAllLocations() { return locations; } public List<RouteDirectionInfo> getImmutableAllDirections() { return directions; } public List<Location> getRouteLocations() { if(currentRoute < locations.size()) { return locations.subList(currentRoute, locations.size()); } return Collections.emptyList(); } public int getRouteDistanceToFinish(int posFromCurrentIndex) { if(listDistance != null && currentRoute + posFromCurrentIndex < listDistance.length){ return listDistance[currentRoute + posFromCurrentIndex]; } return 0; } public RouteSegmentResult getCurrentSegmentResult() { int cs = currentRoute > 0 ? currentRoute - 1 : 0; if(cs < segments.size()) { return segments.get(cs); } return null; } public List<RouteSegmentResult> getUpcomingTunnel(float distToStart) { int cs = currentRoute > 0 ? currentRoute - 1 : 0; if(cs < segments.size()) { RouteSegmentResult prev = null; boolean tunnel = false; while(cs < segments.size() && distToStart > 0) { RouteSegmentResult segment = segments.get(cs); if(segment != prev ) { if(segment.getObject().tunnel()){ tunnel = true; break; } else { distToStart -= segment.getDistance(); prev = segment; } } cs++; } if(tunnel) { List<RouteSegmentResult> list = new ArrayList<RouteSegmentResult>(); while(cs < segments.size()) { RouteSegmentResult segment = segments.get(cs); if(segment != prev ) { if(segment.getObject().tunnel()) { list.add(segment); } else { break; } prev = segment; } cs++; } return list; } } return null; } public float getCurrentMaxSpeed() { RouteSegmentResult res = getCurrentSegmentResult(); if(res != null) { return res.getObject().getMaximumSpeed(res.isForwardDirection()); } return 0; } public float getRoutingTime() { return routingTime; } public int getWholeDistance() { if(listDistance.length > 0) { return listDistance[0]; } return 0; } public boolean isCalculated() { return !locations.isEmpty(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return locations.isEmpty() || currentRoute >= locations.size(); } public void updateCurrentRoute(int currentRoute) { this.currentRoute = currentRoute; while (currentDirectionInfo < directions.size() - 1 && directions.get(currentDirectionInfo + 1).routePointOffset < currentRoute && directions.get(currentDirectionInfo + 1).routeEndPointOffset < currentRoute) { currentDirectionInfo++; } while(nextIntermediate < intermediatePoints.length) { RouteDirectionInfo dir = directions.get(intermediatePoints[nextIntermediate]); if(dir.routePointOffset < currentRoute) { nextIntermediate ++; } else { break; } } } public int getCurrentRoute() { return currentRoute; } public void passIntermediatePoint(){ nextIntermediate ++ ; } public int getNextIntermediate() { return nextIntermediate; } public Location getLocationFromRouteDirection(RouteDirectionInfo i){ if(i != null && locations != null && i.routePointOffset < locations.size()){ return locations.get(i.routePointOffset); } return null; } /*public */NextDirectionInfo getNextRouteDirectionInfo(NextDirectionInfo info, Location fromLoc, boolean toSpeak) { int dirInfo = currentDirectionInfo; if (dirInfo < directions.size()) { // Locate next direction of interest int nextInd = dirInfo + 1; if (toSpeak) { while (nextInd < directions.size()) { RouteDirectionInfo i = directions.get(nextInd); if (i.getTurnType() != null && !i.getTurnType().isSkipToSpeak()) { break; } nextInd++; } } int dist = listDistance[currentRoute]; if (fromLoc != null) { dist += fromLoc.distanceTo(locations.get(currentRoute)); } if (nextInd < directions.size()) { info.directionInfo = directions.get(nextInd); if (directions.get(nextInd).routePointOffset <= currentRoute && currentRoute <= directions.get(nextInd).routeEndPointOffset) // We are not into a puntual direction. dist -= listDistance[directions.get(nextInd).routeEndPointOffset]; else dist -= listDistance[directions.get(nextInd).routePointOffset]; } if(intermediatePoints != null && nextIntermediate < intermediatePoints.length) { info.intermediatePoint = intermediatePoints[nextIntermediate] == nextInd; } info.directionInfoInd = nextInd; info.distanceTo = dist; return info; } info.directionInfoInd = -1; info.distanceTo = -1; info.directionInfo = null; return null; } /*public */NextDirectionInfo getNextRouteDirectionInfoAfter(NextDirectionInfo prev, NextDirectionInfo next, boolean toSpeak) { int dirInfo = prev.directionInfoInd; if (dirInfo < directions.size() && prev.directionInfo != null) { int dist = listDistance[prev.directionInfo.routePointOffset]; int nextInd = dirInfo + 1; if (toSpeak) { while (nextInd < directions.size()) { RouteDirectionInfo i = directions.get(nextInd); if (i.getTurnType() != null && !i.getTurnType().isSkipToSpeak()) { break; } nextInd++; } } if (nextInd < directions.size()) { next.directionInfo = directions.get(nextInd); dist -= listDistance[directions.get(nextInd).routePointOffset]; } if(intermediatePoints != null && nextIntermediate < intermediatePoints.length) { next.intermediatePoint = intermediatePoints[nextIntermediate] == nextInd; } next.distanceTo = dist; next.directionInfoInd = nextInd; return next; } next.directionInfoInd = -1; next.distanceTo = -1; next.directionInfo = null; return null; } public List<RouteDirectionInfo> getRouteDirections() { if(currentDirectionInfo < directions.size() - 1){ if(cacheCurrentTextDirectionInfo != currentDirectionInfo) { cacheCurrentTextDirectionInfo = currentDirectionInfo; List<RouteDirectionInfo> list = currentDirectionInfo == 0 ? directions : directions.subList(currentDirectionInfo + 1, directions.size()); cacheAgreggatedDirections = new ArrayList<RouteDirectionInfo>(); RouteDirectionInfo p = null; for(RouteDirectionInfo i : list) { // if(p == null || !i.getTurnType().isSkipToSpeak() || // (!Algorithms.objectEquals(p.getRef(), i.getRef()) && // !Algorithms.objectEquals(p.getStreetName(), i.getStreetName()))) { if(p == null || (i.getTurnType() != null && !i.getTurnType().isSkipToSpeak())) { p = new RouteDirectionInfo(i.getAverageSpeed(), i.getTurnType()); p.routePointOffset = i.routePointOffset; p.routeEndPointOffset = i.routeEndPointOffset; p.setDestinationName(i.getDestinationName()); p.setRef(i.getRef()); p.setStreetName(i.getStreetName()); p.setDescriptionRoute(i.getDescriptionRoutePart()); cacheAgreggatedDirections.add(p); } float time = i.getExpectedTime() + p.getExpectedTime(); p.distance += i.distance; p.setAverageSpeed(p.distance / time); p.afterLeftTime = i.afterLeftTime; } } return cacheAgreggatedDirections; } return Collections.emptyList(); } public Location getNextRouteLocation() { if(currentRoute < locations.size()) { return locations.get(currentRoute); } return null; } public Location getNextRouteLocation(int after) { if(currentRoute + after < locations.size()) { return locations.get(currentRoute + after); } return null; } public boolean directionsAvailable(){ return currentDirectionInfo < directions.size(); } public int getDistanceToPoint(int locationIndex) { if(listDistance != null && currentRoute < listDistance.length && locationIndex < listDistance.length && locationIndex > currentRoute){ return listDistance[currentRoute] - listDistance[locationIndex]; } return 0; } public int getDistanceToFinish(Location fromLoc) { if(listDistance != null && currentRoute < listDistance.length){ int dist = listDistance[currentRoute]; Location l = locations.get(currentRoute); if(fromLoc != null){ dist += fromLoc.distanceTo(l); } return dist; } return 0; } public int getDistanceToNextIntermediate(Location fromLoc) { if(listDistance != null && currentRoute < listDistance.length){ int dist = listDistance[currentRoute]; Location l = locations.get(currentRoute); if(fromLoc != null){ dist += fromLoc.distanceTo(l); } if(nextIntermediate >= intermediatePoints.length ){ return 0; } else { int directionInd = intermediatePoints[nextIntermediate]; return dist - listDistance[directions.get(directionInd).routePointOffset]; } } return 0; } public int getIndexOfIntermediate(int countFromLast) { final int j = intermediatePoints.length - countFromLast - 1; if(j < intermediatePoints.length && j >= 0) { int i = intermediatePoints[j]; return directions.get(i).routePointOffset; } return -1; } public int getIntermediatePointsToPass(){ if(nextIntermediate >= intermediatePoints.length) { return 0; } return intermediatePoints.length - nextIntermediate; } public int getLeftTime(Location fromLoc){ int time = 0; if(currentDirectionInfo < directions.size()) { RouteDirectionInfo current = directions.get(currentDirectionInfo); time = current.afterLeftTime; int distanceToNextTurn = listDistance[currentRoute]; if(currentDirectionInfo + 1 < directions.size()) { distanceToNextTurn -= listDistance[directions.get(currentDirectionInfo + 1).routePointOffset]; } Location l = locations.get(currentRoute); if(fromLoc != null){ distanceToNextTurn += fromLoc.distanceTo(l); } time += distanceToNextTurn / current.getAverageSpeed(); } return time; } public static class NextDirectionInfo { public RouteDirectionInfo directionInfo; public int distanceTo; public boolean intermediatePoint; public String pointName; public int imminent; private int directionInfoInd; } }