package; import; import; import; import; import net.osmand.IProgress; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.osmand.util.Algorithms; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class GpxSelectionHelper { private static final String CURRENT_TRACK = "currentTrack"; private static final String FILE = "file"; private static final String COLOR = "color"; private OsmandApplication app; @NonNull private List<SelectedGpxFile> selectedGPXFiles = new java.util.ArrayList<>(); private SavingTrackHelper savingTrackHelper; public GpxSelectionHelper(OsmandApplication osmandApplication, SavingTrackHelper trackHelper) { = osmandApplication; savingTrackHelper = trackHelper; } public void clearAllGpxFileToShow() { selectedGPXFiles.clear(); saveCurrentSelections(); } public boolean isShowingAnyGpxFiles() { return !selectedGPXFiles.isEmpty(); } @NonNull public List<SelectedGpxFile> getSelectedGPXFiles() { return selectedGPXFiles; } public String getGpxDescription() { if (selectedGPXFiles.size() == 1) { GPXFile currentGPX = app.getSavingTrackHelper().getCurrentGpx(); if (selectedGPXFiles.get(0).getGpxFile() == currentGPX) { return app.getResources().getString(R.string.current_track); } File file = new File(selectedGPXFiles.get(0).getGpxFile().path); return Algorithms.getFileNameWithoutExtension(file).replace('_', ' '); } else if (selectedGPXFiles.size() == 0) { return null; } else { return app.getResources().getString(R.string.number_of_gpx_files_selected_pattern, selectedGPXFiles.size()); } } public SelectedGpxFile getSelectedGPXFile(WptPt point) { for (SelectedGpxFile g : selectedGPXFiles) { if (g.getGpxFile().points.contains(point)) { return g; } } return null; } private String getString(int resId, Object... formatArgs) { return app.getString(resId, formatArgs); } public GpxDisplayGroup buildGpxDisplayGroup(GPXFile g, int trackIndex, String name) { Track t = g.tracks.get(trackIndex); GpxDisplayGroup group = new GpxDisplayGroup(g); group.gpxName = name; group.color = t.getColor(g.getColor(0)); group.setType(GpxDisplayItemType.TRACK_SEGMENT); group.setTrack(t); String ks = (trackIndex + 1) + ""; group.setName(getString(R.string.gpx_selection_track, name, g.tracks.size() == 1 ? "" : ks)); String d = ""; if ( != null && > 0) { d = + " " + d; } group.setDescription(d); processGroupTrack(app, group); return group; } private String getGroupName(GPXFile g) { String name = g.path; if (g.showCurrentTrack) { name = getString(R.string.shared_string_currently_recording_track); } else { int i = name.lastIndexOf('/'); if (i >= 0) { name = name.substring(i + 1); } i = name.lastIndexOf('\\'); if (i >= 0) { name = name.substring(i + 1); } if (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".gpx")) { name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 4); } name = name.replace('_', ' '); } return name; } public List<GpxDisplayGroup> collectDisplayGroups(GPXFile g) { List<GpxDisplayGroup> dg = new ArrayList<>(); String name = getGroupName(g); if (g.tracks.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < g.tracks.size(); i++) { GpxDisplayGroup group = buildGpxDisplayGroup(g, i, name); dg.add(group); } } if (g.routes.size() > 0) { int k = 0; for (Route route : g.routes) { GpxDisplayGroup group = new GpxDisplayGroup(g); group.gpxName = name; group.setType(GpxDisplayItemType.TRACK_ROUTE_POINTS); String d = getString(R.string.gpx_selection_number_of_points, name, route.points.size()); if ( != null && > 0) { d = + " " + d; } group.setDescription(d); String ks = (k++) + ""; group.setName(getString(R.string.gpx_selection_route_points, name, g.routes.size() == 1 ? "" : ks)); dg.add(group); List<GpxDisplayItem> list = group.getModifiableList(); int t = 0; for (WptPt r : route.points) { GpxDisplayItem item = new GpxDisplayItem(); = group; item.description = r.desc; item.expanded = true; =; t++; if (Algorithms.isEmpty( { = getString(R.string.gpx_selection_point, t + ""); } item.locationStart = r; item.locationEnd = r; list.add(item); } } } if (g.points.size() > 0) { GpxDisplayGroup group = new GpxDisplayGroup(g); group.gpxName = name; group.setType(GpxDisplayItemType.TRACK_POINTS); group.setDescription(getString(R.string.gpx_selection_number_of_points, g.points.size())); group.setName(getString(R.string.gpx_selection_points, name)); dg.add(group); List<GpxDisplayItem> list = group.getModifiableList(); int k = 0; for (WptPt r : g.points) { GpxDisplayItem item = new GpxDisplayItem(); = group; item.description = r.desc; =; k++; if (Algorithms.isEmpty( { = getString(R.string.gpx_selection_point, k + ""); } item.expanded = true; item.locationStart = r; item.locationEnd = r; list.add(item); } } return dg; } private static void processGroupTrack(OsmandApplication app, GpxDisplayGroup group) { List<GpxDisplayItem> list = group.getModifiableList(); String timeSpanClr = Algorithms.colorToString(ContextCompat.getColor(app, R.color.gpx_time_span_color)); String speedClr = Algorithms.colorToString(ContextCompat.getColor(app, R.color.gpx_speed)); String ascClr = Algorithms.colorToString(ContextCompat.getColor(app, R.color.gpx_altitude_asc)); String descClr = Algorithms.colorToString(ContextCompat.getColor(app, R.color.gpx_altitude_desc)); String distanceClr = Algorithms.colorToString(ContextCompat.getColor(app, R.color.gpx_distance_color)); final float eleThreshold = 3; // int t = 1; for (TrkSegment r : group.track.segments) { if (r.points.size() == 0) { continue; } GPXTrackAnalysis[] as; boolean split = true; if (group.splitDistance > 0) { List<GPXTrackAnalysis> trackSegments = r.splitByDistance(group.splitDistance); as = trackSegments.toArray(new GPXTrackAnalysis[trackSegments.size()]); } else if (group.splitTime > 0) { List<GPXTrackAnalysis> trackSegments = r.splitByTime(group.splitTime); as = trackSegments.toArray(new GPXTrackAnalysis[trackSegments.size()]); } else { split = false; as = new GPXTrackAnalysis[]{GPXTrackAnalysis.segment(0, r)}; } for (GPXTrackAnalysis analysis : as) { GpxDisplayItem item = new GpxDisplayItem(); = group; if (split) { item.splitMetric = analysis.metricEnd; item.secondarySplitMetric = analysis.secondaryMetricEnd; item.splitName = formatSplitName(analysis.metricEnd, group, app); item.splitName += " (" + formatSecondarySplitName(analysis.secondaryMetricEnd, group, app) + ") "; } item.description = GpxUiHelper.getDescription(app, analysis, true); item.analysis = analysis; String name = ""; // if(group.track.segments.size() > 1) { // name += t++ + ". "; // } if (!group.isSplitDistance()) { name += GpxUiHelper.getColorValue(distanceClr, OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedDistance(analysis.totalDistance, app)); } if ((analysis.timeSpan > 0 || analysis.timeMoving > 0) && !group.isSplitTime()) { long tm = analysis.timeMoving; if (tm == 0) { tm = analysis.timeSpan; } if (name.length() != 0) name += ", "; name += GpxUiHelper.getColorValue(timeSpanClr, Algorithms.formatDuration((int) (tm / 1000), app.accessibilityEnabled())); } if (analysis.isSpeedSpecified()) { if (name.length() != 0) name += ", "; name += GpxUiHelper.getColorValue(speedClr, OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedSpeed(analysis.avgSpeed, app)); } // add min/max elevation data to split track analysis to facilitate easier track/segment identification if (analysis.isElevationSpecified()) { if (name.length() != 0) name += ", "; name += GpxUiHelper.getColorValue(descClr, OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedAlt(analysis.minElevation, app)); name += " - "; name += GpxUiHelper.getColorValue(ascClr, OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedAlt(analysis.maxElevation, app)); } if (analysis.isElevationSpecified() && (analysis.diffElevationUp > eleThreshold || analysis.diffElevationDown > eleThreshold)) { if (name.length() != 0) name += ", "; if (analysis.diffElevationDown > eleThreshold) { name += GpxUiHelper.getColorValue(descClr, " \u2193 " + OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedAlt(analysis.diffElevationDown, app)); } if (analysis.diffElevationUp > eleThreshold) { name += GpxUiHelper.getColorValue(ascClr, " \u2191 " + OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedAlt(analysis.diffElevationUp, app)); } } = name; item.locationStart = analysis.locationStart; item.locationEnd = analysis.locationEnd; list.add(item); } } } private static String formatSecondarySplitName(double metricEnd, GpxDisplayGroup group, OsmandApplication app) { if (group.isSplitDistance()) { return Algorithms.formatDuration((int) metricEnd, app.accessibilityEnabled()); } else { return OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedDistance((float) metricEnd, app); } } private static String formatSplitName(double metricEnd, GpxDisplayGroup group, OsmandApplication app) { if (group.isSplitDistance()) { MetricsConstants mc = app.getSettings().METRIC_SYSTEM.get(); if (mc == MetricsConstants.KILOMETERS_AND_METERS) { final double sd = group.getSplitDistance(); int digits = sd < 100 ? 2 : (sd < 1000 ? 1 : 0); int rem1000 = (int) (metricEnd + 0.5) % 1000; if (rem1000 > 1 && digits < 1) { digits = 1; } int rem100 = (int) (metricEnd + 0.5) % 100; if (rem100 > 1 && digits < 2) { digits = 2; } return OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedRoundDistanceKm((float) metricEnd, digits, app); } else { return OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedDistance((float) metricEnd, app); } } else { return Algorithms.formatDuration((int) metricEnd, app.accessibilityEnabled()); } } public SelectedGpxFile getSelectedFileByPath(String path) { for (SelectedGpxFile s : selectedGPXFiles) { if (s.getGpxFile().path.equals(path)) { return s; } } return null; } public SelectedGpxFile getSelectedFileByName(String path) { for (SelectedGpxFile s : selectedGPXFiles) { if (s.getGpxFile().path.endsWith("/" + path)) { return s; } } return null; } public SelectedGpxFile getSelectedCurrentRecordingTrack() { for (SelectedGpxFile s : selectedGPXFiles) { if (s.isShowCurrentTrack()) { return s; } } return null; } public void setGpxFileToDisplay(GPXFile... gpxs) { // special case for gpx current route for (GPXFile gpx : gpxs) { selectGpxFileImpl(gpx, true, false); } saveCurrentSelections(); } public void loadGPXTracks(IProgress p) { String load = app.getSettings().SELECTED_GPX.get(); if (!Algorithms.isEmpty(load)) { try { JSONArray ar = new JSONArray(load); boolean save = false; for (int i = 0; i < ar.length(); i++) { JSONObject obj = ar.getJSONObject(i); if (obj.has(FILE)) { File fl = new File(obj.getString(FILE)); if (p != null) { p.startTask(getString(R.string.loading_smth, fl.getName()), -1); } GPXFile gpx = GPXUtilities.loadGPXFile(app, fl); if (obj.has(COLOR)) { int clr = Algorithms.parseColor(obj.getString(COLOR)); gpx.setColor(clr); } if (gpx.warning != null) { save = true; } else { selectGpxFile(gpx, true, false); } } else if (obj.has(CURRENT_TRACK)) { selectedGPXFiles.add(savingTrackHelper.getCurrentTrack()); } } if (save) { saveCurrentSelections(); } } catch (Exception e) { app.getSettings().SELECTED_GPX.set(""); e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void saveCurrentSelections() { JSONArray ar = new JSONArray(); for (SelectedGpxFile s : selectedGPXFiles) { if (s.gpxFile != null && !s.notShowNavigationDialog) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); try { if (s.isShowCurrentTrack()) { obj.put(CURRENT_TRACK, true); } else if (!Algorithms.isEmpty(s.gpxFile.path)) { obj.put(FILE, s.gpxFile.path); if (s.gpxFile.getColor(0) != 0) { obj.put(COLOR, Algorithms.colorToString(s.gpxFile.getColor(0))); } } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ar.put(obj); } } app.getSettings().SELECTED_GPX.set(ar.toString()); } private SelectedGpxFile selectGpxFileImpl(GPXFile gpx, boolean show, boolean notShowNavigationDialog) { boolean displayed; SelectedGpxFile sf; if (gpx != null && gpx.showCurrentTrack) { sf = savingTrackHelper.getCurrentTrack(); sf.notShowNavigationDialog = notShowNavigationDialog; displayed = selectedGPXFiles.contains(sf); } else { assert gpx != null; sf = getSelectedFileByPath(gpx.path); displayed = sf != null; if (show && sf == null) { sf = new SelectedGpxFile(); sf.setGpxFile(gpx); sf.notShowNavigationDialog = notShowNavigationDialog; } } if (displayed != show) { if (show) { selectedGPXFiles.add(sf); } else { selectedGPXFiles.remove(sf); } } return sf; } public SelectedGpxFile selectGpxFile(GPXFile gpx, boolean show, boolean notShowNavigationDialog) { SelectedGpxFile sf = selectGpxFileImpl(gpx, show, notShowNavigationDialog); saveCurrentSelections(); return sf; } public static class SelectedGpxFile { public boolean notShowNavigationDialog = false; private boolean showCurrentTrack; private GPXFile gpxFile; private int color; private GPXTrackAnalysis trackAnalysis; private long modifiedTime = -1; private List<TrkSegment> processedPointsToDisplay = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean routePoints; private List<GpxDisplayGroup> displayGroups; public void setGpxFile(GPXFile gpxFile) { this.gpxFile = gpxFile; if (gpxFile.tracks.size() > 0) { this.color = gpxFile.tracks.get(0).getColor(0); } processPoints(); } public GPXTrackAnalysis getTrackAnalysis() { if (modifiedTime != gpxFile.modifiedTime) { update(); } return trackAnalysis; } private void update() { modifiedTime = gpxFile.modifiedTime; trackAnalysis = gpxFile.getAnalysis( Algorithms.isEmpty(gpxFile.path) ? System.currentTimeMillis() : new File(gpxFile.path).lastModified()); displayGroups = null; } public void processPoints() { update(); this.processedPointsToDisplay = gpxFile.proccessPoints(); if (this.processedPointsToDisplay.isEmpty()) { this.processedPointsToDisplay = gpxFile.processRoutePoints(); routePoints = !this.processedPointsToDisplay.isEmpty(); } } public boolean isRoutePoints() { return routePoints; } public List<TrkSegment> getPointsToDisplay() { return processedPointsToDisplay; } public List<TrkSegment> getModifiablePointsToDisplay() { return processedPointsToDisplay; } public GPXFile getGpxFile() { return gpxFile; } public GPXFile getModifiableGpxFile() { // call process points after return gpxFile; } public boolean isShowCurrentTrack() { return showCurrentTrack; } public void setShowCurrentTrack(boolean showCurrentTrack) { this.showCurrentTrack = showCurrentTrack; } public int getColor() { return color; } public List<GpxDisplayGroup> getDisplayGroups() { if (modifiedTime != gpxFile.modifiedTime) { update(); } return displayGroups; } public void setDisplayGroups(List<GpxDisplayGroup> displayGroups) { if (modifiedTime != gpxFile.modifiedTime) { update(); } this.displayGroups = displayGroups; } } public enum GpxDisplayItemType { TRACK_SEGMENT, TRACK_POINTS, TRACK_ROUTE_POINTS } public static class GpxDisplayGroup { private GpxDisplayItemType type = GpxDisplayItemType.TRACK_SEGMENT; private List<GpxDisplayItem> list = new ArrayList<>(); private GPXFile gpx; private String gpxName; private String name; private String description; private Track track; private double splitDistance = -1; private int splitTime = -1; private int color; public GpxDisplayGroup(GPXFile gpx) { this.gpx = gpx; } public void setTrack(Track track) { this.track = track; } public GPXFile getGpx() { return gpx; } public Track getTrack() { return track; } public GpxDisplayGroup cloneInstance() { GpxDisplayGroup group = new GpxDisplayGroup(gpx); group.type = type; = name; group.description = description; group.track = track; group.list = new ArrayList<>(list); return group; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getGpxName() { return gpxName; } public String getName() { return name; } public List<GpxDisplayItem> getModifiableList() { return list; } public GpxDisplayItemType getType() { return type; } public void setType(GpxDisplayItemType type) { this.type = type; } public boolean isSplitDistance() { return splitDistance > 0; } public double getSplitDistance() { return splitDistance; } public boolean isSplitTime() { return splitTime > 0; } public int getSplitTime() { return splitTime; } public String getGroupName() { return name; } public void noSplit(OsmandApplication app) { list.clear(); splitDistance = -1; splitTime = -1; processGroupTrack(app, this); } public void splitByDistance(OsmandApplication app, double meters) { list.clear(); splitDistance = meters; splitTime = -1; processGroupTrack(app, this); } public void splitByTime(OsmandApplication app, int seconds) { list.clear(); splitDistance = -1; splitTime = seconds; processGroupTrack(app, this); } public int getColor() { return color; } } public static class GpxDisplayItem { public GPXTrackAnalysis analysis; public GpxDisplayGroup group; public WptPt locationStart; public WptPt locationEnd; public double splitMetric = -1; public double secondarySplitMetric = -1; public String splitName; public String name; public String description; public String url; public Bitmap image; public boolean expanded; public boolean route; public boolean wasHidden = true; public WptPt locationOnMap; public GPXDataSetType[] chartTypes; public GPXDataSetAxisType chartAxisType = GPXDataSetAxisType.DISTANCE; public Matrix chartMatrix; public float chartHighlightPos = -1f; } }