package; import; import com.jwetherell.openmap.common.LatLonPoint; import com.jwetherell.openmap.common.UTMPoint; import net.osmand.CollatorStringMatcher.StringMatcherMode; import net.osmand.ResultMatcher; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapAddressReaderAdapter; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader.SearchPoiTypeFilter; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader.SearchRequest; import net.osmand.binary.CommonWords; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.osmand.osm.AbstractPoiType; import net.osmand.osm.MapPoiTypes; import net.osmand.osm.PoiCategory; import net.osmand.osm.PoiFilter; import net.osmand.osm.PoiType; import; import; import; import net.osmand.util.Algorithms; import net.osmand.util.GeoPointParserUtil; import net.osmand.util.GeoPointParserUtil.GeoParsedPoint; import net.osmand.util.MapUtils; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList; public class SearchCoreFactory { public static final int MAX_DEFAULT_SEARCH_RADIUS = 7; //////////////// CONSTANTS ////////// public static final int SEARCH_REGION_API_PRIORITY = 300; public static final int SEARCH_REGION_OBJECT_PRIORITY = 1000; // context less public static final int SEARCH_LOCATION_PRIORITY = 0; public static final int SEARCH_AMENITY_TYPE_PRIORITY = 100; public static final int SEARCH_AMENITY_TYPE_API_PRIORITY = 100; // context public static final int SEARCH_STREET_BY_CITY_PRIORITY = 200; public static final int SEARCH_BUILDING_BY_CITY_PRIORITY = 300; public static final int SEARCH_BUILDING_BY_STREET_PRIORITY = 100; public static final int SEARCH_AMENITY_BY_TYPE_PRIORITY = 300; // context less (slow) public static final int SEARCH_ADDRESS_BY_NAME_API_PRIORITY = 500; public static final int SEARCH_ADDRESS_BY_NAME_API_PRIORITY_RADIUS2 = 500; public static final int SEARCH_ADDRESS_BY_NAME_PRIORITY = 500; public static final int SEARCH_ADDRESS_BY_NAME_PRIORITY_RADIUS2 = 500; // context less (slower) public static final int SEARCH_AMENITY_BY_NAME_PRIORITY = 700; public static final int SEARCH_AMENITY_BY_NAME_API_PRIORITY_IF_POI_TYPE = 700; public static final int SEARCH_AMENITY_BY_NAME_API_PRIORITY_IF_3_CHAR = 700; protected static final double SEARCH_AMENITY_BY_NAME_CITY_PRIORITY_DISTANCE = 0.001; protected static final double SEARCH_AMENITY_BY_NAME_TOWN_PRIORITY_DISTANCE = 0.005; public static abstract class SearchBaseAPI implements SearchCoreAPI { private ObjectType[] searchTypes; protected SearchBaseAPI(ObjectType... searchTypes) { if (searchTypes == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Search types are not defined for search core API"); } this.searchTypes = searchTypes; } @Override public boolean isSearchAvailable(SearchPhrase p) { ObjectType[] typesToSearch = p.getSearchTypes(); ObjectType exclusiveSearchType = p.getExclusiveSearchType(); if (exclusiveSearchType != null) { return searchTypes != null && searchTypes.length == 1 && searchTypes[0] == exclusiveSearchType; } else if (typesToSearch == null) { return true; } else { for (ObjectType type : searchTypes) { for (ObjectType ts : typesToSearch) { if (type == ts) { return true; } } } return false; } } @Override public boolean search(SearchPhrase phrase, SearchResultMatcher resultMatcher) throws IOException { return true; } @Override public int getSearchPriority(SearchPhrase p) { return 1; } @Override public boolean isSearchMoreAvailable(SearchPhrase phrase) { return phrase.getRadiusLevel() < MAX_DEFAULT_SEARCH_RADIUS; } protected void subSearchApiOrPublish(SearchPhrase phrase, SearchResultMatcher resultMatcher, SearchResult res, SearchBaseAPI api) throws IOException { phrase.countUnknownWordsMatch(res); int cnt = resultMatcher.getCount(); List<String> ws = phrase.getUnknownSearchWords(res.otherWordsMatch); if(!res.firstUnknownWordMatches) { ws.add(phrase.getUnknownSearchWord()); } // publish result to set parentSearchResult before search resultMatcher.publish(res); if (!ws.isEmpty() && api != null && api.isSearchAvailable(phrase)) { SearchPhrase nphrase = phrase.selectWord(res, ws, phrase.isLastUnknownSearchWordComplete()); SearchResult prev = resultMatcher.setParentSearchResult(res); res.parentSearchResult = prev;, resultMatcher); resultMatcher.setParentSearchResult(prev); } // if (resultMatcher.getCount() == cnt) { // resultMatcher.publish(res); // } } } public static class SearchRegionByNameAPI extends SearchBaseAPI { public SearchRegionByNameAPI() { super(ObjectType.REGION); } @Override public boolean search(SearchPhrase phrase, SearchResultMatcher resultMatcher) throws IOException { for (BinaryMapIndexReader bmir : phrase.getOfflineIndexes()) { if (bmir.getRegionCenter() != null) { SearchResult sr = new SearchResult(phrase); sr.localeName = bmir.getRegionName(); sr.object = bmir; sr.file = bmir; sr.priority = SEARCH_REGION_OBJECT_PRIORITY; sr.objectType = ObjectType.REGION; sr.location = bmir.getRegionCenter(); sr.preferredZoom = 6; if (phrase.getUnknownSearchWordLength() <= 1 && phrase.isNoSelectedType()) { resultMatcher.publish(sr); } else if (phrase.getNameStringMatcher().matches(sr.localeName)) { resultMatcher.publish(sr); } } } return true; } @Override public boolean isSearchMoreAvailable(SearchPhrase phrase) { return false; } @Override public int getSearchPriority(SearchPhrase p) { if(!p.isNoSelectedType()) { return -1; } return SEARCH_REGION_API_PRIORITY; } } private static String stripBraces(String localeName) { int i = localeName.indexOf('('); String retName = localeName; if (i > -1) { retName = localeName.substring(0, i); int j = localeName.indexOf(')', i); if (j > -1) { retName = retName.trim() + ' ' + localeName.substring(j); } } return retName; } public static class SearchAddressByNameAPI extends SearchBaseAPI { private static final int DEFAULT_ADDRESS_BBOX_RADIUS = 100 * 1000; private static final int LIMIT = 10000; private Map<BinaryMapIndexReader, List<City>> townCities = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private QuadTree<City> townCitiesQR = new QuadTree<City>(new QuadRect(0, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE), 8, 0.55f); private List<City> resArray = new ArrayList<>(); private SearchStreetByCityAPI cityApi; private SearchBuildingAndIntersectionsByStreetAPI streetsApi; public SearchAddressByNameAPI(SearchBuildingAndIntersectionsByStreetAPI streetsApi, SearchStreetByCityAPI cityApi) { super(ObjectType.CITY, ObjectType.VILLAGE, ObjectType.POSTCODE, ObjectType.STREET, ObjectType.HOUSE, ObjectType.STREET_INTERSECTION); this.streetsApi = streetsApi; this.cityApi = cityApi; } @Override public int getSearchPriority(SearchPhrase p) { if (!p.isNoSelectedType() && p.getRadiusLevel() == 1) { return -1; } if(p.isLastWord(ObjectType.POI) || p.isLastWord(ObjectType.POI_TYPE)) { return -1; } if (p.isNoSelectedType()) { return SEARCH_ADDRESS_BY_NAME_API_PRIORITY; } return SEARCH_ADDRESS_BY_NAME_API_PRIORITY_RADIUS2; } @Override public boolean isSearchMoreAvailable(SearchPhrase phrase) { // case when street is not found for given city is covered by SearchStreetByCityAPI return getSearchPriority(phrase) != -1 && super.isSearchMoreAvailable(phrase); } @Override public boolean search(final SearchPhrase phrase, final SearchResultMatcher resultMatcher) throws IOException { if (!phrase.isUnknownSearchWordPresent() && !phrase.isEmptyQueryAllowed()) { return false; } // phrase.isLastWord(ObjectType.CITY, ObjectType.VILLAGE, ObjectType.POSTCODE) || phrase.isLastWord(ObjectType.REGION) if (phrase.isNoSelectedType() || phrase.getRadiusLevel() >= 2) { initAndSearchCities(phrase, resultMatcher); // not publish results (let it sort) // resultMatcher.apiSearchFinished(this, phrase); searchByName(phrase, resultMatcher); } return true; } private void initAndSearchCities(final SearchPhrase phrase, final SearchResultMatcher resultMatcher) throws IOException { QuadRect bbox = phrase.getRadiusBBoxToSearch(DEFAULT_ADDRESS_BBOX_RADIUS * 20); Iterator<BinaryMapIndexReader> offlineIndexes = phrase.getOfflineIndexes(bbox, SearchPhraseDataType.ADDRESS); while (offlineIndexes.hasNext()) { BinaryMapIndexReader r =; if (!townCities.containsKey(r)) { BinaryMapIndexReader.buildAddressRequest(null); List<City> l = r.getCities(null, BinaryMapAddressReaderAdapter.CITY_TOWN_TYPE); townCities.put(r, l); for (City c : l) { LatLon cl = c.getLocation(); c.setReferenceFile(r); int y = MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(cl.getLatitude()); int x = MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(cl.getLongitude()); QuadRect qr = new QuadRect(x, y, x, y); townCitiesQR.insert(c, qr); } } } if (phrase.isNoSelectedType() && bbox != null && (phrase.isUnknownSearchWordPresent() || phrase.isEmptyQueryAllowed()) && phrase.isSearchTypeAllowed(ObjectType.CITY)) { String wrd = phrase.getUnknownWordToSearch(); NameStringMatcher nm = phrase.getNameStringMatcher(wrd, phrase.isUnknownSearchWordComplete()); // NameStringMatcher nm = phrase.getNameStringMatcher(); resArray.clear(); resArray = townCitiesQR.queryInBox(bbox, resArray); int limit = 0; for (City c : resArray) { SearchResult res = new SearchResult(phrase); res.object = c; res.file = (BinaryMapIndexReader) c.getReferenceFile(); res.localeName = c.getName(phrase.getSettings().getLang(), phrase.getSettings().isTransliterate()); res.otherNames = c.getAllNames(true); res.localeRelatedObjectName = res.file.getRegionName(); res.relatedObject = res.file; res.location = c.getLocation(); res.priority = SEARCH_ADDRESS_BY_NAME_PRIORITY; res.priorityDistance = 0.1; res.objectType = ObjectType.CITY; if (phrase.isEmptyQueryAllowed() && phrase.isEmpty()) { resultMatcher.publish(res); } else if (nm.matches(res.localeName) || nm.matches(res.otherNames)) { res.firstUnknownWordMatches = wrd.equals(phrase.getUnknownSearchWord()); subSearchApiOrPublish(phrase, resultMatcher, res, cityApi); } if (limit++ > LIMIT * phrase.getRadiusLevel()) { break; } } } } private void searchByName(final SearchPhrase phrase, final SearchResultMatcher resultMatcher) throws IOException { if (phrase.getRadiusLevel() > 1 || phrase.getUnknownSearchWordLength() > 3 || phrase.getUnknownSearchWords().size() > 0) { final boolean locSpecified = phrase.getLastTokenLocation() != null; LatLon loc = phrase.getLastTokenLocation(); final List<SearchResult> immediateResults = new ArrayList<>(); final QuadRect streetBbox = phrase.getRadiusBBoxToSearch(DEFAULT_ADDRESS_BBOX_RADIUS); final QuadRect postcodeBbox = phrase.getRadiusBBoxToSearch(DEFAULT_ADDRESS_BBOX_RADIUS * 5); final QuadRect villagesBbox = phrase.getRadiusBBoxToSearch(DEFAULT_ADDRESS_BBOX_RADIUS * 3); final QuadRect cityBbox = phrase.getRadiusBBoxToSearch(DEFAULT_ADDRESS_BBOX_RADIUS * 5); // covered by separate search before final int priority = phrase.isNoSelectedType() ? SEARCH_ADDRESS_BY_NAME_PRIORITY : SEARCH_ADDRESS_BY_NAME_PRIORITY_RADIUS2; final BinaryMapIndexReader[] currentFile = new BinaryMapIndexReader[1]; ResultMatcher<MapObject> rm = new ResultMatcher<MapObject>() { int limit = 0; @Override public boolean publish(MapObject object) { if (isCancelled()) { return false; } SearchResult sr = new SearchResult(phrase); sr.object = object; sr.file = currentFile[0]; sr.localeName = object.getName(phrase.getSettings().getLang(), phrase.getSettings().isTransliterate()); sr.otherNames = object.getAllNames(true); sr.localeRelatedObjectName = sr.file.getRegionName(); sr.relatedObject = sr.file; sr.location = object.getLocation(); sr.priorityDistance = 1; sr.priority = priority; int y = MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(object.getLocation().getLatitude()); int x = MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(object.getLocation().getLongitude()); List<City> closestCities = null; if (object instanceof Street) { if ((locSpecified && !streetBbox.contains(x, y, x, y)) || !phrase.isSearchTypeAllowed(ObjectType.STREET)) { return false; } if (object.getName().startsWith("<")) { return false; } if (!phrase.getNameStringMatcher().matches(stripBraces(sr.localeName))) { sr.priorityDistance = 5; } sr.objectType = ObjectType.STREET; sr.localeRelatedObjectName = ((Street)object).getCity().getName(phrase.getSettings().getLang(), phrase.getSettings().isTransliterate()); sr.relatedObject = ((Street)object).getCity(); } else if (object instanceof City) { CityType type = ((City)object).getType(); if (type == CityType.CITY || type == CityType.TOWN) { if (phrase.isNoSelectedType()) { // ignore city/town return false; } if ((locSpecified && !cityBbox.contains(x, y, x, y)) || !phrase.isSearchTypeAllowed(ObjectType.CITY)) { return false; } sr.objectType = ObjectType.CITY; sr.priorityDistance = 0.1; } else if (((City)object).isPostcode()) { if ((locSpecified && !postcodeBbox.contains(x, y, x, y)) || !phrase.isSearchTypeAllowed(ObjectType.POSTCODE)) { return false; } sr.objectType = ObjectType.POSTCODE; } else { if ((locSpecified && !villagesBbox.contains(x, y, x, y)) || !phrase.isSearchTypeAllowed(ObjectType.VILLAGE)) { return false; } City c = null; if (closestCities == null) { closestCities = townCitiesQR.queryInBox(villagesBbox, new ArrayList<City>()); } double minDist = -1; double pDist = -1; for (City s : closestCities) { double ll = MapUtils.getDistance(s.getLocation(), object.getLocation()); double pd = s.getType() == CityType.CITY ? ll : ll * 10; if(minDist == -1 || pd < pDist) { c = s; minDist = ll; pDist = pd ; } } if (c != null) { sr.localeRelatedObjectName = c.getName(phrase.getSettings().getLang(), phrase.getSettings().isTransliterate()); sr.relatedObject = c; sr.distRelatedObjectName = minDist; } sr.objectType = ObjectType.VILLAGE; } } else { return false; } limit ++; immediateResults.add(sr); return false; } @Override public boolean isCancelled() { return limit > LIMIT * phrase.getRadiusLevel() || resultMatcher.isCancelled(); } }; Iterator<BinaryMapIndexReader> offlineIterator = phrase.getRadiusOfflineIndexes(DEFAULT_ADDRESS_BBOX_RADIUS * 5, SearchPhraseDataType.ADDRESS); String wordToSearch = phrase.getUnknownWordToSearch(); while (offlineIterator.hasNext() && wordToSearch.length() > 0) { BinaryMapIndexReader r =; currentFile[0] = r; immediateResults.clear(); SearchRequest<MapObject> req = BinaryMapIndexReader.buildAddressByNameRequest(rm, wordToSearch.toLowerCase(), phrase.isUnknownSearchWordComplete() ? StringMatcherMode.CHECK_EQUALS_FROM_SPACE : StringMatcherMode.CHECK_STARTS_FROM_SPACE); if (locSpecified) { req.setBBoxRadius(loc.getLatitude(), loc.getLongitude(), phrase.getRadiusSearch(DEFAULT_ADDRESS_BBOX_RADIUS * 5)); } r.searchAddressDataByName(req); for (SearchResult res : immediateResults) { res.firstUnknownWordMatches = wordToSearch.equals(phrase.getUnknownSearchWord()); if (res.objectType == ObjectType.STREET) { City ct = ((Street) res.object).getCity(); phrase.countUnknownWordsMatch(res, ct.getName(phrase.getSettings().getLang(), phrase.getSettings().isTransliterate()), ct.getAllNames(true)); subSearchApiOrPublish(phrase, resultMatcher, res, streetsApi); } else { subSearchApiOrPublish(phrase, resultMatcher, res, cityApi); } } resultMatcher.apiSearchRegionFinished(this, r, phrase); } } } } public static class SearchAmenityByNameAPI extends SearchBaseAPI { private static final int LIMIT = 10000; private static final int BBOX_RADIUS = 500 * 1000; private static final int BBOX_RADIUS_INSIDE = 10000 * 1000; // to support city search for basemap public SearchAmenityByNameAPI() { super(ObjectType.POI); } @Override public boolean search(final SearchPhrase phrase, final SearchResultMatcher resultMatcher) throws IOException { if(!phrase.isUnknownSearchWordPresent()) { return false; } final BinaryMapIndexReader[] currentFile = new BinaryMapIndexReader[1]; Iterator<BinaryMapIndexReader> offlineIterator = phrase.getRadiusOfflineIndexes(BBOX_RADIUS, SearchPhraseDataType.POI); final NameStringMatcher nm = phrase.getNameStringMatcher(); QuadRect bbox = phrase.getRadiusBBoxToSearch(BBOX_RADIUS_INSIDE); SearchRequest<Amenity> req = BinaryMapIndexReader.buildSearchPoiRequest( (int)bbox.centerX(), (int)bbox.centerY(), phrase.getUnknownSearchWord(), (int)bbox.left, (int)bbox.right, (int), (int)bbox.bottom, new ResultMatcher<Amenity>() { int limit = 0; @Override public boolean publish(Amenity object) { if (limit ++ > LIMIT) { return false; } SearchResult sr = new SearchResult(phrase); sr.otherNames = object.getAllNames(true); sr.localeName = object.getName(phrase.getSettings().getLang(), phrase.getSettings().isTransliterate()); if (phrase.isUnknownSearchWordComplete()) { if(!nm.matches(sr.localeName) && !nm.matches(sr.otherNames)) { return false; } } sr.object = object; sr.preferredZoom = 17; sr.file = currentFile[0]; sr.location = object.getLocation(); if (object.getSubType().equals("city") || object.getSubType().equals("country")) { sr.priorityDistance = SEARCH_AMENITY_BY_NAME_CITY_PRIORITY_DISTANCE; sr.preferredZoom = object.getSubType().equals("country") ? 7 : 13; } else if (object.getSubType().equals("town")) { sr.priorityDistance = SEARCH_AMENITY_BY_NAME_TOWN_PRIORITY_DISTANCE; } else { sr.priorityDistance = 1; } sr.priority = SEARCH_AMENITY_BY_NAME_PRIORITY; phrase.countUnknownWordsMatch(sr); sr.objectType = ObjectType.POI; resultMatcher.publish(sr); return false; } @Override public boolean isCancelled() { return resultMatcher.isCancelled() && (limit < LIMIT) ; } }); while (offlineIterator.hasNext()) { BinaryMapIndexReader r =; currentFile[0] = r; r.searchPoiByName(req); resultMatcher.apiSearchRegionFinished(this, r, phrase); } return true; } @Override public int getSearchPriority(SearchPhrase p) { if (p.hasObjectType(ObjectType.POI) || !p.isUnknownSearchWordPresent()) { return -1; } if (p.hasObjectType(ObjectType.POI_TYPE)) { return -1; } if (p.getUnknownSearchWordLength() > 3 || p.getRadiusLevel() > 1) { return SEARCH_AMENITY_BY_NAME_API_PRIORITY_IF_3_CHAR; } return -1; } @Override public boolean isSearchMoreAvailable(SearchPhrase phrase) { return super.isSearchMoreAvailable(phrase) && getSearchPriority(phrase) != -1; } } public static class SearchAmenityTypesAPI extends SearchBaseAPI { private Map<String, PoiType> translatedNames = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private List<PoiFilter> topVisibleFilters; private List<PoiCategory> categories; private List<CustomSearchPoiFilter> customPoiFilters = new ArrayList<>(); private TIntArrayList customPoiFiltersPriorites = new TIntArrayList(); private MapPoiTypes types; public SearchAmenityTypesAPI(MapPoiTypes types) { super(ObjectType.POI_TYPE); this.types = types; } public void clearCustomFilters() { this.customPoiFilters.clear(); this.customPoiFiltersPriorites.clear(); } public void addCustomFilter(CustomSearchPoiFilter poiFilter, int priority) { this.customPoiFilters.add(poiFilter); this.customPoiFiltersPriorites.add(priority); } @Override public boolean search(SearchPhrase phrase, SearchResultMatcher resultMatcher) throws IOException { if (translatedNames.isEmpty()) { translatedNames = types.getAllTranslatedNames(false); topVisibleFilters = types.getTopVisibleFilters(); categories = types.getCategories(false); } // results.clear(); List<AbstractPoiType> results = new ArrayList<AbstractPoiType>() ; NameStringMatcher nm = phrase.getNameStringMatcher(); for (PoiFilter pf : topVisibleFilters) { if (!phrase.isUnknownSearchWordPresent() || nm.matches(pf.getTranslation())) { results.add(pf); } } if (phrase.isUnknownSearchWordPresent()) { for (PoiCategory c : categories) { if (!results.contains(c) && nm.matches(c.getTranslation())) { results.add(c); } } Iterator<Entry<String, PoiType>> it = translatedNames.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<String, PoiType> e =; PoiType pt = e.getValue(); if (pt.getCategory() != types.getOtherMapCategory()) { if (!results.contains(pt) && (nm.matches(e.getKey()) || nm.matches(pt.getTranslation()))) { results.add(pt); } List<PoiType> additionals = pt.getPoiAdditionals(); if (additionals != null) { for (PoiType a : additionals) { if (!a.isReference() && !results.contains(a) && (nm.matches(a.getKeyName().replace('_', ' ')) || nm.matches(a.getTranslation()))) { results.add(a); } } } } } } for (AbstractPoiType pt : results) { SearchResult res = new SearchResult(phrase); res.localeName = pt.getTranslation(); res.object = pt; res.priority = SEARCH_AMENITY_TYPE_PRIORITY; res.priorityDistance = 0; res.objectType = ObjectType.POI_TYPE; resultMatcher.publish(res); } for (int i = 0; i < customPoiFilters.size(); i++) { CustomSearchPoiFilter csf = customPoiFilters.get(i); int p = customPoiFiltersPriorites.get(i); if (!phrase.isUnknownSearchWordPresent() || nm.matches(csf.getName())) { SearchResult res = new SearchResult(phrase); res.localeName = csf.getName(); res.object = csf; res.priority = SEARCH_AMENITY_TYPE_PRIORITY + p; res.objectType = ObjectType.POI_TYPE; resultMatcher.publish(res); } } return true; } @Override public boolean isSearchMoreAvailable(SearchPhrase phrase) { return false; } @Override public int getSearchPriority(SearchPhrase p) { if (p.hasObjectType(ObjectType.POI) || p.hasObjectType(ObjectType.POI_TYPE)) { return -1; } if (!p.isNoSelectedType() && !p.isUnknownSearchWordPresent()) { return -1; } return SEARCH_AMENITY_TYPE_API_PRIORITY; } } public static class SearchAmenityByTypeAPI extends SearchBaseAPI { private MapPoiTypes types; public SearchAmenityByTypeAPI(MapPoiTypes types) { super(ObjectType.POI); this.types = types; } @Override public boolean isSearchMoreAvailable(SearchPhrase phrase) { return getSearchPriority(phrase) != -1 && super.isSearchMoreAvailable(phrase); } private Map<PoiCategory, LinkedHashSet<String>> acceptedTypes = new LinkedHashMap<PoiCategory, LinkedHashSet<String>>(); private Map<String, PoiType> poiAdditionals = new HashMap<String, PoiType>(); public void updateTypesToAccept(AbstractPoiType pt) { pt.putTypes(acceptedTypes); if (pt instanceof PoiType && ((PoiType) pt).isAdditional() && ((PoiType) pt).getParentType() != null) { fillPoiAdditionals(((PoiType) pt).getParentType()); } else { fillPoiAdditionals(pt); } } private void fillPoiAdditionals(AbstractPoiType pt) { for (PoiType add : pt.getPoiAdditionals()) { poiAdditionals.put(add.getKeyName().replace('_', ':').replace(' ', ':'), add); poiAdditionals.put(add.getTranslation().replace(' ', ':').toLowerCase(), add); } if (pt instanceof PoiFilter && !(pt instanceof PoiCategory)) { for (PoiType ps : ((PoiFilter) pt).getPoiTypes()) { fillPoiAdditionals(ps); } } } @Override public boolean search(final SearchPhrase phrase, final SearchResultMatcher resultMatcher) throws IOException { if (phrase.isLastWord(ObjectType.POI_TYPE)) { Object obj = phrase.getLastSelectedWord().getResult().object; SearchPoiTypeFilter ptf; if (obj instanceof AbstractPoiType) { ptf = getPoiTypeFilter((AbstractPoiType) obj); } else if (obj instanceof SearchPoiTypeFilter) { ptf = (SearchPoiTypeFilter) obj; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } QuadRect bbox = phrase.getRadiusBBoxToSearch(10000); List<BinaryMapIndexReader> oo = phrase.getOfflineIndexes(); for (BinaryMapIndexReader o : oo) { ResultMatcher<Amenity> rm = getResultMatcher(phrase, resultMatcher, o); if (obj instanceof CustomSearchPoiFilter) { rm = ((CustomSearchPoiFilter) obj).wrapResultMatcher(rm); } SearchRequest<Amenity> req = BinaryMapIndexReader.buildSearchPoiRequest( (int)bbox.left, (int)bbox.right, (int), (int)bbox.bottom, -1, ptf, rm); o.searchPoi(req); resultMatcher.apiSearchRegionFinished(this, o, phrase); } } return true; } private ResultMatcher<Amenity> getResultMatcher(final SearchPhrase phrase, final SearchResultMatcher resultMatcher, final BinaryMapIndexReader selected) { final NameStringMatcher ns = phrase.getNameStringMatcher(); return new ResultMatcher<Amenity>() { @Override public boolean publish(Amenity object) { SearchResult res = new SearchResult(phrase); res.localeName = object.getName(phrase.getSettings().getLang(), phrase.getSettings().isTransliterate()); res.otherNames = object.getAllNames(true); if (Algorithms.isEmpty(res.localeName)) { AbstractPoiType st = types.getAnyPoiTypeByKey(object.getSubType()); if (st != null) { res.localeName = st.getTranslation(); } else { res.localeName = object.getSubType(); } } if (phrase.isUnknownSearchWordPresent() && !(ns.matches(res.localeName) || ns.matches(res.otherNames))) { return false; } res.object = object; res.preferredZoom = 17; res.file = selected; res.location = object.getLocation(); res.priority = SEARCH_AMENITY_BY_TYPE_PRIORITY; res.priorityDistance = 1; res.objectType = ObjectType.POI; resultMatcher.publish(res); return false; } @Override public boolean isCancelled() { return resultMatcher.isCancelled(); } }; } private SearchPoiTypeFilter getPoiTypeFilter(AbstractPoiType pt) { acceptedTypes.clear(); poiAdditionals.clear(); updateTypesToAccept(pt); return new SearchPoiTypeFilter() { @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return false; } @Override public boolean accept(PoiCategory type, String subtype) { if (type == null) { return true; } if (!types.isRegisteredType(type)) { type = types.getOtherPoiCategory(); } if (!acceptedTypes.containsKey(type)) { return false; } LinkedHashSet<String> set = acceptedTypes.get(type); if (set == null) { return true; } return set.contains(subtype); } }; } @Override public int getSearchPriority(SearchPhrase p) { if (p.isLastWord(ObjectType.POI_TYPE) && p.getLastTokenLocation() != null) { return SEARCH_AMENITY_BY_TYPE_PRIORITY; } return -1; } } public static class SearchStreetByCityAPI extends SearchBaseAPI { private SearchBaseAPI streetsAPI; public SearchStreetByCityAPI(SearchBuildingAndIntersectionsByStreetAPI streetsAPI) { super(ObjectType.HOUSE, ObjectType.STREET, ObjectType.STREET_INTERSECTION); this.streetsAPI = streetsAPI; } @Override public boolean isSearchMoreAvailable(SearchPhrase phrase) { // case when street is not found for given city is covered here return phrase.getRadiusLevel() == 1 && getSearchPriority(phrase) != -1; } private static int LIMIT = 10000; @Override public boolean search(SearchPhrase phrase, SearchResultMatcher resultMatcher) throws IOException { SearchWord sw = phrase.getLastSelectedWord(); if (isLastWordCityGroup(phrase) && sw.getResult() != null && sw.getResult().file != null) { City c = (City) sw.getResult().object; if (c.getStreets().isEmpty()) { sw.getResult().file.preloadStreets(c, null); } int limit = 0; String wordToSearch = phrase.getUnknownWordToSearch(); boolean firstUnknownWordMatches = wordToSearch.equals(phrase.getUnknownSearchWord()); NameStringMatcher nm = phrase.getNameStringMatcher(wordToSearch, phrase.isUnknownSearchWordComplete()); for (Street object : c.getStreets()) { SearchResult res = new SearchResult(phrase); res.localeName = object.getName(phrase.getSettings().getLang(), phrase.getSettings().isTransliterate()); res.otherNames = object.getAllNames(true); if (object.getName().startsWith("<")) { // streets related to city continue; } if (phrase.isUnknownSearchWordPresent() && !(nm.matches(res.localeName) || nm.matches(res.otherNames))) { continue; } res.firstUnknownWordMatches = firstUnknownWordMatches || phrase.getNameStringMatcher().matches(res.localeName) || phrase.getNameStringMatcher().matches(res.otherNames); res.localeRelatedObjectName = c.getName(phrase.getSettings().getLang(), phrase.getSettings().isTransliterate()); res.object = object; res.preferredZoom = 17; res.file = sw.getResult().file; res.location = object.getLocation(); res.priority = SEARCH_STREET_BY_CITY_PRIORITY; //res.priorityDistance = 1; res.objectType = ObjectType.STREET; subSearchApiOrPublish(phrase, resultMatcher, res, streetsAPI); if (limit++ > LIMIT) { break; } } return true; } return true; } @Override public int getSearchPriority(SearchPhrase p) { if (isLastWordCityGroup(p)) { return SEARCH_STREET_BY_CITY_PRIORITY; } return -1; } } public static boolean isLastWordCityGroup(SearchPhrase p ) { return p.isLastWord(ObjectType.CITY) || p.isLastWord(ObjectType.POSTCODE) || p.isLastWord(ObjectType.VILLAGE); } public static class SearchBuildingAndIntersectionsByStreetAPI extends SearchBaseAPI { Street cacheBuilding; public SearchBuildingAndIntersectionsByStreetAPI() { super(ObjectType.HOUSE, ObjectType.STREET_INTERSECTION); } @Override public boolean isSearchMoreAvailable(SearchPhrase phrase) { return false; } @Override public boolean search(SearchPhrase phrase, final SearchResultMatcher resultMatcher) throws IOException { Street s = null; int priority = SEARCH_BUILDING_BY_STREET_PRIORITY; if (phrase.isLastWord(ObjectType.STREET)) { s = (Street) phrase.getLastSelectedWord().getResult().object; } if (isLastWordCityGroup(phrase)) { priority = SEARCH_BUILDING_BY_CITY_PRIORITY; Object o = phrase.getLastSelectedWord().getResult().object; if (o instanceof City) { List<Street> streets = ((City) o).getStreets(); if (streets.size() == 1) { s = streets.get(0); } else { for (Street st : streets) { if (st.getName().equals(((City) o).getName()) || st.getName().equals("<"+((City) o).getName()+">")) { s = st; break; } } } } } if (s != null) { BinaryMapIndexReader file = phrase.getLastSelectedWord().getResult().file; if (cacheBuilding != s) { cacheBuilding = s; SearchRequest<Building> sr = BinaryMapIndexReader .buildAddressRequest(new ResultMatcher<Building>() { @Override public boolean publish(Building object) { return true; } @Override public boolean isCancelled() { return resultMatcher.isCancelled(); } }); file.preloadBuildings(s, sr); Collections.sort(s.getBuildings(), new Comparator<Building>() { @Override public int compare(Building o1, Building o2) { int i1 = Algorithms.extractFirstIntegerNumber(o1.getName()); int i2 = Algorithms.extractFirstIntegerNumber(o2.getName()); if (i1 == i2) { return 0; } return, i2); } }); } String lw = phrase.getUnknownWordToSearchBuilding(); NameStringMatcher buildingMatch = phrase.getNameStringMatcher(lw, phrase.isLastUnknownSearchWordComplete()); for (Building b : s.getBuildings()) { SearchResult res = new SearchResult(phrase); boolean interpolation = b.belongsToInterpolation(lw); if ((!buildingMatch.matches(b.getName()) && !interpolation) || !phrase.isSearchTypeAllowed(ObjectType.HOUSE)) { continue; } res.localeName = b.getName(phrase.getSettings().getLang(), phrase.getSettings().isTransliterate()); res.otherNames = b.getAllNames(true); res.object = b; res.file = file; res.priority = priority; res.priorityDistance = 0; res.relatedObject = s; res.localeRelatedObjectName = s.getName(phrase.getSettings().getLang(), phrase.getSettings().isTransliterate()); res.objectType = ObjectType.HOUSE; if(interpolation) { res.location = b.getLocation(b.interpolation(lw)); } else { res.location = b.getLocation(); } res.preferredZoom = 17; resultMatcher.publish(res); } String streetIntersection = phrase.getUnknownWordToSearch(); NameStringMatcher streetMatch = phrase.getNameStringMatcher(streetIntersection, phrase.isLastUnknownSearchWordComplete()); if (Algorithms.isEmpty(streetIntersection) || (!Character.isDigit(streetIntersection.charAt(0)) && CommonWords.getCommonSearch(streetIntersection) == -1) ) { for (Street street : s.getIntersectedStreets()) { SearchResult res = new SearchResult(phrase); if ((!streetMatch.matches(street.getName()) && !streetMatch.matches(street.getAllNames(true))) || !phrase.isSearchTypeAllowed(ObjectType.STREET_INTERSECTION)) { continue; } res.otherNames = street.getAllNames(true); res.localeName = street.getName(phrase.getSettings().getLang(), phrase.getSettings().isTransliterate()); res.object = street; res.file = file; res.relatedObject = s; res.priority = priority + 1; res.localeRelatedObjectName = s.getName(phrase.getSettings().getLang(), phrase.getSettings().isTransliterate()); res.priorityDistance = 0; res.objectType = ObjectType.STREET_INTERSECTION; res.location = street.getLocation(); res.preferredZoom = 16; resultMatcher.publish(res); } } } return true; } @Override public int getSearchPriority(SearchPhrase p) { if (isLastWordCityGroup(p)) { return SEARCH_BUILDING_BY_CITY_PRIORITY; } if (!p.isLastWord(ObjectType.STREET)) { return -1; } return SEARCH_BUILDING_BY_STREET_PRIORITY; } } public static class SearchLocationAndUrlAPI extends SearchBaseAPI { public SearchLocationAndUrlAPI() { super(ObjectType.LOCATION, ObjectType.PARTIAL_LOCATION); } @Override public boolean isSearchMoreAvailable(SearchPhrase phrase) { return false; } // newFormat = PointDescription.FORMAT_DEGREES; // newFormat = PointDescription.FORMAT_MINUTES; // newFormat = PointDescription.FORMAT_SECONDS; public void testUTM() { double northing = 0; double easting = 0; String zone = ""; char c = zone.charAt(zone.length() -1); int z = Integer.parseInt(zone.substring(0, zone.length() - 1)); UTMPoint upoint = new UTMPoint(northing, easting, z, c); LatLonPoint ll = upoint.toLatLonPoint(); LatLon loc = new LatLon(ll.getLatitude(), ll.getLongitude()); } @Override public boolean search(SearchPhrase phrase, SearchResultMatcher resultMatcher) throws IOException { if (!phrase.isUnknownSearchWordPresent()) { return false; } boolean parseUrl = parseUrl(phrase, resultMatcher); if (!parseUrl) { parseLocation(phrase, resultMatcher); } return, resultMatcher); } private boolean isKindOfNumber(String s) { for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i ++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { } else if (c == ':' || c == '.' || c == '#' || c == ',' || c == '-' || c == '\'' || c == '"') { } else { return false; } } return true; } LatLon parsePartialLocation(String s) { s = s.trim(); if (s.length() == 0 || !(s.charAt(0) == '-' || Character.isDigit(s.charAt(0)) || s.charAt(0) == 'S' || s.charAt(0) == 's' || s.charAt(0) == 'N' || s.charAt(0) == 'n' || s.contains("://"))) { return null; } List<Double> d = new ArrayList<>(); List<Object> all = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>(); splitObjects(s, d, all, strings); if (d.size() == 0) { return null; } double lat = parse1Coordinate(all, 0, all.size()); return new LatLon(lat, 0); } LatLon parseLocation(String s) { s = s.trim(); // detect OLC first // avoid throwing exceptions by carefully checking exceptions if (s.length() > 0 && OpenLocationCode.isValidCode(s)) { OpenLocationCode olc = new OpenLocationCode(s); if (olc.isFull()) { OpenLocationCode.CodeArea codeArea = olc.decode(); return new LatLon(codeArea.getCenterLatitude(), codeArea.getCenterLongitude()); } } if (s.length() == 0 || !(s.charAt(0) == '-' || Character.isDigit(s.charAt(0)) || s.charAt(0) == 'S' || s.charAt(0) == 's' || s.charAt(0) == 'N' || s.charAt(0) == 'n' || s.contains("://"))) { return null; } List<Double> d = new ArrayList<>(); List<Object> all = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>(); splitObjects(s, d, all, strings); if (d.size() == 0) { return null; } // detect UTM if (all.size() == 4 && d.size() == 3 && all.get(1) instanceof String) { char ch = all.get(1).toString().charAt(0); if (Character.isLetter(ch)) { UTMPoint upoint = new UTMPoint(d.get(2), d.get(1), d.get(0).intValue(), ch); LatLonPoint ll = upoint.toLatLonPoint(); return new LatLon(ll.getLatitude(), ll.getLongitude()); } } if (all.size() == 3 && d.size() == 2 && all.get(1) instanceof String) { char ch = all.get(1).toString().charAt(0); String combined = strings.get(2); if (Character.isLetter(ch)) { try { String east = combined.substring(0, combined.length() / 2); String north = combined.substring(combined.length() / 2, combined.length()); UTMPoint upoint = new UTMPoint(Double.parseDouble(north), Double.parseDouble(east), d.get(0) .intValue(), ch); LatLonPoint ll = upoint.toLatLonPoint(); return new LatLon(ll.getLatitude(), ll.getLongitude()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } } // try to find split lat/lon position int jointNumbers = 0; int lastJoin = 0; int degSplit = -1; int degType = -1; // 0 - degree, 1 - minutes, 2 - seconds boolean finishDegSplit = false; int northSplit = -1; int eastSplit = -1; for (int i = 1; i < all.size(); i++ ) { if (all.get(i - 1) instanceof Double && all.get(i) instanceof Double) { jointNumbers ++; lastJoin = i; } if (all.get(i).equals("n") || all.get(i).equals("s") || all.get(i).equals("N") || all.get(i).equals("S")) { northSplit = i + 1; } if (all.get(i).equals("e") || all.get(i).equals("w") || all.get(i).equals("E") || all.get(i).equals("W")) { eastSplit = i; } int dg = -1; if (all.get(i).equals("°")) { dg = 0; } else if (all.get(i).equals("\'") || all.get(i).equals("′")) { dg = 1; } else if (all.get(i).equals("″") || all.get(i).equals("\"")) { dg = 2; } if (dg != -1) { if (!finishDegSplit) { if (degType < dg) { degSplit = i + 1; degType = dg; } else { finishDegSplit = true; degType = dg; } } else { if (degType < dg) { degType = dg; } else { // reject delimiter degSplit = -1; } } } } int split = -1; if (jointNumbers == 1) { split = lastJoin; } if (northSplit != -1 && northSplit < all.size() -1) { split = northSplit; } else if (eastSplit != -1 && eastSplit < all.size() -1) { split = eastSplit; } else if (degSplit != -1 && degSplit < all.size() -1) { split = degSplit; } if (split != -1) { double lat = parse1Coordinate(all, 0, split); double lon = parse1Coordinate(all, split, all.size()); return new LatLon(lat, lon); } if (d.size() == 2) { return new LatLon(d.get(0), d.get(1)); } // simple url case if (s.contains("://")) { double lat = 0; double lon = 0; boolean only2decimals = true; for (int i = 0; i < d.size(); i++) { if (d.get(i).doubleValue() != d.get(i).intValue()) { if (lat == 0) { lat = d.get(i); } else if (lon == 0) { lon = d.get(i); } else { only2decimals = false; } } } if (lat != 0 && lon != 0 && only2decimals) { return new LatLon(lat, lon); } } // split by equal number of digits if (d.size() > 2 && d.size() % 2 == 0) { int ind = d.size() / 2 + 1; int splitEq = -1; for (int i = 0; i < all.size(); i++) { if (all.get(i) instanceof Double) { ind --; } if (ind == 0) { splitEq = i; break; } } if (splitEq != -1) { double lat = parse1Coordinate(all, 0, splitEq); double lon = parse1Coordinate(all, splitEq, all.size()); return new LatLon(lat, lon); } } return null; } public double parse1Coordinate(List<Object> all, int begin, int end) { boolean neg = false; double d = 0; int type = 0; // degree - 0, minutes - 1, seconds = 2 Double prevDouble = null; for (int i = begin; i <= end; i++) { Object o = i == end ? "" : all.get(i); if(o.equals("S") || o.equals("W")) { neg = !neg; } if (prevDouble != null) { if (o.equals("°")) { type = 0; } else if (o.equals("′") /*o.equals("'")*/) { // ' can be used as delimeter ignore it type = 1; } else if (o.equals("\"") || o.equals("″")) { type = 2; } if (type == 0) { double ld = prevDouble.doubleValue(); if (ld < 0) { ld = -ld; neg = true; } d += ld; } else if (type == 1) { d += prevDouble.doubleValue() / 60.f; } else /*if (type == 1) */ { d += prevDouble.doubleValue() / 3600.f; } type++; } if (o instanceof Double) { prevDouble = (Double) o; } else { prevDouble = null; } } if (neg) { d = -d; } return d; } private void splitObjects(String s, List<Double> d, List<Object> all, List<String> strings) { boolean digit = false; int word = -1; for (int i = 0; i <= s.length(); i++) { char ch = i == s.length() ? ' ' : s.charAt(i); boolean dg = Character.isDigit(ch); boolean nonwh = ch != ',' && ch != ' ' && ch != ';'; if (ch == '.' || dg || ch == '-' ) { if (!digit) { if (word != -1) { all.add(s.substring(word, i)); strings.add(s.substring(word, i)); } digit = true; word = i; } else { if(word == -1) { word = i; } // if digit // continue } } else { if (digit){ try { double dl = Double.parseDouble(s.substring(word, i)); d.add(dl); all.add(dl); strings.add(s.substring(word, i)); digit = false; word = -1; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } if (nonwh) { if(!Character.isLetter(ch)) { if(word != -1) { all.add(s.substring(word, i)); strings.add(s.substring(word, i)); } all.add(s.substring(i, i + 1)); strings.add(s.substring(i, i +1)); word = -1; } else if(word == -1) { word = i; } } else { if (word != -1) { all.add(s.substring(word, i)); strings.add(s.substring(word, i)); } word = -1; } } } } private void parseLocation(SearchPhrase phrase, SearchResultMatcher resultMatcher) { String lw = phrase.getUnknownSearchPhrase(); LatLon l = parseLocation(lw); if (l != null) { if (phrase.isSearchTypeAllowed(ObjectType.LOCATION)) { SearchResult sp = new SearchResult(phrase); sp.priority = SEARCH_LOCATION_PRIORITY; sp.object = sp.location = l; sp.localeName = ((float) sp.location.getLatitude()) + ", " + ((float) sp.location.getLongitude()); sp.objectType = ObjectType.LOCATION; sp.wordsSpan = lw; resultMatcher.publish(sp); } } else if (phrase.isNoSelectedType()) { LatLon ll = parsePartialLocation(lw); if (ll != null && phrase.isSearchTypeAllowed(ObjectType.PARTIAL_LOCATION)) { SearchResult sp = new SearchResult(phrase); sp.priority = SEARCH_LOCATION_PRIORITY; sp.object = sp.location = ll; sp.localeName = ((float) sp.location.getLatitude()) + ", <input> "; sp.objectType = ObjectType.PARTIAL_LOCATION; resultMatcher.publish(sp); } } } private boolean parseUrl(SearchPhrase phrase, SearchResultMatcher resultMatcher) { String text = phrase.getUnknownSearchPhrase(); GeoParsedPoint pnt = GeoPointParserUtil.parse(text); if (pnt != null && pnt.isGeoPoint() && phrase.isSearchTypeAllowed(ObjectType.LOCATION)) { SearchResult sp = new SearchResult(phrase); sp.priority = 0; sp.object = pnt; sp.wordsSpan = text; sp.location = new LatLon(pnt.getLatitude(), pnt.getLongitude()); sp.localeName = ((float)pnt.getLatitude()) +", " + ((float) pnt.getLongitude()); if (pnt.getZoom() > 0) { sp.preferredZoom = pnt.getZoom(); } sp.objectType = ObjectType.LOCATION; resultMatcher.publish(sp); return true; } return false; } @Override public int getSearchPriority(SearchPhrase p) { return SEARCH_LOCATION_PRIORITY; } } }