/* OrpheusMS: MapleStory Private Server based on OdinMS Copyright (C) 2012 Aaron Weiss <aaron@deviant-core.net> Patrick Huy <patrick.huy@frz.cc> Matthias Butz <matze@odinms.de> Jan Christian Meyer <vimes@odinms.de> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package constants; public class ServerConstants { public static short VERSION = 83; // MapleStory version number public static String ORPHEUS_VERSION = "6/8/12"; // date of version publishing public static final String SERVER_NAME = "OrpheusMS"; // Server's name public static final String TIP_NAME = "OrpheusTip"; // Tip Name for automsg public static String[] WORLD_NAMES = {"Scania", "Bera", "Broa", "Windia", "Khaini", "Bellocan", "Mardia", "Kradia", "Yellonde", "Demethos", "Galicia", "El Nido", "Zenith", "Arcenia", "Kastia", "Judis", "Plana", "Kalluna", "Stius", "Croa", "Medere"}; // Start-Up Configuration public static final boolean CLEAR_ERROR_LOGS_ON_BOOT = true; // if true, error logs will be cleared on boot. public static final boolean LOAD_COMMANDS_ON_BOOT = true; // if true, commands will be loaded on boot. // Orpheus Source Configuration public static final boolean USE_EXTERNAL_COMMAND_LOADER = true; // if true, commands will be loaded externally. (Beginners should set to false) public static final String COMMAND_JAR_PATH = "dist/Commands.jar"; // path to Commands, also supports loading all jars in a directory. public static final boolean USE_PARANOIA = true; // if true, server uses Orpheus' everything logger, Paranoia. public static final boolean MAKE_NPCS_SCRIPTABLE = true; // if true, the server will force NPCs to be scriptable. (Setup in ScriptableNPCConstants) public static final int MAX_CHAT_MESSAGE_LENGTH = Byte.MAX_VALUE; // the number of characters allowed in chat messages. (fixes DC hax) public static final boolean PAGINATE_HELP = true; // if true, help messages will be displayed in pages. public static final short ENTRIES_PER_PAGE = 8; // the number of entries to display on each page. // Broadcasting Configuration public static final boolean GREET_PLAYERS_ON_LOGIN = true; // if true, server will announce when players have logged in. public static final boolean GREET_GMS_ON_LOGIN = true; // if true, server will announce when GMs have logged in. public static final boolean BROADCAST_GACHAPON_ITEMS = true; // if true, server will announce when a gachapon is used. // Rate Configuration public static final boolean BEGINNERS_USE_GMS_RATES = false; // if true, beginners will use GMS rates instead of server rates. public static final byte QUEST_EXP_RATE = 1; // experience rate from quests public static final byte QUEST_MESO_RATE = 1; // meso rate from quests // Login Configuration public static final boolean AUTO_UNSTUCK_ACCOUNTS = true; // if true, automatically attempt to unstuck stuck accounts. public static final boolean ENABLE_AUTOREGISTER = true; // if true, enables autoregistration upon login of nonexistant accounts. public static final boolean ENABLE_PIC = false; // if false, requires use of Maple Admin to delete characters. public static final boolean HIDE_GMS_ON_LOGIN = true; // if true, GMs will appear hidden on login. public static final int CHANNEL_LOAD = 100; // Players per channel public static final long RANKING_INTERVAL = 3600000; // ranking interval, not used if the rankings event is used. // Event and World Configuration public static final boolean FREE_NX = true; // if true, @nx command is free. public static final int NX_COST = 1000000; // if false, @nx command costs this amount. public static final boolean UNLIMITED_PROJECTILES = false; // if true, players won't lose projectiles on use. public static final boolean DROP_UNTRADEABLE_ITEMS = false; // if true, players can drop normally untradeable items. public static final boolean USE_MTS_AS_FM_WARP = true; // if true, Trade button sends players to the FM. public static final boolean ALLOW_INFO_ON_GMS = true; // if false, non-GMs cannot get info on GMs. public static final boolean PERFECT_PITCH = false; // if true, Perfect Pitch can be earned by players. public static final boolean ENABLE_HARDCORE_MODE = true; // if true, players can enter hardcore mode for double exp and mesos. public static final String EVENTS = "automsg KerningPQ Boats Subway AirPlane elevator rankings maplestocks"; // there is a rankings event to replace the default rankings tool. // MapleStocks Configuration [Unfinished] public static final boolean USE_MAPLE_STOCKS = true; // if true, MapleStocks will be enabled. (Requires maplestocks event) public static final boolean LOAD_STOCKS_ON_BOOT = true; // if tru,e MapleStocks will be loaded on startup. public static final boolean ALLOW_STOCKS_COMMAND = true; // if true, players can access stocks through @stocks. public static final boolean ALLOW_GM_MARKET_REGULATION = true; // if true, GMs can regulate the stock market (just a little). public static final boolean ALLOW_GM_STOCK_CREATION = true; // if true, GMs can create new stocks with !stocks. public static final boolean ALLOW_STOCK_CRASHES = true; // if true, stocks will be allowed to crash. public static final double STOCK_CRASH_THRESHOLD = 0.375; // percentage of stocks sold per interval to cause crash. public static final double STOCK_DECLINE_THRESHOLD = 0.275; // percentage of stocks sold per interval to cause decline. public static final int STOCK_VALUE_CAP = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // max value of any stock // Pet Configuration public static final long PET_FULLNESS_REPEAT_TIME = 180000; // time between fullness updates in ms. public static final long PET_FULLNESS_START_DELAY = 18000; // delay before initial fullness update in ms. public static final boolean PETS_NEVER_HUNGRY = false; // if true, pets will never grow hungry. public static final boolean GM_PETS_NEVER_HUNGRY = true; // if true, pets of GMs will never grow hungry. // IP Configuration public static final String HOST = ""; // Server IP address // Database Configuration public static final boolean DB_USE_COMPILED_VALUES = false; // if true, then the values below will be used. public static final String DB_URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/Orpheus?autoReconnect=true"; public static final String DB_USER = "root"; public static final String DB_PASS = ""; }