/* This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <patrick.huy@frz.cc> Matthias Butz <matze@odinms.de> Jan Christian Meyer <vimes@odinms.de> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package client; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import tools.DatabaseConnection; /** * * @author Danny */ public class MapleRing implements Comparable<MapleRing> { private int ringId; private int ringId2; private int partnerId; private int itemId; private String partnerName; private boolean equipped = false; public MapleRing(int id, int id2, int partnerId, int itemid, String partnername) { this.ringId = id; this.ringId2 = id2; this.partnerId = partnerId; this.itemId = itemid; this.partnerName = partnername; } public static MapleRing loadFromDb(int ringId) { try { MapleRing ret = null; Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); // Get a // connection // to the // database PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM rings WHERE id = ?"); // Get // ring // details.. ps.setInt(1, ringId); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { ret = new MapleRing(ringId, rs.getInt("partnerRingId"), rs.getInt("partnerChrId"), rs.getInt("itemid"), rs.getString("partnerName")); } rs.close(); ps.close(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public static int createRing(int itemid, final MapleCharacter partner1, final MapleCharacter partner2) { try { if (partner1 == null) { return -2; } else if (partner2 == null) { return -1; } int[] ringID = new int[2]; Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO rings (itemid, partnerChrId, partnername) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); ps.setInt(1, itemid); ps.setInt(2, partner2.getId()); ps.setString(3, partner2.getName()); ps.executeUpdate(); ResultSet rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys(); rs.next(); ringID[0] = rs.getInt(1); // ID. rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO rings (itemid, partnerRingId, partnerChrId, partnername) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); ps.setInt(1, itemid); ps.setInt(2, ringID[0]); ps.setInt(3, partner1.getId()); ps.setString(4, partner1.getName()); ps.executeUpdate(); rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys(); rs.next(); ringID[1] = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE rings SET partnerRingId = ? WHERE id = ?"); ps.setInt(1, ringID[1]); ps.setInt(2, ringID[0]); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); return ringID[0]; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return -1; } } public int getRingId() { return ringId; } public int getPartnerRingId() { return ringId2; } public int getPartnerChrId() { return partnerId; } public int getItemId() { return itemId; } public String getPartnerName() { return partnerName; } public boolean equipped() { return equipped; } public void equip() { this.equipped = true; } public void unequip() { this.equipped = false; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof MapleRing) { if (((MapleRing) o).getRingId() == getRingId()) { return true; } else { return false; } } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 5; hash = 53 * hash + this.ringId; return hash; } @Override public int compareTo(MapleRing other) { if (ringId < other.getRingId()) { return -1; } else if (ringId == other.getRingId()) { return 0; } return 1; } }