/* OrpheusMS: MapleStory Private Server based on OdinMS Copyright (C) 2012 Aaron Weiss <aaron@deviant-core.net> Patrick Huy <patrick.huy@frz.cc> Matthias Butz <matze@odinms.de> Jan Christian Meyer <vimes@odinms.de> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package constants; public final class ExpTable { private static final int[] exp = {1, 15, 34, 57, 92, 135, 372, 560, 840, 1242, 1144, 1573, 2144, 2800, 3640, 4700, 5893, 7360, 9144, 11120, 13477, 16268, 19320, 22880, 27008, 31477, 36600, 42444, 48720, 55813, 63800, 86784, 98208, 110932, 124432, 139372, 155865, 173280, 192400, 213345, 235372, 259392, 285532, 312928, 342624, 374760, 408336, 445544, 483532, 524160, 567772, 598886, 631704, 666321, 702836, 741351, 781976, 824828, 870028, 917625, 967995, 1021041, 1076994, 1136013, 1198266, 1263930, 1333194, 1406252, 1483314, 1564600, 1650340, 1740778, 1836173, 1936794, 2042930, 2154882, 2272970, 2397528, 2528912, 2667496, 2813674, 2967863, 3130502, 3302053, 3483005, 3673873, 3875201, 4087562, 4311559, 4547832, 4797053, 5059931, 5337215, 5629694, 5938202, 6263614, 6606860, 6968915, 7350811, 7753635, 8178534, 8626718, 9099462, 9598112, 10124088, 10678888, 11264090, 11881362, 12532461, 13219239, 13943653, 14707765, 15513750, 16363902, 17260644, 18206527, 19204245, 20256637, 21366700, 22537594, 23772654, 25075395, 26449526, 27898960, 29427822, 31040466, 32741483, 34535716, 36428273, 38424542, 40530206, 42751262, 45094030, 47565183, 50171755, 52921167, 55821246, 58880250, 62106888, 65510344, 69100311, 72887008, 76881216, 81094306, 85594273, 90225770, 95170142, 100385466, 105886589, 111689174, 117809740, 124265714, 131075474, 138258410, 145834970, 153826726, 162256430, 171148082, 180526997, 190419876, 200854885, 211861732, 223471711, 223471711, 248635353, 262260570, 276632449, 291791906, 307782102, 324648562, 342439302, 361204976, 380999008, 401877754, 423900654, 447130410, 471633156, 497478653, 524740482, 553496261, 583827855, 615821622, 649568646, 685165008, 722712050, 762316670, 804091623, 848155844, 894634784, 943660770, 995373379, 1049919840, 1107455447, 1168144006, 1232158297, 1299680571, 1370903066, 1446028554, 1525246918, 1608855764, 1697021059}; private static final int[] pet = {1, 1, 3, 6, 14, 31, 60, 108, 181, 287, 434, 632, 891, 1224, 1642, 2161, 2793, 3557, 4467, 5542, 6801, 8263, 9950, 11882, 14084, 16578, 19391, 22547, 26074, 30000, 2147483647}; private static final int[] mount = {1, 24, 50, 105, 134, 196, 254, 263, 315, 367, 430, 543, 587, 679, 725, 897, 1146, 1394, 1701, 2247, 2543, 2898, 3156, 3313, 3584, 3923, 4150, 4305, 4550}; public static int getExpNeededForLevel(int level) { return level > 200 ? 2000000000 : exp[level]; } public static int getClosenessNeededForLevel(int level) { return pet[level]; } public static int getMountExpNeededForLevel(int level) { return mount[level]; } }