package net.minecraft.util; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public interface IChatComponent extends Iterable { IChatComponent setChatStyle(ChatStyle style); ChatStyle getChatStyle(); /** * Appends the given text to the end of this component. */ IChatComponent appendText(String text); /** * Appends the given component to the end of this one. */ IChatComponent appendSibling(IChatComponent component); /** * Gets the text of this component, without any special formatting codes added, for chat. TODO: why is this two different methods? */ String getUnformattedTextForChat(); /** * Gets the text of this component, without any special formatting codes added. TODO: why is this two different methods? */ String getUnformattedText(); /** * Gets the text of this component, with formatting codes added for rendering. */ String getFormattedText(); /** * Gets the sibling components of this one. */ List getSiblings(); /** * Creates a copy of this component. Almost a deep copy, except the style is shallow-copied. */ IChatComponent createCopy(); public static class Serializer implements JsonDeserializer, JsonSerializer { public static final Gson GSON; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001263"; @Override public IChatComponent deserialize(final JsonElement json, final Type type, final JsonDeserializationContext context) { if (json.isJsonPrimitive()) return new ChatComponentText(json.getAsString()); else if (!json.isJsonObject()) { if (json.isJsonArray()) { final JsonArray array = json.getAsJsonArray(); IChatComponent ret = null; for (final JsonElement item : array) { final IChatComponent itemICC = context.deserialize(item, type); if (ret == null) ret = itemICC; else ret.appendSibling(itemICC); } return ret; } throw new JsonParseException("Don\'t know how to turn " + json.toString() + " into a Component"); } else { final JsonObject object = json.getAsJsonObject(); IChatComponent ret; if (object.has("text")) ret = new ChatComponentText(object.get("text").getAsString()); else if (object.has("translate")) { final String translate = object.get("translate").getAsString(); if (object.has("with")) { final JsonElement with = object.get("with"); final Object[] params; if (with.isJsonArray()) { final JsonArray array = (JsonArray) with; params = new Object[array.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < params.length; ++i) params[i] = optimizeTranslationParam(array.get(i), type, context); } else params = new Object[] { optimizeTranslationParam(with, type, context) }; ret = new ChatComponentTranslation(translate, params); } else ret = new ChatComponentTranslation(translate); } else if (object.has("score")) { final JsonObject score = object.getAsJsonObject("score"); if (!score.has("name") || !score.has("objective")) throw new JsonParseException("A score component needs a least a name and an objective"); ret = new ChatComponentScore(JsonUtils.getJsonObjectStringFieldValue(score, "name"), JsonUtils.getJsonObjectStringFieldValue(score, "objective")); if (score.has("value")) ((ChatComponentScore) ret).func_179997_b(JsonUtils.getJsonObjectStringFieldValue(score, "value")); } else { if (!object.has("selector")) throw new JsonParseException("Don\'t know how to turn " + json.toString() + " into a Component"); ret = new ChatComponentSelector(JsonUtils.getJsonObjectStringFieldValue(object, "selector")); } if (object.has("extra")) { final JsonElement extra = object.get("extra"); if (extra.isJsonArray()) { final JsonArray array = (JsonArray) extra; if (array.size() <= 0) throw new JsonParseException("Unexpected empty array of components"); for (final JsonElement element : array) ret.appendSibling(context.<IChatComponent> deserialize(element, type)); } else ret.appendSibling(context.<IChatComponent> deserialize(extra, type)); } ret.setChatStyle((ChatStyle) context.deserialize(json, ChatStyle.class)); return ret; } } private static Object optimizeTranslationParam(final JsonElement param, final Type type, final JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { final Object ret = context.deserialize(param, type); if (ret instanceof ChatComponentText) { final ChatComponentText item = (ChatComponentText) ret; if (item.getChatStyle().isEmpty() && item.getSiblings().isEmpty()) return item.getChatComponentText_TextValue(); } return ret; } private void serializeChatStyle(final ChatStyle style, final JsonObject object, final JsonSerializationContext ctx) { final JsonElement var4 = ctx.serialize(style); if (var4.isJsonObject()) { final JsonObject var5 = (JsonObject) var4; final Iterator var6 = var5.entrySet().iterator(); while (var6.hasNext()) { final Entry var7 = (Entry); object.add((String) var7.getKey(), (JsonElement) var7.getValue()); } } } public JsonElement serialize(final IChatComponent p_serialize_1_, final Type p_serialize_2_, final JsonSerializationContext p_serialize_3_) { if (p_serialize_1_ instanceof ChatComponentText && p_serialize_1_.getChatStyle().isEmpty() && p_serialize_1_.getSiblings().isEmpty()) return new JsonPrimitive(((ChatComponentText) p_serialize_1_).getChatComponentText_TextValue()); final JsonObject var4 = new JsonObject(); if (!p_serialize_1_.getChatStyle().isEmpty()) this.serializeChatStyle(p_serialize_1_.getChatStyle(), var4, p_serialize_3_); if (!p_serialize_1_.getSiblings().isEmpty()) { final JsonArray var5 = new JsonArray(); final Iterator var6 = p_serialize_1_.getSiblings().iterator(); while (var6.hasNext()) { final IChatComponent var7 = (IChatComponent); var5.add(this.serialize(var7, var7.getClass(), p_serialize_3_)); } var4.add("extra", var5); } if (p_serialize_1_ instanceof ChatComponentText) var4.addProperty("text", ((ChatComponentText) p_serialize_1_).getChatComponentText_TextValue()); else if (p_serialize_1_ instanceof ChatComponentTranslation) { final ChatComponentTranslation var11 = (ChatComponentTranslation) p_serialize_1_; var4.addProperty("translate", var11.getKey()); if (var11.getFormatArgs() != null && var11.getFormatArgs().length > 0) { final JsonArray var14 = new JsonArray(); final Object[] var16 = var11.getFormatArgs(); final int var8 = var16.length; for (int var9 = 0; var9 < var8; ++var9) { final Object var10 = var16[var9]; if (var10 instanceof IChatComponent) var14.add(this.serialize((IChatComponent) var10, var10.getClass(), p_serialize_3_)); else var14.add(new JsonPrimitive(String.valueOf(var10))); } var4.add("with", var14); } } else if (p_serialize_1_ instanceof ChatComponentScore) { final ChatComponentScore var12 = (ChatComponentScore) p_serialize_1_; final JsonObject var15 = new JsonObject(); var15.addProperty("name", var12.func_179995_g()); var15.addProperty("objective", var12.func_179994_h()); var15.addProperty("value", var12.getUnformattedTextForChat()); var4.add("score", var15); } else { if (!(p_serialize_1_ instanceof ChatComponentSelector)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Don\'t know how to serialize " + p_serialize_1_ + " as a Component"); final ChatComponentSelector var13 = (ChatComponentSelector) p_serialize_1_; var4.addProperty("selector", var13.func_179992_g()); } return var4; } public static String componentToJson(final IChatComponent component) { return GSON.toJson(component); } public static IChatComponent jsonToComponent(final String json) { return GSON.fromJson(json, IChatComponent.class); } public static IChatComponent jsonToComponent(final JsonElement json) { return GSON.fromJson(json, IChatComponent.class); } @Override public JsonElement serialize(final Object p_serialize_1_, final Type p_serialize_2_, final JsonSerializationContext p_serialize_3_) { return this.serialize((IChatComponent) p_serialize_1_, p_serialize_2_, p_serialize_3_); } static { final GsonBuilder var0 = new GsonBuilder(); var0.registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(IChatComponent.class, new IChatComponent.Serializer()); var0.registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(ChatStyle.class, new ChatStyle.Serializer()); var0.registerTypeAdapterFactory(new EnumTypeAdapterFactory()); GSON = var0.create(); } } }