package net.minecraft.command.commands; import net.minecraft.command.CommandException; import net.minecraft.command.CommandResultStats; import net.minecraft.command.ICommandSender; import net.minecraft.command.SyntaxErrorException; import net.minecraft.command.arg.CommandArg; import net.minecraft.command.collections.TypeIDs; import; import; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import; import; public class CommandActivate extends CommandArg<Integer> { protected static final CommandActivate command = new CommandActivate(); public static final CommandConstructable constructable = CommandConstructable.primitiveConstructable(command); public static final CommandConstructable constructableDelayed = new CommandConstructable() { @Override public Delayed construct(final CParserData data) throws SyntaxErrorException { return new Delayed(data.get(TypeIDs.Integer)); } }; public static final CommandConstructable constructablePos = new CommandConstructable() { @Override public Pos construct(final CParserData data) throws SyntaxErrorException { return new Pos( data.get(TypeIDs.Integer), data.get(TypeIDs.BlockPos)); } }; public static final CommandConstructable constructableBox = new CommandConstructable() { @Override public Box construct(final CParserData data) throws SyntaxErrorException { return new Box( data.get(TypeIDs.Integer), data.get(TypeIDs.BlockPos), data.get(TypeIDs.BlockPos)); } }; private CommandActivate() { } @Override public Integer eval(final ICommandSender sender) throws CommandException { procSingleBlock(sender.getPosition(), sender, 1); return 1; } public static void procSingleBlock(final BlockPos pos, final ICommandSender sender, final int delay) throws CommandException { sender.func_174794_a(CommandResultStats.Type.AFFECTED_BLOCKS, 0); final World world = sender.getEntityWorld(); if (!world.isBlockLoaded(pos)) throw new CommandException("Out of World"); trigger(pos, world, delay); sender.func_174794_a(CommandResultStats.Type.AFFECTED_BLOCKS, 1); } public static void trigger(final BlockPos pos, final World world, final int delay) { world.scheduleUpdate(pos, world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock(), delay); } public static class Delayed extends CommandArg<Integer> { protected final CommandArg<Integer> delay; public Delayed(final CommandArg<Integer> delay) { this.delay = delay; } @Override public Integer eval(final ICommandSender sender) throws CommandException { final int delay = this.delay.eval(sender); procSingleBlock(sender.getPosition(), sender, delay); return 1; } } public static class Pos extends Delayed { protected final CommandArg<BlockPos> pos; public Pos(final CommandArg<Integer> delay, final CommandArg<BlockPos> pos) { super(delay); this.pos = pos; } @Override public Integer eval(final ICommandSender sender) throws CommandException { final int delay = this.delay.eval(sender); final BlockPos pos = this.pos.eval(sender); procSingleBlock(pos, sender, delay); return 1; } } public static class Box extends Pos { private final CommandArg<BlockPos> pos2; public Box(final CommandArg<Integer> delay, final CommandArg<BlockPos> pos, final CommandArg<BlockPos> pos2) { super(delay, pos); this.pos2 = pos2; } @Override public Integer eval(final ICommandSender sender) throws CommandException { final int delay = this.delay.eval(sender); final BlockPos pos = this.pos.eval(sender); final BlockPos pos2 = this.pos2.eval(sender); sender.func_174794_a(CommandResultStats.Type.AFFECTED_BLOCKS, 0); final StructureBoundingBox box = new StructureBoundingBox(pos, pos2); final int size = box.getXSize() * box.getYSize() * box.getZSize(); if (size > 1024) throw new CommandException("Too many blocks: " + size + " > 1024"); final World world = sender.getEntityWorld(); if (!world.isAreaLoaded(box)) throw new CommandException("Out of World"); for (int z = box.minZ; z <= box.maxZ; ++z) for (int y = box.minY; y <= box.maxY; ++y) for (int x = box.minX; x <= box.maxX; ++x) trigger(new BlockPos(x, y, z), world, delay); sender.func_174794_a(CommandResultStats.Type.AFFECTED_BLOCKS, size); return size; } } }