package net.minecraft.client.entity; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import; import; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiCommandBlock; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiEnchantment; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiHopper; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiMerchant; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiRepair; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreenBook; import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiBeacon; import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiBrewingStand; import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiChest; import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiCrafting; import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiDispenser; import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiEditSign; import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiFurnace; import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiScreenHorseInventory; import; import net.minecraft.command.server.CommandBlockLogic; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.IMerchant; import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem; import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityMinecart; import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.potion.Potion; import net.minecraft.stats.StatBase; import net.minecraft.stats.StatFileWriter; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntitySign; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.EnumParticleTypes; import net.minecraft.util.IChatComponent; import net.minecraft.util.MovementInput; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import; import; public class EntityPlayerSP extends AbstractClientPlayer { public final NetHandlerPlayClient sendQueue; private final StatFileWriter field_146108_bO; private double field_175172_bI; private double field_175166_bJ; private double field_175167_bK; private float field_175164_bL; private float field_175165_bM; private boolean field_175170_bN; private boolean field_175171_bO; private int field_175168_bP; private boolean field_175169_bQ; private String clientBrand; public MovementInput movementInput; protected Minecraft mc; /** * Used to tell if the player pressed forward twice. If this is at 0 and it's pressed (And they are allowed to sprint, aka enough food on the ground etc) it sets this to 7. If it's pressed and it's greater than 0 enable sprinting. */ protected int sprintToggleTimer; /** Ticks left before sprinting is disabled. */ public int sprintingTicksLeft; public float renderArmYaw; public float renderArmPitch; public float prevRenderArmYaw; public float prevRenderArmPitch; private int horseJumpPowerCounter; private float horseJumpPower; /** The amount of time an entity has been in a Portal */ public float timeInPortal; /** The amount of time an entity has been in a Portal the previous tick */ public float prevTimeInPortal; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000938"; public EntityPlayerSP(final Minecraft mcIn, final World worldIn, final NetHandlerPlayClient p_i46278_3_, final StatFileWriter p_i46278_4_) { super(worldIn, p_i46278_3_.func_175105_e()); this.sendQueue = p_i46278_3_; this.field_146108_bO = p_i46278_4_; = mcIn; this.dimension = 0; } /** * Called when the entity is attacked. */ @Override public boolean attackEntityFrom(final DamageSource source, final float amount) { return false; } /** * Heal living entity (param: amount of half-hearts) */ @Override public void heal(final float p_70691_1_) { } /** * Called when a player mounts an entity. e.g. mounts a pig, mounts a boat. */ @Override public void mountEntity(final Entity entityIn) { super.mountEntity(entityIn); if (entityIn instanceof EntityMinecart) MovingSoundMinecartRiding(this, (EntityMinecart) entityIn)); } /** * Called to update the entity's position/logic. */ @Override public void onUpdate() { if (this.worldObj.isBlockLoaded(new BlockPos(this.posX, 0.0D, this.posZ))) { super.onUpdate(); if (this.isRiding()) { this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C03PacketPlayer.C05PacketPlayerLook(this.rotationYaw, this.rotationPitch, this.onGround)); this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C0CPacketInput(this.moveStrafing, this.moveForward, this.movementInput.jump, this.movementInput.sneak)); } else this.func_175161_p(); } } public void func_175161_p() { final boolean var1 = this.isSprinting(); if (var1 != this.field_175171_bO) { if (var1) this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C0BPacketEntityAction(this, C0BPacketEntityAction.Action.START_SPRINTING)); else this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C0BPacketEntityAction(this, C0BPacketEntityAction.Action.STOP_SPRINTING)); this.field_175171_bO = var1; } final boolean var2 = this.isSneaking(); if (var2 != this.field_175170_bN) { if (var2) this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C0BPacketEntityAction(this, C0BPacketEntityAction.Action.START_SNEAKING)); else this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C0BPacketEntityAction(this, C0BPacketEntityAction.Action.STOP_SNEAKING)); this.field_175170_bN = var2; } if (this.func_175160_A()) { final double var3 = this.posX - this.field_175172_bI; final double var5 = this.getEntityBoundingBox().minY - this.field_175166_bJ; final double var7 = this.posZ - this.field_175167_bK; final double var9 = this.rotationYaw - this.field_175164_bL; final double var11 = this.rotationPitch - this.field_175165_bM; boolean var13 = var3 * var3 + var5 * var5 + var7 * var7 > 9.0E-4D || this.field_175168_bP >= 20; final boolean var14 = var9 != 0.0D || var11 != 0.0D; if (this.ridingEntity == null) { if (var13 && var14) this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C03PacketPlayer.C06PacketPlayerPosLook(this.posX, this.getEntityBoundingBox().minY, this.posZ, this.rotationYaw, this.rotationPitch, this.onGround)); else if (var13) this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C03PacketPlayer.C04PacketPlayerPosition(this.posX, this.getEntityBoundingBox().minY, this.posZ, this.onGround)); else if (var14) this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C03PacketPlayer.C05PacketPlayerLook(this.rotationYaw, this.rotationPitch, this.onGround)); else this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C03PacketPlayer(this.onGround)); } else { this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C03PacketPlayer.C06PacketPlayerPosLook(this.motionX, -999.0D, this.motionZ, this.rotationYaw, this.rotationPitch, this.onGround)); var13 = false; } ++this.field_175168_bP; if (var13) { this.field_175172_bI = this.posX; this.field_175166_bJ = this.getEntityBoundingBox().minY; this.field_175167_bK = this.posZ; this.field_175168_bP = 0; } if (var14) { this.field_175164_bL = this.rotationYaw; this.field_175165_bM = this.rotationPitch; } } } /** * Called when player presses the drop item key */ @Override public EntityItem dropOneItem(final boolean p_71040_1_) { final C07PacketPlayerDigging.Action var2 = p_71040_1_ ? C07PacketPlayerDigging.Action.DROP_ALL_ITEMS : C07PacketPlayerDigging.Action.DROP_ITEM; this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C07PacketPlayerDigging(var2, BlockPos.ORIGIN, EnumFacing.DOWN)); return null; } /** * Joins the passed in entity item with the world. Args: entityItem */ @Override protected void joinEntityItemWithWorld(final EntityItem p_71012_1_) { } /** * Sends a chat message from the player. Args: chatMessage */ public void sendChatMessage(final String p_71165_1_) { this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C01PacketChatMessage(p_71165_1_)); } /** * Swings the item the player is holding. */ @Override public void swingItem() { super.swingItem(); this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C0APacketAnimation()); } @Override public void respawnPlayer() { this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C16PacketClientStatus(C16PacketClientStatus.EnumState.PERFORM_RESPAWN)); } /** * Deals damage to the entity. If its a EntityPlayer then will take damage from the armor first and then health second with the reduced value. Args: damageAmount */ @Override protected void damageEntity(final DamageSource p_70665_1_, final float p_70665_2_) { if (!this.func_180431_b(p_70665_1_)) this.setHealth(this.getHealth() - p_70665_2_); } /** * set current crafting inventory back to the 2x2 square */ @Override public void closeScreen() { this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C0DPacketCloseWindow(this.openContainer.windowId)); this.func_175159_q(); } public void func_175159_q() { this.inventory.setItemStack((ItemStack) null); super.closeScreen(); null); } /** * Updates health locally. */ public void setPlayerSPHealth(final float p_71150_1_) { if (this.field_175169_bQ) { final float var2 = this.getHealth() - p_71150_1_; if (var2 <= 0.0F) { this.setHealth(p_71150_1_); if (var2 < 0.0F) this.hurtResistantTime = this.maxHurtResistantTime / 2; } else { this.lastDamage = var2; this.setHealth(this.getHealth()); this.hurtResistantTime = this.maxHurtResistantTime; this.damageEntity(DamageSource.generic, var2); this.hurtTime = this.maxHurtTime = 10; } } else { this.setHealth(p_71150_1_); this.field_175169_bQ = true; } } /** * Adds a value to a statistic field. */ @Override public void addStat(final StatBase p_71064_1_, final int p_71064_2_) { if (p_71064_1_ != null) if (p_71064_1_.isIndependent) super.addStat(p_71064_1_, p_71064_2_); } /** * Sends the player's abilities to the server (if there is one). */ @Override public void sendPlayerAbilities() { this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C13PacketPlayerAbilities(this.capabilities)); } @Override public boolean func_175144_cb() { return true; } protected void sendHorseJump() { this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C0BPacketEntityAction(this, C0BPacketEntityAction.Action.RIDING_JUMP, (int) (this.getHorseJumpPower() * 100.0F))); } public void func_175163_u() { this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C0BPacketEntityAction(this, C0BPacketEntityAction.Action.OPEN_INVENTORY)); } public void func_175158_f(final String p_175158_1_) { this.clientBrand = p_175158_1_; } public String getClientBrand() { return this.clientBrand; } public StatFileWriter getStatFileWriter() { return this.field_146108_bO; } @Override public void addChatComponentMessage(final IChatComponent p_146105_1_) {; } @Override protected boolean pushOutOfBlocks(final double x, final double y, final double z) { if (this.noClip) return false; else { final BlockPos var7 = new BlockPos(x, y, z); final double var8 = x - var7.getX(); final double var10 = z - var7.getZ(); if (!this.func_175162_d(var7)) { byte var12 = -1; double var13 = 9999.0D; if (this.func_175162_d(var7.offsetWest()) && var8 < var13) { var13 = var8; var12 = 0; } if (this.func_175162_d(var7.offsetEast()) && 1.0D - var8 < var13) { var13 = 1.0D - var8; var12 = 1; } if (this.func_175162_d(var7.offsetNorth()) && var10 < var13) { var13 = var10; var12 = 4; } if (this.func_175162_d(var7.offsetSouth()) && 1.0D - var10 < var13) { var13 = 1.0D - var10; var12 = 5; } final float var15 = 0.1F; if (var12 == 0) this.motionX = (-var15); if (var12 == 1) this.motionX = var15; if (var12 == 4) this.motionZ = (-var15); if (var12 == 5) this.motionZ = var15; } return false; } } private boolean func_175162_d(final BlockPos p_175162_1_) { return !this.worldObj.getBlockState(p_175162_1_).getBlock().isNormalCube() && !this.worldObj.getBlockState(p_175162_1_.offsetUp()).getBlock().isNormalCube(); } /** * Set sprinting switch for Entity. */ @Override public void setSprinting(final boolean sprinting) { super.setSprinting(sprinting); this.sprintingTicksLeft = sprinting ? 600 : 0; } /** * Sets the current XP, total XP, and level number. */ public void setXPStats(final float p_71152_1_, final int p_71152_2_, final int p_71152_3_) { this.experience = p_71152_1_; this.experienceTotal = p_71152_2_; this.experienceLevel = p_71152_3_; } /** * Notifies this sender of some sort of information. This is for messages intended to display to the user. Used for typical output (like "you asked for whether or not this game rule is set, so here's your answer"), warnings (like "I fetched this block for you by ID, but I'd like you to know that every time you do this, I die a little inside"), and errors (like "it's not called iron_pixacke, silly"). */ @Override public void addChatMessage(final IChatComponent message) {; } /** * Returns true if the command sender is allowed to use the given command. */ @Override public boolean canCommandSenderUseCommand(final int permissionLevel, final String command) { return permissionLevel <= 0; } @Override public BlockPos getPosition() { return new BlockPos(this.posX + 0.5D, this.posY + 0.5D, this.posZ + 0.5D); } @Override public void playSound(final String name, final float volume, final float pitch) { this.worldObj.playSound(this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ, name, volume, pitch, false); } /** * Returns whether the entity is in a server world */ @Override public boolean isServerWorld() { return true; } public boolean isRidingHorse() { return this.ridingEntity != null && this.ridingEntity instanceof EntityHorse && ((EntityHorse) this.ridingEntity).isHorseSaddled(); } public float getHorseJumpPower() { return this.horseJumpPower; } @Override public void func_175141_a(final TileEntitySign p_175141_1_) { GuiEditSign(p_175141_1_)); } @Override public void func_146095_a(final CommandBlockLogic p_146095_1_) { GuiCommandBlock(p_146095_1_)); } /** * Displays the GUI for interacting with a book. */ @Override public void displayGUIBook(final ItemStack bookStack) { final Item var2 = bookStack.getItem(); if (var2 == Items.writable_book) GuiScreenBook(this, bookStack, true)); } /** * Displays the GUI for interacting with a chest inventory. Args: chestInventory */ @Override public void displayGUIChest(final IInventory chestInventory) { final String var2 = chestInventory instanceof IInteractionObject ? ((IInteractionObject) chestInventory).getGuiID() : "minecraft:container"; if ("minecraft:chest".equals(var2)) GuiChest(this.inventory, chestInventory)); else if ("minecraft:hopper".equals(var2)) GuiHopper(this.inventory, chestInventory)); else if ("minecraft:furnace".equals(var2)) GuiFurnace(this.inventory, chestInventory)); else if ("minecraft:brewing_stand".equals(var2)) GuiBrewingStand(this.inventory, chestInventory)); else if ("minecraft:beacon".equals(var2)) GuiBeacon(this.inventory, chestInventory)); else if (!"minecraft:dispenser".equals(var2) && !"minecraft:dropper".equals(var2)) GuiChest(this.inventory, chestInventory)); else GuiDispenser(this.inventory, chestInventory)); } @Override public void displayGUIHorse(final EntityHorse p_110298_1_, final IInventory p_110298_2_) { GuiScreenHorseInventory(this.inventory, p_110298_2_, p_110298_1_)); } @Override public void displayGui(final IInteractionObject guiOwner) { final String var2 = guiOwner.getGuiID(); if ("minecraft:crafting_table".equals(var2)) GuiCrafting(this.inventory, this.worldObj)); else if ("minecraft:enchanting_table".equals(var2)) GuiEnchantment(this.inventory, this.worldObj, guiOwner)); else if ("minecraft:anvil".equals(var2)) GuiRepair(this.inventory, this.worldObj)); } @Override public void displayVillagerTradeGui(final IMerchant villager) { GuiMerchant(this.inventory, villager, this.worldObj)); } /** * Called when the player performs a critical hit on the Entity. Args: entity that was hit critically */ @Override public void onCriticalHit(final Entity p_71009_1_) {, EnumParticleTypes.CRIT); } @Override public void onEnchantmentCritical(final Entity p_71047_1_) {, EnumParticleTypes.CRIT_MAGIC); } /** * Returns if this entity is sneaking. */ @Override public boolean isSneaking() { final boolean var1 = this.movementInput != null ? this.movementInput.sneak : false; return var1 && !this.sleeping; } @Override public void updateEntityActionState() { super.updateEntityActionState(); if (this.func_175160_A()) { this.moveStrafing = this.movementInput.moveStrafe; this.moveForward = this.movementInput.moveForward; this.isJumping = this.movementInput.jump; this.prevRenderArmYaw = this.renderArmYaw; this.prevRenderArmPitch = this.renderArmPitch; this.renderArmPitch = (float) (this.renderArmPitch + (this.rotationPitch - this.renderArmPitch) * 0.5D); this.renderArmYaw = (float) (this.renderArmYaw + (this.rotationYaw - this.renderArmYaw) * 0.5D); } } protected boolean func_175160_A() { return == this; } /** * Called frequently so the entity can update its state every tick as required. For example, zombies and skeletons use this to react to sunlight and start to burn. */ @Override public void onLivingUpdate() { if (this.sprintingTicksLeft > 0) { --this.sprintingTicksLeft; if (this.sprintingTicksLeft == 0) this.setSprinting(false); } if (this.sprintToggleTimer > 0) --this.sprintToggleTimer; this.prevTimeInPortal = this.timeInPortal; if (this.inPortal) { if ( != null && ! null); if (this.timeInPortal == 0.0F) ResourceLocation("portal.trigger"), this.rand.nextFloat() * 0.4F + 0.8F)); this.timeInPortal += 0.0125F; if (this.timeInPortal >= 1.0F) this.timeInPortal = 1.0F; this.inPortal = false; } else if (this.isPotionActive(Potion.confusion) && this.getActivePotionEffect(Potion.confusion).getDuration() > 60) { this.timeInPortal += 0.006666667F; if (this.timeInPortal > 1.0F) this.timeInPortal = 1.0F; } else { if (this.timeInPortal > 0.0F) this.timeInPortal -= 0.05F; if (this.timeInPortal < 0.0F) this.timeInPortal = 0.0F; } if (this.timeUntilPortal > 0) --this.timeUntilPortal; final boolean var1 = this.movementInput.jump; final boolean var2 = this.movementInput.sneak; final float var3 = 0.8F; final boolean var4 = this.movementInput.moveForward >= var3; this.movementInput.updatePlayerMoveState(); if (this.isUsingItem() && !this.isRiding()) { this.movementInput.moveStrafe *= 0.2F; this.movementInput.moveForward *= 0.2F; this.sprintToggleTimer = 0; } this.pushOutOfBlocks(this.posX - this.width * 0.35D, this.getEntityBoundingBox().minY + 0.5D, this.posZ + this.width * 0.35D); this.pushOutOfBlocks(this.posX - this.width * 0.35D, this.getEntityBoundingBox().minY + 0.5D, this.posZ - this.width * 0.35D); this.pushOutOfBlocks(this.posX + this.width * 0.35D, this.getEntityBoundingBox().minY + 0.5D, this.posZ - this.width * 0.35D); this.pushOutOfBlocks(this.posX + this.width * 0.35D, this.getEntityBoundingBox().minY + 0.5D, this.posZ + this.width * 0.35D); final boolean var5 = this.getFoodStats().getFoodLevel() > 6.0F || this.capabilities.allowFlying; if (this.onGround && !var2 && !var4 && this.movementInput.moveForward >= var3 && !this.isSprinting() && var5 && !this.isUsingItem() && !this.isPotionActive(Potion.blindness)) if (this.sprintToggleTimer <= 0 && ! this.sprintToggleTimer = 7; else this.setSprinting(true); if (!this.isSprinting() && this.movementInput.moveForward >= var3 && var5 && !this.isUsingItem() && !this.isPotionActive(Potion.blindness) && this.setSprinting(true); if (this.isSprinting() && (this.movementInput.moveForward < var3 || this.isCollidedHorizontally || !var5)) this.setSprinting(false); if (this.capabilities.allowFlying) if ( { if (!this.capabilities.isFlying) { this.capabilities.isFlying = true; this.sendPlayerAbilities(); } } else if (!var1 && this.movementInput.jump) if (this.flyToggleTimer == 0) this.flyToggleTimer = 7; else { this.capabilities.isFlying = !this.capabilities.isFlying; this.sendPlayerAbilities(); this.flyToggleTimer = 0; } if (this.capabilities.isFlying && this.func_175160_A()) { if (this.movementInput.sneak) this.motionY -= this.capabilities.getFlySpeed() * 3.0F; if (this.movementInput.jump) this.motionY += this.capabilities.getFlySpeed() * 3.0F; } if (this.isRidingHorse()) { if (this.horseJumpPowerCounter < 0) { ++this.horseJumpPowerCounter; if (this.horseJumpPowerCounter == 0) this.horseJumpPower = 0.0F; } if (var1 && !this.movementInput.jump) { this.horseJumpPowerCounter = -10; this.sendHorseJump(); } else if (!var1 && this.movementInput.jump) { this.horseJumpPowerCounter = 0; this.horseJumpPower = 0.0F; } else if (var1) { ++this.horseJumpPowerCounter; if (this.horseJumpPowerCounter < 10) this.horseJumpPower = this.horseJumpPowerCounter * 0.1F; else this.horseJumpPower = 0.8F + 2.0F / (this.horseJumpPowerCounter - 9) * 0.1F; } } else this.horseJumpPower = 0.0F; super.onLivingUpdate(); if (this.onGround && this.capabilities.isFlying && ! { this.capabilities.isFlying = false; this.sendPlayerAbilities(); } } }