package net.minecraft.command.arg; import net.minecraft.command.CommandException; import net.minecraft.command.SyntaxErrorException; import net.minecraft.command.arg.Setter.SetterProvider; import net.minecraft.command.parser.Parser; import net.minecraft.command.type.custom.TypeLabelDeclaration.LabelRegistration; import; import; public class LabelWrapper<R> extends ExArgWrapper<R, CachedArg<R>> implements SetterProvider<R>, LabelRegistration<R> { public LabelWrapper(final TypeID<R> type, final String name) { super(type, new CachedArg<R>(name)); } // This is checked... @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> Setter<T> getSetter(final TypeID<T> type) { this.checkTypes(type); return (Setter<T>) this.arg(); } public static class LabelSetter<R> extends AbstractWrapper<R> implements SetterProvider<R> { private final Setter<R> setter; public LabelSetter(final TypeID<R> type, final Setter<R> setter) { super(type); this.setter = setter; } // This is checked... @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> Setter<T> getSetter(final TypeID<T> type) { this.checkTypes(type); return (Setter<T>) this.setter; } } @Override public SetterProvider<R> register(final Parser parser) throws SyntaxErrorException { parser.addLabel(this.arg().name, this); return this; } // This is checked @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> Setter<T> getLabelSetter(final Parser parser, final TypeID<T> type, final boolean allowConversion) throws SyntaxErrorException { if (this.type == type) return (Setter<T>) this.arg(); return this.iGetLabelSetter(parser, type, allowConversion); } // This is checked @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> SetterProvider<T> getLabelSetterTyped(final Parser parser, final TypeID<T> type, final boolean allowConversion) throws SyntaxErrorException { if (this.type == type) return (SetterProvider<T>) this; return new LabelSetter<>(type, this.iGetLabelSetter(parser, type, allowConversion)); } private <T> Setter<T> iGetLabelSetter(final Parser parser, final TypeID<T> type, final boolean allowConversion) throws SyntaxErrorException { if (!allowConversion) throw parser.SEE("Label '" + this.arg().name + "' is not of correct type ('" + + "' instead of '" + + "')' "); final Converter<T, R, ?> converter = type.primitive.getConverter(this.type.primitive); if (converter == null) throw parser.SEE("Label '" + this.arg().name + "' of incorrect type, can't convert from '" + + "' to '" + + "' "); return new Setter<T>() { @Override public void set(final T value) throws CommandException { LabelWrapper.this.arg.set(converter.convert(value)); } }; } }