package; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import org.apache.commons.collections4.trie.PatriciaTrie; import net.minecraft.command.collections.Completers; import net.minecraft.command.completion.ITabCompletion; import net.minecraft.command.completion.TabCompletion; import net.minecraft.command.parser.CompletionParser.CompletionData; import net.minecraft.command.type.IComplete; import net.minecraft.command.type.IExParse; import net.minecraft.command.type.custom.nbt.NBTDescriptor; import net.minecraft.command.type.custom.nbt.NBTDescriptor.DefaultTag; import net.minecraft.command.type.custom.nbt.NBTDescriptor.Tag; import net.minecraft.command.type.custom.nbt.ParserNBTCompound; import net.minecraft.command.type.custom.nbt.ParserNBTCompound.CompoundData; import net.minecraft.command.type.custom.nbt.ParserNBTList; import net.minecraft.command.type.custom.nbt.ParserNBTTag; import net.minecraft.command.type.custom.nbt.TypeNBTPair; public final class NBTConstructor extends NBTDescriptor.Compound implements NBTDescriptor.Tag { private final Set<ITabCompletion> keyCompletions = new HashSet<>(); private final PatriciaTrie<NBTDescriptor.Tag> subDescriptors = new PatriciaTrie<>(); private final ParserNBTTag tagParser = new ParserNBTTag(this, Completers.braceCompleter); private final ParserNBTCompound compoundParser = new ParserNBTCompound(this); private final IExParse<Void, CompoundData> pair = new TypeNBTPair(this); @Override public Set<ITabCompletion> getKeyCompletions() { return this.keyCompletions; } @Override public IExParse<Void, CompoundData> getPair() { return this.pair; } @Override public Tag getSubDescriptor(final String key) { final Tag subDescriptor = this.subDescriptors.get(key); if (subDescriptor == null) return NBTDescriptor.defaultTag; return subDescriptor; } public NBTConstructor key(final String key, final Tag subDescriptor) { this.subDescriptors.put(key, subDescriptor); final String s = key + ":"; this.keyCompletions.add(new TabCompletion(s, s, key)); return this; } /* * Adds a key that is only suggested if the first letter is already entered (prevents cluttering of the suggestion list) */ public NBTConstructor sKey(final String key, final Tag subDescriptor) { this.subDescriptors.put(key, subDescriptor); final String s = key + ":"; this.keyCompletions.add(new TabCompletion(s, s, key) { @Override public double weightOffset(final Matcher m, final CompletionData cData) { return -1.0; } }); return this; } public NBTConstructor key(final String key, final IComplete completer) { this.subDescriptors.put(key, new DefaultTag(completer)); final String s = key + ":"; this.keyCompletions.add(new TabCompletion(s, s, key)); return this; } /* * Adds a key that is only suggested if the first letter is already entered (prevents cluttering of the suggestion list) */ public NBTConstructor sKey(final String key, final IComplete completer) { this.subDescriptors.put(key, new DefaultTag(completer)); final String s = key + ":"; this.keyCompletions.add(new TabCompletion(s, s, key) { @Override public double weightOffset(final Matcher m, final CompletionData cData) { return -1.0; } }); return this; } public NBTConstructor key(final String... keys) { for (final String key : keys) { this.subDescriptors.put(key, NBTDescriptor.defaultTag); final String s = key + ":"; this.keyCompletions.add(new TabCompletion(s, s, key)); } return this; } /* * Adds a key that is only suggested if the first letter is already entered (prevents cluttering of the suggestion list) */ public NBTConstructor sKey(final String... keys) { for (final String key : keys) { this.subDescriptors.put(key, NBTDescriptor.defaultTag); final String s = key + ":"; this.keyCompletions.add(new TabCompletion(s, s, key) { @Override public double weightOffset(final Matcher m, final CompletionData cData) { return -1.0; } }); } return this; } @Override public ParserNBTTag getTagParser() { return this.tagParser; } @Override public ParserNBTList getListParser() { return NBTDescriptor.defaultTag.getListParser(); } @Override public ParserNBTCompound getCompoundParser() { return this.compoundParser; } public static class ConstructionHelper { protected static final Tag defTag = NBTDescriptor.defaultTag; protected static final Tag defList = NBTDescriptor.defaultList; protected static final Tag defCompound = NBTDescriptor.defaultCompound; protected ConstructionHelper() { } protected static final NBTConstructor compound() { return new NBTConstructor(); } protected static final NBTConstructorList list() { return new NBTConstructorList(); } protected static final NBTConstructorList list(final IComplete completer) { return new NBTConstructorList(completer); } protected static final NBTConstructorList list(final Tag itemDescriptor) { return new NBTConstructorList(itemDescriptor); } protected static final NBTConstructorList list(final String... completions) { return new NBTConstructorList(completions); } } }