package net.minecraft.command.parser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import org.apache.commons.collections4.trie.PatriciaTrie; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import; import net.minecraft.command.ParsingUtilities; import net.minecraft.command.SyntaxErrorException; import net.minecraft.command.WrongUsageException; import net.minecraft.command.arg.ArgWrapper; import net.minecraft.command.arg.CommandArg; import net.minecraft.command.arg.LabelWrapper; import net.minecraft.command.arg.Setter; import net.minecraft.command.arg.Setter.SetterProvider; import net.minecraft.command.collections.Types; import net.minecraft.command.completion.ITabCompletion; import net.minecraft.command.completion.TCDSet; import net.minecraft.command.completion.TabCompletion; import net.minecraft.command.parser.CompletionParser.CompletionData; import net.minecraft.command.type.ICachedParse; import net.minecraft.command.type.IExParse; import net.minecraft.command.type.custom.command.ParserCommands; import; import; import net.minecraft.command.type.metadata.MetaProvider; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; public class Parser { public final String toParse; public final int len; protected int index; private final IVersionManager<?, ?> versionManager; private final List<Matcher> matchers; public Context defContext; public final boolean catchStack; public boolean suppressEx; public Parser(final String toParse, final int startIndex, final boolean catchStack) { this.defContext = Context.defContext; this.index = startIndex; this.toParse = toParse; this.len = toParse.length(); this.versionManager = this.newVersionManager(); this.matchers = new ArrayList<>(MatcherRegistry.getCount()); this.suppressEx = false; this.catchStack = catchStack; } public Parser(final String toParse, final int startIndex) { this(toParse, startIndex, false); } public Parser(final String toParse) { this(toParse, 0); } @Override public String toString() { return this.toParse + '\n' + StringUtils.repeat(' ', this.index) + '^'; } protected SyntaxErrorException handleFatalError(final String messageStart, final Throwable t) { if (t instanceof StackOverflowError) return this.SEE(messageStart + " Too recursive", false); return this.SEE(messageStart + t.getMessage() + " ", t); } public static CommandArg<Integer> parseCommand(final String toParse, final int startIndex) throws SyntaxErrorException { return new Parser(toParse, startIndex, false).parseCommand(); } public CommandArg<Integer> parseCommand() throws SyntaxErrorException { final CommandArg<Integer> ret; try { ret = ParserCommands.parse(this, false); } catch (final SyntaxErrorException e) { throw e; } catch (final Throwable t) { throw this.handleFatalError("Fatal error while parsing command: ", t); } if (this.endReached()) return ret; throw this.SEE("Unexpected ')' "); } public static CommandArg<Integer> parseCommand(final String toParse) throws SyntaxErrorException { return parseCommand(toParse, 0); } public static TCDSet parseCompletion(final CompletionData cData, final int startIndex) { final CompletionParser completionParser = new CompletionParser(cData.toMatch.substring(0, cData.cursorIndex), startIndex, cData); try { ParserCommands.parse(completionParser, false); } catch (final SyntaxErrorException e) { completionParser.complete(true, 0); } return completionParser.getTCDSet(); } public static TCDSet parseCompletion(final CompletionData cData) { return parseCompletion(cData, 0); } public static CommandArg<List<String>> parseStatsTarget(final String toParse) throws SyntaxErrorException { final Parser parser = new Parser(toParse, 0); final CommandArg<List<String>> ret; try { ret = Types.scoreHolderList.parse(parser).arg(); } catch (final SyntaxErrorException e) { throw e; } catch (final Throwable t) { throw parser.handleFatalError("Fatal error while parsing UUID-List: ", t); } if (parser.endReached()) return ret; throw parser.SEE("Parsing endend unexpectedly "); } public static CommandArg<String> parseScoreHolder(final String toParse) throws SyntaxErrorException { final Parser parser = new Parser(toParse, 0); final CommandArg<String> ret; try { ret = Types.scoreHolder.parse(parser).arg(); } catch (final SyntaxErrorException e) { throw e; } catch (final Throwable t) { throw parser.handleFatalError("Fatal error while parsing UUID: ", t); } if (parser.endReached()) return ret; throw parser.SEE("Parsing endend unexpectedly "); } public static CommandArg<List<Entity>> parseEntityList(final String toParse) throws SyntaxErrorException { final Parser parser = new Parser(toParse, 0); final CommandArg<List<Entity>> ret; try { ret = Types.entityList.parse(parser).arg(); } catch (final SyntaxErrorException e) { throw e; } catch (final Throwable t) { throw parser.handleFatalError("Fatal error while parsing Entity-List: ", t); } if (parser.endReached()) return ret; throw parser.SEE("Parsing endend unexpectedly "); } public Matcher getMatcher(final MatcherRegistry m) { final int id = m.getId(); if (id < this.matchers.size()) { Matcher ret = this.matchers.get(id); if (ret != null) return ret; ret = m.matcher(this.toParse); this.matchers.set(id, ret); return ret; } for (int i = this.matchers.size(); i < id; ++i) this.matchers.add(null); final Matcher ret = m.matcher(this.toParse); this.matchers.add(ret); return ret; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public <D> boolean pushMetadata(final MetaProvider<D> data, final D parserData) { return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void popMetadata(final MetaProvider<?> data) { } /** * Calls {@link #supplyHint(Hint, D)} with <code>null</code> as second argument */ public void supplyHint(final MetaProvider<?> hint) { this.supplyHint(hint, null); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public <D> void supplyHint(final MetaProvider<D> hint, final D data) { } public SyntaxErrorException SEE(final Object... errorObjects) { return this.SEE("commands.generic.syntax", false, null, errorObjects); } public SyntaxErrorException SEE(final String s, final Object... errorObjects) { return this.SEE(s, true, null, errorObjects); } public SyntaxErrorException SEE(final String s, final Throwable cause, final Object... errorObjects) { return this.SEE(s, true, cause, errorObjects); } public SyntaxErrorException SEE(final String s, final boolean appendIndex, final Object... errorObjects) { return this.SEE(s, appendIndex, null, errorObjects); } public SyntaxErrorException SEE(final String s, final boolean appendIndex) { return this.SEE(s, appendIndex, null, new Object[0]); } public SyntaxErrorException SEE(final String s, final String postfix, final Object... errorObjects) { return this.SEE(s, postfix, null, errorObjects); } public SyntaxErrorException SEE(final String s, final String postfix) { return this.SEE(s, postfix, null, new Object[0]); } public SyntaxErrorException SEE(final String s, final String postfix, final Throwable cause, final Object... errorObjects) { final int start = this.index > 3 ? this.index - 4 : 0; final int end = this.index < this.toParse.length() - 4 ? this.index + 3 : this.toParse.length(); return this.createSEE( s + "around index " + this.index + postfix + (start > 0 ? " (�" : " (") + this.toParse.substring(start, this.index) + "|" + this.toParse.substring(this.index, end) + (end < this.toParse.length() ? "�)" : ")"), cause, errorObjects); } public SyntaxErrorException SEE(final String s, final boolean appendIndex, final Throwable cause, final Object... errorObjects) { if (!appendIndex) return this.createSEE(s, cause, errorObjects); return this.SEE(s, "", cause, errorObjects); } private SyntaxErrorException createSEE(final String s, final Throwable cause, final Object... errorObjects) { if (this.suppressEx) return SyntaxErrorException.see; return new SyntaxErrorException(s, cause, true, this.catchStack, errorObjects); } public WrongUsageException WUE(final String message, final Object... errorObjects) { if (this.suppressEx) return WrongUsageException.wue; return new WrongUsageException(message, true, this.catchStack, errorObjects); } public boolean find(final Matcher m) { return m.find(this.index); } public boolean find(final MatcherRegistry m) { return this.find(this.getMatcher(m)); } public void incIndex() { ++this.index; } public void incIndex(final int amount) { this.index += amount; } public void incIndex(final Matcher m) { this.index +=; } public boolean findInc(final Matcher m) { final boolean ret = m.find(this.index); if (ret) this.index +=; return ret; } public boolean findInc(final MatcherRegistry m) { return this.findInc(this.getMatcher(m)); } /** * Does not check if index valid */ public char consumeNextChar() { return this.toParse.charAt(this.index++); } public int getIndex() { return this.index; } public boolean endReached() { return this.index == this.len; } public final boolean checkSpace() { return this.find(ParsingUtilities.spaceMatcher); } public boolean isSnapshot() { return this.versionManager.isSnapshot(); } public Set<ITabCompletion> getLabelCompletions() { final Set<ITabCompletion> completions = new HashSet<>(); for (final String name : this.versionManager.labelKeysIterable()) completions.add(new TabCompletion(name)); return completions; } public Set<ITabCompletion> getLabelCompletions(final CConvertable<?, ?> target) { final Set<ITabCompletion> completions = new HashSet<>(); for (final Entry<String, LabelWrapper<?>> entry : this.versionManager.labelIterable()) if (target.convertableFrom(entry.getValue().type)) completions.add(new TabCompletion(entry.getKey())); return completions; } public void addLabel(final String label, final LabelWrapper<?> value) throws SyntaxErrorException { this.versionManager.addLabel(label, value); } public <T> SetterProvider<T> getLabelSetterTyped(final String label, final TypeID<T> type, final boolean allowConversion) throws SyntaxErrorException { return this.getLabelSafe(label).getLabelSetterTyped(this, type, allowConversion); } public <T> Setter<T> getLabelSetter(final String label, final TypeID<T> type, final boolean allowConversion) throws SyntaxErrorException { return this.getLabelSafe(label).getLabelSetter(this, type, allowConversion); } public LabelWrapper<?> getLabel(final String label) { return this.versionManager.getLabel(label); } public LabelWrapper<?> getLabelSafe(final String label) throws SyntaxErrorException { final LabelWrapper<?> ret = this.getLabel(label); if (ret == null) throw this.SEE("Label '" + label + "' not registered "); return ret; } public <T, D> T parseSnapshot(final IExParse<T, D> target, final D parserData) throws SyntaxErrorException { return this.versionManager.parseSnapshot(target, parserData); } public ArgWrapper<?> parseCached(final ICachedParse target, final Context context, final CacheID cacheID) throws SyntaxErrorException { return this.versionManager.parseCached(target, context, cacheID); } protected static abstract class IParserState { public final int index; public final Context defContext; public IParserState(final int index, final Context defContext) { this.index = index; this.defContext = defContext; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object other) { if (!(other instanceof ParserState)) return false; final ParserState state = (ParserState) other; return this.index == state.index && this.defContext.equals(state.defContext); } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.index ^ this.defContext.hashCode(); } } protected static class ParserState extends IParserState { public final Context context; public final CacheID id; public ParserState(final int index, final Context defContext, final Context context, final CacheID id) { super(index, defContext); this.context = context; = id; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object other) { if (!(other instanceof ParserState)) return false; final ParserState state = (ParserState) other; return super.equals(state) && this.context.equals(state.context) && ==; } @Override public int hashCode() { return super.hashCode() ^ this.context.hashCode() ^; } } protected static abstract class IResParserState<S extends IResParserState<S>> extends IParserState { public abstract ArgWrapper<?> res() throws SyntaxErrorException; public final Version<S> version; public IResParserState(final int index, final Context defContext, final IVersionManager<S, ?> versionManager) { super(index, defContext); this.version = versionManager.useVersion(); } } protected static abstract class ISnapshotState<R extends IResParserState<R>> extends IParserState { public final Version<R> version; public ISnapshotState(final int index, final Context defContext, final IVersionManager<R, ?> versionManager) { super(index, defContext); this.version = versionManager.useVersion(); } } protected IVersionManager<?, ?> newVersionManager() { return new VersionManager(); } protected static final class Version<R extends IResParserState<R>> { protected int versionNumber; public Version(final int versionNumber) { this.versionNumber = versionNumber; } Map<ParserState, R> cachedResults = null; protected Version<R> next = null; protected R getCachedResult(final ParserState state) { return this.cachedResults == null ? null : this.cachedResults.get(state); } protected void addCachedResult(final ParserState initialState, final R result) { if (this.cachedResults == null) this.cachedResults = new HashMap<>(); this.cachedResults.put(initialState, result); } protected boolean invalidateTail() { Version<R> curr =; if (curr == null) return false; do { curr.versionNumber = Integer.MAX_VALUE; curr.cachedResults = null; } while ((curr = != null); = null; return true; } protected boolean valid() { return this.versionNumber != Integer.MAX_VALUE; } protected boolean valid(final int versionNumber) { return this.versionNumber <= versionNumber; } } public abstract class IVersionManager<R extends IResParserState<R>, S extends ISnapshotState<R>> { private int versionNumber; protected Version<R> version; protected boolean changed = true; protected int snapshotCount = 0; private final PatriciaTrie<Pair<Version<R>, LabelWrapper<?>>> labels; public IVersionManager() { this.versionNumber = 0; this.version = new Version<>(0); this.labels = new PatriciaTrie<>(); } public Version<R> useVersion() { this.changed = false; return this.version; } public void changed() { if (this.changed) return; this.changed = true; this.version.invalidateTail(); this.version = ( = new Version<>(++this.versionNumber)); } protected ParserState getInitState(final Context context, final CacheID id) { return new ParserState(Parser.this.index, Parser.this.defContext, context, id); } public void setState(final R state) { this.changed = false; this.version = state.version; this.versionNumber = this.version.versionNumber; Parser.this.index = state.index; Parser.this.defContext = state.defContext; } public ArgWrapper<?> parseCached(final ICachedParse target, final Context context, final CacheID cacheID) throws SyntaxErrorException { if (this.changed || !this.isSnapshot()) return target.iCachedParse(Parser.this, context); final Version<R> initVersion = this.version; final ParserState initialState = this.getInitState(context, cacheID); if (initialState == null) return target.iCachedParse(Parser.this, context); R res = initVersion.getCachedResult(initialState); if (res != null && res.version.valid()) { this.setState(res); return res.res(); } res = this.parseFetchState(target, context); initVersion.addCachedResult(initialState, res); return res.res(); } public boolean isSnapshot() { return this.snapshotCount > 0; } /** * Exceptions can be caught, as long as they are rethrown by the {@link ResParserState#res()} method of the return value */ protected abstract R parseFetchState(final ICachedParse target, final Context context) throws SyntaxErrorException; protected abstract S saveSnapshot(); protected void restoreSnapshot(final S state) { Parser.this.index = state.index; Parser.this.defContext = state.defContext; this.restoreSnapshot(state.version); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected void passSnapshot(final S state) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected void finalizeSnapshot(final S state) { } protected void restoreSnapshot(final Version<R> version) { this.version = version; this.versionNumber = version.versionNumber; this.changed = false; } public <T, D> T parseSnapshot(final IExParse<T, D> target, final D parserData) throws SyntaxErrorException { final S snapshot = this.saveSnapshot(); ++this.snapshotCount; try { final T ret = target.parse(Parser.this, parserData); this.passSnapshot(snapshot); return ret; } catch (final SyntaxErrorException e) { this.restoreSnapshot(snapshot); throw e; } finally { this.finalizeSnapshot(snapshot); --this.snapshotCount; } } private boolean putLabel(final String label, final LabelWrapper<?> value) { final Pair<Version<R>, LabelWrapper<?>> arg = this.labels.get(label); if (arg != null && arg.getLeft().valid(this.versionNumber)) return false; this.labels.put(label, new ImmutablePair<Version<R>, LabelWrapper<?>>(this.version, value)); return true; } public void addLabel(final String label, final LabelWrapper<?> value) throws SyntaxErrorException { if (!this.putLabel(label, value)) throw Parser.this.SEE("Label '" + label + "' already in use (", ")"); } public LabelWrapper<?> getLabel(final String label) { final Pair<Version<R>, LabelWrapper<?>> ret = this.labels.get(label); if (ret == null || !ret.getLeft().valid(this.versionNumber)) return null; return ret.getRight(); } public Iterable<Entry<String, LabelWrapper<?>>> labelIterable() { return new Iterable<Map.Entry<String, LabelWrapper<?>>>() { @Override public Iterator<Entry<String, LabelWrapper<?>>> iterator() { return IVersionManager.this.labelIterator(); } }; } public Iterable<String> labelKeysIterable() { return new Iterable<String>() { @Override public Iterator<String> iterator() { return IVersionManager.this.labelKeysIterator(); } }; } public UnmodifiableIterator<Entry<String, LabelWrapper<?>>> labelIterator() { final Iterator<Entry<String, Pair<Version<R>, LabelWrapper<?>>>> it = this.labelEntryIterator(); return new UnmodifiableIterator<Map.Entry<String, LabelWrapper<?>>>() { @Override public boolean hasNext() { return it.hasNext(); } @Override public Entry<String, LabelWrapper<?>> next() { final Entry<String, Pair<Version<R>, LabelWrapper<?>>> value =; return new ImmutablePair<String, LabelWrapper<?>>(value.getKey(), value.getValue().getRight()); } }; } public UnmodifiableIterator<String> labelKeysIterator() { final Iterator<Entry<String, Pair<Version<R>, LabelWrapper<?>>>> it = this.labelEntryIterator(); return new UnmodifiableIterator<String>() { @Override public boolean hasNext() { return it.hasNext(); } @Override public String next() { final Entry<String, Pair<Version<R>, LabelWrapper<?>>> value =; return value.getKey(); } }; } private UnmodifiableIterator<Entry<String, Pair<Version<R>, LabelWrapper<?>>>> labelEntryIterator() { final Iterator<Entry<String, Pair<Version<R>, LabelWrapper<?>>>> it = this.labels.entrySet().iterator(); final int versionNumber = this.versionNumber; return new UnmodifiableIterator<Entry<String, Pair<Version<R>, LabelWrapper<?>>>>() { private Entry<String, Pair<Version<R>, LabelWrapper<?>>> next = this.getNext(); private Entry<String, Pair<Version<R>, LabelWrapper<?>>> getNext() { while (it.hasNext()) { final Entry<String, Pair<Version<R>, LabelWrapper<?>>> entry =; if (entry.getValue().getLeft().valid(versionNumber)) return entry; } return null; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return != null; } @Override public Entry<String, Pair<Version<R>, LabelWrapper<?>>> next() { final Entry<String, Pair<Version<R>, LabelWrapper<?>>> ret =; = this.getNext(); return ret; } }; } } protected static abstract class ResParserState extends IResParserState<ResParserState> { public ResParserState(final int index, final Context defContext, final IVersionManager<ResParserState, ?> versionManager) { super(index, defContext, versionManager); } protected static class Success extends ResParserState { private final ArgWrapper<?> res; public Success(final int index, final Context defContext, final IVersionManager<ResParserState, ?> versionManager, final ArgWrapper<?> res) { super(index, defContext, versionManager); this.res = res; } @Override public ArgWrapper<?> res() throws SyntaxErrorException { return this.res; } } protected static class Error extends ResParserState { private final SyntaxErrorException ex; public Error(final int index, final Context defContext, final IVersionManager<ResParserState, ?> versionManager, final SyntaxErrorException ex) { super(index, defContext, versionManager); this.ex = ex; } @Override public ArgWrapper<?> res() throws SyntaxErrorException { throw this.ex; } } } protected static class SnapshotState extends ISnapshotState<ResParserState> { public SnapshotState(final int index, final Context defContext, final IVersionManager<ResParserState, ?> versionManager) { super(index, defContext, versionManager); } } private class VersionManager extends IVersionManager<ResParserState, SnapshotState> { @Override protected ResParserState parseFetchState(final ICachedParse target, final Context context) throws SyntaxErrorException { try { final ArgWrapper<?> res = target.iCachedParse(Parser.this, context); return new ResParserState.Success(Parser.this.getIndex(), Parser.this.defContext, this, res); } catch (final SyntaxErrorException ex) { return new ResParserState.Error(Parser.this.getIndex(), Parser.this.defContext, this, ex); } } @Override protected SnapshotState saveSnapshot() { return new SnapshotState(Parser.this.getIndex(), Parser.this.defContext, this); } } }