package net.minecraft.command.selectors.entity; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections4.trie.PatriciaTrie; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.command.CommandException; import net.minecraft.command.ICommandSender; import net.minecraft.command.NumberInvalidException; import net.minecraft.command.ParsingUtilities; import net.minecraft.command.arg.CommandArg; import net.minecraft.command.arg.TypedWrapper.Getter; import net.minecraft.command.arg.TypedWrapper.SimpleGetter; import net.minecraft.command.collections.TypeIDs; import; import net.minecraft.command.selectors.entity.FilterList.InvertableArg; import net.minecraft.command.selectors.entity.SelectorDescriptorEntity.ExParserData; import net.minecraft.command.type.custom.coordinate.Coordinates; import net.minecraft.command.type.custom.coordinate.SingleCoordinate; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityList; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.entity.effect.EntityLightningBolt; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.scoreboard.Score; import net.minecraft.scoreboard.ScoreObjective; import net.minecraft.scoreboard.Scoreboard; import net.minecraft.scoreboard.Team; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentTranslation; import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3; import; public class SelectorEntity extends CommandArg<List<Entity>> { private final SelectorType selType; private final boolean isPlayerSelector; private final CommandArg<Vec3> coords; private final Getter<Integer> r; private final Getter<Integer> rm; private final Getter<Double> dx; private final Getter<Double> dy; private final Getter<Double> dz; private final Getter<Vec3> dxyz; private final Getter<Integer> c; private final Getter<Integer> m; private final Getter<Integer> l; private final Getter<Integer> lm; private final Getter<Double> rx; private final Getter<Double> rxm; private final Getter<Double> ry; private final Getter<Double> rym; private final InvertableArg name; private final InvertableArg team; private final InvertableArg type; private final SimpleGetter<Predicate<Map<ScoreObjective, Score>>> scores; private final boolean nullScoreAllowed; private final Getter<NBTTagCompound> nbt; private final boolean allWorlds; public static enum SelectorType { p, e, r, a; } public SelectorEntity(final SelectorType selType, final ExParserData parserData) { this.selType = selType; final Getter<Vec3> coords = SelectorConstructable.getParam(TypeIDs.Coordinates, "xyz", parserData); if (coords == null) { final Getter<Double> x = SelectorConstructable.getParam(TypeIDs.Double, 0, "x", parserData); final Getter<Double> y = SelectorConstructable.getParam(TypeIDs.Double, 1, "y", parserData); final Getter<Double> z = SelectorConstructable.getParam(TypeIDs.Double, 2, "z", parserData); this.coords = new Coordinates( x == null ? SingleCoordinate.tildexNC : x.commandArg(), y == null ? SingleCoordinate.tildeyNC : y.commandArg(), z == null ? SingleCoordinate.tildezNC : z.commandArg()); } else this.coords = coords.commandArg(); this.r = SelectorConstructable.getParam(TypeIDs.Integer, 3, "r", parserData); this.rm = SelectorConstructable.getParam(TypeIDs.Integer, "rm", parserData); this.dx = SelectorConstructable.getParam(TypeIDs.Double, "dx", parserData); this.dy = SelectorConstructable.getParam(TypeIDs.Double, "dy", parserData); = SelectorConstructable.getParam(TypeIDs.Double, "dz", parserData); this.dxyz = SelectorConstructable.getParam(TypeIDs.Coordinates, "dxyz", parserData); this.c = SelectorConstructable.getParam(TypeIDs.Integer, "c", parserData); this.m = SelectorConstructable.getParam(TypeIDs.Integer, "m", parserData); this.l = SelectorConstructable.getParam(TypeIDs.Integer, "l", parserData); this.lm = SelectorConstructable.getParam(TypeIDs.Integer, "lm", parserData); this.rx = SelectorConstructable.getParam(TypeIDs.Double, "rx", parserData); this.rxm = SelectorConstructable.getParam(TypeIDs.Double, "rxm", parserData); this.ry = SelectorConstructable.getParam(TypeIDs.Double, "ry", parserData); this.rym = SelectorConstructable.getParam(TypeIDs.Double, "rym", parserData); =; =; this.type = parserData.type; this.nbt = SelectorConstructable.getParam(TypeIDs.NBTCompound, "nbt", parserData); final PatriciaTrie<MutablePair<Getter<Integer>, Getter<Integer>>> pScores = parserData.primitiveScores; this.nullScoreAllowed = parserData.nullScoreAllowed && pScores.isEmpty(); this.scores = pScores == null ? null : this.procScores(pScores); this.isPlayerSelector = selType == SelectorType.a || selType == SelectorType.p || (selType == SelectorType.r && this.type == null); this.allWorlds = !(this.r != null || this.rm != null || this.dx != null || this.dy != null || != null || this.coords != null); } public SimpleGetter<Predicate<Map<ScoreObjective, Score>>> procScores(final Map<String, MutablePair<Getter<Integer>, Getter<Integer>>> pScores) { return new SimpleGetter<Predicate<Map<ScoreObjective, Score>>>() { @Override public Predicate<Map<ScoreObjective, Score>> get() throws CommandException { final List<Predicate<Map<ScoreObjective, Score>>> predicates = new ArrayList<>(pScores.size()); final Scoreboard scoreboard = MinecraftServer.getServer().worldServerForDimension(0).getScoreboard(); for (final Entry<String, MutablePair<Getter<Integer>, Getter<Integer>>> score : pScores.entrySet()) { final ScoreObjective objective = scoreboard.getObjective(score.getKey()); if (objective == null) throw new CommandException("Objective not found: " + score.getKey()); final Getter<Integer> minArg = score.getValue().left; final Getter<Integer> maxArg = score.getValue().right; if (minArg != null) { final int min = minArg.get(); if (maxArg != null) { final int max = maxArg.get(); predicates.add(new Predicate<Map<ScoreObjective, Score>>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Map<ScoreObjective, Score> scores) { final Score score = scores.get(objective); if (score == null) return false; final int scoreVal = score.getScorePoints(); return min <= scoreVal && scoreVal <= max; } }); continue; } predicates.add(new Predicate<Map<ScoreObjective, Score>>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Map<ScoreObjective, Score> scores) { final Score score = scores.get(objective); if (score == null) return false; final int scoreVal = score.getScorePoints(); return min <= scoreVal; } }); continue; } final int max = maxArg.get(); predicates.add(new Predicate<Map<ScoreObjective, Score>>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Map<ScoreObjective, Score> scores) { final Score score = scores.get(objective); if (score == null) return false; final int scoreVal = score.getScorePoints(); return scoreVal <= max; } }); } return Predicates.and(predicates); } }; } @Override public List<Entity> eval(final ICommandSender sender) throws CommandException { if (!sender.canCommandSenderUseCommand(1, "@")) return Collections.emptyList(); final List<Predicate<Entity>> predList = new ArrayList<Predicate<Entity>>(); final List<Predicate<Entity>> predList2 = new ArrayList<Predicate<Entity>>(); Predicate<Entity> typePredicate; final Vec3 coords = this.coords.eval(sender); final AxisAlignedBB dBox = this.dPredicate(predList, coords); this.rotPredicate(predList); this.lPredicate(predList); this.mPredicate(predList); final AxisAlignedBB rBox = this.rPredicate(predList, new BlockPos(coords)); this.namePredicate(predList); this.teamPredicate(predList); this.scorePredicate(predList2); this.nbtPredicate(predList2); typePredicate = this.typePredicate(sender); final AxisAlignedBB box = intersectBoxes(dBox, rBox); final int predCount = predList.size() + predList2.size(); final ArrayList<Predicate<Entity>> allPredicates = new ArrayList<>(predCount); allPredicates.addAll(predList); allPredicates.addAll(predList2); final Predicate<Entity> allPredicate = Predicates.and(allPredicates); final ArrayList<Predicate<Entity>> allPredsWithType = new ArrayList<>(predCount + 1); if (this.isPlayerSelector) this.forcePlayerPredicate(allPredsWithType); allPredsWithType.addAll(predList); if (typePredicate != null) allPredsWithType.add(typePredicate); allPredsWithType.addAll(predList2); final Predicate<Entity> allPredWithType = Predicates.and(allPredsWithType); final World[] worlds = this.allWorlds ? MinecraftServer.getServer().worldServers : new World[] { sender.getEntityWorld() }; final ArrayList<Entity> matches = new ArrayList<>(); for (final World world : worlds) if (this.isPlayerSelector && world.playerEntities.size() < world.loadedEntityList.size() * 16) { for (final Object player : world.playerEntities) if (allPredicate.apply((Entity) player)) matches.add((Entity) player); } else world.filterEntities(box, matches, allPredWithType); return this.applySelType(matches, coords); } private List<Entity> applySelType(final List<Entity> matches, final Vec3 origin) throws CommandException { final Integer c = get(this.c); if (this.selType == SelectorType.r) { Collections.shuffle(matches); if (c != null && c != 0) return matches.subList(0, Math.min(matches.size(), Math.abs(c))); return matches.subList(0, Math.min(matches.size(), 1)); } final Ordering<Entity> ordering = Ordering.from(new Comparator<Entity>() { @Override public int compare(final Entity e1, final Entity e2) { return, e2.getPositionVector().squareDistanceTo(origin)); } }); if (c != null) { if (c < 0) return ordering.greatestOf(matches, -c); if (c > 0) return ordering.leastOf(matches, c); return ordering.greatestOf(matches, matches.size()); } if (this.selType == SelectorType.p) return ordering.leastOf(matches, 1); return matches; } private static AxisAlignedBB intersectBoxes(final AxisAlignedBB box1, final AxisAlignedBB box2) { return new AxisAlignedBB(Math.max(box1.minX, box2.minX), Math.max(box1.minY, box2.minY), Math.max(box1.minZ, box2.minZ), Math.min(box1.maxX, box2.maxX), Math.min(box1.maxY, box2.maxY), Math.min(box1.maxZ, box2.maxZ)); } private void nbtPredicate(final List<Predicate<Entity>> predList2) throws CommandException { if (this.nbt == null) return; final NBTTagCompound nbt = this.nbt.get(); predList2.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { final NBTTagCompound entityNbt = new NBTTagCompound(); e.writeToNBT(entityNbt); return NBTBase.compareTags(nbt, entityNbt, true); } }); } private static boolean checkTypeValid(final ICommandSender sender, final String type) { if (!EntityList.func_180125_b(type)) { final ChatComponentTranslation var3 = new ChatComponentTranslation("commands.generic.entity.invalidType", type); var3.getChatStyle().setColor(EnumChatFormatting.RED); sender.addChatMessage(var3); return false; } return true; } private void scorePredicate(final List<Predicate<Entity>> predList2) throws CommandException { if (this.scores == null) return; final Scoreboard scoreboard = MinecraftServer.getServer().worldServerForDimension(0).getScoreboard(); final Predicate<Map<ScoreObjective, Score>> predicate = this.scores.get(); predList2.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { final Map<ScoreObjective, Score> map = scoreboard.getScores(ParsingUtilities.getEntityIdentifier(e)); if (map == null) return SelectorEntity.this.nullScoreAllowed; return predicate.apply(map); } }); } private void mPredicate(final List<Predicate<Entity>> predList) throws CommandException { if (this.m == null) return; final int m = this.m.get(); predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { if (!(e instanceof EntityPlayerMP)) return false; return ((EntityPlayerMP) e).theItemInWorldManager.getGameType().getID() == m; } }); } private Predicate<Entity> typePredicate(final ICommandSender sender) throws CommandException { if (this.type == null) return null; final Set<String> types = filterTypes(this.type.arg.get(), sender); final boolean inverted = this.type.inverted; if (types.size() == 0) return inverted ? null : Predicates.<Entity> alwaysFalse(); return new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { return inverted != types.contains(SelectorEntity.this.getTypeString(e)); } }; } private static Set<String> filterTypes(final List<String> types, final ICommandSender sender) throws CommandException { final Set<String> ret = new HashSet<String>(types.size()); for (final String type : types) if (checkTypeValid(sender, type)) ret.add(type); return ret; } private void forcePlayerPredicate(final ArrayList<Predicate<Entity>> predList) { predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { return e instanceof EntityPlayerMP; } }); } private String getTypeString(final Entity e) { final String str = EntityList.getEntityString(e); if (str != null) return str; if (e instanceof EntityPlayer) return "Player"; if (e instanceof EntityLightningBolt) return "LightningBolt"; return null; } private void teamPredicate(final List<Predicate<Entity>> predList) throws CommandException { if ( == null) return; final boolean inverted =; if ( == null) { predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { if (!(e instanceof EntityLivingBase)) return false; final Team t = ((EntityLivingBase) e).getTeam(); return inverted != (t == null); } }); return; } final Set<String> teams = new HashSet<>(; predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { if (!(e instanceof EntityLivingBase)) return false; final Team t = ((EntityLivingBase) e).getTeam(); if (t == null) return inverted; return inverted != teams.contains(t.getRegisteredName()); } }); } private void namePredicate(final List<Predicate<Entity>> predList) throws CommandException { if ( == null) return; final Set<String> names = new HashSet<>(; final boolean inverted =; predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { return inverted != names.contains(e.getName()); } }); } private void lPredicate(final List<Predicate<Entity>> predList) throws CommandException { final Integer l = get(this.l); final Integer lm = get(this.lm); if (l != null && l >= 0) { if (lm != null && lm >= 0) { if (lm > l) throw new NumberInvalidException("The value for 'lm' (" + lm + ") must not be bigger than the one for 'l' (" + l + ")"); predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { if (!(e instanceof EntityPlayerMP)) return false; final EntityPlayerMP player = (EntityPlayerMP) e; return lm <= player.experienceLevel && player.experienceLevel <= l; } }); return; } predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { if (!(e instanceof EntityPlayerMP)) return false; final EntityPlayerMP player = (EntityPlayerMP) e; return player.experienceLevel <= l; } }); return; } if (lm != null && lm > 0) predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { if (!(e instanceof EntityPlayerMP)) return false; final EntityPlayerMP player = (EntityPlayerMP) e; return lm <= player.experienceLevel; } }); } private AxisAlignedBB dPredicate(final List<Predicate<Entity>> predList, final Vec3 origin) throws CommandException { final Vec3 dxyz = get(this.dxyz); final AxisAlignedBB box = this.dxyz == null ? createBox(origin, get(this.dx), get(this.dy), get( : createBox(origin, dxyz.xCoord, dxyz.yCoord, dxyz.zCoord); predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { return e.posX >= box.minX && e.posX <= box.maxX && e.posY >= box.minY && e.posY <= box.maxY && e.posZ >= box.minZ && e.posZ <= box.maxZ; } }); return box; } private static AxisAlignedBB createBox(final Vec3 origin, final Double dx, final Double dy, final Double dz) { double xMin = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double yMin = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double zMin = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double xMax = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double yMax = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double zMax = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; if (dx != null) { final boolean xNeg = dx < 0.0; xMin = origin.xCoord + (xNeg ? dx : 0); xMax = origin.xCoord + (xNeg ? 0 : dx); } if (dy != null) { final boolean yNeg = dy < 0.0; yMin = origin.yCoord + (yNeg ? dy : 0); yMax = origin.yCoord + (yNeg ? 0 : dy); } if (dz != null) { final boolean zNeg = dz < 0.0; zMin = origin.zCoord + (zNeg ? dz : 0); zMax = origin.zCoord + (zNeg ? 0 : dz); } return new AxisAlignedBB(xMin, yMin, zMin, xMax, yMax, zMax); } private static AxisAlignedBB createBox(final BlockPos origin, final Integer r) { final int xMin = r != null ? origin.getX() - r : Integer.MIN_VALUE; final int yMin = r != null ? origin.getY() - r : Integer.MIN_VALUE; final int zMin = r != null ? origin.getZ() - r : Integer.MIN_VALUE; final int xMax = r != null ? origin.getX() + r : Integer.MAX_VALUE; final int yMax = r != null ? origin.getY() + r : Integer.MAX_VALUE; final int zMax = r != null ? origin.getZ() + r : Integer.MAX_VALUE; return new AxisAlignedBB(xMin, yMin, zMin, xMax, yMax, zMax); } private AxisAlignedBB rPredicate(final List<Predicate<Entity>> predList, final BlockPos origin) throws CommandException { final Integer r = get(this.r); final Integer rm = get(this.rm); final AxisAlignedBB box = createBox(origin, r); if (r != null && r >= 0) { final int rSq = r * r; if (rm != null && rm > 0) { if (rm > r) throw new NumberInvalidException("The value for 'rm' (" + rm + ") must not be bigger than the one for 'r' (" + r + ")"); final int rmSq = rm * rm; predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { final int dist = (int) e.func_174831_c(origin); return dist <= rSq && dist >= rmSq; } }); return box; } predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { final int dist = (int) e.func_174831_c(origin); return dist <= rSq; } }); return box; } if (rm != null && rm > 0) { final int rmSq = rm * rm; predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { final int dist = (int) e.func_174831_c(origin); return dist >= rmSq; } }); } return box; } private void rotPredicate(final List<Predicate<Entity>> predList) throws CommandException { final Double rx = get(this.rx); final Double rxm = get(this.rxm); final Double ry = get(this.ry); final Double rym = get(this.rym); if (rx != null) { final double fRx = wrapAngleTo90(rx); if (rxm != null) { final double fRxm = wrapAngleTo90(rxm); if (fRxm < fRx) predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { final double pitch = e.rotationPitch; return pitch >= fRxm && pitch <= fRx; } }); else predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { final double pitch = e.rotationPitch; return pitch >= fRxm || pitch <= fRx; } }); } else predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { return e.rotationPitch <= fRx; } }); } else if (rxm != null) { final double fRxm = wrapAngleTo90(rxm); predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { return e.rotationPitch >= fRxm; } }); } if (ry != null) { final double fRy = MathHelper.wrapAngleTo180_double(ry); if (rym != null) { final double fRym = MathHelper.wrapAngleTo180_double(rym); if (fRym < fRy) predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { final double yaw = e.rotationYaw; return yaw >= fRym && yaw <= fRy; } }); else predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { final double yaw = e.rotationYaw; return yaw >= fRym || yaw <= fRy; } }); } else predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { return e.rotationYaw <= fRy; } }); } else if (rym != null) { final double fRym = MathHelper.wrapAngleTo180_double(rym); predList.add(new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Entity e) { return e.rotationYaw >= fRym; } }); } } private static double wrapAngleTo90(double angle) { angle %= 360.0D; if (angle < -270) return 360.0 + angle; if (angle < -90.0) return -180.0 - angle; if (angle > 270.0) return angle - 360.0; if (angle > 90.0) return 180.0 - angle; return angle; } }