package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import org.apache.commons.collections4.trie.PatriciaTrie; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import net.minecraft.command.IPermission; import net.minecraft.command.ParsingUtilities; import net.minecraft.command.SyntaxErrorException; import net.minecraft.command.arg.ArgWrapper; import net.minecraft.command.arg.CommandArg; import net.minecraft.command.arg.PermissionWrapper; import net.minecraft.command.arg.PermissionWrapper.Command; import net.minecraft.command.arg.Setter; import net.minecraft.command.arg.Setter.SetterProvider; import net.minecraft.command.completion.ITabCompletion; import net.minecraft.command.completion.TabCompletion; import; import net.minecraft.command.descriptors.CommandDescriptor; import net.minecraft.command.descriptors.ICommandDescriptor; import net.minecraft.command.parser.Parser; import net.minecraft.command.type.IExParse; import net.minecraft.command.type.custom.TypeLabelDeclaration.LabelRegistration; import net.minecraft.command.type.custom.command.ParserKeyword; import; public abstract class CommandDescriptorDefault extends CommandDescriptor<CParserData> { public static class CParserData { public final Parser parser; public final List<ArgWrapper<?>> params; public final List<String> path = new ArrayList<>(); public List<SetterProvider<?>> labels = null; private List<LabelRegistration<?>> labelRegistrations = null; public CParserData(final Parser parser, final int count) { this.parser = parser; this.params = new ArrayList<>(count); } public void add(final ArgWrapper<?> item) { this.params.add(item); } public void add(final String keyword) { this.path.add(keyword); } private int index = 0; public ArgWrapper<?> get() { if (this.index >= this.params.size()) return null; return this.params.get(this.index++); } public ArgWrapper<?> get(final int id) { this.index = id; return this.get(); } public <T> CommandArg<T> get(final TypeID<T> type, final int id) { return ArgWrapper.get(type, this.get(id)); } public <T> CommandArg<T> get(final TypeID<T> type) { return ArgWrapper.get(type, this.get()); } private int pathIndex = 0; public String getPath() { if (this.pathIndex >= this.path.size()) return null; return this.path.get(this.pathIndex++); } public String getPath(final int id) { this.pathIndex = id; return this.getPath(); } public int size() { return this.params.size(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return this.params.isEmpty(); } public void addLabel(final SetterProvider<?> label) { if (this.labels == null) this.labels = new ArrayList<>(); this.labels.add(label); } private int labelIndex = 0; public <T> Setter<T> getLabel(final TypeID<T> type) { if (this.labels == null) return null; if (this.labelIndex >= this.labels.size()) return null; return this.labels.get(this.labelIndex++).getSetter(type); } public <T> Setter<T> getLabel(final TypeID<T> type, final int index) { this.labelIndex = index; return this.getLabel(type); } public void addLabelRegistration(final LabelRegistration<?> registration) { if (this.labelRegistrations == null) this.labelRegistrations = new ArrayList<>(); this.labelRegistrations.add(registration); } private int labelRegistrationIndex = 0; public void registerLabel(final Parser parser) throws SyntaxErrorException { if (this.labelRegistrations == null || this.labelRegistrationIndex >= this.labelRegistrations.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to register non-existing label"); this.addLabel(this.labelRegistrations.get(this.labelRegistrationIndex++).register(parser)); } public void registerLabel(final Parser parser, final int index) throws SyntaxErrorException { this.labelRegistrationIndex = index; this.registerLabel(parser); } } private final PatriciaTrie<ICommandDescriptor<? super CParserData>> keywords = new PatriciaTrie<>(); private final Set<ITabCompletion> keywordCompletions = new HashSet<>(); private final ParserKeyword kp = new ParserKeyword(this); private final List<IExParse<Void, ? super CParserData>> types; public CommandDescriptorDefault(final IPermission permission, final UsageProvider usage, final List<IExParse<Void, ? super CParserData>> types) { super(permission, usage); this.types = types; } public CommandDescriptorDefault(final IPermission permission, final UsageProvider usage, final Map<String, CommandDescriptor<? super CParserData>> keywords, final List<IExParse<Void, ? super CParserData>> types) { super(permission, usage); this.addSubDescriptors(keywords); this.types = types; } public CommandDescriptorDefault(final IPermission permission, final UsageProvider usage, final Set<Pair<Set<String>, CommandDescriptor<? super CParserData>>> descriptors, final List<IExParse<Void, ? super CParserData>> types) { super(permission, usage); this.addSubDescriptors(descriptors); this.types = types; } @Override public void parse(final Parser parser, final CParserData parserData, final UsageProvider usage) throws SyntaxErrorException { for (final IExParse<Void, ? super CParserData> type : this.types) { if (!parser.checkSpace()) throw usage.createException(parser, parserData.path); type.parse(parser, parserData); } } @Override public Command parse(final Parser parser) throws SyntaxErrorException { ICommandDescriptor<? super CParserData> currDescriptor = this; IPermission permission = this.permission; UsageProvider usage = this.usage; final Matcher endingMatcher = parser.getMatcher(ParsingUtilities.endingMatcher); final CParserData data = new CParserData(parser, this.types.size()); while (true) { currDescriptor.parse(parser, data, usage); if (parser.find(endingMatcher)) { // CommandsParser REQUIRES that endingMatcher is in the following state: whitespaces processed + found match parser.incIndex(; final CommandArg<Integer> command = currDescriptor.construct(data); if (command == null) throw usage.createException(parser, data.path); return new PermissionWrapper.Command(command, permission); } if (!parser.checkSpace() || (currDescriptor = currDescriptor.getSubDescriptor(parser, data)) == null) throw usage.createException(parser, data.path); if (currDescriptor.permission != null) permission = currDescriptor.permission; if (currDescriptor.usage != null) usage = currDescriptor.usage; } } @Override public void addSubDescriptor(final String key, final ICommandDescriptor<? super CParserData> descriptor) { if (this.keywords.put(key, descriptor) != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Keyword '" + key + "' already registered"); if ("".equals(key)) return; this.keywordCompletions.add(new TabCompletion(key)); } @Override public ICommandDescriptor<? super CParserData> getSubDescriptor(final String keyword) { return this.keywords.get(keyword); } @Override public ICommandDescriptor<? super CParserData> getSubDescriptor(final Parser parser, final CParserData data) throws SyntaxErrorException { return, data); } public final Set<ITabCompletion> getKeywordCompletions() { return this.keywordCompletions; } }