package; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label.*; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.VerticalGroup; import; import; /** * * Muestra las puntuaciones que hay que conseguir para obtener m�s o menos tiradas. * */ public class InfoRoll extends VerticalGroup { private final int POSITION_X = 120; private final int POSITION_Y = 350; private Label roll1, roll2, roll3, title; private MissingWords missingWords; private BitmapFont font; public InfoRoll(MissingWords game) { super(); //.align(Align.left); missingWords = game; font = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("fonts/listFont.fnt"), Gdx.files.internal("fonts/listFont.png"), false); /* Creamos las etiquetas con la informaci�n a mostrar */ if (missingWords.selectedLanguage == Language.english) { title = new Label(" Points = roll(s)", new LabelStyle(font, Color.BLACK)); roll1 = new Label(" 1 to " + missingWords.getMin() + " = 1 roll" , new LabelStyle(font, Color.BLACK)); roll2 = new Label((missingWords.getMin() + 1) + " to " + (missingWords.getMax() - 1) + " = 2 rolls", new LabelStyle(font, Color.BLACK)); roll3 = new Label(" " + missingWords.getMax() + "+ = 3 rolls" , new LabelStyle(font, Color.BLACK)); } else { title = new Label(" Punkte = w�rfeln", new LabelStyle(font, Color.BLACK)); roll1 = new Label(" 1 bis " + missingWords.getMin() + " = 1 w." , new LabelStyle(font, Color.BLACK)); roll2 = new Label((missingWords.getMin() + 1) + " bis " + (missingWords.getMax() - 1) + " = 2 w.", new LabelStyle(font, Color.BLACK)); roll3 = new Label(" " + missingWords.getMax() + "+ = 3 w." , new LabelStyle(font, Color.BLACK)); } addActor(title); addActor(roll1); addActor(roll2); addActor(roll3); setPosition(POSITION_X, POSITION_Y); } }