package de.tud.inf.operator.learner.regressionensemble; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import com.rapidminer.example.Attribute; import com.rapidminer.example.Attributes; import com.rapidminer.example.Example; import com.rapidminer.example.ExampleReader; import com.rapidminer.example.ExampleSet; import com.rapidminer.example.set.AttributeValueFilter; import com.rapidminer.example.set.Condition; import com.rapidminer.example.set.ConditionedExampleSet; import com.rapidminer.example.set.SortedExampleReader; import com.rapidminer.example.table.AttributeFactory; import com.rapidminer.example.table.ExampleTable; import com.rapidminer.operator.Model; import com.rapidminer.operator.Operator; import com.rapidminer.operator.OperatorDescription; import com.rapidminer.operator.OperatorException; import com.rapidminer.operator.UserError; import com.rapidminer.operator.learner.Learner; import com.rapidminer.operator.learner.LearnerCapability; import com.rapidminer.operator.learner.PredictionModel; import com.rapidminer.operator.learner.meta.AbstractMetaLearner; import com.rapidminer.parameter.ParameterType; import com.rapidminer.parameter.ParameterTypeBoolean; import com.rapidminer.parameter.ParameterTypeDouble; import com.rapidminer.parameter.ParameterTypeFile; import com.rapidminer.parameter.ParameterTypeInt; import com.rapidminer.parameter.ParameterTypeStringCategory; import; public class BatchEnsembleRegression extends AbstractMetaLearner { private static final String ENSEMBLE_MAX_MEMBERS = "maximum members"; private static final String ENSEMBLE_LOCAL_THRESHOLD = "local threshold"; private static final String ENSEMBLE_SIMILARITY_MEASURE = "similarity measure"; private static final String ENSEMBLE_SLIDING_TEST = "test on training window"; private static final String ENSEMBLE_LEAVE_OUT_SIZE = "percentage of test examples"; private static final String ENSEMBLE_STATE_FILE = "state file"; private static final String ENSEMBLE_FULL_MATERIALIZED = "materialize full"; private static final String ENSEMBLE_PENALTY_WEIGHT = "penalty weight"; private static final String ENSEMBLE_SAMPLING_INTERVAL = "sampling interval"; private static final String ENSEMBLE_USE_THREADS = "use threads"; private MemberGatherer gatherer = null; private Object lock = new Object(); public BatchEnsembleRegression(OperatorDescription description) { super(description); } public Model learn(ExampleSet exampleSet) throws OperatorException { EnsembleRegressionModel ensemble = null; Operator learner = this.getOperator(0); File state_file = getParameterAsFile(ENSEMBLE_STATE_FILE); int max_members = getParameterAsInt(ENSEMBLE_MAX_MEMBERS); int sampling_interval = getParameterAsInt(ENSEMBLE_SAMPLING_INTERVAL); int leaf_out_size = getParameterAsInt(ENSEMBLE_LEAVE_OUT_SIZE); double local_threshold = getParameterAsDouble(ENSEMBLE_LOCAL_THRESHOLD); double penalty_weight = getParameterAsDouble(ENSEMBLE_PENALTY_WEIGHT); boolean sliding_test = getParameterAsBoolean(ENSEMBLE_SLIDING_TEST); boolean materialize_full = getParameterAsBoolean(ENSEMBLE_FULL_MATERIALIZED); boolean use_threads = getParameterAsBoolean(ENSEMBLE_USE_THREADS); String similarity_measure_type = getParameterAsString(ENSEMBLE_SIMILARITY_MEASURE); Distance distance = null; switch (ENSEMBLE_SIMILARITY_MEASURES.valueOf(similarity_measure_type)) { case EuclideanDistance: distance = new L2Norm(); break; default: logError("Unknown distance function"); break; } if(use_threads == true) { try { ensemble = createEnsembleThreaded(exampleSet, learner, distance, max_members, local_threshold, penalty_weight, sliding_test, leaf_out_size, sampling_interval); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw new OperatorException("Threading Problem", ie); } } else { if(materialize_full == true) { ensemble = createEnsembleTotalMaterialized(exampleSet, learner, distance, max_members, local_threshold, penalty_weight, sliding_test, leaf_out_size, sampling_interval); } else { ensemble = createEnsembleScanMaterialized(exampleSet, learner, distance, max_members, local_threshold, penalty_weight, sliding_test, leaf_out_size, sampling_interval); } } log("Back in main"); // save the ensemble OutputStream out = null; try { out = new FileOutputStream(state_file); if(ensemble != null) { ensemble.write(out); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new UserError(this, e, 303, new Object[] { state_file, e.getMessage() }); } finally { if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logError("Cannot close stream to file " + state_file); } } } log("Write done"); return ensemble; } protected class MemberGatherer { HashMap<Integer, EnsembleMember> candidates; TreeMultiMap<Double, Integer> ratios; boolean exceptionOccured; public MemberGatherer(HashMap<Integer, EnsembleMember> candidates, TreeMultiMap<Double, Integer> ratios) { this.candidates = candidates; this.ratios = ratios; this.exceptionOccured = false; } public HashMap<Integer, EnsembleMember> getCandidates() { return candidates; } public TreeMultiMap<Double, Integer> getRatios() { return ratios; } public void flagException() { exceptionOccured = true; } public boolean getExceptionOccured() { return exceptionOccured; } } protected class EstimateAndTest implements Runnable { protected ExampleSet exampleSet; protected Distance distance; protected ArrayList<Integer> ids; protected Learner learner; protected Attribute idAttribute; protected Attribute predictedLabel; protected int round; protected int trainingEndId; protected boolean sliding_test; protected int max_members; protected double local_threshold; protected double penalty_weight; protected int leaf_out_size; protected int sampling_interval; protected int testBeginId; protected int maxId; protected int size; protected BatchEnsembleRegression parent; protected EstimateAndTest( ExampleSet exampleSet, Distance distance, ArrayList<Integer> ids, Learner learner, int round, int trainingEndId, int testBeginId, int maxId, Attribute idAttribute, Attribute predictedLabel, boolean sliding_test, int max_members, double local_threshold, double penalty_weight, int leaf_out_size, int sampling_interval, int size, BatchEnsembleRegression parent ) { this.exampleSet = exampleSet; this.ids = ids; this.distance = distance; this.round = round; this.idAttribute = idAttribute; this.trainingEndId = trainingEndId; this.learner = learner; this.sliding_test = sliding_test; this.predictedLabel = predictedLabel; this.max_members = max_members; this.local_threshold = local_threshold; this.penalty_weight = penalty_weight; this.leaf_out_size = leaf_out_size; this.sampling_interval = sampling_interval; this.testBeginId = testBeginId; this.maxId = maxId; this.size = size; this.parent = parent; } public void run() { int currentId = ids.get(round - 1); String windowConditionExpression = idAttribute.getName() + " >= " + currentId + " && " + idAttribute.getName() + " <= " + trainingEndId; Condition windowCondition = new AttributeValueFilter(exampleSet, windowConditionExpression); ConditionedExampleSet window = new ConditionedExampleSet(exampleSet, windowCondition); PredictionModel model = null; try { model = (PredictionModel) learner.learn(window); } catch(OperatorException oe) { gatherer.flagException(); oe.printStackTrace(); return; } EnsembleMember member = new EnsembleMember(); int positives = 0; int negatives = 0; // testing if (sliding_test == true) { // sliding test -> test on all values used in training! // iterate over all examples in the window and test [e.g. batch predict]; result will be written to predictedLabel try { model.performPrediction(window, predictedLabel); } catch (OperatorException oe) { gatherer.flagException(); oe.printStackTrace(); return; } // test on window! --> iterate for classification Iterator<Example> iter = window.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Example example =; double label = example.getLabel(); double prediction = example.getNumericalValue(predictedLabel); double dist = distance.distance(label, prediction); if(dist < local_threshold) { positives++; } else { negatives++; } } } else { String testSetConditionExpression = idAttribute.getName() + " >= " + testBeginId + " && " + idAttribute.getName() + " <= " + maxId; Condition testSetCondition = new AttributeValueFilter(exampleSet, testSetConditionExpression); ConditionedExampleSet testSet = new ConditionedExampleSet(exampleSet, testSetCondition); try { model.performPrediction(testSet, predictedLabel); } catch (OperatorException oe) { gatherer.flagException(); oe.printStackTrace(); return; } Iterator<Example> iter = testSet.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Example example =; double label = example.getLabel(); double prediction = example.getNumericalValue(predictedLabel); double dist = distance.distance(label, prediction); if(dist < local_threshold) { positives++; } else { negatives++; } } } //log(Double.toString(dist)); member.setPositive(positives); member.setNegative(negatives); member.setIntroducedAt(currentId); //OPTION correct state init member.setState(MemberState.STABLE); member.setModel(model); //candidates[round - 1] = member; double ratio = member.getRatio(); double size_penalty = ((double) ((size + 1) - round)) / ((double)size); double currentPenalizedRatio = penalty_weight * size_penalty + (1 - penalty_weight) * ratio; synchronized(lock) { if(parent.getGatherer().getCandidates().size() < max_members) { // can safely use round as "index" here parent.getGatherer().getCandidates().put(round, member); parent.getGatherer().getRatios().put(currentPenalizedRatio, round); //ensemble_positives += member.getPositive(); } else { // check weather there is a lower ranking member to replace; always replace in the lowest Key double leastKey = parent.getGatherer().getRatios().firstKey(); if(leastKey < currentPenalizedRatio) { // there is at least one entry int leastMemberIndex = parent.getGatherer().getRatios().get(leastKey).get(0); // remove it parent.getGatherer().getRatios().remove(leastKey, leastMemberIndex); parent.getGatherer().getCandidates().remove(leastMemberIndex); // now put the new member parent.getGatherer().getCandidates().put(round, member); parent.getGatherer().getRatios().put(currentPenalizedRatio, round); //ensemble_positives += member.getPositive(); } } } } } protected EnsembleRegressionModel createEnsembleThreaded( ExampleSet exampleSet, Operator learnerOperator, Distance distance, int max_members, double local_threshold, double penalty_weight, boolean sliding_test, int leaf_out_size, int sampling_interval ) throws OperatorException, InterruptedException { EnsembleRegressionModel ensemble = new EnsembleRegressionModel(exampleSet); // candidate set; is maintained while iterating through the windows! HashMap<Integer, EnsembleMember> candidates = new HashMap<Integer, EnsembleMember>(); // the ratios for maintaining the candidates! TreeMultiMap<Double, Integer> ratios = new TreeMultiMap<Double, Integer>(); // all threads ArrayList<Thread> threads = new ArrayList<Thread>(); // access object for the threads gatherer = new MemberGatherer(candidates, ratios); Attribute idAttribute = exampleSet.getAttributes().getId(); Attribute labelAttribute = exampleSet.getAttributes().getLabel(); Attribute predictedLabel = createPredictedLabel(exampleSet, labelAttribute); ArrayList<Integer> ids = getAllIds(exampleSet); int maxId = ids.get(ids.size() - 1); Learner learner = (Learner) learnerOperator; int first = 1; int last; int testBeginId; int trainingEndId; if (sliding_test == true) { last = exampleSet.size(); trainingEndId = ids.get(last - 1); testBeginId = 0; // does not matter //testBeginId = ids.get(last); } else { int leaf_out_count = exampleSet.size() * leaf_out_size / 100; if(leaf_out_count == 0) { //FIXME leaf_out_count = 1; } //log(Integer.toString(leaf_out_count)); last = exampleSet.size() - leaf_out_count; trainingEndId = ids.get(last - 1); testBeginId = ids.get(last); } int size = last - first + 1; threads.ensureCapacity(size); // build the threads for(int round = last; round >= first; round = round - sampling_interval) { EstimateAndTest runnable = new EstimateAndTest( exampleSet, distance, ids, learner, round, trainingEndId, testBeginId, maxId, idAttribute, predictedLabel, sliding_test, max_members, local_threshold, penalty_weight, leaf_out_size, sampling_interval, size, this ); threads.add(new Thread(runnable)); } // start threads for(Thread t : threads) { t.start(); } // wait for threads for(Thread t : threads) { t.join(); } candidates = gatherer.getCandidates(); ratios = gatherer.getRatios(); if(gatherer.getExceptionOccured() == true) { throw new OperatorException("Exception in one of the worker threads"); } int ensemble_positives = 0; for (Iterator<EnsembleMember> iterator = candidates.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { EnsembleMember member =; ensemble_positives += member.getPositive(); ensemble.addMember(member); } ensemble.setSeenIds(new HashSet<Integer>(ids)); if(ensemble_positives == 0) { log("Looser Ensemble encountered"); for (EnsembleMember mem : ensemble) { mem.setWeight(1/max_members); } } else { for (EnsembleMember mem : ensemble) { mem.setWeight(mem.getPositive() / ensemble_positives); log(Double.toString(mem.getRatio())); log(Double.toString(mem.getIntroducedAt())); } } // retrain on all examples for (EnsembleMember mem : ensemble) { String windowConditionExpression = idAttribute.getName() + " >= " + mem.getIntroducedAt() + " && " + idAttribute.getName() + " <= " + maxId; Condition windowCondition = new AttributeValueFilter(exampleSet, windowConditionExpression); ConditionedExampleSet window = new ConditionedExampleSet(exampleSet, windowCondition); PredictionModel model = (PredictionModel) learner.learn(window); mem.setModel(model); } // clean up removePredictedLabel(exampleSet, predictedLabel); gatherer = null; return ensemble; } protected EnsembleRegressionModel createEnsembleTotalMaterialized( ExampleSet exampleSet, Operator learnerOperator, Distance distance, int max_members, double local_threshold, double penalty_weight, boolean sliding_test, int leaf_out_size, int sampling_interval ) throws OperatorException { EnsembleRegressionModel ensemble = new EnsembleRegressionModel(exampleSet); // candidate set; is materialized fully HashMap<Integer, EnsembleMember> candidates = new HashMap<Integer, EnsembleMember>(); // EnsembleMember[] candidates = new EnsembleMember[exampleSet.size()]; TreeMultiMap<Double, Integer> ratios = new TreeMultiMap<Double, Integer>(); Attribute idAttribute = exampleSet.getAttributes().getId(); Attribute labelAttribute = exampleSet.getAttributes().getLabel(); Attribute predictedLabel = createPredictedLabel(exampleSet, labelAttribute); ArrayList<Integer> ids = getAllIds(exampleSet); int maxId = ids.get(ids.size() - 1); Learner learner = (Learner) learnerOperator; int first = 1; int last; int testBeginId; int trainingEndId; if (sliding_test == true) { last = exampleSet.size(); trainingEndId = ids.get(last - 1); testBeginId = 0; // does not matter //testBeginId = ids.get(last); } else { int leaf_out_count = exampleSet.size() * leaf_out_size / 100; if(leaf_out_count == 0) { //FIXME leaf_out_count = 1; } //log(Integer.toString(leaf_out_count)); last = exampleSet.size() - leaf_out_count; trainingEndId = ids.get(last - 1); testBeginId = ids.get(last); } int size = last - first + 1; for(int round = last; round >= first; round = round - sampling_interval) { int currentId = ids.get(round - 1); //String windowConditionExpression = idAttribute.getName() + " >= " + round + " && " + idAttribute.getName() + " <= " + last; String windowConditionExpression = idAttribute.getName() + " >= " + currentId + " && " + idAttribute.getName() + " <= " + trainingEndId; Condition windowCondition = new AttributeValueFilter(exampleSet, windowConditionExpression); //log(windowCondition.toString()); ConditionedExampleSet window = new ConditionedExampleSet(exampleSet, windowCondition); //log(Integer.toString(window.size())); PredictionModel model = (PredictionModel) learner.learn(window); EnsembleMember member = new EnsembleMember(); int positives = 0; int negatives = 0; // testing if (sliding_test == true) { // sliding test -> test on all values used in training! // iterate over all examples in the window and test [e.g. batch predict]; result will be written to predictedLabel model.performPrediction(window, predictedLabel); // test on window! --> iterate for classification Iterator<Example> iter = window.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Example example =; double label = example.getLabel(); double prediction = example.getNumericalValue(predictedLabel); double dist = distance.distance(label, prediction); if(dist < local_threshold) { positives++; } else { negatives++; } } } else { String testSetConditionExpression = idAttribute.getName() + " >= " + testBeginId + " && " + idAttribute.getName() + " <= " + maxId; Condition testSetCondition = new AttributeValueFilter(exampleSet, testSetConditionExpression); ConditionedExampleSet testSet = new ConditionedExampleSet(exampleSet, testSetCondition); model.performPrediction(testSet, predictedLabel); Iterator<Example> iter = testSet.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Example example =; double label = example.getLabel(); double prediction = example.getNumericalValue(predictedLabel); double dist = distance.distance(label, prediction); if(dist < local_threshold) { positives++; } else { negatives++; } } } //log(Double.toString(dist)); member.setPositive(positives); member.setNegative(negatives); member.setIntroducedAt(currentId); //OPTION correct state init member.setState(MemberState.STABLE); member.setModel(model); //candidates[round - 1] = member; candidates.put(round-1, member); double ratio = member.getRatio(); double size_penalty = ((double) ((size + 1) - round)) / ((double)size); double key = penalty_weight * size_penalty + (1 - penalty_weight) * ratio; // put into map of ratios; use corrected index for the member ratios.put(key, (round-1)); } // select members Entry<Double, ArrayList<Integer>> currEntry = ratios.lastEntry(); ArrayList<Integer> currList = currEntry.getValue(); double currKey = currEntry.getKey(); EnsembleMember selected_member = null; int ensemble_positives = 0; int selected_members = 0; int currIndex = 0; int memberIndex; while(selected_members < max_members) { if(currList != null) { // the index of the member is also round number when added memberIndex = currList.get(currIndex); // retrieve the member //selected_member = candidates[memberIndex]; selected_member = candidates.get(memberIndex); // maintain number sum of positives in ensemble ensemble_positives += selected_member.getPositive(); // add the member to the ensemble ensemble.addMember(selected_member); selected_members++; // book keeping if(currIndex < (currList.size() - 1)) { currIndex++; } else { currEntry = ratios.lowerEntry(currKey); if(currEntry != null) { currList = currEntry.getValue(); currKey = currEntry.getKey(); currIndex = 0; } else { break; } } } else { break; } } log(ratios.toString()); ensemble.setSeenIds(new HashSet<Integer>(ids)); if(ensemble_positives == 0) { log("Looser Ensemble encountered"); for (EnsembleMember mem : ensemble) { mem.setWeight(1/max_members); } } else { for (EnsembleMember mem : ensemble) { mem.setWeight(mem.getPositive() / ensemble_positives); log(Double.toString(mem.getRatio())); log(Double.toString(mem.getIntroducedAt())); } } // retrain on all examples for (EnsembleMember mem : ensemble) { String windowConditionExpression = idAttribute.getName() + " >= " + mem.getIntroducedAt() + " && " + idAttribute.getName() + " <= " + maxId; Condition windowCondition = new AttributeValueFilter(exampleSet, windowConditionExpression); ConditionedExampleSet window = new ConditionedExampleSet(exampleSet, windowCondition); PredictionModel model = (PredictionModel) learner.learn(window); mem.setModel(model); } // clean up removePredictedLabel(exampleSet, predictedLabel); return ensemble; } protected EnsembleRegressionModel createEnsembleScanMaterialized( ExampleSet exampleSet, Operator learnerOperator, Distance distance, int max_members, double local_threshold, double penalty_weight, boolean sliding_test, int leaf_out_size, int sampling_interval ) throws OperatorException { EnsembleRegressionModel ensemble = new EnsembleRegressionModel(exampleSet); // candidate set; is maintained while iterating through the windows! HashMap<Integer, EnsembleMember> candidates = new HashMap<Integer, EnsembleMember>(); // the ratios for maintaining the candidates! TreeMultiMap<Double, Integer> ratios = new TreeMultiMap<Double, Integer>(); Attribute idAttribute = exampleSet.getAttributes().getId(); Attribute labelAttribute = exampleSet.getAttributes().getLabel(); Attribute predictedLabel = createPredictedLabel(exampleSet, labelAttribute); ArrayList<Integer> ids = getAllIds(exampleSet); int maxId = ids.get(ids.size() - 1); Learner learner = (Learner) learnerOperator; int first = 1; int last; int testBeginId; int trainingEndId; if (sliding_test == true) { last = exampleSet.size(); trainingEndId = ids.get(last - 1); testBeginId = 0; // does not matter //testBeginId = ids.get(last); } else { int leaf_out_count = exampleSet.size() * leaf_out_size / 100; if(leaf_out_count == 0) { //FIXME leaf_out_count = 1; } //log(Integer.toString(leaf_out_count)); last = exampleSet.size() - leaf_out_count; trainingEndId = ids.get(last - 1); testBeginId = ids.get(last); } int size = last - first + 1; for(int round = last; round >= first; round = round - sampling_interval) { int currentId = ids.get(round - 1); //String windowConditionExpression = idAttribute.getName() + " >= " + round + " && " + idAttribute.getName() + " <= " + last; String windowConditionExpression = idAttribute.getName() + " >= " + currentId + " && " + idAttribute.getName() + " <= " + trainingEndId; Condition windowCondition = new AttributeValueFilter(exampleSet, windowConditionExpression); //log(windowCondition.toString()); ConditionedExampleSet window = new ConditionedExampleSet(exampleSet, windowCondition); //log(Integer.toString(window.size())); PredictionModel model = (PredictionModel) learner.learn(window); EnsembleMember member = new EnsembleMember(); int positives = 0; int negatives = 0; // testing if (sliding_test == true) { // sliding test -> test on all values used in training! // iterate over all examples in the window and test [e.g. batch predict]; result will be written to predictedLabel model.performPrediction(window, predictedLabel); // test on window! --> iterate for classification Iterator<Example> iter = window.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Example example =; double label = example.getLabel(); double prediction = example.getNumericalValue(predictedLabel); double dist = distance.distance(label, prediction); if(dist < local_threshold) { positives++; } else { negatives++; } } } else { String testSetConditionExpression = idAttribute.getName() + " >= " + testBeginId + " && " + idAttribute.getName() + " <= " + maxId; Condition testSetCondition = new AttributeValueFilter(exampleSet, testSetConditionExpression); ConditionedExampleSet testSet = new ConditionedExampleSet(exampleSet, testSetCondition); model.performPrediction(testSet, predictedLabel); Iterator<Example> iter = testSet.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Example example =; double label = example.getLabel(); double prediction = example.getNumericalValue(predictedLabel); double dist = distance.distance(label, prediction); if(dist < local_threshold) { positives++; } else { negatives++; } } } //log(Double.toString(dist)); member.setPositive(positives); member.setNegative(negatives); member.setIntroducedAt(currentId); //OPTION correct state init member.setState(MemberState.STABLE); member.setModel(model); //candidates[round - 1] = member; double ratio = member.getRatio(); double size_penalty = ((double) ((size + 1) - round)) / ((double)size); double currentPenalizedRatio = penalty_weight * size_penalty + (1 - penalty_weight) * ratio; if(candidates.size() < max_members) { // can safely use round as "index" here candidates.put(round, member); ratios.put(currentPenalizedRatio, round); //ensemble_positives += member.getPositive(); } else { // check weather there is a lower ranking member to replace; always replace in the lowest Key double leastKey = ratios.firstKey(); if(leastKey < currentPenalizedRatio) { // there is at least one entry int leastMemberIndex = ratios.get(leastKey).get(0); // maintain ensemble_positices //ensemble_positives -= candidates.get(leastMemberIndex).getPositive(); // remove it ratios.remove(leastKey, leastMemberIndex); candidates.remove(leastMemberIndex); // now put the new member candidates.put(round, member); ratios.put(currentPenalizedRatio, round); //ensemble_positives += member.getPositive(); } } } int ensemble_positives = 0; for (Iterator<EnsembleMember> iterator = candidates.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { EnsembleMember member =; ensemble_positives += member.getPositive(); ensemble.addMember(member); } ensemble.setSeenIds(new HashSet<Integer>(ids)); if(ensemble_positives == 0) { log("Looser Ensemble encountered"); for (EnsembleMember mem : ensemble) { mem.setWeight(1/max_members); } } else { for (EnsembleMember mem : ensemble) { mem.setWeight(mem.getPositive() / ensemble_positives); log(Double.toString(mem.getRatio())); log(Double.toString(mem.getIntroducedAt())); } } // retrain on all examples for (EnsembleMember mem : ensemble) { String windowConditionExpression = idAttribute.getName() + " >= " + mem.getIntroducedAt() + " && " + idAttribute.getName() + " <= " + maxId; Condition windowCondition = new AttributeValueFilter(exampleSet, windowConditionExpression); ConditionedExampleSet window = new ConditionedExampleSet(exampleSet, windowCondition); PredictionModel model = (PredictionModel) learner.learn(window); mem.setModel(model); } // clean up removePredictedLabel(exampleSet, predictedLabel); return ensemble; } protected ArrayList<Integer> getAllIds(ExampleSet exampleSet) { ArrayList<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ExampleReader reader = new SortedExampleReader(exampleSet); while(reader.hasNext()) { Example currExample =; ids.add((int) currExample.getId()); } return ids; } protected static Attribute createPredictedLabel(ExampleSet exampleSet, Attribute label) { // create and add prediction attribute Attribute predictedLabel = AttributeFactory.createAttribute(label, Attributes.PREDICTION_NAME); predictedLabel.clearTransformations(); ExampleTable table = exampleSet.getExampleTable(); table.addAttribute(predictedLabel); exampleSet.getAttributes().setPredictedLabel(predictedLabel); return predictedLabel; } protected static void removePredictedLabel(ExampleSet exampleSet, Attribute predictedLabel) { exampleSet.getExampleTable().removeAttribute(predictedLabel); exampleSet.getAttributes().remove(predictedLabel); } @Override public List<ParameterType> getParameterTypes() { List<ParameterType> types = super.getParameterTypes(); ParameterTypeFile state_file = new ParameterTypeFile( ENSEMBLE_STATE_FILE, "path to the ensemble state file", "mod", false); state_file.setExpert(false); types.add(state_file); ParameterTypeStringCategory similarity_measure = new ParameterTypeStringCategory( ENSEMBLE_SIMILARITY_MEASURE, "similarity measure to use", getMeasureNames(), getDefaultMeasureNames()); similarity_measure.setExpert(true); types.add(similarity_measure); ParameterTypeInt max_members = new ParameterTypeInt( ENSEMBLE_MAX_MEMBERS, "maximum number of members to select into ensemble", 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 5); max_members.setExpert(false); types.add(max_members); ParameterTypeDouble local_threshold = new ParameterTypeDouble( ENSEMBLE_LOCAL_THRESHOLD, "local prediction error threshold", 0, Double.MAX_VALUE, 5); local_threshold.setExpert(false); types.add(local_threshold); ParameterTypeBoolean sliding_test = new ParameterTypeBoolean( ENSEMBLE_SLIDING_TEST, "test member candidates on training set (true) or on leaf out set (false)", true ); sliding_test.setExpert(false); types.add(sliding_test); ParameterTypeInt leaf_out_size = new ParameterTypeInt( ENSEMBLE_LEAVE_OUT_SIZE, "percentage of examples to leaf out of training for testing", 0, 100, 10 ); leaf_out_size.setExpert(false); types.add(leaf_out_size); ParameterTypeBoolean materialize_full = new ParameterTypeBoolean( ENSEMBLE_FULL_MATERIALIZED, "materialize all possible members", true ); materialize_full.setExpert(false); types.add(materialize_full); ParameterTypeDouble penalty_weight = new ParameterTypeDouble( ENSEMBLE_PENALTY_WEIGHT, "weight of the window legth penalty term", 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ); penalty_weight.setExpert(false); types.add(penalty_weight); ParameterTypeInt sampling_interval = new ParameterTypeInt( ENSEMBLE_SAMPLING_INTERVAL, "interval between successively tested windows", 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1 ); sampling_interval.setExpert(true); types.add(sampling_interval); ParameterTypeBoolean use_threads = new ParameterTypeBoolean( ENSEMBLE_USE_THREADS, "use threads", false ); use_threads.setExpert(true); types.add(use_threads); return types; } public boolean supportsCapability(LearnerCapability capability) { Operator innerOperator = this.getOperator(0); return ((Learner) innerOperator).supportsCapability(capability); } @Override public int getMaxNumberOfInnerOperators() { return 1; } @Override public int getMinNumberOfInnerOperators() { return 1; } public void checkInnerOperator() throws UserError { // inner operator must be a learner Operator innerOperator = this.getOperator(0); if (!(innerOperator instanceof Learner)) { throw new UserError(this, 127, "Inner operator is not a learner"); } } protected static enum ENSEMBLE_SIMILARITY_MEASURES { EuclideanDistance }; protected static String[] getMeasureNames() { List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(); for(Object o : ENSEMBLE_SIMILARITY_MEASURES.values()) { l.add(o.toString()); } return l.toArray(new String[] {}); } protected static String getDefaultMeasureNames() { return ENSEMBLE_SIMILARITY_MEASURES.EuclideanDistance.toString(); } private MemberGatherer getGatherer() { return gatherer; } }