package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import com.rapidminer.example.Attribute; import com.rapidminer.example.table.AttributeFactory; import com.rapidminer.example.table.DataRow; import com.rapidminer.example.table.DataRowFactory; import com.rapidminer.example.table.ExampleTable; import com.rapidminer.example.table.MemoryExampleTable; import com.rapidminer.parameter.UndefinedParameterError; import; import; import; public class ArffReader { protected StreamTokenizer tokenizer; protected ArffExampleSource arffES; protected final String PARAMETER_SAMPLE_SIZE; protected final String PARAMETER_SAMPLE_RATIO; protected final String PARAMETER_DATAMANAGEMENT; protected final String PARAMETER_LOCAL_RANDOM_SEED; protected final String PARAMETER_DECIMAL_POINT_CHARACTER; public ArffReader( StreamTokenizer tokenizer, ArffExampleSource arffES, String parameter_sample_size, String parameter_sample_ratio, String parameter_datamanagement, String parameter_local_random_seed, String parameter_decimal_point_character) { this.tokenizer = tokenizer; this.arffES = arffES; PARAMETER_SAMPLE_SIZE = parameter_sample_size; PARAMETER_SAMPLE_RATIO = parameter_sample_ratio; PARAMETER_DATAMANAGEMENT = parameter_datamanagement; PARAMETER_LOCAL_RANDOM_SEED = parameter_local_random_seed; PARAMETER_DECIMAL_POINT_CHARACTER = parameter_decimal_point_character; } public ExampleTable read() throws IOException, UndefinedParameterError{ List<Attribute> attributes = readAttributes(false); return readData(attributes); } public List<Attribute> readAttributes(boolean relativeAttributesAllowed) throws IOException{ List<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); // attributes Tools.getFirstToken(tokenizer); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { throw new IOException("unexpected end of file in line " + tokenizer.lineno() + ", attribute description expected..."); } while ("@attribute".equalsIgnoreCase(tokenizer.sval)) { Attribute attribute = createAttribute(tokenizer,relativeAttributesAllowed); attributes.add(attribute); } return attributes; } public MemoryExampleTable readData(List<Attribute> attributes) throws IOException, UndefinedParameterError{ // expect data declaration if (!"@data".equalsIgnoreCase(tokenizer.sval)) { throw new IOException("expected keyword '@data' in line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } // check attribute number if (attributes.size() == 0) { throw new IOException("no attributes were declared in the ARFF file, please declare attributes with the '@attribute' keyword."); } // fill data table MemoryExampleTable table = new MemoryExampleTable(attributes); Attribute[] attributeArray = table.getAttributes(); DataRowFactory factory = new DataRowFactory(arffES.getParameterAsInt(PARAMETER_DATAMANAGEMENT), arffES.getParameterAsString(PARAMETER_DECIMAL_POINT_CHARACTER).charAt(0)); int maxRows = arffES.getParameterAsInt(PARAMETER_SAMPLE_SIZE); double sampleProb = arffES.getParameterAsDouble(PARAMETER_SAMPLE_RATIO); Random random = RandomGenerator.getRandomGenerator(arffES.getParameterAsInt(PARAMETER_LOCAL_RANDOM_SEED)); DataRow dataRow = null; int counter = 0; while ((dataRow = createDataRow(tokenizer, true, factory, attributeArray)) != null) { if ((maxRows > -1) && (counter >= maxRows)) break; counter++; if (maxRows == -1) { if (random.nextDouble() > sampleProb) continue; } table.addDataRow(dataRow); } return table; } protected Attribute createAttribute(StreamTokenizer tokenizer,boolean relAttAllowed) throws IOException { Attribute attribute = null; // name Tools.getNextToken(tokenizer); String attributeName = tokenizer.sval; // determine value type Tools.getNextToken(tokenizer); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { // numerical or string value type if (tokenizer.sval.equalsIgnoreCase("real")) { attribute = AttributeFactory.createAttribute(attributeName, Ontology.REAL); } else if (tokenizer.sval.equalsIgnoreCase("integer")) { attribute = AttributeFactory.createAttribute(attributeName, Ontology.INTEGER); } else if (tokenizer.sval.equalsIgnoreCase("numeric")) { attribute = AttributeFactory.createAttribute(attributeName, Ontology.NUMERICAL); } else if (tokenizer.sval.equalsIgnoreCase("string")) { attribute = AttributeFactory.createAttribute(attributeName, Ontology.STRING); } else if (tokenizer.sval.equalsIgnoreCase("date")) { attribute = AttributeFactory.createAttribute(attributeName, Ontology.DATE); } else if (tokenizer.sval.equalsIgnoreCase("file")) { attribute = AttributeFactory.createAttribute(attributeName, Ontology.STRING); } else if (tokenizer.sval.equalsIgnoreCase("relational")) { attribute = readRelationalAttribute(tokenizer, attributeName,relAttAllowed); } Tools.waitForEOL(tokenizer); } else { // nominal attribute attribute = AttributeFactory.createAttribute(attributeName, Ontology.NOMINAL); tokenizer.pushBack(); // check if nominal value definition starts if (tokenizer.nextToken() != '{') { throw new IOException("{ expected at beginning of nominal values definition in line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } // read all nominal values until the end of the definition while (tokenizer.nextToken() != '}') { if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL) { throw new IOException("} expected at end of the nominal values definition in line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } else { attribute.getMapping().mapString(tokenizer.sval); } } if (attribute.getMapping().size() == 0) { throw new IOException("empty definition of nominal values is not suggested in line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } } Tools.getLastToken(tokenizer, false); Tools.getFirstToken(tokenizer); if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) throw new IOException("unexpected end of file before data section in line " + tokenizer.lineno()); return attribute; } protected Attribute readRelationalAttribute(StreamTokenizer tokenizer, String attributeName, boolean depAttribute) throws IOException{ throw new IOException("arff file contains attribute type "+ tokenizer.sval + ", which are not supported by Rapidminer in simple arff format"); } protected Attribute checkInnerAttributeTypes(StreamTokenizer tokenizer, String attributeName) throws IOException{ throw new IOException("arff file contains attribute type "+ tokenizer.sval +", which are not supported by Rapidminer in simple arff format"); } protected DataRow createDataRow(StreamTokenizer tokenizer, boolean checkForCarriageReturn, DataRowFactory factory, Attribute[] allAttributes) throws IOException { // return null at the end of file Tools.getFirstToken(tokenizer); if(!AnnotationFound()){ if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { return null; } // create datarow from either dense or sparse format if (tokenizer.ttype == '{') { return createDataRowFromSparse(tokenizer, checkForCarriageReturn, factory, allAttributes); } else { return createDataRowFromDense(tokenizer, checkForCarriageReturn, factory, allAttributes); } } else return null; } protected boolean AnnotationFound(){ return false; } private DataRow createDataRowFromDense(StreamTokenizer tokenizer, boolean checkForCarriageReturn, DataRowFactory factory, Attribute[] allAttributes) throws IOException { String[] tokens = new String[allAttributes.length]; // fetch all values for (int i = 0; i < allAttributes.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { Tools.getNextToken(tokenizer); } // check for missing value if (tokenizer.ttype == '?') { tokens[i] = "?"; } else { if (tokenizer.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { throw new IOException("not a valid value '" + tokenizer.sval + "' in line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } tokens[i] = tokenizer.sval; } } if (checkForCarriageReturn) { findDataDefinitionEnd(); } // Add instance to dataset return factory.create(tokens, allAttributes); } private DataRow createDataRowFromSparse(StreamTokenizer tokenizer, boolean checkForCarriageReturn, DataRowFactory factory, Attribute[] allAttributes) throws IOException { String[] tokens = new String[allAttributes.length]; for (int t = 0; t < tokens.length; t++) tokens[t] = "0"; // Get values do { if (tokenizer.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL) { throw new IOException("unexpedted end of line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { throw new IOException("unexpedted end of file in line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } if (tokenizer.ttype == '}') { break; } // determine index int index = Integer.valueOf(tokenizer.sval); // determine value Tools.getNextToken(tokenizer); // Check if value is missing. if (tokenizer.ttype == '?') { tokens[index] = "?"; } else { if (tokenizer.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { throw new IOException("not a valid value '" + tokenizer.sval + "' in line " + tokenizer.lineno()); } tokens[index] = tokenizer.sval; } } while (true); if (checkForCarriageReturn) { findDataDefinitionEnd(); } // Add instance to dataset return factory.create(tokens, allAttributes); } protected void findDataDefinitionEnd() throws IOException { Tools.getLastToken(tokenizer, true); } }