package de.tud.inf.operator.learner.functions.weka.gaussianprocess; import java.util.Iterator; import com.rapidminer.example.Attribute; import com.rapidminer.example.Example; import com.rapidminer.example.ExampleSet; import com.rapidminer.example.set.HeaderExampleSet; import com.rapidminer.example.set.ReplaceMissingExampleSet; import com.rapidminer.example.table.NominalMapping; import com.rapidminer.operator.Model; import com.rapidminer.operator.OperatorException; import com.rapidminer.operator.UserError; import com.rapidminer.operator.learner.PredictionModel; import com.rapidminer.operator.learner.functions.kernel.RVMModel; import com.rapidminer.operator.learner.functions.kernel.rvm.kernel.Kernel; public class GaussianProcessesModel extends PredictionModel{ private static final long serialVersionUID = -4980181227681934936L; /* * private Fields */ /** The number of training instances */ private int m_NumTrain = 0; /** The training data. */ private double m_avg_target; private Jama.Matrix covarianceMatrix; private Jama.Matrix targetVector; private Model normalizationModel; private double[][] trainingVectors; private Model nominalTransformationModel; private ExampleSet originalHeader; /** * Turn off all checks and conversions? Turning them off assumes that data * is purely numeric, doesn't contain any missing values, and has a numeric * class. */ private boolean m_checksTurnedOff = false; private Kernel kernel; protected GaussianProcessesModel(ExampleSet trainingExampleSet) { super(trainingExampleSet); m_NumTrain = trainingExampleSet.size(); } public GaussianProcessesModel( ExampleSet trainingExampleSet, double[][] trainingVectors, Kernel kernel, Model normalization, double avgTargetValues, Jama.Matrix covarianceMatrix, Jama.Matrix targetVector, Model nominalToBinominal, ExampleSet originalExampleSet) { super(trainingExampleSet); this.trainingVectors = trainingVectors; m_NumTrain = trainingExampleSet.size(); this.kernel = kernel; this.normalizationModel = normalization; this.m_avg_target = avgTargetValues; this.covarianceMatrix = covarianceMatrix; this.targetVector = targetVector; this.nominalTransformationModel = nominalToBinominal; this.originalHeader = originalExampleSet; } @Override public ExampleSet performPrediction(ExampleSet exampleSet, Attribute predictedLabel) throws OperatorException { ExampleSet predictionExampleSet = (ExampleSet)exampleSet.clone(); //checkCompatibility(predictionExampleSet); checkMapping(exampleSet); if(!m_checksTurnedOff) exampleSet = new ReplaceMissingExampleSet(exampleSet); if(nominalTransformationModel != null) exampleSet = nominalTransformationModel.apply(exampleSet); if(normalizationModel != null) exampleSet = normalizationModel.apply(exampleSet); checkExampleSetCompatibility(exampleSet); Iterator<Example> r = exampleSet.iterator(); while (r.hasNext()) { Example e =; try { applyModelForExample(e, predictedLabel); } catch (Exception e1) { throw new OperatorException("Couldn't apply ExampleSet to Model",e1.getCause()); } } //return predictionExampleSet; return exampleSet; } /* * adds a mapping from headerExampleSet if its not in the prediction example Set */ private void checkMapping(ExampleSet exampleSet) { //ExampleSet header = this.getTrainingHeader(); for(Attribute h : originalHeader.getAttributes()) { if(h.isNominal()) { Attribute exampleAttr = exampleSet.getAttributes().get(h.getName()); if(exampleAttr != null) { NominalMapping headerMapping = h.getMapping(); NominalMapping predictionMapping = exampleAttr.getMapping(); for(String nominalValues : headerMapping.getValues()) { if(!predictionMapping.getValues().contains(nominalValues)) { predictionMapping.mapString(nominalValues); } } } } } } public double classifyInstance(Example ex) throws Exception{ /** K Vector */ Jama.Matrix kRm = new Jama.Matrix(m_NumTrain,1); double[] trainingVector = RVMModel.makeInputVector(ex); // Build K Vector for(int i = 0; i< m_NumTrain; i++) { kRm.set(i, 0, kernel.eval(trainingVector, trainingVectors[i])); } double resultRm = kRm.transpose().times(targetVector).get(0, 0) + m_avg_target; return resultRm; } public void applyModelForExample(Example e, Attribute predictedLabelAttribute) throws Exception { double predictedLabel = Double.NaN; try { predictedLabel = classifyInstance(e); } catch (Exception exc) { logError("Exception occured while classifying example:" + exc.getMessage() + " [" + exc.getClass() + "]"); throw new Exception(exc); } e.setValue(predictedLabelAttribute, predictedLabel); } public String toString() { StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(); if (targetVector == null) return "Gaussian Processes: No model built yet."; try { text.append("Gaussian Processes\n\n"); text.append("Kernel used:\n " + kernel.toString() + "\n\n"); text.append("Average Target Value : " + m_avg_target + "\n"); text.append("Inverted Covariance Matrix:\n"); double min = covarianceMatrix.get(0, 0); double max = covarianceMatrix.get(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < m_NumTrain; i++) for (int j = 0; j < m_NumTrain; j++) { if (covarianceMatrix.get(i, j) < min) min = covarianceMatrix.get(i, j); else if (covarianceMatrix.get(i, j) > max) max = covarianceMatrix.get(i, j); } text.append(" Lowest Value = " + min + "\n"); text.append(" Highest Value = " + max + "\n"); text.append("Inverted Covariance Matrix * Target-value Vector:\n"); min = targetVector.get(0, 0); max = targetVector.get(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < m_NumTrain; i++) { if (targetVector.get(i, 0) < min) min = targetVector.get(i, 0); else if (targetVector.get(i, 0) > max) max = targetVector.get(i, 0); } text.append(" Lowest Value = " + min + "\n"); text.append(" Highest Value = " + max + "\n \n"); } catch (Exception e) { return "Can't print the classifier."; } return text.toString(); } @Override protected void checkCompatibility(ExampleSet exampleSet) throws OperatorException { /* * has to be empty because PredictionModel checks the ExampleSet before! transformation */ } private void checkExampleSetCompatibility( ExampleSet exampleSet) throws OperatorException{ ExampleSet header = this.getTrainingHeader(); if (header.getAttributes().size() != exampleSet.getAttributes().size()) { logWarning("Training and prediction ExampleSet differ in size"); if (exampleSet.getAttributes().size() > header.getAttributes() .size()) { logNote("Try a projection to the attributes used in training"); Iterator<Attribute> predictionAttributes = exampleSet .getAttributes().iterator(); Attribute nextPrediction; while(predictionAttributes.hasNext()) { nextPrediction =; if(!header.getAttributes().contains(nextPrediction)) predictionAttributes.remove(); } } } /* * double check size to see if a possible projection has helped */ if (header.getAttributes().size() != exampleSet.getAttributes().size()) { /* * stop prediction and throw an error */ throw new UserError(null, 925, "Different numbers of attributes"); } //TODO: check if the order of the attributes is messed up } }