/* * RapidMiner * * Copyright (C) 2001-2008 by Rapid-I and the contributors * * Complete list of developers available at our web site: * * http://rapid-i.com * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ package com.rapidminer.operator.preprocessing.filter; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TimeZone; import com.rapidminer.example.Attribute; import com.rapidminer.example.Example; import com.rapidminer.example.ExampleSet; import com.rapidminer.example.table.AttributeFactory; import com.rapidminer.operator.IOObject; import com.rapidminer.operator.Operator; import com.rapidminer.operator.OperatorDescription; import com.rapidminer.operator.OperatorException; import com.rapidminer.operator.UserError; import com.rapidminer.parameter.ParameterType; import com.rapidminer.parameter.ParameterTypeBoolean; import com.rapidminer.parameter.ParameterTypeCategory; import com.rapidminer.parameter.ParameterTypeString; import com.rapidminer.tools.Ontology; /** * <p>This operator parses given nominal attributes in order to create date * and / or time attributes. The date format can be specified by the * date_format parameter. The old nominal attribute will be removed * and replaced by a new date attribute if the corresponding parameter * is not set (default).</p> * * <h4>Date and Time Patterns</h4> * * <p> * Date and time formats are specified by <em>date and time pattern</em> * strings in the date_format parameter. * Within date and time pattern strings, unquoted letters from * <code>'A'</code> to <code>'Z'</code> and from <code>'a'</code> to * <code>'z'</code> are interpreted as pattern letters representing the * components of a date or time string. * Text can be quoted using single quotes (<code>'</code>) to avoid * interpretation. * <code>"''"</code> represents a single quote. * All other characters are not interpreted; they're simply copied into the * output string during formatting or matched against the input string * during parsing.</p> * * <p> * The following pattern letters are defined (all other characters from * <code>'A'</code> to <code>'Z'</code> and from <code>'a'</code> to * <code>'z'</code> are reserved):</p> * * <ul> * <li><em>G</em>: era designator; Text; example: AD</li> * <li><em>y</em>: year; Year; example: 1996; 96</li> * <li><em>M</em>: month in year; Month; example: July; Jul; 07</li> * <li><em>w</em>: week in year; Number; example: 27</li> * <li><em>W</em>: week in month; Number; example: 2</li> * <li><em>D</em>: day in year; Number; example: 189</li> * <li><em>d</em>: day in month; Number; example: 10</li> * <li><em>F</em>: day of week in month; Number; example: 2</li> * <li><em>E</em>: day in week; Text; example: Tuesday; Tue</li> * <li><em>a</em>: am/pm marker; Text; example: PM</li> * <li><em>H</em>: hour in day (0-23); Number; example: 0</li> * <li><em>k</em>: hour in day (1-24); Number; example: 24</li> * <li><em>K</em>: hour in am / pm (0-11); Number; example: 0</li> * <li><em>h</em>: hour in am / pm (1-12); Number; example: 12</li> * <li><em>m</em>: minute in hour; Number; example: 30</li> * <li><em>s</em>: second in minute; Number; example: 55</li> * <li><em>S</em>: millisecond; Number; example: 978</li> * <li><em>z</em>: time zone; General Time Zone; example: Pacific Standard Time; PST; GMT-08:00</li> * <li><em>Z</em>: time zone; RFC 822 Time Zone; example: -0800</li> * </ul> * * <p>Pattern letters are usually repeated, as their number determines the * exact presentation:</p> * * <ul> * <li><em>Text:</em> * For formatting, if the number of pattern letters is 4 or more, * the full form is used; otherwise a short or abbreviated form * is used if available. * For parsing, both forms are accepted, independent of the number * of pattern letters.</li> * <li><em>Number:</em> * For formatting, the number of pattern letters is the minimum * number of digits, and shorter numbers are zero-padded to this amount. * For parsing, the number of pattern letters is ignored unless * it's needed to separate two adjacent fields.</li> * <li><em>Year:</em> * If the underlying calendar is the Gregorian calendar, the following * rules are applied. * * <ul> * <li>For formatting, if the number of pattern letters is 2, the year * is truncated to 2 digits; otherwise it is interpreted as a * <em>number</em>.</li> * <li>For parsing, if the number of pattern letters is more than 2, * the year is interpreted literally, regardless of the number of * digits. So using the pattern "MM/dd/yyyy", "01/11/12" parses to * Jan 11, 12 A.D.</li> * <li>For parsing with the abbreviated year pattern ("y" or "yy"), * this operator must interpret the abbreviated year * relative to some century. It does this by adjusting dates to be * within 80 years before and 20 years after the time the operator * is created. For example, using a pattern of "MM/dd/yy" and the * operator created on Jan 1, 1997, the string * "01/11/12" would be interpreted as Jan 11, 2012 while the string * "05/04/64" * would be interpreted as May 4, 1964. * During parsing, only strings consisting of exactly two digits will be * parsed into the default century. * Any other numeric string, such as a one digit string, a three or more digit * string, or a two digit string that isn't all digits (for example, "-1"), is * interpreted literally. So "01/02/3" or "01/02/003" are parsed, using the * same pattern, as Jan 2, 3 AD. Likewise, "01/02/-3" is parsed as Jan 2, 4 BC.</li> * </ul> * * Otherwise, calendar system specific forms are applied. * If the number of pattern * letters is 4 or more, a calendar specific long form is used. Otherwise, a calendar * short or abbreviated form is used.</li> * * <li><em>Month:</em> * If the number of pattern letters is 3 or more, the month is * interpreted as <em>text</em>; otherwise, * it is interpreted as a <em>number</em>.</li> * * <li><em>General time zone:</em> * Time zones are interpreted as <em>text</em> if they have * names. It is possible to define time zones by representing a GMT offset value. * RFC 822 time zones are also accepted.</li> * * <li><em>RFC 822 time zone:</em> * For formatting, the RFC 822 4-digit time zone format is used. * General time zones are also accepted.</li> * </ul> * * <p>This operator also supports <em>localized date and time * pattern</em> strings by defining the locale parameter. In these strings, * the pattern letters described above * may be replaced with other, locale dependent, pattern letters.</p> * * <h4>Examples</h4> * * <p>The following examples show how date and time patterns are interpreted in * the U.S. locale. The given date and time are 2001-07-04 12:08:56 local time * in the U.S. Pacific Time time zone.</p> * * <ul> * <li><em>"yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss z"</em>: 2001.07.04 AD at 12:08:56 PDT</li> * <li><em>"EEE, MMM d, ''yy"</em>: Wed, Jul 4, '01</li> * <li><em>"h:mm a"</em>: 12:08 PM</li> * <li><em>"hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz"</em>: 12 o'clock PM, Pacific Daylight Time</li> * <li><em>"K:mm a, z"</em>: 0:08 PM, PDT</li> * <li><em>"yyyy.MMMMM.dd GGG hh:mm aaa"</em>: 02001.July.04 AD 12:08 PM</li> * <li><em>"EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z"</em>: Wed, 4 Jul 2001 12:08:56 -0700</li> * <li><em>"yyMMddHHmmssZ"</em>: 010704120856-0700</li> * <li><em>"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"</em>: 2001-07-04T12:08:56.235-0700</li> * </ul> * * @author Ingo Mierswa * @version $Id: Nominal2Date.java,v 1.7 2008/08/12 12:49:17 tobiasmalbrecht Exp $ */ public class Nominal2Date extends Operator { public static final String PARAMETER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "attribute_name"; public static final String PARAMETER_DATE_TYPE = "date_type"; public static final String PARAMETER_DATE_FORMAT = "date_format"; public static final String PARAMETER_LOCALE = "locale"; public static final String PARAMETER_KEEP_OLD_ATTRIBUTE = "keep_old_attribute"; public static List<Locale> availableLocales = new ArrayList<Locale>(); public static String[] availableLocaleNames; public static int defaultLocale; static { Locale[] availableLocaleArray = Locale.getAvailableLocales(); for (Locale l : availableLocaleArray) { availableLocales.add(l); } Collections.sort(availableLocales, new Comparator<Locale> () { public int compare(Locale o1, Locale o2) { return o1.getDisplayName().compareTo(o2.getDisplayName()); } }); availableLocaleNames = new String[availableLocales.size()]; defaultLocale = -1; for (int i = 0; i < availableLocales.size(); i++) { Locale currentLocale = availableLocales.get(i); availableLocaleNames[i] = currentLocale.getDisplayName(); if (currentLocale.equals(Locale.US)) { defaultLocale = i; } } if (defaultLocale < 0) defaultLocale = 0; } public static final String[] VALUE_TYPES = { "date", "time", "date_time" }; public static final int DATE = 0; public static final int TIME = 1; public static final int DATE_TIME = 2; public Nominal2Date(OperatorDescription description) { super(description); } @Override public IOObject[] apply() throws OperatorException { ExampleSet exampleSet = getInput(ExampleSet.class); String attributeName = getParameterAsString(PARAMETER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); Attribute oldAttribute = exampleSet.getAttributes().get(attributeName); if (oldAttribute == null) { throw new UserError(this, 111, attributeName); } String dateFormat = getParameterAsString(PARAMETER_DATE_FORMAT); int dateType = getParameterAsInt(PARAMETER_DATE_TYPE); int localeIndex = getParameterAsInt(PARAMETER_LOCALE); Locale selectedLocale = Locale.US; if ((localeIndex >= 0) && (localeIndex < availableLocales.size())) selectedLocale = availableLocales.get(getParameterAsInt(PARAMETER_LOCALE)); int valueType = Ontology.DATE_TIME; if (dateType == TIME) { valueType = Ontology.TIME; } else if (dateType == DATE) { valueType = Ontology.DATE; } Attribute newAttribute = AttributeFactory.createAttribute(attributeName, valueType); exampleSet.getExampleTable().addAttribute(newAttribute); exampleSet.getAttributes().addRegular(newAttribute); SimpleDateFormat parser = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat, selectedLocale); // parse date as relative to GMT (i.e. ignore time zone) parser.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT+00:00")); int row = 1; for (Example e : exampleSet) { if (Double.isNaN(e.getValue(oldAttribute))) { e.setValue(newAttribute, Double.NaN); } else { String oldValue = e.getValueAsString(oldAttribute); Date date = null; try { date = parser.parse(oldValue); } catch (ParseException e1) { throw new UserError(this, 931, new Object[] { dateFormat, oldAttribute.getName(), row, e1.getMessage() } ); } e.setValue(newAttribute, date.getTime()); } row++; } if (!getParameterAsBoolean(PARAMETER_KEEP_OLD_ATTRIBUTE)) { exampleSet.getAttributes().remove(oldAttribute); } else { oldAttribute.setName(attributeName + "_old"); } return new IOObject[] { exampleSet }; } @Override public Class<?>[] getInputClasses() { return new Class[] { ExampleSet.class }; } @Override public Class<?>[] getOutputClasses() { return new Class[] { ExampleSet.class }; } public List<ParameterType> getParameterTypes() { List<ParameterType> types = super.getParameterTypes(); types.add(new ParameterTypeString(PARAMETER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, "The attribute which should be parsed.", false)); ParameterType type = new ParameterTypeCategory(PARAMETER_DATE_TYPE, "The desired value type for the parsed attribute.", VALUE_TYPES, DATE); type.setExpert(false); types.add(type); types.add(new ParameterTypeString(PARAMETER_DATE_FORMAT, "The parse format of the date values, for example \"yyyy/MM/dd\".", false)); type = new ParameterTypeCategory(PARAMETER_LOCALE, "The used locale for date texts, for example \"Wed\" (English) in contrast to \"Mi\" (German).", availableLocaleNames, defaultLocale); type.setExpert(false); types.add(type); types.add(new ParameterTypeBoolean(PARAMETER_KEEP_OLD_ATTRIBUTE, "Indicates if the original date attribute should be kept.", false)); return types; } }