package net.md_5.bungee.connection; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor; import net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord; import net.md_5.bungee.BungeeServerInfo; import net.md_5.bungee.EncryptionUtil; import net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection; import net.md_5.bungee.Util; import net.md_5.bungee.api.AbstractReconnectHandler; import net.md_5.bungee.api.Callback; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; import net.md_5.bungee.api.Favicon; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ServerPing; import; import; import net.md_5.bungee.api.config.ListenerInfo; import net.md_5.bungee.api.config.ServerInfo; import net.md_5.bungee.api.connection.Connection.Unsafe; import net.md_5.bungee.api.connection.PendingConnection; import net.md_5.bungee.api.connection.ProxiedPlayer; import net.md_5.bungee.api.event.LoginEvent; import net.md_5.bungee.api.event.PlayerHandshakeEvent; import net.md_5.bungee.api.event.PostLoginEvent; import net.md_5.bungee.api.event.PreLoginEvent; import net.md_5.bungee.api.event.ProxyPingEvent; import; import net.md_5.bungee.http.HttpClient; import net.md_5.bungee.jni.cipher.BungeeCipher; import net.md_5.bungee.netty.ChannelWrapper; import net.md_5.bungee.netty.HandlerBoss; import net.md_5.bungee.netty.PacketHandler; import net.md_5.bungee.netty.PipelineUtils; import net.md_5.bungee.netty.cipher.CipherDecoder; import net.md_5.bungee.netty.cipher.CipherEncoder; import net.md_5.bungee.protocol.DefinedPacket; import net.md_5.bungee.protocol.PacketWrapper; import net.md_5.bungee.protocol.Protocol; import net.md_5.bungee.protocol.ProtocolConstants; import net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.EncryptionRequest; import net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.EncryptionResponse; import net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.Handshake; import net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.Kick; import net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.LegacyHandshake; import net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.LegacyPing; import net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.LoginRequest; import net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.LoginSuccess; import net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PingPacket; import net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PluginMessage; import net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.StatusRequest; import net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.StatusResponse; import net.md_5.bungee.util.BoundedArrayList; @RequiredArgsConstructor public class InitialHandler extends PacketHandler implements PendingConnection { private final BungeeCord bungee; private ChannelWrapper ch; @Getter private final ListenerInfo listener; @Getter private Handshake handshake; @Getter private LoginRequest loginRequest; private EncryptionRequest request; @Getter private final List<PluginMessage> relayMessages = new BoundedArrayList<>( 128 ); private State thisState = State.HANDSHAKE; private final Unsafe unsafe = new Unsafe() { @Override public void sendPacket(DefinedPacket packet) { ch.write( packet ); } }; @Getter private boolean onlineMode = BungeeCord.getInstance().config.isOnlineMode(); @Getter private InetSocketAddress virtualHost; private String name; @Getter private UUID uniqueId; @Getter private UUID offlineId; @Getter private LoginResult loginProfile; @Getter private boolean legacy; @Getter private String extraDataInHandshake = ""; @Override public boolean shouldHandle(PacketWrapper packet) throws Exception { return !ch.isClosing(); } private enum State { HANDSHAKE, STATUS, PING, USERNAME, ENCRYPT, FINISHED; } @Override public void connected(ChannelWrapper channel) throws Exception { = channel; } @Override public void exception(Throwable t) throws Exception { disconnect( ChatColor.RED + Util.exception( t ) ); } @Override public void handle(PluginMessage pluginMessage) throws Exception { // TODO: Unregister? if ( PluginMessage.SHOULD_RELAY.apply( pluginMessage ) ) { relayMessages.add( pluginMessage ); } } @Override public void handle(LegacyHandshake legacyHandshake) throws Exception { this.legacy = true; ch.close( bungee.getTranslation( "outdated_client" ) ); } @Override public void handle(LegacyPing ping) throws Exception { this.legacy = true; final boolean v1_5 = ping.isV1_5(); ServerPing legacy = new ServerPing( new ServerPing.Protocol( bungee.getName() + " " + bungee.getGameVersion(), bungee.getProtocolVersion() ), new ServerPing.Players( listener.getMaxPlayers(), bungee.getOnlineCount(), null ), new TextComponent( TextComponent.fromLegacyText( listener.getMotd() ) ), (Favicon) null ); Callback<ProxyPingEvent> callback = new Callback<ProxyPingEvent>() { @Override public void done(ProxyPingEvent result, Throwable error) { if ( ch.isClosed() ) { return; } ServerPing legacy = result.getResponse(); String kickMessage; if ( v1_5 ) { kickMessage = ChatColor.DARK_BLUE + "\00" + 127 + '\00' + legacy.getVersion().getName() + '\00' + getFirstLine( legacy.getDescription() ) + '\00' + legacy.getPlayers().getOnline() + '\00' + legacy.getPlayers().getMax(); } else { // Clients <= 1.3 don't support colored motds because the color char is used as delimiter kickMessage = ChatColor.stripColor( getFirstLine( legacy.getDescription() ) ) + '\u00a7' + legacy.getPlayers().getOnline() + '\u00a7' + legacy.getPlayers().getMax(); } ch.getHandle().writeAndFlush( kickMessage ); ch.close(); } }; bungee.getPluginManager().callEvent( new ProxyPingEvent( this, legacy, callback ) ); } private static String getFirstLine(String str) { int pos = str.indexOf( '\n' ); return pos == -1 ? str : str.substring( 0, pos ); } @Override public void handle(StatusRequest statusRequest) throws Exception { Preconditions.checkState( thisState == State.STATUS, "Not expecting STATUS" ); ServerInfo forced = AbstractReconnectHandler.getForcedHost( this ); final String motd = ( forced != null ) ? forced.getMotd() : listener.getMotd(); Callback<ServerPing> pingBack = new Callback<ServerPing>() { @Override public void done(ServerPing result, Throwable error) { if ( error != null ) { result = new ServerPing(); result.setDescription( bungee.getTranslation( "ping_cannot_connect" ) ); bungee.getLogger().log( Level.WARNING, "Error pinging remote server", error ); } Callback<ProxyPingEvent> callback = new Callback<ProxyPingEvent>() { @Override public void done(ProxyPingEvent pingResult, Throwable error) { Gson gson = BungeeCord.getInstance().gson; unsafe.sendPacket( new StatusResponse( gson.toJson( pingResult.getResponse() ) ) ); } }; bungee.getPluginManager().callEvent( new ProxyPingEvent( InitialHandler.this, result, callback ) ); } }; if ( forced != null && listener.isPingPassthrough() ) { ( (BungeeServerInfo) forced ).ping( pingBack, handshake.getProtocolVersion() ); } else { int protocol = ( ProtocolConstants.SUPPORTED_VERSION_IDS.contains( handshake.getProtocolVersion() ) ) ? handshake.getProtocolVersion() : bungee.getProtocolVersion(); pingBack.done( new ServerPing( new ServerPing.Protocol( bungee.getName() + " " + bungee.getGameVersion(), protocol ), new ServerPing.Players( listener.getMaxPlayers(), bungee.getOnlineCount(), null ), motd, BungeeCord.getInstance().config.getFaviconObject() ), null ); } thisState = State.PING; } @Override public void handle(PingPacket ping) throws Exception { Preconditions.checkState( thisState == State.PING, "Not expecting PING" ); unsafe.sendPacket( ping ); disconnect( "" ); } @Override public void handle(Handshake handshake) throws Exception { Preconditions.checkState( thisState == State.HANDSHAKE, "Not expecting HANDSHAKE" ); this.handshake = handshake; ch.setVersion( handshake.getProtocolVersion() ); // Starting with FML 1.8, a "\0FML\0" token is appended to the handshake. This interferes // with Bungee's IP forwarding, so we detect it, and remove it from the host string, for now. // We know FML appends \00FML\00. However, we need to also consider that other systems might // add their own data to the end of the string. So, we just take everything from the \0 character // and save it for later. if ( handshake.getHost().contains( "\0" ) ) { String[] split = handshake.getHost().split( "\0", 2 ); handshake.setHost( split[0] ); extraDataInHandshake = "\0" + split[1]; } // SRV records can end with a . depending on DNS / client. if ( handshake.getHost().endsWith( "." ) ) { handshake.setHost( handshake.getHost().substring( 0, handshake.getHost().length() - 1 ) ); } this.virtualHost = InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved( handshake.getHost(), handshake.getPort() ); bungee.getLogger().log( Level.INFO, "{0} has connected", this ); bungee.getPluginManager().callEvent( new PlayerHandshakeEvent( InitialHandler.this, handshake ) ); switch ( handshake.getRequestedProtocol() ) { case 1: // Ping thisState = State.STATUS; ch.setProtocol( Protocol.STATUS ); break; case 2: // Login thisState = State.USERNAME; ch.setProtocol( Protocol.LOGIN ); if ( !ProtocolConstants.SUPPORTED_VERSION_IDS.contains( handshake.getProtocolVersion() ) ) { if ( handshake.getProtocolVersion() > bungee.getProtocolVersion() ) { disconnect( bungee.getTranslation( "outdated_server" ) ); } else { disconnect( bungee.getTranslation( "outdated_client" ) ); } return; } if ( bungee.getConnectionThrottle() != null && bungee.getConnectionThrottle().throttle( getAddress().getAddress() ) ) { disconnect( bungee.getTranslation( "join_throttle_kick", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds( bungee.getConfig().getThrottle() ) ) ); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot request protocol " + handshake.getRequestedProtocol() ); } } @Override public void handle(LoginRequest loginRequest) throws Exception { Preconditions.checkState( thisState == State.USERNAME, "Not expecting USERNAME" ); this.loginRequest = loginRequest; if ( getName().contains( "." ) ) { disconnect( bungee.getTranslation( "name_invalid" ) ); return; } if ( getName().length() > 16 ) { disconnect( bungee.getTranslation( "name_too_long" ) ); return; } int limit = BungeeCord.getInstance().config.getPlayerLimit(); if ( limit > 0 && bungee.getOnlineCount() > limit ) { disconnect( bungee.getTranslation( "proxy_full" ) ); return; } // If offline mode and they are already on, don't allow connect // We can just check by UUID here as names are based on UUID if ( !isOnlineMode() && bungee.getPlayer( getUniqueId() ) != null ) { disconnect( bungee.getTranslation( "already_connected_proxy" ) ); return; } Callback<PreLoginEvent> callback = new Callback<PreLoginEvent>() { @Override public void done(PreLoginEvent result, Throwable error) { if ( result.isCancelled() ) { disconnect( result.getCancelReasonComponents() ); return; } if ( ch.isClosed() ) { return; } if ( onlineMode ) { unsafe().sendPacket( request = EncryptionUtil.encryptRequest() ); } else { finish(); } thisState = State.ENCRYPT; } }; // fire pre login event bungee.getPluginManager().callEvent( new PreLoginEvent( InitialHandler.this, callback ) ); } @Override public void handle(final EncryptionResponse encryptResponse) throws Exception { Preconditions.checkState( thisState == State.ENCRYPT, "Not expecting ENCRYPT" ); SecretKey sharedKey = EncryptionUtil.getSecret( encryptResponse, request ); BungeeCipher decrypt = EncryptionUtil.getCipher( false, sharedKey ); ch.addBefore( PipelineUtils.FRAME_DECODER, PipelineUtils.DECRYPT_HANDLER, new CipherDecoder( decrypt ) ); BungeeCipher encrypt = EncryptionUtil.getCipher( true, sharedKey ); ch.addBefore( PipelineUtils.FRAME_PREPENDER, PipelineUtils.ENCRYPT_HANDLER, new CipherEncoder( encrypt ) ); String encName = URLEncoder.encode( InitialHandler.this.getName(), "UTF-8" ); MessageDigest sha = MessageDigest.getInstance( "SHA-1" ); for ( byte[] bit : new byte[][] { request.getServerId().getBytes( "ISO_8859_1" ), sharedKey.getEncoded(), EncryptionUtil.keys.getPublic().getEncoded() } ) { sha.update( bit ); } String encodedHash = URLEncoder.encode( new BigInteger( sha.digest() ).toString( 16 ), "UTF-8" ); String preventProxy = ( ( BungeeCord.getInstance().config.isPreventProxyConnections() ) ? "&ip=" + URLEncoder.encode( getAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress(), "UTF-8" ) : "" ); String authURL = "" + encName + "&serverId=" + encodedHash + preventProxy; Callback<String> handler = new Callback<String>() { @Override public void done(String result, Throwable error) { if ( error == null ) { LoginResult obj = BungeeCord.getInstance().gson.fromJson( result, LoginResult.class ); if ( obj != null && obj.getId() != null ) { loginProfile = obj; name = obj.getName(); uniqueId = Util.getUUID( obj.getId() ); finish(); return; } disconnect( bungee.getTranslation( "offline_mode_player" ) ); } else { disconnect( bungee.getTranslation( "mojang_fail" ) ); bungee.getLogger().log( Level.SEVERE, "Error authenticating " + getName() + " with", error ); } } }; HttpClient.get( authURL, ch.getHandle().eventLoop(), handler ); } private void finish() { if ( isOnlineMode() ) { // Check for multiple connections // We have to check for the old name first ProxiedPlayer oldName = bungee.getPlayer( getName() ); if ( oldName != null ) { // TODO See #1218 oldName.disconnect( bungee.getTranslation( "already_connected_proxy" ) ); } // And then also for their old UUID ProxiedPlayer oldID = bungee.getPlayer( getUniqueId() ); if ( oldID != null ) { // TODO See #1218 oldID.disconnect( bungee.getTranslation( "already_connected_proxy" ) ); } } else { // In offline mode the existing user stays and we kick the new one ProxiedPlayer oldName = bungee.getPlayer( getName() ); if ( oldName != null ) { // TODO See #1218 disconnect( bungee.getTranslation( "already_connected_proxy" ) ); return; } } offlineId = java.util.UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes( ( "OfflinePlayer:" + getName() ).getBytes( Charsets.UTF_8 ) ); if ( uniqueId == null ) { uniqueId = offlineId; } Callback<LoginEvent> complete = new Callback<LoginEvent>() { @Override public void done(LoginEvent result, Throwable error) { if ( result.isCancelled() ) { disconnect( result.getCancelReasonComponents() ); return; } if ( ch.isClosed() ) { return; } ch.getHandle().eventLoop().execute( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if ( !ch.isClosing() ) { UserConnection userCon = new UserConnection( bungee, ch, getName(), InitialHandler.this ); userCon.setCompressionThreshold( BungeeCord.getInstance().config.getCompressionThreshold() ); userCon.init(); unsafe.sendPacket( new LoginSuccess( getUniqueId().toString(), getName() ) ); // With dashes in between ch.setProtocol( Protocol.GAME ); ch.getHandle().pipeline().get( HandlerBoss.class ).setHandler( new UpstreamBridge( bungee, userCon ) ); bungee.getPluginManager().callEvent( new PostLoginEvent( userCon ) ); ServerInfo server; if ( bungee.getReconnectHandler() != null ) { server = bungee.getReconnectHandler().getServer( userCon ); } else { server = AbstractReconnectHandler.getForcedHost( InitialHandler.this ); } if ( server == null ) { server = bungee.getServerInfo( listener.getDefaultServer() ); } userCon.connect( server, null, true ); thisState = State.FINISHED; } } } ); } }; // fire login event bungee.getPluginManager().callEvent( new LoginEvent( InitialHandler.this, complete ) ); } @Override public void disconnect(String reason) { disconnect( TextComponent.fromLegacyText( reason ) ); } @Override public void disconnect(final BaseComponent... reason) { if ( thisState != State.STATUS && thisState != State.PING ) { ch.delayedClose( new Kick( ComponentSerializer.toString( reason ) ) ); } else { ch.close(); } } @Override public void disconnect(BaseComponent reason) { disconnect( new BaseComponent[] { reason } ); } @Override public String getName() { return (name != null ) ? name : ( loginRequest == null ) ? null : loginRequest.getData(); } @Override public int getVersion() { return ( handshake == null ) ? -1 : handshake.getProtocolVersion(); } @Override public InetSocketAddress getAddress() { return (InetSocketAddress) ch.getHandle().remoteAddress(); } @Override public Unsafe unsafe() { return unsafe; } @Override public void setOnlineMode(boolean onlineMode) { Preconditions.checkState( thisState == State.USERNAME, "Can only set online mode status whilst state is username" ); this.onlineMode = onlineMode; } @Override public void setUniqueId(UUID uuid) { Preconditions.checkState( thisState == State.USERNAME, "Can only set uuid while state is username" ); Preconditions.checkState( !onlineMode, "Can only set uuid when online mode is false" ); this.uniqueId = uuid; } @Override public String getUUID() { return uniqueId.toString().replaceAll( "-", "" ); } @Override public String toString() { return "[" + ( ( getName() != null ) ? getName() : getAddress() ) + "] <-> InitialHandler"; } @Override public boolean isConnected() { return !ch.isClosed(); } }