package; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; import lombok.Setter; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import lombok.ToString; @Getter @Setter @ToString @NoArgsConstructor public class TranslatableComponent extends BaseComponent { private final ResourceBundle locales = ResourceBundle.getBundle( "mojang-translations/en_US" ); private final Pattern format = Pattern.compile( "%(?:(\\d+)\\$)?([A-Za-z%]|$)" ); /** * The key into the Minecraft locale files to use for the translation. The * text depends on the client's locale setting. The console is always en_US */ private String translate; /** * The components to substitute into the translation */ private List<BaseComponent> with; /** * Creates a translatable component from the original to clone it. * * @param original the original for the new translatable component. */ public TranslatableComponent(TranslatableComponent original) { super( original ); setTranslate( original.getTranslate() ); if ( original.getWith() != null ) { List<BaseComponent> temp = new ArrayList<BaseComponent>(); for ( BaseComponent baseComponent : original.getWith() ) { temp.add( baseComponent.duplicate() ); } setWith( temp ); } } /** * Creates a translatable component with the passed substitutions * * @see #translate * @see #setWith(java.util.List) * @param translate the translation key * @param with the {@link java.lang.String}s and * {@link}s to use into the * translation */ public TranslatableComponent(String translate, Object... with) { setTranslate( translate ); List<BaseComponent> temp = new ArrayList<BaseComponent>(); for ( Object w : with ) { if ( w instanceof String ) { temp.add( new TextComponent( (String) w ) ); } else { temp.add( (BaseComponent) w ); } } setWith( temp ); } /** * Creates a duplicate of this TranslatableComponent. * * @return the duplicate of this TranslatableComponent. */ @Override public BaseComponent duplicate() { return new TranslatableComponent( this ); } /** * Sets the translation substitutions to be used in this component. Removes * any previously set substitutions * * @param components the components to substitute */ public void setWith(List<BaseComponent> components) { for ( BaseComponent component : components ) { component.parent = this; } with = components; } /** * Adds a text substitution to the component. The text will inherit this * component's formatting * * @param text the text to substitute */ public void addWith(String text) { addWith( new TextComponent( text ) ); } /** * Adds a component substitution to the component. The text will inherit * this component's formatting * * @param component the component to substitute */ public void addWith(BaseComponent component) { if ( with == null ) { with = new ArrayList<BaseComponent>(); } component.parent = this; with.add( component ); } @Override protected void toPlainText(StringBuilder builder) { String trans; try { trans = locales.getString( translate ); } catch ( MissingResourceException ex ) { trans = translate; } Matcher matcher = format.matcher( trans ); int position = 0; int i = 0; while ( matcher.find( position ) ) { int pos = matcher.start(); if ( pos != position ) { builder.append( trans.substring( position, pos ) ); } position = matcher.end(); String formatCode = 2 ); switch ( formatCode.charAt( 0 ) ) { case 's': case 'd': String withIndex = 1 ); with.get( withIndex != null ? Integer.parseInt( withIndex ) - 1 : i++ ).toPlainText( builder ); break; case '%': builder.append( '%' ); break; } } if ( trans.length() != position ) { builder.append( trans.substring( position, trans.length() ) ); } super.toPlainText( builder ); } @Override protected void toLegacyText(StringBuilder builder) { String trans; try { trans = locales.getString( translate ); } catch ( MissingResourceException e ) { trans = translate; } Matcher matcher = format.matcher( trans ); int position = 0; int i = 0; while ( matcher.find( position ) ) { int pos = matcher.start(); if ( pos != position ) { addFormat( builder ); builder.append( trans.substring( position, pos ) ); } position = matcher.end(); String formatCode = 2 ); switch ( formatCode.charAt( 0 ) ) { case 's': case 'd': String withIndex = 1 ); with.get( withIndex != null ? Integer.parseInt( withIndex ) - 1 : i++ ).toLegacyText( builder ); break; case '%': addFormat( builder ); builder.append( '%' ); break; } } if ( trans.length() != position ) { addFormat( builder ); builder.append( trans.substring( position, trans.length() ) ); } super.toLegacyText( builder ); } private void addFormat(StringBuilder builder) { builder.append( getColor() ); if ( isBold() ) { builder.append( ChatColor.BOLD ); } if ( isItalic() ) { builder.append( ChatColor.ITALIC ); } if ( isUnderlined() ) { builder.append( ChatColor.UNDERLINE ); } if ( isStrikethrough() ) { builder.append( ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH ); } if ( isObfuscated() ) { builder.append( ChatColor.MAGIC ); } } }