package net.md_5.bungee.config; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; public class YamlConfigurationTest { private static final String TEST_DOCUMENT = "" + "receipt: Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice\n" + "date: 2012-08-06\n" + "customer:\n" + " given: Dorothy\n" + " family: Gale\n" + "\n" + "items:\n" + " - part_no: A4786\n" + " descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)\n" + " price: 1.47\n" + " quantity: 4\n" + "\n" + " - part_no: E1628\n" + " descrip: High Heeled \"Ruby\" Slippers\n" + " size: 8\n" + " price: 100.27\n" + " quantity: 1\n" + "\n" + "bill-to: &id001\n" + " street: |\n" + " 123 Tornado Alley\n" + " Suite 16\n" + " city: East Centerville\n" + " state: KS\n" + "\n" + "ship-to: *id001\n" + "\n" + "specialDelivery: >\n" + " Follow the Yellow Brick\n" + " Road to the Emerald City.\n" + " Pay no attention to the\n" + " man behind the curtain."; private static final String NUMBER_TEST = "" + "someKey:\n" + " 1: 1\n" + " 2: 2\n" + " 3: 3\n" + " 4: 4"; private static final String NULL_TEST = "" + "null:\n" + " null: object\n" + " object: null\n"; @Test public void testConfig() throws Exception { Configuration conf = ConfigurationProvider.getProvider( YamlConfiguration.class ).load( TEST_DOCUMENT ); testSection( conf ); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); ConfigurationProvider.getProvider( YamlConfiguration.class ).save( conf, sw ); // Check nulls were saved, see #1094 Assert.assertFalse( "Config contains null", sw.toString().contains( "null" ) ); conf = ConfigurationProvider.getProvider( YamlConfiguration.class ).load( new StringReader( sw.toString() ) ); conf.set( "receipt", "Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice" ); // Add it back testSection( conf ); } private void testSection(Configuration conf) { Assert.assertEquals( "receipt", "Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice", conf.getString( "receipt" ) ); // Assert.assertEquals( "date", "2012-08-06", conf.get( "date" ).toString() ); Configuration customer = conf.getSection( "customer" ); Assert.assertEquals( "customer.given", "Dorothy", customer.getString( "given" ) ); Assert.assertEquals( "customer.given", "Dorothy", conf.getString( "customer.given" ) ); List items = conf.getList( "items" ); Map item = (Map) items.get( 0 ); Assert.assertEquals( "items[0].part_no", "A4786", item.get( "part_no" ) ); conf.set( "receipt", null ); Assert.assertEquals( null, conf.get( "receipt" ) ); Assert.assertEquals( "foo", conf.get( "receipt", "foo" ) ); Configuration newSection = conf.getSection( "new.section" ); newSection.set( "value", "foo" ); Assert.assertEquals( "foo", conf.get( "new.section.value" ) ); conf.set( "", "bar" ); Assert.assertEquals( "bar", conf.get( "" ) ); Assert.assertTrue( conf.contains( "customer.given" ) ); Assert.assertTrue( customer.contains( "given" ) ); Assert.assertFalse( conf.contains( "" ) ); Assert.assertFalse( customer.contains( "foo" ) ); } @Test public void testNumberedKeys() { Configuration conf = ConfigurationProvider.getProvider( YamlConfiguration.class ).load( NUMBER_TEST ); Configuration section = conf.getSection( "someKey" ); for ( String key : section.getKeys() ) { // empty } } @Test public void testNull() { Configuration conf = ConfigurationProvider.getProvider( YamlConfiguration.class ).load( NULL_TEST ); Assert.assertEquals( "object", conf.get( "null.null" ) ); Assert.assertEquals( "object", conf.getSection( "null" ).get( "null" ) ); Assert.assertEquals( null, conf.get( "null.object" ) ); Assert.assertEquals( "", conf.getString( "null.object" ) ); } @Test public void testMapAddition() { Configuration conf = ConfigurationProvider.getProvider( YamlConfiguration.class ).load( TEST_DOCUMENT ); conf.set( "addition", Collections.singletonMap( "foo", "bar" ) ); // Order matters Assert.assertEquals( "bar", conf.getSection( "addition" ).getString( "foo" ) ); Assert.assertEquals( "bar", conf.getString( "" ) ); Assert.assertTrue( conf.get( "addition" ) instanceof Configuration ); } }