package; import com.arkcraft.lib.LogHelper; import com.arkcraft.module.core.ARKCraft; import; import; import com.arkcraft.module.crafting.common.config.ModuleItemBalance; import com.arkcraft.module.crafting.common.handlers.PlayerCraftingManager; import com.arkcraft.module.crafting.common.inventory.InventoryBlueprints; import com.arkcraft.module.crafting.common.inventory.InventoryPlayerCrafting; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentTranslation; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.IExtendedEntityProperties; /** * @author wildbill22, Lewis_McReu */ public class ARKPlayer implements IExtendedEntityProperties { // TODO private static final int healthIncrease = 10, staminaIncrease = 10, oxygenIncrease = 20, foodIncrease = 10, waterIncrease = 10, damageIncrease = 5, speedIncrease = 2, maxTorpor = 200, maxLevel = 94; public static final String EXT_PROP_NAME = "ARKPlayer"; private final EntityPlayer player; // The extended player properties (anything below should be initialized in // constructor and in NBT): private boolean canPoop; // True if player can poop (timer sets this) // actual stats private int health, oxygen, food, water, damage, speed, stamina, torpor, xp, level; // max stats private int maxHealth, maxOxygen, maxFood, maxWater, maxDamage, maxSpeed, maxStamina; public ARKPlayer(EntityPlayer player, World world) { // Initialize some stuff this.player = player; this.setCanPoop(false); this.water = 20; this.torpor = 0; this.stamina = 20; } /** * Registers properties to player * * @param player */ public static final void register(EntityPlayer player, World world) { player.registerExtendedProperties(ARKPlayer.EXT_PROP_NAME, new ARKPlayer(player, world)); } /** * @param player * @return properties of player */ public static final ARKPlayer get(EntityPlayer player) { return (ARKPlayer) player.getExtendedProperties(EXT_PROP_NAME); } @Override public void saveNBTData(NBTTagCompound compound) { NBTTagCompound properties = new NBTTagCompound(); // ARK player properties properties.setBoolean("canPoop", canPoop); properties.setInteger("health", health); properties.setInteger("oxygen", oxygen); properties.setInteger("food", food); properties.setInteger("water", water); properties.setInteger("damage", damage); properties.setInteger("speed", speed); properties.setInteger("stamina", stamina); properties.setInteger("torpor", torpor); properties.setInteger("xp", xp); properties.setInteger("level", level); properties.setInteger("maxHealth", maxHealth); properties.setInteger("maxOxygen", maxOxygen); properties.setInteger("maxFood", maxFood); properties.setInteger("maxWater", maxWater); properties.setInteger("maxDamage", maxDamage); properties.setInteger("maxSpeed", maxSpeed); properties.setInteger("maxStamina", maxStamina); compound.setTag(EXT_PROP_NAME, properties); inventoryPlayerCrafting.saveInventoryToNBT(compound); } @Override public void loadNBTData(NBTTagCompound compound) { NBTTagCompound properties = compound.getCompoundTag(EXT_PROP_NAME); if (properties == null) { return; } // ARK player properties canPoop = properties.getBoolean("canPoop"); health = properties.getInteger("health"); oxygen = properties.getInteger("oxygen"); properties.setInteger("food", food); properties.setInteger("water", water); properties.setInteger("damage", damage); properties.setInteger("speed", speed); properties.setInteger("stamina", stamina); properties.setInteger("torpor", torpor); properties.setInteger("xp", xp); properties.setInteger("level", level); properties.setInteger("maxHealth", maxHealth); properties.setInteger("maxOxygen", maxOxygen); properties.setInteger("maxFood", maxFood); properties.setInteger("maxWater", maxWater); properties.setInteger("maxDamage", maxDamage); properties.setInteger("maxSpeed", maxSpeed); properties.setInteger("maxStamina", maxStamina); inventoryPlayerCrafting.loadInventoryFromNBT(compound); } public void setWater(int water) { this.water = water; syncClient(player, false); } public void setTorpor(int torpor) { this.torpor = torpor; syncClient(player, false); } public void setStamina(int stamina) { this.stamina = stamina; syncClient(player, false); } public int getWater() { return water; } public int getTorpor() { return torpor; } public int getStamina() { return stamina; } /** * Copies additional player data from the given ExtendedPlayer instance * Avoids NBT disk I/O overhead when cloning a player after respawn */ public void copy(ARKPlayer props) { this.canPoop = props.canPoop; this.torpor = props.torpor; this.water = props.water; this.stamina = props.stamina; } @Override public void init(Entity entity, World world) { } public void syncClient(EntityPlayer player, boolean all) { if (player instanceof EntityPlayerMP) { ARKCraft.modChannel.sendTo(new SyncPlayerData(all, this), (EntityPlayerMP) player); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private EntityPlayer getPlayer() { return player; } // --------- Pooping ----------------- public boolean canPoop() { return canPoop; } public void setCanPoop(boolean canPoop) { this.canPoop = canPoop; } public void poop() { if (canPoop()) { if (player.worldObj.isRemote) { player.playSound(ARKCraft.MODID + ":" + "dodo_defficating", 1.0F, (player.worldObj.rand.nextFloat() - player.worldObj.rand .nextFloat()) * 0.2F + 1.0F); ARKCraft.modChannel.sendToServer(new PlayerPoop(true));"Player is pooping!"); } setCanPoop(false); } else { player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentTranslation("chat.canNotPoop")); } } // ----------------- End of Properties stuff, rest is for crafting // ----------------- // Inventory for Crafting private InventoryPlayerCrafting inventoryPlayerCrafting = new InventoryPlayerCrafting( "Crafting", false, INVENTORY_SLOTS_COUNT); private InventoryBlueprints inventoryBlueprints = new InventoryBlueprints("Blueprints", false, BLUEPRINT_SLOTS_COUNT, PlayerCraftingManager.getInstance(), inventoryPlayerCrafting, (short) ModuleItemBalance.PLAYER_CRAFTING.CRAFT_TIME_FOR_ITEM); // Constants for the inventory public static final int BLUEPRINT_SLOTS_COUNT = 20; public static final int FIRST_BLUEPRINT_SLOT = 0; public static final int INVENTORY_SLOTS_COUNT = 10; public static final int FIRST_INVENTORY_SLOT = 0; public static final int LAST_INVENTORY_SLOT = INVENTORY_SLOTS_COUNT - 1; public InventoryBlueprints getInventoryBlueprints() { return inventoryBlueprints; } public void setInventoryBlueprints(InventoryBlueprints inventoryBlueprints) { this.inventoryBlueprints = inventoryBlueprints; } public InventoryPlayerCrafting getInventoryPlayer() { return inventoryPlayerCrafting; } public void setInventoryPlayer(InventoryPlayerCrafting inventoryPlayer) { this.inventoryPlayerCrafting = inventoryPlayer; } public void addXP(int killXP) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }