package; import javax.vecmath.Vector2f; import com.artemis.Entity; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Agent { private int levelID = 0; private int entID = -1; private Blackboard blackboard; private BehaviorManagerTest behavior; public Agent(int levelID, int entID) { setLevelID(levelID); setEntID(entID); setAIBlackboard(new Blackboard(this)); setBehavior(new BehaviorManagerTest(this)); } public Blackboard getBlackboard() { return blackboard; } public void setAIBlackboard(Blackboard blackboard) { this.blackboard = blackboard; } public int getEntID() { return entID; } public void setEntID(int entID) { this.entID = entID; } public int getLevelID() { return levelID; } public void setLevelID(int levelID) { this.levelID = levelID; } public Entity getEntity() { return Game_AI_TestBed.instance().getLevel(getLevelID()).getWorld().getEntity(getEntID()); } public void tick() { //testing contrib graph use of commits and merged branches //System.out.println("AI tick!"); Entity ent = Game_AI_TestBed.instance().getLevel(levelID).getWorld().getEntity(entID); Position pos = ent.getComponent(Position.class); int pathFollowAccuracy = 4; //pathfollow if (blackboard.hasPath()) { IntPair pointTile = blackboard.getPathPoint(); Vector2f pointCoord = new Vector2f((pointTile.x * Cst.TILESIZE) + (Cst.TILESIZE / 2), (pointTile.y * Cst.TILESIZE) + (Cst.TILESIZE / 2)); float dist = VecUtil.getDist(pointCoord, pos.toVec()); //was moveTo blackboard.setPosTarget(pointCoord); if (dist < pathFollowAccuracy) { //System.out.println("inc point!"); blackboard.incPathPoint(); } else { //System.out.println("pathnav to " + dist); } } else { //System.out.println("no path"); } //test behavior.tick(); } /** * Main interface method to tell an entity to move to a position * Will determine if it should request a path first or just move to it * * @param pos */ public void moveTo(Vector2f pos) { //if within 2 tiles and both tiles have no collision then vec move //otherwise try to path //dont assume you can strait move to if you can see, we plan on PIT blocks Position posData = getEntity().getComponent(Position.class); float dist = VecUtil.getDist(pos, posData.toVec()); if (dist < Cst.TILESIZE * 2) { blackboard.setPosTarget(pos); //resetPath(); } else { //pathfind IntPair coordFrom = new IntPair(posData.x / (float)Cst.TILESIZE, posData.y / (float)Cst.TILESIZE); IntPair coordTo = new IntPair(pos.x / (float)Cst.TILESIZE, pos.y / (float)Cst.TILESIZE); Level level = Game_AI_TestBed.instance().getLevel(getLevelID()); if (level.isPassable(coordFrom.x, coordFrom.y) && (blackboard.lastPFTime + blackboard.pfTimeCooldown <= level.getTime() || !blackboard.hasPath())) { if (level.isPassable(coordTo.x, coordTo.y)) { //Logger.dbg("pathfind try!"); blackboard.lastPFTime = level.getTime(); blackboard.setPath(PathfinderHelper.instance().getPath(getLevelID(), coordFrom, coordTo)); //attempt to skip first node if we are close to it so we dont backtrack //this might sabatoge pathfollowing, keep eye on it if (blackboard.hasPath()) { IntPair pointTile = blackboard.getPathPoint(); Vector2f pointCoord = new Vector2f((pointTile.x * Cst.TILESIZE) + (Cst.TILESIZE / 2), (pointTile.y * Cst.TILESIZE) + (Cst.TILESIZE / 2)); float distToNode = VecUtil.getDist(pointCoord, posData.toVec()); if (distToNode <= Cst.TILESIZE) { //Logger.dbg("skip first node!"); blackboard.incPathPoint(); } } //System.out.println("path size: " + listPath.size()); } } } } public BehaviorManagerTest getBehavior() { return behavior; } public void setBehavior(BehaviorManagerTest behavior) { this.behavior = behavior; } }