package; import javax.vecmath.Vector4f; import com.artemis.Entity; import com.artemis.World; import com.artemis.WorldConfiguration; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.MapLayer; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.MapObject; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.MapObjects; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.MapProperties; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMap; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMapRenderer; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMapTileLayer; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMapTileLayer.Cell; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.renderers.OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Level { private World worldArtemis; private com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.World worldBox2D; private TiledMap map; private String levelName = "level_01.tmx"; private TiledMapRenderer mapRenderer; private SpriteBatch batch; private long gameTime = 0; private float stateTime = 0; private int entityCount = 0; private int playerID = -1; private int levelID = 0; private int mapTilesX; private int mapTilesY; private int mapTileWidth; private int mapTileHeight; public static int LAYER_NAV = 0; public static int LAYER_BLOCKINGOBJECTS = 1; public static int LAYER_COLLIDE = 2; public static int LAYER_MISSIONOBJECTS = 3; public Level(int levelID) { this.setLevelID(levelID); } public void restart() { setBatch(new SpriteBatch()); loadLevel(getLevel()); setMapRenderer(new OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer(map)); //systems tick in order added by default WorldConfiguration worldConfig = new WorldConfiguration(); worldConfig.setSystem(new WorldTimer(GameSettings.tickDelayGame)); worldConfig.setSystem(new GameInput(GameSettings.tickDelayGame)); //process world worldConfig.setSystem(new WorldSim(GameSettings.tickDelayGame)); //process physics worldConfig.setSystem(new PhysicsWrapper(GameSettings.tickDelayGame)); //process entities that respond to physics worldConfig.setSystem(new SpriteSim(GameSettings.tickDelayGame)); worldConfig.setSystem(new MapRender()); worldConfig.setSystem(new SpriteRender()); worldConfig.setSystem(new SpriteRenderHUD()); worldConfig.setSystem(new HUDRender()); worldArtemis = new World(worldConfig); worldBox2D = new com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.World(new Vector2(0, 0), true); loadLevelObjects(); respawnPlayer(); } public void process(float delta) { worldArtemis.setDelta(delta); worldArtemis.process(); } public void dispose() { getBatch().dispose(); } public World getWorld() { return worldArtemis; } public void killEntity(Entity e) { getWorld().deleteEntity(e); entityCount--; } public int getEntityCount() { return entityCount; } public void setEntityCount(int count) { entityCount = count; } public void addToEntityCount(int count) { entityCount += count; } public String getLevel() { return "maps/" + getLevelName(); } public void setLevelName(String name) { this.levelName = name; } public String getLevelName() { return this.levelName; } public void setPlayer(int playerID) { this.playerID = playerID; } public Entity getPlayerEntity() { if (playerID == -1) { System.out.println("PLAYER NOT SET"); return null; } return getWorld().getEntity(playerID); } public float getStateTime() { return stateTime; } public void setStateTime(float stateTime) { this.stateTime = stateTime; } public TiledMapRenderer getMapRenderer() { return mapRenderer; } public void setMapRenderer(TiledMapRenderer mapRenderer) { this.mapRenderer = mapRenderer; } public SpriteBatch getBatch() { return batch; } public void setBatch(SpriteBatch batch) { this.batch = batch; } public void loadLevel(String levelName) { = Game_AI_TestBed.instance().am.get(getLevel()); mapTilesX = map.getProperties().get("width", Integer.class); mapTilesY = map.getProperties().get("height", Integer.class); mapTileWidth = map.getProperties().get("tilewidth", Integer.class); mapTileHeight = map.getProperties().get("tileheight", Integer.class); } public void loadLevelObjects() { MapLayer mapLayerMission = getMap().getLayers().get(LAYER_MISSIONOBJECTS); MapObjects objects = mapLayerMission.getObjects(); for (int i = 0; i < objects.getCount(); i++) { MapObject mapObj = objects.get(i); SpawnableBase base = EntityFactory.getEntity(mapObj.getName()); if (base != null) { base.prepareFromMap(getLevelID(), mapObj); } } Logger.dbg("map objects loaded!"); } public void respawnPlayer() { float spawnX = 1222; spawnX = 722; float spawnY = getLevelSizeY() - 17682; Entity ent = getPlayerEntity(); if (ent != null) { Health health = ent.getComponent(Health.class); health.reset(); Position pos = ent.getComponent(Position.class); pos.setPos(spawnX, spawnY); } else { //setPlayer(EntityFactory.createPlayer(100, 100).getId()); SpawnableBase base = EntityFactory.getEntity(SpawnableTypes.SPRITE_PLAYER); setPlayer(base.prepareFromData(levelID, spawnX, spawnY, EntityData.TEAM_PLAYER).getId()); //setPlayer(EntityFactory.createEntity_Player(getLevelID(), spawnX, spawnY).getId()); } } public int getLevelSizeX() { return mapTilesX * mapTileWidth; } public int getLevelSizeY() { return mapTilesY * mapTileHeight; } public int getTileSizeX() { return mapTilesX; } public int getTileSizeY() { return mapTilesY; } public float getPartialTick() { return (getStateTime() - WorldTimer.lastTime) / GameSettings.tickDelayGame; } public com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.World getWorldBox2D() { return worldBox2D; } public void setWorldBox2D(com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.World worldBox2D) { this.worldBox2D = worldBox2D; } public long getTime() { return gameTime; } public long getGameTime() { return gameTime; } public void setGameTime(long gameTime) { this.gameTime = gameTime; } public Cell getCell(int column, int row, int layer) { Cell cell = getMapLayer(layer).getCell(column, row); return cell; } public TiledMapTileLayer getMapLayer(int layer) { /*MapLayer layer1 = getMap().getLayers().get(0); MapLayer layer2 = getMap().getLayers().get(1); MapLayer layer3 = getMap().getLayers().get(2);*/ //MapLayers mapLayers = getMap().getLayers(); TiledMapTileLayer mapLayer = (TiledMapTileLayer)getMap().getLayers().get(layer); //TiledMapTileLayer mapLayerTest = (TiledMapTileLayer)getMap().getLayers().get(LAYER_COLLIDE); return mapLayer; } public TiledMap getMap() { return; } public boolean isTilePassable(int tileX, int tileY) { return this.getCell(tileX, tileY, LAYER_NAV) != null && this.getCell(tileX, tileY, LAYER_COLLIDE) == null; } public boolean isPassable(int x, int y) { int tileX = MathUtil.floorF((float)x / (float)Cst.TILESIZE); int tileY = MathUtil.floorF((float)y / (float)Cst.TILESIZE); return isTilePassable(tileX, tileY); } public Vector4f getCellBorder(int x, int y) { int tileX = MathUtil.floorF((float)x / (float)Cst.TILESIZE) * Cst.TILESIZE; int tileY = MathUtil.floorF((float)y / (float)Cst.TILESIZE) * Cst.TILESIZE; //Cell cell = getCell(x / Cst.TILESIZE, y / Cst.TILESIZE, 0); return new Vector4f(tileX, tileY, tileX + Cst.TILESIZE, tileY + Cst.TILESIZE); } public int getLevelID() { return levelID; } public void setLevelID(int levelID) { this.levelID = levelID; } }