/* This file is part of VoltDB. * Copyright (C) 2008-2017 VoltDB Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package txnIdSelfCheck; import org.voltdb.ClientResponseImpl; import org.voltdb.client.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; public class TruncateTableLoader extends BenchmarkThread { // Setting this to true ensures that we are testing the @SwapTables system // stored procedure being added to VoltDB V7.1; some of the code below was // instead written when we planned to add a DML statement of the form: // "SWAP TABLE T1 WITH T2" // This setting makes sure that we are not using that code, which is retained // below in case we ever do support that DML version of Swap Tables. final boolean USE_SWAP_TABLES_SYSPROC = true; final Client client; final long targetCount; final String tableName; final String swapTableName; final int rowSize; final int batchSize; final Random r = new Random(0); final AtomicBoolean m_shouldContinue = new AtomicBoolean(true); final Semaphore m_permits; String truncateProcedure = "TruncateTable"; String swapProcedure = "SwapTables"; String scanAggProcedure = "ScanAggTable"; long insertsTried = 0; long rowsLoaded = 0; long nTruncates = 0; long nSwaps = 0; float mpRatio; float swapRatio; TruncateTableLoader(Client client, String tableName, long targetCount, int rowSize, int batchSize, Semaphore permits, float mpRatio, float swapRatio) { setName("TruncateTableLoader"); this.client = client; this.tableName = tableName; this.targetCount = targetCount; this.rowSize = rowSize; this.batchSize = batchSize; this.m_permits = permits; this.mpRatio = mpRatio; this.swapRatio = swapRatio; if ("trup".equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)) { this.swapTableName = "swapp"; } else { this.swapTableName = "swapr"; } // make this run more than other threads setPriority(getPriority() + 1); log.info("TruncateTableLoader table: "+ tableName + " targetCount: " + targetCount); // To get more detailed output, uncomment this: //log.setLevel(Level.DEBUG); } void shutdown() { m_shouldContinue.set(false); this.interrupt(); } class InsertCallback implements ProcedureCallback { AtomicInteger latch; InsertCallback(AtomicInteger latch) { this.latch = latch; } @Override public void clientCallback(ClientResponse clientResponse) throws Exception { if (isStatusSuccess(clientResponse, (byte)0, "insert into", tableName)) { Benchmark.txnCount.incrementAndGet(); rowsLoaded++; } latch.decrementAndGet(); } } private boolean isStatusSuccess(ClientResponse clientResponse, byte shouldRollback, String truncateOrSwap, String tableName) { byte status = clientResponse.getStatus(); if (status == ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE || (shouldRollback == 0 && status == ClientResponse.USER_ABORT)) { hardStop("TruncateTableLoader gracefully failed to " + truncateOrSwap + " table " + tableName + " and this shoudn't happen. Exiting.", clientResponse); } if (status == ClientResponse.SUCCESS) { return true; } else { // log what happened log.warn("TruncateTableLoader ungracefully failed to " + truncateOrSwap + " table " + tableName); log.warn(((ClientResponseImpl) clientResponse).toJSONString()); return false; } } private long[] swapTables(byte shouldRollback, String sp) throws IOException, ProcCallException { if (USE_SWAP_TABLES_SYSPROC) return swapTables_sysproc(shouldRollback, sp); else return swapTables_dml(shouldRollback, sp); } private long[] swapTables_sysproc(byte shouldRollback, String sp) throws IOException, ProcCallException { long[] b4RowCounts = new long[] {-1, -1}; long[] afterRowCounts = new long[] {-1, -1}; // Get the row counts, before doing the table-swap try { b4RowCounts[0] = TxnId2Utils.getRowCount(client, tableName); b4RowCounts[1] = TxnId2Utils.getRowCount(client, swapTableName); } catch (Exception e) { hardStop("getrowcount exception", e); } // Perform the table-swap ClientResponse clientResponse = null; String swapProcName = "@SwapTables"; // swaptables sysproc is ALWAYS MP // we use one-shot here to bypass the retry mechanisms of doProcCall, // then we evaluate the response and check the behavior clientResponse = TxnId2Utils.doProcCallOneShot(client, swapProcName, tableName.toUpperCase(), shouldRollback == 0 ? swapTableName.toUpperCase() : "NONEXISTENT_TABLE"); // Fake set shouldRollback here so that USER_ABORTs generated by SwapTables using AdHoc behind the scenes // do not get interpreted as aberrant rollback behavior. Boolean result = isStatusSuccess(clientResponse, (byte) 1, "swap", tableName); /* check the table counts and various result cases * success: tables should be swapped (counts appear swapped) * failed: tables should not be swapped * indeterminate: tables should either be swapped or not */ try { afterRowCounts[0] = TxnId2Utils.getRowCount(client, tableName); afterRowCounts[1] = TxnId2Utils.getRowCount(client, swapTableName); } catch (Exception e) { hardStop("getrowcount exception", e); } // if we can't tell if the txn committed or not if (!result && TxnId2Utils.isTransactionStateIndeterminate(clientResponse)) { // the best we can do is check that neither table has been mutated is some unexpected way if ( ! (afterRowCounts[0] == b4RowCounts[0] || afterRowCounts[0] == b4RowCounts[1]) || ! (afterRowCounts[1] == b4RowCounts[0] || afterRowCounts[1] == b4RowCounts[1])) { String message = swapProcName + " on " + tableName + ", " + swapTableName + " count(s) are not as expected after an indeterminate result: before: " + b4RowCounts[0] + ", " + b4RowCounts[1] + " after: " + afterRowCounts[0] + ", " + afterRowCounts[1] + ", rollback: " + shouldRollback; hardStop("TruncateTableLoader: " + message); } } else { // either succeeded or failed or rollback deterministic response, tables should NOT be swapped // if shouldRollback is set the operation will fail (ie. result will be false) // z==0 compares the counts in the swapped (success) configuration int z = result ? 0 : 1; if (afterRowCounts[(z + 0) & 1] != b4RowCounts[1] || afterRowCounts[(z + 1) & 1] != b4RowCounts[0]) { String message = swapProcName + " on " + tableName + ", " + swapTableName + " failed to swap row counts correctly: went from " + b4RowCounts[0] + ", " + b4RowCounts[1] + " to " + afterRowCounts[0] + ", " + afterRowCounts[1] + ", rollback: " + shouldRollback; hardStop("TruncateTableLoader: " + message); } if (result) { if (shouldRollback != 0) hardStop("shouldRollback is set but operation passed"); Benchmark.txnCount.incrementAndGet(); nSwaps++; } } return afterRowCounts; } private long[] swapTables_dml(byte shouldRollback, String sp) throws IOException, ProcCallException { long[] rowCounts = new long[2]; // Tests "SWAP TABLE T1 WITH T2" DML - NYI // Get the row counts, before doing the table-swap long tableRowCount = -1; long swapRowCount = -1; try { tableRowCount = TxnId2Utils.getRowCount(client, tableName); swapRowCount = TxnId2Utils.getRowCount(client, swapTableName); } catch (Exception e) { hardStop("getrowcount exception", e); } // Perform the table-swap ClientResponse clientResponse = null; String swapProcName = tableName.toUpperCase() + sp; long p = Math.abs(r.nextLong()); clientResponse = client.callProcedure(sp, p, shouldRollback); if (isStatusSuccess(clientResponse, shouldRollback, "swap", tableName)) { Benchmark.txnCount.incrementAndGet(); nSwaps++; } // Confirm that the table-swap worked correctly, by checking the row counts // nb. swap is not supported with DR yet, with XDCR this check is likeley to fail // unless we take other action or change the test. try { rowCounts[0] = TxnId2Utils.getRowCount(client, tableName); rowCounts[1] = TxnId2Utils.getRowCount(client, swapTableName); } catch (Exception e) { hardStop("getrowcount exception", e); } if (rowCounts[0] != swapRowCount || rowCounts[1] != tableRowCount) { // XXX should check the row counts by partition in the SP case using select count(*) from ... where p=... String message = swapProcName+" on "+tableName+", "+swapTableName + " failed to swap row counts correctly: went from " + tableRowCount + ", " + swapRowCount + " to " + rowCounts[0] + ", " + rowCounts[1]; if ("TRUPSwapTablesSP".equals(swapProcName)) { // TRUPSwapTablesSP, being SP, does not swap the two tables // entirely, so this situation is expected, and not fatal log.warn(message); } else { hardStop("TruncateTableLoader: " + message); } } return rowCounts; } private void truncateTable(byte shouldRollback, String tp) throws IOException, ProcCallException { long p = Math.abs(r.nextLong()); // Perform the truncate ClientResponse clientResponse = client.callProcedure(tableName.toUpperCase() + tp, p, shouldRollback); if (isStatusSuccess(clientResponse, shouldRollback, "truncate", tableName)) { Benchmark.txnCount.incrementAndGet(); nTruncates++; } // while we would like to check for zero rows in the table outside the txn this test will fail // if, for example, with XDCR rows may be replicated from another cluster after the truncate txn. } @Override public void run() { byte[] data = new byte[rowSize]; byte shouldRollback = 0; long currentRowCount = 0; long swapRowCount = 0; while (m_shouldContinue.get()) { r.nextBytes(data); try { currentRowCount = TxnId2Utils.getRowCount(client, tableName); } catch (Exception e) { hardStop("getrowcount exception", e); } AtomicInteger latch = new AtomicInteger(0); try { // insert some batches... int tc = batchSize * r.nextInt(99); while ((currentRowCount < tc) && (m_shouldContinue.get())) { latch = new AtomicInteger(0); // try to insert batchSize random rows for (int i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) { long p = Math.abs(r.nextLong()); m_permits.acquire(); insertsTried++; try { client.callProcedure(new InsertCallback(latch), tableName.toUpperCase() + "TableInsert", p, data); latch.incrementAndGet(); } catch (Exception e) { // on exception, log and end the thread, but don't kill the process log.error("TruncateTableLoader failed a TableInsert procedure call for table '" + tableName + "': " + e.getMessage()); try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (Exception e2) { } } } while (latch.get() > 0) Thread.sleep(10); long nextRowCount = -1; try { nextRowCount = TxnId2Utils.getRowCount(client, tableName); } catch (Exception e) { hardStop("getrowcount exception", e); } // if no progress, throttle a bit if (nextRowCount == currentRowCount) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e2) {} } currentRowCount = nextRowCount; } } catch (Exception e) { hardStop(e); } if (latch.get() != 0) { hardStop("latch not zero " + latch.get()); } // check the initial table counts, prior to truncate and/or swap try { currentRowCount = TxnId2Utils.getRowCount(client, tableName); swapRowCount = TxnId2Utils.getRowCount(client, swapTableName); } catch (Exception e) { hardStop("getrowcount exception", e); } try { log.debug(tableName + " current row count is " + currentRowCount + "; " + swapTableName + " row count is " + swapRowCount); String tp = this.truncateProcedure; String sp = this.swapProcedure; if (tableName == "trup") { tp += r.nextInt(100) < mpRatio * 100. ? "MP" : "SP"; sp += r.nextInt(100) < mpRatio * 100. ? "MP" : "SP"; } // maybe swap tables before truncating // sinc @SwapTables is inherintly MP doesn't make much sense to do this in the MP thread if (r.nextInt(100) < swapRatio * 100.) { shouldRollback = (byte) (r.nextInt(10) == 0 ? 1 : 0); long[] rowCounts = swapTables(shouldRollback, sp); currentRowCount = rowCounts[0]; swapRowCount = rowCounts[1]; } // truncate the (trur or trup) table shouldRollback = (byte) (r.nextInt(10) == 0 ? 1 : 0); if (shouldRollback != 0) { currentRowCount = TxnId2Utils.getRowCount(client, tableName); swapRowCount = TxnId2Utils.getRowCount(client, swapTableName); } truncateTable(shouldRollback, tp); shouldRollback = 0; } catch (ProcCallException e) { ClientResponseImpl cri = (ClientResponseImpl) e.getClientResponse(); if (shouldRollback == 0) { // this implies bad data and is fatal if ((cri.getStatus() == ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE) || (cri.getStatus() == ClientResponse.USER_ABORT)) { // on exception, log and end the thread, but don't kill the process hardStop("TruncateTableLoader failed a TruncateTable or SwapTable ProcCallException call for table '" + tableName + "': " + e.getMessage()); } } } catch (NoConnectionsException e) { // on exception, log and end the thread, but don't kill the process log.warn("TruncateTableLoader failed a non-proc call exception for table '" + tableName + "': " + e.getMessage()); try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (Exception e2) {} } catch (IOException e) { // just need to fall through and get out throw new RuntimeException(e); } // scan-agg table try { currentRowCount = TxnId2Utils.getRowCount(client, tableName); swapRowCount = TxnId2Utils.getRowCount(client, swapTableName); } catch (Exception e) { hardStop("getrowcount exception", e); } try { log.debug("scan agg: " + tableName + " current row count is " + currentRowCount + "; " + swapTableName + " row count is " + swapRowCount); shouldRollback = (byte) (r.nextInt(10) == 0 ? 1 : 0); long p = Math.abs(r.nextLong()); String sp = this.scanAggProcedure; if (tableName == "trup") sp += r.nextInt(100) < mpRatio * 100. ? "MP" : "SP"; ClientResponse clientResponse = client.callProcedure(tableName.toUpperCase() + sp, p, shouldRollback); if (isStatusSuccess(clientResponse, shouldRollback, "scan-agg", tableName)) { Benchmark.txnCount.incrementAndGet(); } shouldRollback = 0; } catch (ProcCallException e) { ClientResponseImpl cri = (ClientResponseImpl) e.getClientResponse(); if (shouldRollback == 0) { // this implies bad data and is fatal if ((cri.getStatus() == ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE) || (cri.getStatus() == ClientResponse.USER_ABORT)) { // on exception, log and end the thread, but don't kill the process hardStop("TruncateTableLoader failed a ScanAgg ProcCallException call for table '" + tableName + "': " + e.getMessage()); } } } catch (NoConnectionsException e) { // on exception, log and end the thread, but don't kill the process log.warn("TruncateTableLoader failed a non-proc call exception for table '" + tableName + "': " + e.getMessage()); try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (Exception e2) {} } catch (IOException e) { // just need to fall through and get out hardStop(e); } log.info("table: " + tableName + "; rows sent: " + insertsTried + "; inserted: " + rowsLoaded + "; truncates: " + nTruncates + "; swaps: " + nSwaps); } log.info("TruncateTableLoader normal exit for table " + tableName + "; rows sent: " + insertsTried + "; inserted: " + rowsLoaded + "; truncates: " + nTruncates + "; swaps: " + nSwaps); } }