/* This file is part of VoltDB. * Copyright (C) 2008-2017 VoltDB Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with VoltDB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.voltcore.messaging; import static com.google_voltpatches.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument; import static com.google_voltpatches.common.base.Predicates.equalTo; import static com.google_voltpatches.common.base.Predicates.not; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.SocketException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.CreateMode; import org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.ZooDefs.Ids; import org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.ZooKeeper; import org.json_voltpatches.JSONArray; import org.json_voltpatches.JSONException; import org.json_voltpatches.JSONObject; import org.json_voltpatches.JSONStringer; import org.voltcore.agreement.AgreementSite; import org.voltcore.agreement.InterfaceToMessenger; import org.voltcore.common.Constants; import org.voltcore.logging.VoltLogger; import org.voltcore.network.PicoNetwork; import org.voltcore.network.VoltNetworkPool; import org.voltcore.network.VoltNetworkPool.IOStatsIntf; import org.voltcore.utils.CoreUtils; import org.voltcore.utils.InstanceId; import org.voltcore.utils.Pair; import org.voltcore.utils.PortGenerator; import org.voltcore.utils.ShutdownHooks; import org.voltcore.zk.CoreZK; import org.voltcore.zk.ZKUtil; import org.voltdb.AbstractTopology; import org.voltdb.probe.MeshProber; import com.google_voltpatches.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google_voltpatches.common.base.Predicate; import com.google_voltpatches.common.collect.ImmutableCollection; import com.google_voltpatches.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google_voltpatches.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google_voltpatches.common.collect.ImmutableMultimap; import com.google_voltpatches.common.collect.Maps; import com.google_voltpatches.common.collect.Multimaps; import com.google_voltpatches.common.collect.Sets; import com.google_voltpatches.common.net.HostAndPort; import com.google_voltpatches.common.primitives.Longs; /** * Host messenger contains all the code necessary to join a cluster mesh, and create mailboxes * that are addressable from anywhere within that mesh. Host messenger also provides * a ZooKeeper instance that is maintained within the mesh that can be used for distributed coordination * and failure detection. */ public class HostMessenger implements SocketJoiner.JoinHandler, InterfaceToMessenger { private static final VoltLogger m_networkLog = new VoltLogger("NETWORK"); private static final VoltLogger m_hostLog = new VoltLogger("HOST"); private static final VoltLogger m_tmLog = new VoltLogger("TM"); //VERBOTEN_THREADS is a set of threads that are not allowed to use ZK client. public static final CopyOnWriteArraySet<Long> VERBOTEN_THREADS = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<Long>(); /** * Callback for watching for host failures. */ public interface HostWatcher { /** * Called when host failures are detected. * @param failedHosts List of failed hosts, including hosts currently unknown to this host. */ void hostsFailed(Set<Integer> failedHosts); } /** * Configuration for a host messenger. The leader binds to the coordinator ip and * not the internal interface or port. Nodes that fail to become the leader will * connect to the leader using any interface, and will then advertise using the specified * internal interface/port. * * By default all interfaces are used, if one is specified then only that interface will be used. * */ public static class Config { private static final String ACCEPTOR = "acceptor"; private static final String NETWORK_THREADS = "networkThreads"; private static final String BACKWARDS_TIME_FORGIVENESS_WINDOW = "backwardstimeforgivenesswindow"; private static final String DEAD_HOST_TIMEOUT = "deadhosttimeout"; private static final String INTERNAL_PORT = "internalport"; private static final String INTERNAL_INTERFACE = "internalinterface"; private static final String ZK_INTERFACE = "zkinterface"; private static final String COORDINATOR_IP = "coordinatorip"; private static final String GROUP = "group"; private static final String LOCAL_SITES_COUNT = "localSitesCount"; public InetSocketAddress coordinatorIp; public String zkInterface = ""; public String internalInterface = ""; public int internalPort = 3021; public int deadHostTimeout = Constants.DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS * 1000; public long backwardsTimeForgivenessWindow = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; public VoltMessageFactory factory = new VoltMessageFactory(); public int networkThreads = Math.max(2, CoreUtils.availableProcessors() / 4); public Queue<String> coreBindIds; public JoinAcceptor acceptor = null; public String group = AbstractTopology.PLACEMENT_GROUP_DEFAULT; public int localSitesCount; public Config(String coordIp, int coordPort) { if (coordIp == null || coordIp.length() == 0) { coordinatorIp = new InetSocketAddress(coordPort); } else { coordinatorIp = new InetSocketAddress(coordIp, coordPort); } initNetworkThreads(); } public Config() { this(null, org.voltcore.common.Constants.DEFAULT_INTERNAL_PORT); acceptor = org.voltdb.probe.MeshProber.builder() .coordinators(":" + internalPort) .build(); } /** * This is for testing only. It aides test suites in the generation of * configurations that share the same coordinators * @param ports a port generator * @param hostCount * @return a list of {@link Config} that share the same coordinators */ public static List<Config> generate(PortGenerator ports, int hostCount) { checkArgument(ports != null, "port generator is null"); checkArgument(hostCount > 0, "host count %s is not greater than 0", hostCount); ImmutableList.Builder<Config> lbld = ImmutableList.builder(); String [] coordinators = new String[hostCount]; for (int i = 0; i < hostCount; ++i) { Config cnf = new Config(null, org.voltcore.common.Constants.DEFAULT_INTERNAL_PORT); cnf.zkInterface = "" + ports.next(); cnf.internalPort = ports.next(); coordinators[i] = ":" + cnf.internalPort; lbld.add(cnf); } List<Config> configs = lbld.build(); MeshProber jc = org.voltdb.probe.MeshProber.builder() .startAction(org.voltdb.StartAction.PROBE) .hostCount(hostCount) .coordinators(coordinators) .build(); for (Config cnf: configs) { cnf.acceptor = jc; } return configs; } public int getZKPort() { return HostAndPort.fromString(zkInterface) .getPortOrDefault(org.voltcore.common.Constants.DEFAULT_ZK_PORT); } private void initNetworkThreads() { try { m_networkLog.info("Default network thread count: " + this.networkThreads); Integer networkThreadConfig = Integer.getInteger(NETWORK_THREADS); if ( networkThreadConfig != null ) { this.networkThreads = networkThreadConfig; m_networkLog.info("Overridden network thread count: " + this.networkThreads); } } catch (Exception e) { m_networkLog.error("Error setting network thread count", e); } } @Override public String toString() { JSONStringer js = new JSONStringer(); try { js.object(); js.keySymbolValuePair(GROUP, group); js.keySymbolValuePair(COORDINATOR_IP, coordinatorIp.toString()); js.keySymbolValuePair(ZK_INTERFACE, zkInterface); js.keySymbolValuePair(INTERNAL_INTERFACE, internalInterface); js.keySymbolValuePair(INTERNAL_PORT, internalPort); js.keySymbolValuePair(DEAD_HOST_TIMEOUT, deadHostTimeout); js.keySymbolValuePair(BACKWARDS_TIME_FORGIVENESS_WINDOW, backwardsTimeForgivenessWindow); js.keySymbolValuePair(NETWORK_THREADS, networkThreads); js.key(ACCEPTOR).value(acceptor); js.keySymbolValuePair(LOCAL_SITES_COUNT, localSitesCount); js.endObject(); return js.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } /** * Stores the information about the host's IP. */ public static class HostInfo { private final static String HOST_IP = "hostIp"; private final static String GROUP = "group"; private final static String LOCAL_SITES_COUNT = "localSitesCount"; public final String m_hostIp; public final String m_group; public final int m_localSitesCount; public HostInfo(String hostIp, String group, int localSitesCount) { m_hostIp = hostIp; m_group = group; m_localSitesCount = localSitesCount; } public byte[] toBytes() throws JSONException { final JSONStringer js = new JSONStringer(); js.object(); js.keySymbolValuePair(HOST_IP, m_hostIp); js.keySymbolValuePair(GROUP, m_group); js.keySymbolValuePair(LOCAL_SITES_COUNT, m_localSitesCount); js.endObject(); return js.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } public static HostInfo fromBytes(byte[] bytes) throws JSONException { final JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); return new HostInfo(obj.getString(HOST_IP), obj.getString(GROUP), obj.getInt(LOCAL_SITES_COUNT)); } } // I want to make these more dynamic at some point in the future --izzy public static final int AGREEMENT_SITE_ID = -1; public static final int STATS_SITE_ID = -2; public static final int ASYNC_COMPILER_SITE_ID = -3; public static final int CLIENT_INTERFACE_SITE_ID = -4; public static final int SYSCATALOG_SITE_ID = -5; public static final int SYSINFO_SITE_ID = -6; public static final int SNAPSHOTSCAN_SITE_ID = -7; public static final int SNAPSHOTDELETE_SITE_ID = -8; public static final int REBALANCE_SITE_ID = -9; public static final int SNAPSHOT_DAEMON_ID = -10; public static final int SNAPSHOT_IO_AGENT_ID = -11; public static final int DR_CONSUMER_MP_COORDINATOR_ID = -12; public static final int TRACE_SITE_ID = -13; // we should never hand out this site ID. Use it as an empty message destination public static final int VALHALLA = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int m_localHostId; private final Config m_config; private final SocketJoiner m_joiner; private final VoltNetworkPool m_network; // memoized InstanceId private InstanceId m_instanceId = null; private boolean m_shuttingDown = false; // default to false for PD, so hopefully this gets set to true very quickly private AtomicBoolean m_partitionDetectionEnabled = new AtomicBoolean(false); private boolean m_partitionDetected = false; private final HostWatcher m_hostWatcher; private boolean m_hasAllSecondaryConnectionCreated = false; private final Object m_mapLock = new Object(); /* * References to other hosts in the mesh. To any foreign host, there * will be one primary connection and, if possible, multiple auxiliary * connections. * Updates via COW */ volatile ImmutableMultimap<Integer, ForeignHost> m_foreignHosts = ImmutableMultimap.of(); /* * Reference to the target HSId to FH mapping * Updates via COW */ volatile ImmutableMap<Long, ForeignHost> m_fhMapping = ImmutableMap.of(); /* * References to all the local mailboxes * Updates via COW */ volatile ImmutableMap<Long, Mailbox> m_siteMailboxes = ImmutableMap.of(); /* * All failed hosts that have ever been seen. * Used to dedupe failures so that they are only processed once. */ private volatile ImmutableMap<Integer,String> m_knownFailedHosts = ImmutableMap.of(); private AgreementSite m_agreementSite; private ZooKeeper m_zk; private final AtomicInteger m_nextSiteId = new AtomicInteger(0); private final AtomicInteger m_nextForeignHost = new AtomicInteger(); private final AtomicBoolean m_paused = new AtomicBoolean(false); /* * used when coordinating joining hosts */ private final JoinAcceptor m_acceptor; public Mailbox getMailbox(long hsId) { return m_siteMailboxes.get(hsId); } /** * @param network * @param coordinatorIp * @param expectedHosts * @param catalogCRC * @param hostLog * @param membershipAcceptor * @param m_hostWatcher */ public HostMessenger(Config config, HostWatcher hostWatcher) { m_config = config; m_hostWatcher = hostWatcher; m_network = new VoltNetworkPool(m_config.networkThreads, 0, m_config.coreBindIds, "Server"); m_acceptor = config.acceptor; m_joiner = new SocketJoiner( m_config.internalInterface, m_config.internalPort, m_paused, m_acceptor, this); // Register a clean shutdown hook for the network threads. This gets cranky // when crashLocalVoltDB() is called because System.exit() can get called from // a random network thread which is already shutting down and we'll get delicious // deadlocks. Take the coward's way out and just don't do this if we're already // crashing (read as: I refuse to hunt for more shutdown deadlocks). ShutdownHooks.registerShutdownHook(ShutdownHooks.MIDDLE, false, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (ForeignHost host : m_foreignHosts.values()) { // null is OK. It means this host never saw this host id up if (host != null) { host.close(); } } } }); } public void setPartitionDetectionEnabled(boolean enabled) { m_partitionDetectionEnabled.set(enabled); } /** * Given a set of the known host IDs before a fault, and the known host IDs in the * post-fault cluster, determine whether or not we think a network partition may have happened. * ALSO NOTE: not private so it may be unit-tested. */ public static boolean makePPDDecision(int thisHostId, Set<Integer> previousHosts, Set<Integer> currentHosts, boolean pdEnabled) { String logLine = String.format("Partition Detection at host %d code sees current hosts [%s] and previous hosts [%s]", thisHostId, StringUtils.join(currentHosts, ','), StringUtils.join(previousHosts, ',')); m_tmLog.info(logLine); // A strict, viable minority is always a partition. if ((currentHosts.size() * 2) < previousHosts.size()) { if (pdEnabled) { m_tmLog.fatal("It's possible a network partition has split the cluster into multiple viable clusters. " + "Current cluster contains fewer than half of the previous servers. " + "Shutting down to avoid multiple copies of the database running independently."); return true; // partition detection triggered } else { m_tmLog.warn("It's possible a network partition has split the cluster into multiple viable clusters. " + "Current cluster contains fewer than half of the previous servers. " + "Continuing because network partition detection is disabled, but there " + "is significant danger that multiple copies of the database are running " + "independently."); return false; // partition detection not triggered } } // Exact 50-50 splits. The set with the lowest survivor host doesn't trigger PPD // If the blessed host is in the failure set, this set is not blessed. if (currentHosts.size() * 2 == previousHosts.size()) { if (pdEnabled) { // find the lowest hostId between the still-alive hosts and the // failed hosts. Which set contains the lowest hostId? // This should be all the pre-partition hosts IDs. Any new host IDs // (say, if this was triggered by rejoin), will be greater than any surviving // host ID, so don't worry about including it in this search. if (currentHosts.contains(Collections.min(previousHosts))) { m_tmLog.info("It's possible a network partition has split the cluster into multiple viable clusters. " + "Current cluster contains half of the previous servers, " + "including the \"tie-breaker\" node. Continuing."); return false; // partition detection not triggered } else { m_tmLog.fatal("It's possible a network partition has split the cluster into multiple viable clusters. " + "Current cluster contains exactly half of the previous servers, but does " + "not include the \"tie-breaker\" node. " + "Shutting down to avoid multiple copies of the database running independently."); return true; // partition detection triggered } } else { // 50/50 split. We don't care about tie-breakers for this error message m_tmLog.warn("It's possible a network partition has split the cluster into multiple viable clusters. " + "Current cluster contains exactly half of the previous servers. " + "Continuing because network partition detection is disabled, " + "but there is significant danger that multiple copies of the " + "database are running independently."); return false; // partition detection not triggered } } // info message will be printed on every failure that isn't handled above (most cases) m_tmLog.info("It's possible a network partition has split the cluster into multiple viable clusters. " + "Current cluster contains a majority of the prevous servers and is safe. Continuing."); return false; // partition detection not triggered } private void doPartitionDetectionActivities(Set<Integer> failedHostIds) { if (m_shuttingDown) { return; } // We should never re-enter here once we've decided we're partitioned and doomed Preconditions.checkState(!m_partitionDetected, "Partition detection triggered twice."); // figure out previous and current cluster memberships Set<Integer> previousHosts = getLiveHostIds(); Set<Integer> currentHosts = new HashSet<>(previousHosts); currentHosts.removeAll(failedHostIds); // sanity! Preconditions.checkState(previousHosts.contains(m_localHostId)); Preconditions.checkState(currentHosts.contains(m_localHostId)); // decide if we're partitioned // this will print out warnings if we are if (makePPDDecision(m_localHostId, previousHosts, currentHosts, m_partitionDetectionEnabled.get())) { // record here so we can ensure this only happens once for this node m_partitionDetected = true; org.voltdb.VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Partition detection logic will stop this process to ensure against split brains.", false, null); } } private final DisconnectFailedHostsCallback m_failedHostsCallback = new DisconnectFailedHostsCallback() { @Override public void disconnect(Set<Integer> failedHostIds) { synchronized(HostMessenger.this) { // Decide if the failures given could put the cluster in a split-brain // Then decide if we should shut down to ensure that at a MAXIMUM, only // one viable cluster is running. // This feature is called "Partition Detection" in the docs. doPartitionDetectionActivities(failedHostIds); addFailedHosts(failedHostIds); for (int hostId: failedHostIds) { removeForeignHost(hostId); if (!m_shuttingDown) { // info to avoid printing on the console more than once // reportForeignHostFailed should print on the console once m_networkLog.info(String.format("Host %d failed (DisconnectFailedHostsCallback)", hostId)); } } m_acceptor.detract(failedHostIds); // notifying any watchers who are interested in failure -- used // initially to do ZK cleanup when rejoining nodes die if (m_hostWatcher != null) { m_hostWatcher.hostsFailed(failedHostIds); } } } }; private final void addFailedHosts(Set<Integer> rip) { synchronized (m_mapLock) { ImmutableMap.Builder<Integer, String> bldr = ImmutableMap.<Integer,String>builder() .putAll(Maps.filterKeys(m_knownFailedHosts, not(in(rip)))); for (int hostId: rip) { Iterator<ForeignHost> fhs = m_foreignHosts.get(hostId).iterator(); String hostname = fhs.hasNext() ? fhs.next().hostnameAndIPAndPort() : "UNKNOWN"; bldr.put(hostId, hostname); } m_knownFailedHosts = bldr.build(); } } private final void addFailedHost(int hostId) { if (!m_knownFailedHosts.containsKey(hostId)) { synchronized (m_mapLock) { ImmutableMap.Builder<Integer, String> bldr = ImmutableMap.<Integer,String>builder() .putAll(Maps.filterKeys(m_knownFailedHosts, not(equalTo(hostId)))); Iterator<ForeignHost> fhs = m_foreignHosts.get(hostId).iterator(); String hostname = fhs.hasNext() ? fhs.next().hostnameAndIPAndPort() : "UNKNOWN"; bldr.put(hostId, hostname); m_knownFailedHosts = bldr.build(); } } } public synchronized void prepareForShutdown() { m_shuttingDown = true; } public synchronized boolean isShuttingDown() { return m_shuttingDown; } /** * Synchronization protects m_knownFailedHosts and ensures that every failed host is only reported * once */ @Override public synchronized void reportForeignHostFailed(int hostId) { long initiatorSiteId = CoreUtils.getHSIdFromHostAndSite(hostId, AGREEMENT_SITE_ID); m_agreementSite.reportFault(initiatorSiteId); if (!m_shuttingDown) { // should be the single console message a user sees when another node fails m_networkLog.warn(String.format("Host %d failed. Cluster remains operational.", hostId)); } } @Override public synchronized void relayForeignHostFailed(FaultMessage fm) { m_agreementSite.reportFault(fm); if (!m_shuttingDown) { m_networkLog.info("Someone else claims a host failed: " + fm); } } /** * Start the host messenger and connect to the leader, or become the leader * if necessary. * * @param request The requested action to send to other nodes when joining * the mesh. This is opaque to the HostMessenger, it can be any * string. HostMessenger will encode this in the request to join mesh to the * live hosts. The live hosts can use this request string to make further * decision on whether or not to accept the request. */ public void start() throws Exception { /* * SJ uses this barrier if this node becomes the leader to know when ZooKeeper * has been finished bootstrapping. */ CountDownLatch zkInitBarrier = new CountDownLatch(1); /* * If start returns true then this node is the leader, it bound to the coordinator address * It needs to bootstrap its agreement site so that other nodes can join */ if(m_joiner.start(zkInitBarrier)) { m_network.start(); /* * m_localHostId is 0 of course. */ long agreementHSId = getHSIdForLocalSite(AGREEMENT_SITE_ID); /* * A set containing just the leader (this node) */ HashSet<Long> agreementSites = new HashSet<Long>(); agreementSites.add(agreementHSId); /* * A basic site mailbox for the agreement site */ SiteMailbox sm = new SiteMailbox(this, agreementHSId); createMailbox(agreementHSId, sm); /* * Construct the site with just this node */ m_agreementSite = new AgreementSite( agreementHSId, agreementSites, 0, sm, new InetSocketAddress( m_config.zkInterface.split(":")[0], Integer.parseInt(m_config.zkInterface.split(":")[1])), m_config.backwardsTimeForgivenessWindow, m_failedHostsCallback); m_agreementSite.start(); m_agreementSite.waitForRecovery(); m_zk = org.voltcore.zk.ZKUtil.getClient( m_config.zkInterface, 60 * 1000, VERBOTEN_THREADS); if (m_zk == null) { throw new Exception("Timed out trying to connect local ZooKeeper instance"); } CoreZK.createHierarchy(m_zk); /* * This creates the ephemeral sequential node with host id 0 which * this node already used for itself. Just recording that fact. */ final int selectedHostId = selectNewHostId(m_config.coordinatorIp.toString()); if (selectedHostId != 0) { org.voltdb.VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Selected host id for coordinator was not 0, " + selectedHostId, false, null); } /* * seed the leader host criteria ad leader is always host id 0 */ m_acceptor.accrue(selectedHostId, m_acceptor.decorate(new JSONObject(), Optional.empty())); // Store the components of the instance ID in ZK JSONObject instance_id = new JSONObject(); instance_id.put("coord", ByteBuffer.wrap(m_config.coordinatorIp.getAddress().getAddress()).getInt()); instance_id.put("timestamp", System.currentTimeMillis()); m_hostLog.debug("Cluster will have instance ID:\n" + instance_id.toString(4)); byte[] payload = instance_id.toString(4).getBytes("UTF-8"); m_zk.create(CoreZK.instance_id, payload, Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); /* * Store all the hosts and host ids here so that waitForGroupJoin * knows the size of the mesh. This part only registers this host */ final HostInfo hostInfo = new HostInfo(m_config.coordinatorIp.toString(), m_config.group, m_config.localSitesCount); m_zk.create(CoreZK.hosts_host + selectedHostId, hostInfo.toBytes(), Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL); } zkInitBarrier.countDown(); } /* * The network is only available after start() finishes */ public VoltNetworkPool getNetwork() { return m_network; } public VoltMessageFactory getMessageFactory() { return m_config.factory; } /** * Get a unique ID for this cluster * @return */ public InstanceId getInstanceId() { if (m_instanceId == null) { try { byte[] data = m_zk.getData(CoreZK.instance_id, false, null); JSONObject idJSON = new JSONObject(new String(data, "UTF-8")); m_instanceId = new InstanceId(idJSON.getInt("coord"), idJSON.getLong("timestamp")); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Unable to get instance ID info from " + CoreZK.instance_id; m_hostLog.error(msg); throw new RuntimeException(msg, e); } } return m_instanceId; } /* * Take the new connection (member of the mesh) and create a foreign host for it * and put it in the map of foreign hosts */ @Override public void notifyOfJoin( int hostId, SocketChannel socket, InetSocketAddress listeningAddress, JSONObject jo) { m_networkLog.info(getHostId() + " notified of " + hostId); prepSocketChannel(socket); ForeignHost fhost = null; try { fhost = new ForeignHost(this, hostId, socket, m_config.deadHostTimeout, listeningAddress, new PicoNetwork(socket)); putForeignHost(hostId, fhost); fhost.enableRead(VERBOTEN_THREADS); } catch (java.io.IOException e) { org.voltdb.VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("", true, e); } m_acceptor.accrue(hostId, jo); } /* * Set all the default options for sockets */ private void prepSocketChannel(SocketChannel sc) { try { sc.socket().setSendBufferSize(1024 * 1024 * 2); sc.socket().setReceiveBufferSize(1024 * 1024 * 2); } catch (SocketException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /* * Convenience method for doing the verbose COW insert into the map */ private void putForeignHost(int hostId, ForeignHost fh) { synchronized (m_mapLock) { m_foreignHosts = ImmutableMultimap.<Integer, ForeignHost>builder() .putAll(m_foreignHosts) .put(hostId, fh) .build(); } } static final Predicate<Integer> in(final Set<Integer> set) { return new Predicate<Integer>() { @Override public boolean apply(Integer input) { return set.contains(input); } }; } /* * Convenience method for doing the verbose COW remove from the map */ private void removeForeignHost(final int hostId) { ImmutableCollection<ForeignHost> fhs = m_foreignHosts.get(hostId); synchronized (m_mapLock) { m_foreignHosts = ImmutableMultimap.<Integer, ForeignHost>builder() .putAll(Multimaps.filterKeys(m_foreignHosts, not(equalTo(hostId)))) .build(); Predicate<Long> hostIdNotEqual = new Predicate<Long>() { @Override public boolean apply(Long intput) { return CoreUtils.getHostIdFromHSId(intput) != hostId; } }; m_fhMapping = ImmutableMap.<Long, ForeignHost>builder() .putAll(Maps.filterKeys(m_fhMapping, hostIdNotEqual)) .build(); } for (ForeignHost fh : fhs) { fh.close(); } } /** * Any node can serve a request to join. The coordination of generating a new host id * is done via ZK * * @param request The requested action from the rejoining host. This is * opaque to the HostMessenger, it can be any string. The request string can * be used to make further decision on whether or not to accept the request * in the MembershipAcceptor. */ @Override public void requestJoin(SocketChannel socket, InetSocketAddress listeningAddress, JSONObject jo) throws Exception { /* * Generate the host id via creating an ephemeral sequential node */ Integer hostId = selectNewHostId(socket.socket().getInetAddress().getHostAddress()); prepSocketChannel(socket); ForeignHost fhost = null; try { try { JoinAcceptor.PleaDecision decision = m_acceptor.considerMeshPlea(m_zk, hostId, jo); /* * Write the response that advertises the cluster topology */ writeRequestJoinResponse(hostId, decision, socket); if (!decision.accepted) { socket.close(); return; } /* * Wait for the a response from the joining node saying that it connected * to all the nodes we just advertised. Use a timeout so that the cluster can't be stuck * on failed joins. */ ByteBuffer finishedJoining = ByteBuffer.allocate(1); socket.configureBlocking(false); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (finishedJoining.hasRemaining() && System.currentTimeMillis() - start < 120000) { int read = socket.read(finishedJoining); if (read == -1) { m_networkLog.info("New connection was unable to establish mesh"); socket.close(); return; } else if (read < 1) { Thread.sleep(5); } } /* * Now add the host to the mailbox system */ fhost = new ForeignHost(this, hostId, socket, m_config.deadHostTimeout, listeningAddress, new PicoNetwork(socket)); putForeignHost(hostId, fhost); fhost.enableRead(VERBOTEN_THREADS); m_acceptor.accrue(hostId, jo); } catch (Exception e) { m_networkLog.error("Error joining new node", e); addFailedHost(hostId); removeForeignHost(hostId); m_acceptor.detract(hostId); socket.close(); return; } /* * And the last step is to wait for the new node to join ZooKeeper. * This node is the one to create the txn that will add the new host to the list of hosts * with agreement sites across the cluster. */ long hsId = CoreUtils.getHSIdFromHostAndSite(hostId, AGREEMENT_SITE_ID); if (!m_agreementSite.requestJoin(hsId).await(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { reportForeignHostFailed(hostId); } } catch (Throwable e) { org.voltdb.VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("", true, e); } } /* * Generate a new host id by creating a persistent sequential node */ private Integer selectNewHostId(String address) throws Exception { String node = m_zk.create(CoreZK.hostids_host, address.getBytes("UTF-8"), Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT_SEQUENTIAL); return Integer.valueOf(node.substring(node.length() - 10)); } /* * Advertise to a newly connecting node the topology of the cluster so that it can connect to * the rest of the nodes */ private void writeRequestJoinResponse( int hostId, JoinAcceptor.PleaDecision decision, SocketChannel socket) throws Exception { JSONObject jsObj = new JSONObject(); jsObj.put(SocketJoiner.ACCEPTED, decision.accepted); if (decision.accepted) { /* * Tell the new node what its host id is */ jsObj.put(SocketJoiner.NEW_HOST_ID, hostId); /* * Echo back the address that the node connected from */ jsObj.put(SocketJoiner.REPORTED_ADDRESS, ((InetSocketAddress) socket.socket().getRemoteSocketAddress()).getAddress().getHostAddress()); /* * Create an array containing an id for every node including this one * even though the connection has already been made */ JSONArray jsArray = new JSONArray(); JSONObject hostObj = new JSONObject(); hostObj.put(SocketJoiner.HOST_ID, getHostId()); hostObj.put(SocketJoiner.ADDRESS, m_config.internalInterface.isEmpty() ? socket.socket().getLocalAddress().getHostAddress() : m_config.internalInterface); hostObj.put(SocketJoiner.PORT, m_config.internalPort); jsArray.put(hostObj); for (Entry<Integer, Collection<ForeignHost>> entry : m_foreignHosts.asMap().entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().isEmpty()) continue; int hsId = entry.getKey(); Iterator<ForeignHost> it = entry.getValue().iterator(); // all fhs to same host have the same address and port ForeignHost fh = it.next(); hostObj = new JSONObject(); hostObj.put(SocketJoiner.HOST_ID, hsId); hostObj.put(SocketJoiner.ADDRESS, fh.m_listeningAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress()); hostObj.put(SocketJoiner.PORT, fh.m_listeningAddress.getPort()); jsArray.put(hostObj); } jsObj.put(SocketJoiner.HOSTS, jsArray); } else { jsObj.put(SocketJoiner.REASON, decision.errMsg); jsObj.put(SocketJoiner.MAY_RETRY, decision.mayRetry); } byte messageBytes[] = jsObj.toString(4).getBytes("UTF-8"); ByteBuffer message = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 + messageBytes.length); message.putInt(messageBytes.length); message.put(messageBytes).flip(); while (message.hasRemaining()) { socket.write(message); } } /* * SJ invokes this method after a node finishes connecting to the entire cluster. * This method constructs all the hosts and puts them in the map */ @Override public void notifyOfHosts( int yourHostId, int[] hosts, SocketChannel[] sockets, InetSocketAddress listeningAddresses[], Map<Integer, JSONObject> jos) throws Exception { m_localHostId = yourHostId; long agreementHSId = getHSIdForLocalSite(AGREEMENT_SITE_ID); /* * Construct the set of agreement sites based on all the hosts that are connected */ HashSet<Long> agreementSites = new HashSet<Long>(); agreementSites.add(agreementHSId); m_network.start();//network must be running for register to work for (int ii = 0; ii < hosts.length; ii++) { m_networkLog.info(yourHostId + " notified of host " + hosts[ii]); agreementSites.add(CoreUtils.getHSIdFromHostAndSite(hosts[ii], AGREEMENT_SITE_ID)); prepSocketChannel(sockets[ii]); ForeignHost fhost = null; try { fhost = new ForeignHost(this, hosts[ii], sockets[ii], m_config.deadHostTimeout, listeningAddresses[ii], new PicoNetwork(sockets[ii])); putForeignHost(hosts[ii], fhost); } catch (java.io.IOException e) { org.voltdb.VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Failed to instantiate foreign host", true, e); } } m_acceptor.accrue(jos); /* * Create the local agreement site. It knows that it is recovering because the number of * prexisting sites is > 0 */ SiteMailbox sm = new SiteMailbox(this, agreementHSId); createMailbox(agreementHSId, sm); m_agreementSite = new AgreementSite( agreementHSId, agreementSites, yourHostId, sm, new InetSocketAddress( m_config.zkInterface.split(":")[0], Integer.parseInt(m_config.zkInterface.split(":")[1])), m_config.backwardsTimeForgivenessWindow, m_failedHostsCallback); /* * Now that the agreement site mailbox has been created it is safe * to enable read */ for (ForeignHost fh : m_foreignHosts.values()) { fh.enableRead(VERBOTEN_THREADS); } m_agreementSite.start(); /* * Do the usual thing of waiting for the agreement site * to join the cluster and creating the client */ VERBOTEN_THREADS.addAll(m_network.getThreadIds()); VERBOTEN_THREADS.addAll(m_agreementSite.getThreadIds()); m_agreementSite.waitForRecovery(); m_zk = org.voltcore.zk.ZKUtil.getClient( m_config.zkInterface, 60 * 1000, VERBOTEN_THREADS); if (m_zk == null) { throw new Exception("Timed out trying to connect local ZooKeeper instance"); } /* * Publish the address of this node to ZK as seen by the leader * Also allows waitForGroupJoin to know the number of nodes in the cluster */ HostInfo hostInfo; if (m_config.internalInterface.isEmpty()) { hostInfo = new HostInfo(new InetSocketAddress(m_joiner.m_reportedInternalInterface, m_config.internalPort).toString(), m_config.group, m_config.localSitesCount); } else { hostInfo = new HostInfo(new InetSocketAddress(m_config.internalInterface, m_config.internalPort).toString(), m_config.group, m_config.localSitesCount); } m_zk.create(CoreZK.hosts_host + getHostId(), hostInfo.toBytes(), Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL); } /** * SocketJoiner receives the request of creating a new connection from given host id, * create a new ForeignHost for this connection. */ @Override public void notifyOfConnection( int hostId, SocketChannel socket, InetSocketAddress listeningAddress) throws Exception { m_networkLog.info("Host " + getHostId() + " receives a new connection from host " + hostId); prepSocketChannel(socket); // Auxiliary connection never time out ForeignHost fhost = new ForeignHost(this, hostId, socket, Integer.MAX_VALUE, listeningAddress, new PicoNetwork(socket)); putForeignHost(hostId, fhost); fhost.enableRead(VERBOTEN_THREADS); } private static int parseHostId(String name) { // HostInfo ZK node name has the form "host#", hence the offset of 4 to skip the "host". return Integer.parseInt(name.substring(name.indexOf("host") + 4)); } /** * Wait until all the nodes have built a mesh. */ public Map<Integer, HostInfo> waitForGroupJoin(int expectedHosts) { Map<Integer, HostInfo> hostInfos = Maps.newHashMap(); try { while (true) { ZKUtil.FutureWatcher fw = new ZKUtil.FutureWatcher(); final List<String> children = m_zk.getChildren(CoreZK.hosts, fw); final int numChildren = children.size(); for (String child : children) { final HostInfo info = HostInfo.fromBytes(m_zk.getData(ZKUtil.joinZKPath(CoreZK.hosts, child), false, null)); hostInfos.put(parseHostId(child), info); } /* * If the target number of hosts has been reached * break out */ if ( numChildren == expectedHosts) { break; } /* * If there are extra hosts that means too many Volt procs were started. * Kill this node based on the assumption that we are the extra one. In most * cases this is correct and fine and in the worst case the cluster will hang coming up * because two or more hosts killed themselves */ if ( numChildren > expectedHosts) { org.voltdb.VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Expected to find " + expectedHosts + " hosts in cluster at startup but found " + numChildren + ". Terminating this host.", false, null); } fw.get(); } } catch (Exception e) { org.voltdb.VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Error waiting for hosts to be ready", false, e); } assert hostInfos.size() == expectedHosts; return hostInfos; } public Map<Integer, String> getHostGroupsFromZK() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException, JSONException { Map<Integer, String> hostGroups = Maps.newHashMap(); Map<Integer, HostInfo> hostInfos = getHostInfoMapFromZK(); hostInfos.forEach((k, v) -> { hostGroups.put(k, v.m_group); }); return hostGroups; } public Map<Integer, Integer> getSitesPerHostMapFromZK() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException, JSONException { Map<Integer, Integer> sphMap = Maps.newHashMap(); Map<Integer, HostInfo> hostInfos = getHostInfoMapFromZK(); hostInfos.forEach((k, v) -> { sphMap.put(k, v.m_localSitesCount); }); return sphMap; } public Map<Integer, HostInfo> getHostInfoMapFromZK() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException, JSONException { Map<Integer, HostInfo> hostInfoMap = Maps.newHashMap(); List<String> children = m_zk.getChildren(CoreZK.hosts, false); Queue<ZKUtil.ByteArrayCallback> callbacks = new ArrayDeque<ZKUtil.ByteArrayCallback>(); // issue all callbacks except the last one for (int i = 0; i < children.size() - 1; i++) { ZKUtil.ByteArrayCallback cb = new ZKUtil.ByteArrayCallback(); m_zk.getData(ZKUtil.joinZKPath(CoreZK.hosts, children.get(i)), false, cb, null); callbacks.offer(cb); } // remember the last callback ZKUtil.ByteArrayCallback lastCallback = new ZKUtil.ByteArrayCallback(); String lastChild = children.get(children.size() - 1); m_zk.getData(ZKUtil.joinZKPath(CoreZK.hosts, lastChild), false, lastCallback, null); // wait for the last callback to finish byte[] lastPayload = lastCallback.getData(); final HostInfo lastOne = HostInfo.fromBytes(lastPayload); hostInfoMap.put(parseHostId(lastChild), lastOne); // now all previous callbacks should have finished for (int i = 0; i < children.size() - 1; i++) { byte[] payload = callbacks.poll().getData(); final HostInfo info = HostInfo.fromBytes(payload); hostInfoMap.put(parseHostId(children.get(i)), info); } return hostInfoMap; } public boolean isPaused() { return m_paused.get(); } public void unpause() { m_paused.set(false); } //Set Paused so socketjoiner will communicate correct status during mesh building. public void pause() { m_paused.set(true); } public int getHostId() { return m_localHostId; } public long getHSIdForLocalSite(int site) { return CoreUtils.getHSIdFromHostAndSite(getHostId(), site); } public String getHostname() { String hostname = org.voltcore.utils.CoreUtils.getHostnameOrAddress(); return hostname; } public Set<Integer> getLiveHostIds() { Set<Integer> hostids = Sets.newTreeSet(); hostids.addAll(m_foreignHosts.keySet()); hostids.add(m_localHostId); return hostids; } /** * Given a hostid, return the hostname for it */ @Override public String getHostnameForHostID(int hostId) { if (hostId == m_localHostId) { return CoreUtils.getHostnameOrAddress(); } Iterator<ForeignHost> it = m_foreignHosts.get(hostId).iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { ForeignHost fh = it.next(); return fh.hostname(); } return m_knownFailedHosts.get(hostId) != null ? m_knownFailedHosts.get(hostId) : "UNKNOWN"; } /** * * @param siteId * @param mailboxId * @param message * @return null if message was delivered locally or a ForeignHost * reference if a message is read to be delivered remotely. */ ForeignHost presend(long hsId, VoltMessage message) { int hostId = (int)hsId; // the local machine case if (hostId == m_localHostId) { Mailbox mbox = m_siteMailboxes.get(hsId); if (mbox != null) { mbox.deliver(message); return null; } else { m_networkLog.info("Mailbox is not registered for site id " + CoreUtils.getSiteIdFromHSId(hsId)); return null; } } // the foreign machine case ImmutableCollection<ForeignHost> fhosts = m_foreignHosts.get(hostId); if (fhosts.isEmpty()) { if (!m_knownFailedHosts.containsKey(hostId)) { m_networkLog.warn( "Attempted to send a message to foreign host with id " + hostId + " but there is no such host."); } return null; } ForeignHost fhost = null; if (CoreUtils.getSiteIdFromHSId(hsId) < 0 ) { // special mailbox, always use primary connection fhost = getPrimary(fhosts, hostId); } else { /** * Because the secondary connections are created rather late, just after cluster mesh network has * established, but before the whole cluster has been initialized. It's possible that some non-transactional * iv2 messages to be sent through foreign host when there is only one primary connection, So in * case of binding all sites to the primary connection, this check has been added to prevent it. */ if (m_hasAllSecondaryConnectionCreated) { // assign a foreign host for regular mailbox fhost = m_fhMapping.get(hsId); if (fhost == null) { int index = Math.abs(m_nextForeignHost.getAndIncrement() % fhosts.size()); fhost = (ForeignHost) fhosts.toArray()[index]; bindForeignHost(hsId, fhost); } } else { // otherwise use primary for a short while // REPAIR_LOG_REQUEST, REPAIR_LOG_RESPONSE,DummyTaskMessage, DUMMY_TRANSACTION_RESPONSE will be sent on primary fhost = getPrimary(fhosts, hostId); } } if (!fhost.isUp()) { if (!m_shuttingDown) { m_networkLog.info("Attempted delivery of message to failed site: " + CoreUtils.hsIdToString(hsId)); } return null; } return fhost; } public void registerMailbox(Mailbox mailbox) { if (!m_siteMailboxes.containsKey(mailbox.getHSId())) { throw new RuntimeException("Can only register a mailbox with an hsid alreadly generated"); } synchronized (m_mapLock) { ImmutableMap.Builder<Long, Mailbox> b = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Map.Entry<Long, Mailbox> e : m_siteMailboxes.entrySet()) { if (e.getKey().equals(mailbox.getHSId())) { b.put(e.getKey(), mailbox); } else { b.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } m_siteMailboxes = b.build(); } } private void bindForeignHost(Long hsId, ForeignHost fh) { synchronized (m_mapLock) { if (m_fhMapping.containsKey(hsId)) { return; } ImmutableMap.Builder<Long, ForeignHost> b = ImmutableMap.builder(); m_fhMapping = b.putAll(m_fhMapping) .put(hsId, fh) .build(); } } private ForeignHost getPrimary(ImmutableCollection<ForeignHost> fhosts, int hostId) { ForeignHost fhost = null; for (ForeignHost f : fhosts) { if (f.isPrimary()) { fhost = f; break; } } if (fhost == null) { // unlikely m_networkLog.warn("Attempted to deliver a message to host " + hostId + " but there is no primary connection to the host."); } return fhost; } /* * Generate a slot for the mailbox and put a noop box there. Can also * supply a value */ public long generateMailboxId(Long mailboxId) { final long hsId = mailboxId == null ? getHSIdForLocalSite(m_nextSiteId.getAndIncrement()) : mailboxId; addMailbox(hsId, new Mailbox() { @Override public void send(long hsId, VoltMessage message) { } @Override public void send(long[] hsIds, VoltMessage message) { } @Override public void deliver(VoltMessage message) { m_networkLog.info("No-op mailbox(" + CoreUtils.hsIdToString(hsId) + ") dropped message " + message); } @Override public void deliverFront(VoltMessage message) { } @Override public VoltMessage recv() { return null; } @Override public VoltMessage recvBlocking() { return null; } @Override public VoltMessage recvBlocking(long timeout) { return null; } @Override public VoltMessage recv(Subject[] s) { return null; } @Override public VoltMessage recvBlocking(Subject[] s) { return null; } @Override public VoltMessage recvBlocking(Subject[] s, long timeout) { return null; } @Override public long getHSId() { return 0L; } @Override public void setHSId(long hsId) { } }); return hsId; } /* * Create a site mailbox with a generated host id */ public Mailbox createMailbox() { final int siteId = m_nextSiteId.getAndIncrement(); long hsId = getHSIdForLocalSite(siteId); SiteMailbox sm = new SiteMailbox( this, hsId); addMailbox(hsId, sm); return sm; } private void addMailbox(long hsId, Mailbox m) { synchronized (m_mapLock) { ImmutableMap.Builder<Long, Mailbox> b = ImmutableMap.builder(); b.putAll(m_siteMailboxes); b.put(hsId, m); m_siteMailboxes = b.build(); } } /** * Discard a mailbox */ public void removeMailbox(long hsId) { synchronized (m_mapLock) { ImmutableMap.Builder<Long, Mailbox> b = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Map.Entry<Long, Mailbox> e : m_siteMailboxes.entrySet()) { if (e.getKey().equals(hsId)) continue; b.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } m_siteMailboxes = b.build(); } } /** * Discard a mailbox by ref. */ public void removeMailbox(final Mailbox mbox) { synchronized (m_mapLock) { ImmutableMap.Builder<Long, Mailbox> b = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Map.Entry<Long, Mailbox> e : m_siteMailboxes.entrySet()) { if (e.getValue() == mbox) continue; b.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } m_siteMailboxes = b.build(); } } public void send(final long destinationHSId, final VoltMessage message) { assert(message != null); ForeignHost host = presend(destinationHSId, message); if (host != null) { host.send(new long [] { destinationHSId }, message); } } public void send(long[] destinationHSIds, final VoltMessage message) { assert(message != null); assert(destinationHSIds != null); final HashMap<ForeignHost, ArrayList<Long>> foreignHosts = new HashMap<ForeignHost, ArrayList<Long>>(32); for (long hsId : destinationHSIds) { ForeignHost host = presend(hsId, message); if (host == null) continue; ArrayList<Long> bundle = foreignHosts.get(host); if (bundle == null) { bundle = new ArrayList<Long>(); foreignHosts.put(host, bundle); } bundle.add(hsId); } if (foreignHosts.size() == 0) return; for (Entry<ForeignHost, ArrayList<Long>> e : foreignHosts.entrySet()) { e.getKey().send(Longs.toArray(e.getValue()), message); } } /** * Block on this call until the number of ready hosts is * equal to the number of expected hosts. */ public void waitForAllHostsToBeReady(int expectedHosts) { try { m_zk.create(CoreZK.readyhosts_host, null, Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL); while (true) { ZKUtil.FutureWatcher fw = new ZKUtil.FutureWatcher(); int readyHosts = m_zk.getChildren(CoreZK.readyhosts, fw).size(); if ( readyHosts == expectedHosts) { break; } fw.get(); } } catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) { org.voltdb.VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Error waiting for hosts to be ready", false, e); } } /** * For elastic join. Block on this call until the number of ready hosts is * equal to the number of expected joining hosts. */ public void waitForJoiningHostsToBeReady(int expectedHosts, int localHostId) { try { //register this host as joining. The host registration will be deleted after joining is completed. m_zk.create(ZKUtil.joinZKPath(CoreZK.readyjoininghosts, Integer.toString(localHostId)) , null, Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); while (true) { ZKUtil.FutureWatcher fw = new ZKUtil.FutureWatcher(); int readyHosts = m_zk.getChildren(CoreZK.readyjoininghosts, fw).size(); if ( readyHosts == expectedHosts) { break; } fw.get(); } } catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) { org.voltdb.VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Error waiting for hosts to be ready", false, e); } } public void shutdown() throws InterruptedException { if (m_zk != null) { m_zk.close(); } if (m_agreementSite != null) { m_agreementSite.shutdown(); } for (ForeignHost host : m_foreignHosts.values()) { // null is OK. It means this host never saw this host id up if (host != null) { host.close(); } } m_joiner.shutdown(); m_network.shutdown(); VERBOTEN_THREADS.clear(); } /* * Register a custom mailbox, optinally specifying what the hsid should be. */ public void createMailbox(Long proposedHSId, Mailbox mailbox) { long hsId = 0; if (proposedHSId != null) { if (m_siteMailboxes.containsKey(proposedHSId)) { org.voltdb.VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB( "Attempted to create a mailbox for site " + CoreUtils.hsIdToString(proposedHSId) + " twice", true, null); } hsId = proposedHSId; } else { hsId = getHSIdForLocalSite(m_nextSiteId.getAndIncrement()); mailbox.setHSId(hsId); } addMailbox(hsId, mailbox); } /** * Get the number of up foreign hosts. Used for test purposes. * @return The number of up foreign hosts. */ public int countForeignHosts() { int retval = 0; for (ForeignHost host : m_foreignHosts.values()) if ((host != null) && (host.isUp())) retval++; return retval; } /** * Kill a foreign host socket by id. * @param hostId The id of the foreign host to kill. */ public void closeForeignHostSocket(int hostId) { Iterator<ForeignHost> it = m_foreignHosts.get(hostId).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ForeignHost fh = it.next(); if (fh.isUp()) { fh.killSocket(); } } reportForeignHostFailed(hostId); } public ZooKeeper getZK() { return m_zk; } public JoinAcceptor getAcceptor() { return m_acceptor; } /* * Foreign hosts that share the same host id belong to the same machine, one * poison pill is deadly enough */ public void sendPoisonPill(Collection<Integer> hostIds, String err, int cause) { for (int hostId : hostIds) { Iterator<ForeignHost> it = m_foreignHosts.get(hostId).iterator(); // No need to overdose the poison pill if (it.hasNext()) { ForeignHost fh = it.next(); if (fh.isUp()) { fh.sendPoisonPill(err, ForeignHost.CRASH_SPECIFIED); } } } } public void sendPoisonPill(String err) { for (int hostId : m_foreignHosts.keySet()) { Iterator<ForeignHost> it = m_foreignHosts.get(hostId).iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { ForeignHost fh = it.next(); if (fh.isUp()) { fh.sendPoisonPill(err, ForeignHost.CRASH_ALL); } } } } public void sendPoisonPill(String err, int targetHostId, int cause) { Iterator<ForeignHost> it = m_foreignHosts.get(targetHostId).iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { ForeignHost fh = it.next(); if (fh.isUp()) { fh.sendPoisonPill(err, cause); } } } public boolean validateForeignHostId(Integer hostId) { return !m_knownFailedHosts.containsKey(hostId); } public void setDeadHostTimeout(int timeout) { Preconditions.checkArgument(timeout > 0, "Timeout value must be > 0, was %s", timeout); m_hostLog.info("Dead host timeout set to " + timeout + " milliseconds"); m_config.deadHostTimeout = timeout; for (ForeignHost fh : m_foreignHosts.values()) { fh.updateDeadHostTimeout(timeout); } } public Map<Long, Pair<String, long[]>> getIOStats(final boolean interval) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { final ImmutableMultimap<Integer, ForeignHost> fhosts = m_foreignHosts; ArrayList<IOStatsIntf> picoNetworks = new ArrayList<IOStatsIntf>(); for (ForeignHost fh : fhosts.values()) { picoNetworks.add(fh.m_network); } return m_network.getIOStats(interval, picoNetworks); } /** * Cut the network connection between two hostids immediately * Useful for simulating network partitions */ public void cutLink(int hostIdA, int hostIdB) { if (m_localHostId == hostIdA) { Iterator<ForeignHost> it = m_foreignHosts.get(hostIdB).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ForeignHost fh = it.next(); fh.cutLink(); } } if (m_localHostId == hostIdB) { Iterator<ForeignHost> it = m_foreignHosts.get(hostIdA).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ForeignHost fh = it.next(); fh.cutLink(); } } } // Create connections to nodes within the same partition group public void createAuxiliaryConnections(Set<Integer> peers, int secondaryConnections) { for (int hostId : peers) { for (int ii = 0; ii < secondaryConnections; ii++) { Iterator<ForeignHost> it = m_foreignHosts.get(hostId).iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { ForeignHost fh = it.next(); try { SocketChannel socket = m_joiner.requestForConnection(fh.m_listeningAddress); // Auxiliary connection never time out ForeignHost fhost = new ForeignHost(this, hostId, socket, Integer.MAX_VALUE, fh.m_listeningAddress, new PicoNetwork(socket)); putForeignHost(hostId, fhost); fhost.enableRead(VERBOTEN_THREADS); } catch (IOException | JSONException e) { m_hostLog.error("Failed to connect to peer nodes.", e); throw new RuntimeException("Failed to establish socket connection with " + fh.m_listeningAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress(), e); } } } } m_hasAllSecondaryConnectionCreated = true; } }