/* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, The HSQL Development Group * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the HSQL Development Group nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL HSQL DEVELOPMENT GROUP, HSQLDB.ORG, * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.hsqldb_voltpatches; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.hsqldb_voltpatches.HsqlNameManager.HsqlName; import org.hsqldb_voltpatches.HsqlNameManager.SimpleName; import org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.ArrayUtil; import org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.HsqlArrayList; import org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.HsqlList; import org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.OrderedHashSet; import org.hsqldb_voltpatches.persist.HsqlDatabaseProperties; import org.hsqldb_voltpatches.store.BitMap; import org.hsqldb_voltpatches.store.ValuePool; import org.hsqldb_voltpatches.types.BlobType; import org.hsqldb_voltpatches.types.CharacterType; import org.hsqldb_voltpatches.types.Charset; import org.hsqldb_voltpatches.types.DTIType; import org.hsqldb_voltpatches.types.IntervalType; import org.hsqldb_voltpatches.types.Type; /** * Parser for DQL statements * * @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net) * @version 1.9.0 * @since 1.9.0 */ public class ParserDQL extends ParserBase { protected Database database; protected Session session; protected final CompileContext compileContext; HsqlException lastError; boolean strictSQLNames; boolean strictSQLIdentifierParts; // A VoltDB extension to reject quoted (delimited) names. // TODO: Set flag from property? boolean rejectQuotedSchemaObjectNames = true; // End of VoltDB extension // /** * Constructs a new Parser object with the given context. * * @param session the connected context * @param t the token source from which to parse commands */ ParserDQL(Session session, Scanner t) { super(t); this.session = session; database = session.getDatabase(); compileContext = new CompileContext(session); strictSQLNames = database.getProperties().isPropertyTrue( HsqlDatabaseProperties.sql_enforce_keywords); strictSQLIdentifierParts = database.getProperties().isPropertyTrue( HsqlDatabaseProperties.sql_enforce_keywords); } /** * Resets this parse context with the given SQL character sequence. * * @param sql a new SQL character sequence to replace the current one */ @Override void reset(String sql) { super.reset(sql); compileContext.reset(); lastError = null; } void checkIsSchemaObjectName() { if (strictSQLNames) { checkIsNonReservedIdentifier(); } else { checkIsNonCoreReservedIdentifier(); } // A VoltDB extension to reject quoted (delimited) names. if (rejectQuotedSchemaObjectNames && token.isDelimitedIdentifier) { throw unexpectedToken(); } // End of VoltDB extension if (token.namePrePrefix != null) { throw tooManyIdentifiers(); } } Type readTypeDefinition(boolean includeUserTypes) { int typeNumber = Integer.MIN_VALUE; checkIsIdentifier(); if (token.namePrefix == null) { typeNumber = Type.getTypeNr(token.tokenString); } if (typeNumber == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { if (includeUserTypes) { checkIsSchemaObjectName(); String schemaName = session.getSchemaName(token.namePrefix); Type type = database.schemaManager.getDomain(token.tokenString, schemaName, false); if (type != null) { read(); return type; } } throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42509, token.tokenString); } read(); switch (typeNumber) { case Types.SQL_CHAR : if (token.tokenType == Tokens.VARYING) { read(); typeNumber = Types.SQL_VARCHAR; } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.LARGE) { readThis(Tokens.OBJECT); read(); typeNumber = Types.SQL_CLOB; } break; case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : if (token.tokenType == Tokens.PRECISION) { read(); } break; case Types.SQL_BINARY : if (token.tokenType == Tokens.VARYING) { read(); typeNumber = Types.SQL_VARBINARY; } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.LARGE) { readThis(Tokens.OBJECT); read(); typeNumber = Types.SQL_BLOB; } break; case Types.SQL_BIT : if (token.tokenType == Tokens.VARYING) { read(); typeNumber = Types.SQL_BIT_VARYING; } break; case Types.SQL_INTERVAL : return readIntervalType(); default : } long length = typeNumber == Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP ? DTIType.defaultTimestampFractionPrecision : 0; int scale = 0; if (Types.requiresPrecision(typeNumber) && token.tokenType != Tokens.OPENBRACKET && database.sqlEnforceStrictSize) { throw unexpectedTokenRequire(Tokens.T_OPENBRACKET); } // A VoltDB extension to support the character in bytes. boolean inBytes = false; // End of VoltDB extension if (Types.acceptsPrecision(typeNumber)) { if (token.tokenType == Tokens.OPENBRACKET) { int multiplier = 1; read(); switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.X_VALUE : if (token.dataType.typeCode != Types.SQL_INTEGER && token.dataType.typeCode != Types.SQL_BIGINT) { throw unexpectedToken(); } break; case Tokens.X_LOB_SIZE : if (typeNumber == Types.SQL_BLOB || typeNumber == Types.SQL_CLOB) { switch (token.lobMultiplierType) { case Tokens.K : multiplier = 1024; break; case Tokens.M : multiplier = 1024 * 1024; break; case Tokens.G : multiplier = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; break; case Tokens.P : case Tokens.T : default : throw unexpectedToken(); } break; } else { throw unexpectedToken(token.getFullString()); } default : throw unexpectedToken(); } length = ((Number) token.tokenValue).longValue(); if (length < 0 || (length == 0 && !Types.acceptsZeroPrecision(typeNumber))) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42592); } length *= multiplier; read(); if (typeNumber == Types.SQL_CHAR || typeNumber == Types.SQL_VARCHAR || typeNumber == Types.SQL_CLOB) { if (token.tokenType == Tokens.CHARACTERS) { read(); } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.OCTETS) { read(); length /= 2; } } if (Types.acceptsScaleCreateParam(typeNumber) && token.tokenType == Tokens.COMMA) { read(); scale = readInteger(); if (scale < 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42592); } } // A VoltDB extension to support the character in bytes. if (typeNumber == Types.SQL_VARCHAR) { inBytes = readIfThis(Tokens.BYTES); } // End of VoltDB extension readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); } else if (typeNumber == Types.SQL_BIT) { length = 1; } else if (typeNumber == Types.SQL_BLOB || typeNumber == Types.SQL_CLOB) { length = BlobType.defaultBlobSize; } else if (database.sqlEnforceStrictSize) { // BIT is always BIT(1), regardless of sqlEnforceStringSize if (typeNumber == Types.SQL_CHAR || typeNumber == Types.SQL_BINARY) { length = 1; } } if (typeNumber == Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP || typeNumber == Types.SQL_TIME) { if (length > DTIType.maxFractionPrecision) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42592); } scale = (int) length; length = 0; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.WITH) { read(); readThis(Tokens.TIME); readThis(Tokens.ZONE); if (typeNumber == Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP) { typeNumber = Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE; } else { typeNumber = Types.SQL_TIME_WITH_TIME_ZONE; } } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.WITHOUT) { read(); readThis(Tokens.TIME); readThis(Tokens.ZONE); } } } Type typeObject = Type.getType(typeNumber, 0, length, scale); if (typeObject.isCharacterType()) { // A VoltDB extension to support the character in bytes. if (inBytes) { ((CharacterType) typeObject).inBytes = true; } // End of VoltDB extension if (token.tokenType == Tokens.CHARACTER) { read(); readThis(Tokens.SET); checkIsSchemaObjectName(); String schemaName = session.getSchemaName(token.namePrefix); Charset charset = (Charset) database.schemaManager.getSchemaObject( token.tokenString, schemaName, SchemaObject.CHARSET); read(); } } return typeObject; } void readSimpleColumnNames(OrderedHashSet columns, RangeVariable rangeVar) { while (true) { ColumnSchema col = readSimpleColumnName(rangeVar); if (!columns.add(col.getName().name)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42579, col.getName().name); } if (readIfThis(Tokens.COMMA)) { continue; } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET) { break; } throw unexpectedToken(); } } void readColumnNames(OrderedHashSet columns, RangeVariable[] rangeVars) { while (true) { ColumnSchema col = readColumnName(rangeVars); if (!columns.add(col.getName().name)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42579, col.getName().name); } if (readIfThis(Tokens.COMMA)) { continue; } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET) { break; } throw unexpectedToken(); } } void readColumnNamesForSelectInto(OrderedHashSet columns, RangeVariable[] rangeVars) { while (true) { ColumnSchema col = readColumnName(rangeVars); if (!columns.add(col.getName().name)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42579, col.getName().name); } if (readIfThis(Tokens.COMMA)) { continue; } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.FROM) { break; } throw unexpectedToken(); } } void readSimpleColumnNames(OrderedHashSet columns, Table table) { while (true) { ColumnSchema col = readSimpleColumnName(table); if (!columns.add(col.getName().name)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42577, col.getName().name); } if (readIfThis(Tokens.COMMA)) { continue; } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET) { break; } throw unexpectedToken(); } } HsqlName[] readColumnNames(HsqlName tableName) { BitMap quotedFlags = new BitMap(32); OrderedHashSet set = readColumnNames(quotedFlags, false); HsqlName[] colList = new HsqlName[set.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < colList.length; i++) { String name = (String) set.get(i); boolean quoted = quotedFlags.isSet(i); colList[i] = database.nameManager.newHsqlName(tableName.schema, name, quoted, SchemaObject.COLUMN, tableName); } return colList; } OrderedHashSet readColumnNames(boolean readAscDesc) { return readColumnNames(null, readAscDesc); } OrderedHashSet readColumnNames(BitMap quotedFlags, boolean readAscDesc) { readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); OrderedHashSet set = readColumnNameList(quotedFlags, readAscDesc); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); return set; } OrderedHashSet readColumnNameList(BitMap quotedFlags, boolean readAscDesc) { int i = 0; OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); while (true) { if (session.isProcessingScript) { // for old scripts // A VoltDB extension to make reserved words more consistent. // Adding "strictSQLNames" as a param to the next two method calls. // SEE: ENG-912 if (!isSimpleName(strictSQLNames)) { /* disable 1 line ... if (!isSimpleName()) { ... disabled 1 line */ // End of VoltDB extension token.isDelimitedIdentifier = true; } } else { // A VoltDB extension to make reserved words more consistent. checkIsSimpleName(strictSQLNames); /* disable 1 line ... checkIsSimpleName(); ... disabled 1 line */ // End of VoltDB extension } if (!set.add(token.tokenString)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42577, token.tokenString); } if (quotedFlags != null && isDelimitedIdentifier()) { quotedFlags.set(i); } read(); i++; if (readAscDesc) { if (token.tokenType == Tokens.ASC || token.tokenType == Tokens.DESC) { read(); } } if (readIfThis(Tokens.COMMA)) { continue; } break; } return set; } SubQuery getViewSubquery(View v) { SubQuery sq = v.viewSubQuery; for (int i = 0; i < v.viewSubqueries.length; i++) { compileContext.subQueryList.add(v.viewSubqueries[i]); } return sq; } int XreadUnionType() { int unionType = QueryExpression.NOUNION; switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.UNION : read(); unionType = QueryExpression.UNION; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.ALL) { unionType = QueryExpression.UNION_ALL; read(); } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.DISTINCT) { read(); } break; case Tokens.INTERSECT : read(); unionType = QueryExpression.INTERSECT; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.ALL) { unionType = QueryExpression.INTERSECT_ALL; read(); } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.DISTINCT) { read(); } break; case Tokens.EXCEPT : case Tokens.MINUS_EXCEPT : read(); unionType = QueryExpression.EXCEPT; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.ALL) { unionType = QueryExpression.EXCEPT_ALL; read(); } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.DISTINCT) { read(); } break; default : break; } return unionType; } void XreadUnionCorrespondingClause(QueryExpression queryExpression) { if (token.tokenType == Tokens.CORRESPONDING) { read(); queryExpression.setUnionCorresponding(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.BY) { read(); OrderedHashSet names = readColumnNames(false); queryExpression.setUnionCorrespondingColumns(names); } } } QueryExpression XreadQueryExpression() { if (token.tokenType == Tokens.WITH) { throw super.unsupportedFeature(); } QueryExpression queryExpression = XreadQueryExpressionBody(); SortAndSlice sortAndSlice = XreadOrderByExpression(); if (queryExpression.sortAndSlice == null) { queryExpression.addSortAndSlice(sortAndSlice); } else { if (queryExpression.sortAndSlice.hasLimit()) { if (sortAndSlice.hasLimit()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42549); } for (int i = 0; i < sortAndSlice.exprList.size(); i++) { Expression e = (Expression) sortAndSlice.exprList.get(i); queryExpression.sortAndSlice.addOrderExpression(e); } } else { queryExpression.addSortAndSlice(sortAndSlice); } } return queryExpression; } QueryExpression XreadQueryExpressionBody() { QueryExpression queryExpression = XreadQueryTerm(); while (true) { switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.UNION : case Tokens.EXCEPT : case Tokens.MINUS_EXCEPT : { queryExpression = XreadSetOperation(queryExpression); break; } default : { return queryExpression; } } } } QueryExpression XreadQueryTerm() { QueryExpression queryExpression = XreadQueryPrimary(); while (true) { if (token.tokenType == Tokens.INTERSECT) { queryExpression = XreadSetOperation(queryExpression); } else { return queryExpression; } } } private QueryExpression XreadSetOperation( QueryExpression queryExpression) { queryExpression = new QueryExpression(compileContext, queryExpression); int unionType = XreadUnionType(); XreadUnionCorrespondingClause(queryExpression); QueryExpression rightQueryExpression = XreadQueryTerm(); queryExpression.addUnion(rightQueryExpression, unionType); return queryExpression; } QueryExpression XreadQueryPrimary() { switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.TABLE : case Tokens.VALUES : case Tokens.SELECT : { QuerySpecification select = XreadSimpleTable(); return select; } case Tokens.OPENBRACKET : { read(); QueryExpression queryExpression = XreadQueryExpressionBody(); SortAndSlice sortAndSlice = XreadOrderByExpression(); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); if (queryExpression.sortAndSlice == null) { queryExpression.addSortAndSlice(sortAndSlice); } else { if (queryExpression.sortAndSlice.hasLimit()) { if (sortAndSlice.hasLimit()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42549); } for (int i = 0; i < sortAndSlice.exprList.size(); i++) { Expression e = (Expression) sortAndSlice.exprList.get(i); queryExpression.sortAndSlice.addOrderExpression(e); } } else { queryExpression.addSortAndSlice(sortAndSlice); } } return queryExpression; } default : { throw unexpectedToken(); } } } QuerySpecification XreadSimpleTable() { QuerySpecification select; switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.TABLE : { read(); Table table = readTableName(); select = new QuerySpecification(session, table, compileContext); break; } case Tokens.VALUES : { read(); SubQuery sq = XreadRowValueExpressionList(); select = new QuerySpecification(session, sq.getTable(), compileContext); break; } case Tokens.SELECT : { select = XreadQuerySpecification(); break; } default : { throw unexpectedToken(); } } return select; } QuerySpecification XreadQuerySpecification() { QuerySpecification select = XreadSelect(); XreadTableExpression(select); return select; } void XreadTableExpression(QuerySpecification select) { XreadFromClause(select); readWhereGroupHaving(select); } QuerySpecification XreadSelect() { QuerySpecification select = new QuerySpecification(compileContext); readThis(Tokens.SELECT); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.TOP || token.tokenType == Tokens.LIMIT) { SortAndSlice sortAndSlice = XreadTopOrLimit(); if (sortAndSlice != null) { select.addSortAndSlice(sortAndSlice); } } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.DISTINCT) { select.isDistinctSelect = true; read(); } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.ALL) { read(); } while (true) { Expression e = XreadValueExpression(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.AS) { read(); checkIsNonCoreReservedIdentifier(); } if (isNonCoreReservedIdentifier()) { e.setAlias(HsqlNameManager.getSimpleName(token.tokenString, isDelimitedIdentifier())); read(); } select.addSelectColumnExpression(e); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.FROM) { break; } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.INTO) { break; } if (readIfThis(Tokens.COMMA)) { continue; } throw unexpectedToken(); } return select; } void XreadFromClause(QuerySpecification select) { readThis(Tokens.FROM); while (true) { XreadTableReference(select); if (readIfThis(Tokens.COMMA)) { continue; } break; } } void XreadTableReference(QuerySpecification select) { boolean natural = false; RangeVariable range = readTableOrSubquery(); select.addRangeVariable(range); while (true) { int type = token.tokenType; boolean left = false; boolean right = false; boolean end = false; type = token.tokenType; switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.INNER : read(); readThis(Tokens.JOIN); break; case Tokens.CROSS : if (natural) { throw unexpectedToken(); } read(); readThis(Tokens.JOIN); break; case Tokens.UNION : if (natural) { throw unexpectedToken(); } int position = getPosition(); read(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.JOIN) { read(); break; } else { rewind(position); end = true; break; } case Tokens.NATURAL : if (natural) { throw unexpectedToken(); } read(); natural = true; continue; case Tokens.LEFT : read(); readIfThis(Tokens.OUTER); readThis(Tokens.JOIN); left = true; break; case Tokens.RIGHT : read(); readIfThis(Tokens.OUTER); readThis(Tokens.JOIN); right = true; break; case Tokens.FULL : read(); readIfThis(Tokens.OUTER); readThis(Tokens.JOIN); left = true; right = true; break; case Tokens.JOIN : read(); type = Tokens.INNER; break; case Tokens.COMMA : if (natural) { throw unexpectedToken(); } read(); type = Tokens.CROSS; break; default : if (natural) { throw unexpectedToken(); } end = true; break; } if (end) { break; } range = readTableOrSubquery(); Expression condition = null; switch (type) { case Tokens.CROSS : select.addRangeVariable(range); break; case Tokens.UNION : select.addRangeVariable(range); condition = Expression.EXPR_FALSE; range.setJoinType(true, true); break; case Tokens.LEFT : case Tokens.RIGHT : case Tokens.INNER : case Tokens.FULL : { if (natural) { OrderedHashSet columns = range.getUniqueColumnNameSet(); condition = select.getEquiJoinExpressions(columns, range, false); select.addRangeVariable(range); } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.USING) { read(); OrderedHashSet columns = new OrderedHashSet(); readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); readSimpleColumnNames(columns, range); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); condition = select.getEquiJoinExpressions(columns, range, true); select.addRangeVariable(range); } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.ON) { read(); condition = XreadBooleanValueExpression(); select.addRangeVariable(range); // must ensure references are limited to the current table // select.finaliseRangeVariables(); // select.resolveColumnReferencesAndAllocate(condition); } else { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42581); } range.setJoinType(left, right); break; } } range.addJoinCondition(condition); natural = false; } } Expression getRowExpression(OrderedHashSet columnNames) { Expression[] elements = new Expression[columnNames.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { String name = (String) columnNames.get(i); elements[i] = new ExpressionColumn(null, null, name); } return new Expression(OpTypes.ROW, elements); } void readWhereGroupHaving(QuerySpecification select) { // where if (token.tokenType == Tokens.WHERE) { read(); Expression e = XreadBooleanValueExpression(); select.addQueryCondition(e); } // group by if (token.tokenType == Tokens.GROUP) { read(); readThis(Tokens.BY); while (true) { Expression e = XreadValueExpression(); select.addGroupByColumnExpression(e); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.COMMA) { read(); continue; } break; } } // having if (token.tokenType == Tokens.HAVING) { read(); Expression e = XreadBooleanValueExpression(); select.addHavingExpression(e); } } SortAndSlice XreadOrderByExpression() { SortAndSlice sortAndSlice = null; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.ORDER) { read(); readThis(Tokens.BY); sortAndSlice = XreadOrderBy(); } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.LIMIT || token.tokenType == Tokens.FETCH || token.tokenType == Tokens.OFFSET) { if (sortAndSlice == null) { sortAndSlice = new SortAndSlice(); } XreadLimit(sortAndSlice); } return sortAndSlice == null ? SortAndSlice.noSort : sortAndSlice; } private SortAndSlice XreadTopOrLimit() { Expression e1 = null; Expression e2 = null; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.LIMIT) { int position = getPosition(); read(); e1 = XreadSimpleValueSpecificationOrNull(); if (e1 == null) { super.rewind(position); return null; } e2 = XreadSimpleValueSpecificationOrNull(); if (e2 == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42565, ErrorCode.INVALID_LIMIT); } } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.TOP) { int position = getPosition(); read(); e2 = XreadSimpleValueSpecificationOrNull(); if (e2 == null) { super.rewind(position); return null; } e1 = new ExpressionValue(ValuePool.INTEGER_0, Type.SQL_INTEGER); } boolean valid = true; if (e1.isParam()) { e1.setDataType(session, Type.SQL_INTEGER); } else { valid = (e1.getDataType().typeCode == Types.SQL_INTEGER && ((Integer) e1.getValue(null)).intValue() >= 0); } if (e2.isParam()) { e2.setDataType(session, Type.SQL_INTEGER); } else { valid &= (e2.getDataType().typeCode == Types.SQL_INTEGER && ((Integer) e2.getValue(null)).intValue() >= 0); } if (valid) { SortAndSlice sortAndSlice = new SortAndSlice(); sortAndSlice.addLimitCondition(new ExpressionOp(OpTypes.LIMIT, e1, e2)); return sortAndSlice; } throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42565, ErrorCode.INVALID_LIMIT); } private void XreadLimit(SortAndSlice sortAndSlice) { Expression e1 = null; Expression e2 = null; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.OFFSET) { read(); e1 = XreadSimpleValueSpecificationOrNull(); if (e1 == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42565, ErrorCode.INVALID_LIMIT); } } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.LIMIT) { read(); e2 = XreadSimpleValueSpecificationOrNull(); if (e2 == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42565, ErrorCode.INVALID_LIMIT); } if (e1 == null && token.tokenType == Tokens.OFFSET) { read(); e1 = XreadSimpleValueSpecificationOrNull(); } } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.FETCH) { read(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.FIRST || token.tokenType == Tokens.NEXT) { read(); } e2 = XreadSimpleValueSpecificationOrNull(); if (e2 == null) { e2 = new ExpressionValue(ValuePool.INTEGER_1, Type.SQL_INTEGER); } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.ROW || token.tokenType == Tokens.ROWS) { read(); } readThis(Tokens.ONLY); } if (e1 == null) { e1 = new ExpressionValue(ValuePool.INTEGER_0, Type.SQL_INTEGER); } boolean valid = true; if (e1.isParam()) { e1.setDataType(session, Type.SQL_INTEGER); } else { valid = (e1.getDataType().typeCode == Types.SQL_INTEGER && ((Integer) e1.getValue(null)).intValue() >= 0); } // A VoltDB extension to allow OFFSET without LIMIT if (e2 != null) { if (e2.isParam()) { e2.setDataType(session, Type.SQL_INTEGER); } else { valid &= (e2.getDataType().typeCode == Types.SQL_INTEGER && ((Integer) e2.getValue(null)).intValue() >= 0); } } // End of VoltDB extension /* disable 6 lines ... if (e2.isParam()) { e2.setDataType(session, Type.SQL_INTEGER); } else { valid &= (e2.getDataType().typeCode == Types.SQL_INTEGER && ((Integer) e2.getValue(null)).intValue() >= 0); } ... disabled 6 lines */ if (valid) { sortAndSlice.addLimitCondition(new ExpressionOp(OpTypes.LIMIT, e1, e2)); return; } throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42565, ErrorCode.INVALID_LIMIT); } private SortAndSlice XreadOrderBy() { SortAndSlice sortAndSlice = new SortAndSlice(); while (true) { Expression e = XreadValueExpression(); ExpressionOrderBy o = new ExpressionOrderBy(e); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.DESC) { o.setDescending(); read(); } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.ASC) { read(); } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.NULLS) { read(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.FIRST) { read(); } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.LAST) { read(); o.setNullsLast(); } else { throw unexpectedToken(); } } sortAndSlice.addOrderExpression(o); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.COMMA) { read(); continue; } break; } return sortAndSlice; } protected RangeVariable readSimpleRangeVariable(int operation) { Table table = readTableName(); SimpleName alias = null; if (operation != StatementTypes.DELETE_WHERE) { if (token.tokenType == Tokens.AS) { read(); checkIsNonCoreReservedIdentifier(); } if (isNonCoreReservedIdentifier()) { alias = HsqlNameManager.getSimpleName(token.tokenString, isDelimitedIdentifier()); read(); } } if (table.isView) { switch (operation) { case StatementTypes.MERGE : if (!table.isUpdatable() || !table.isInsertable()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42545); } break; case StatementTypes.UPDATE_WHERE : case StatementTypes.DELETE_WHERE : /* A VoltDB Extension. * Views from Streams are now updatable. * Comment out this guard and check if it is a view * from Stream or PersistentTable in planner. if (!table.isUpdatable()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42545); } A VoltDB Extension */ break; } SubQuery sq = getViewSubquery((View) table); table = sq.getTable(); } RangeVariable range = new RangeVariable(table, alias, null, null, compileContext); return range; } /** * Creates a RangeVariable from the parse context. <p> */ protected RangeVariable readTableOrSubquery() { Table table = null; SimpleName alias = null; OrderedHashSet columnList = null; BitMap columnNameQuoted = null; SimpleName[] columnNameList = null; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.OPENBRACKET) { Expression e = XreadTableSubqueryOrJoinedTable(); table = e.subQuery.getTable(); if (table instanceof TableDerived) { ((TableDerived)table).dataExpression = e; } } else { table = readTableName(); if (table.isView()) { SubQuery sq = getViewSubquery((View) table); // sq.queryExpression = ((View) table).queryExpression; table = sq.getTable(); } } boolean hasAs = false; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.AS) { read(); checkIsNonCoreReservedIdentifier(); hasAs = true; } if (isNonCoreReservedIdentifier()) { boolean limit = token.tokenType == Tokens.LIMIT || token.tokenType == Tokens.OFFSET; int position = getPosition(); alias = HsqlNameManager.getSimpleName(token.tokenString, isDelimitedIdentifier()); read(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.OPENBRACKET) { columnNameQuoted = new BitMap(32); columnList = readColumnNames(columnNameQuoted, false); } else if (!hasAs && limit) { if (token.tokenType == Tokens.QUESTION || token.tokenType == Tokens.X_VALUE) { alias = null; rewind(position); } } } if (columnList != null) { if (table.getColumnCount() != columnList.size()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42593); } columnNameList = new SimpleName[columnList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < columnList.size(); i++) { SimpleName name = HsqlNameManager.getSimpleName((String) columnList.get(i), columnNameQuoted.isSet(i)); columnNameList[i] = name; } } RangeVariable range = new RangeVariable(table, alias, columnList, columnNameList, compileContext); return range; } private Expression readAggregate() { int tokenT = token.tokenType; Expression aggExpr; read(); readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); aggExpr = readAggregateExpression(tokenT); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.OVER) { read(); aggExpr = readWindowSpecification(tokenT, aggExpr); if (aggExpr instanceof ExpressionWindowed) { ExpressionWindowed aggWinExpr = (ExpressionWindowed)aggExpr; if (aggWinExpr.isDistinct()) { throw Error.error("DISTINCT is not allowed in window functions.", "", -1); } } } return aggExpr; } private ExpressionAggregate readAggregateExpression(int tokenT) { int type = ParserDQL.getExpressionType(tokenT); boolean distinct = false; boolean all = false; // If this is one of the RANK family, it takes no // parameters. So, just return null here. The caller // will know what to do with this. switch (tokenT) { case Tokens.RANK: case Tokens.DENSE_RANK: // No current support for WINDOWED_PERCENT_RANK or WINDOWED_CUME_DIST. // case Tokens.PERCENT_RANK: // case Tokens.CUME_DIST: if (token.tokenType != Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET) { throw Error.error("Expected a right parenthesis (')') here.", "", -1); } return null; } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.DISTINCT) { distinct = true; read(); } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.ALL) { all = true; read(); } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET) { throw Error.error("Expected an expression here.", "", -1); } Expression e = XreadValueExpression(); switch (type) { case OpTypes.COUNT : if (e.getType() == OpTypes.MULTICOLUMN) { if (((ExpressionColumn) e).tableName != null) { throw unexpectedToken(); } e.opType = OpTypes.ASTERISK; break; } else { break; } case OpTypes.STDDEV_POP : case OpTypes.STDDEV_SAMP : case OpTypes.VAR_POP : case OpTypes.VAR_SAMP : // A VoltDB extension APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT case OpTypes.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT : // End of VoltDB extension if (all || distinct) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42582, all ? Tokens.T_ALL : Tokens .T_DISTINCT); } break; default : if (e.getType() == OpTypes.ASTERISK) { throw unexpectedToken(); } } ExpressionAggregate aggregateExp = new ExpressionAggregate(type, distinct, e); return aggregateExp; } /** * This is a minimal parsing of the Window Specification. We only use * partition by and order by lists. There is a lot of complexity in the * full SQL specification which we don't parse at all. * * @param tokenT * @param aggExpr * @return */ private Expression readWindowSpecification(int tokenT, Expression aggExpr) { SortAndSlice sortAndSlice = null; readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); List<Expression> partitionByList = new ArrayList<>(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.PARTITION) { read(); readThis(Tokens.BY); while (true) { Expression partitionExpr = XreadValueExpression(); partitionByList.add(partitionExpr); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.COMMA) { read(); continue; } break; } } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.ORDER) { // order by clause read(); readThis(Tokens.BY); sortAndSlice = XreadOrderBy(); } readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); // We don't really care about aggExpr any more. It has the // aggregate expression as a non-windowed expression. We do // care about its parameters and whether it's specified as // unique though. assert(aggExpr == null || aggExpr instanceof ExpressionAggregate); Expression nodes[]; boolean isDistinct; if (aggExpr != null) { ExpressionAggregate winAggExpr = (ExpressionAggregate)aggExpr; nodes = winAggExpr.nodes; isDistinct = winAggExpr.isDistinctAggregate; } else { nodes = Expression.emptyExpressionArray; isDistinct = false; } ExpressionWindowed windowedExpr = new ExpressionWindowed(tokenT, nodes, isDistinct, sortAndSlice, partitionByList); return windowedExpr; } //-------------------------------------- // returns null // := <unsigned literal> | <general value specification> Expression XreadValueSpecificationOrNull() { Expression e = null; boolean minus = false; switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.PLUS : read(); break; case Tokens.MINUS : read(); minus = true; break; } e = XreadUnsignedValueSpecificationOrNull(); if (e == null) { return null; } if (minus) { e = new ExpressionArithmetic(OpTypes.NEGATE, e); } return e; } // returns null // <unsigned literl> | <general value specification> Expression XreadUnsignedValueSpecificationOrNull() { Expression e; switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.TRUE : read(); return Expression.EXPR_TRUE; case Tokens.FALSE : read(); return Expression.EXPR_FALSE; case Tokens.DEFAULT : if (compileContext.contextuallyTypedExpression) { read(); e = new ExpressionColumn(OpTypes.DEFAULT); return e; } break; case Tokens.NULL : e = new ExpressionValue(null, null); read(); return e; case Tokens.X_VALUE : e = new ExpressionValue(token.tokenValue, token.dataType); read(); return e; case Tokens.X_DELIMITED_IDENTIFIER : case Tokens.X_IDENTIFIER : if (!token.isHostParameter) { return null; } // $FALL-THROUGH$ case Tokens.QUESTION : e = new ExpressionColumn(OpTypes.DYNAMIC_PARAM); compileContext.parameters.add(e); read(); return e; case Tokens.COLLATION : return XreadCurrentCollationSpec(); case Tokens.VALUE : case Tokens.CURRENT_CATALOG : case Tokens.CURRENT_DEFAULT_TRANSFORM_GROUP : case Tokens.CURRENT_PATH : case Tokens.CURRENT_ROLE : case Tokens.CURRENT_SCHEMA : case Tokens.CURRENT_TRANSFORM_GROUP_FOR_TYPE : case Tokens.CURRENT_USER : case Tokens.SESSION_USER : case Tokens.SYSTEM_USER : case Tokens.USER : FunctionSQL function = FunctionSQL.newSQLFunction(token.tokenString, compileContext); if (function == null) { return null; } return readSQLFunction(function); // read SQL parameter reference } return null; } // <unsigned literl> | <parameter> Expression XreadSimpleValueSpecificationOrNull() { Expression e; switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.X_VALUE : e = new ExpressionValue(token.tokenValue, token.dataType); read(); return e; case Tokens.QUESTION : e = new ExpressionColumn(OpTypes.DYNAMIC_PARAM); compileContext.parameters.add(e); read(); return e; default : return null; } } // combined <value expression primary> and <predicate> // exclusively called // <explicit row value constructor> needed for predicate Expression XreadAllTypesValueExpressionPrimary(boolean boole) { Expression e = null; switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.EXISTS : case Tokens.UNIQUE : if (boole) { return XreadPredicate(); } break; case Tokens.ROW : if (boole) { break; } read(); readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); e = XreadRowElementList(true); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); break; default : e = XreadSimpleValueExpressionPrimary(); } if (e == null && token.tokenType == Tokens.OPENBRACKET) { read(); e = XreadRowElementList(true); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); } if (boole && e != null) { e = XreadPredicateRightPart(e); } return e; } // doesn't return null // <value expression primary> ::= <parenthesized value expression> // | <nonparenthesized value expression primary> Expression XreadValueExpressionPrimary() { Expression e; e = XreadSimpleValueExpressionPrimary(); if (e != null) { return e; } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.OPENBRACKET) { read(); e = XreadValueExpression(); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); } else { return null; } return e; } // returns null // <row value special case> :== this // <boolean predicand> :== this | <parenthesized boolean value expression> Expression XreadSimpleValueExpressionPrimary() { Expression e; e = XreadUnsignedValueSpecificationOrNull(); if (e != null) { return e; } switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.OPENBRACKET : int position = getPosition(); read(); int subqueryPosition = getPosition(); readOpenBrackets(); switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.TABLE : case Tokens.VALUES : case Tokens.SELECT : SubQuery sq = null; rewind(subqueryPosition); try { sq = XreadSubqueryBody(false, OpTypes.SCALAR_SUBQUERY); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); } catch (HsqlException ex) { compileContext.resetSubQueryLevel(); ex.setLevel(compileContext.subQueryDepth); if (lastError == null || lastError.getLevel() < ex.getLevel()) { lastError = ex; } rewind(position); return null; } // A VoltDB extension to adapt to the hsqldb 2.3.2 change for fuller subquery support. SubQuery td = sq; // End of VoltDB extension // BEGIN Cherry-picked code change from hsqldb-2.3.2 if (td.queryExpression.isSingleColumn()) { e = new Expression(OpTypes.SCALAR_SUBQUERY, td); } else { e = new Expression(OpTypes.ROW_SUBQUERY, td); } return e; /* Disable 5 lines ... if (!sq.queryExpression.isSingleColumn()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.W_01000); } return new Expression(OpTypes.SCALAR_SUBQUERY, sq); ... disabled 5 lines. */ // END Cherry-picked code change from hsqldb-2.3.2 default : rewind(position); return null; } case Tokens.ASTERISK : e = new ExpressionColumn(token.namePrePrefix, token.namePrefix); recordExpressionForToken((ExpressionColumn) e); read(); return e; case Tokens.CASEWHEN : return readCaseWhenExpression(); case Tokens.CASE : return readCaseExpression(); case Tokens.NULLIF : return readNullIfExpression(); case Tokens.COALESCE : case Tokens.IFNULL : return readCoalesceExpression(); case Tokens.CAST : case Tokens.CONVERT : return readCastExpression(); case Tokens.DATE : case Tokens.TIME : case Tokens.TIMESTAMP : case Tokens.INTERVAL : e = readDateTimeIntervalLiteral(); if (e != null) { return e; } break; case Tokens.ANY : case Tokens.SOME : case Tokens.EVERY : case Tokens.COUNT : case Tokens.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT : case Tokens.MAX : case Tokens.MIN : case Tokens.SUM : case Tokens.AVG : case Tokens.STDDEV_POP : case Tokens.STDDEV_SAMP : case Tokens.VAR_POP : case Tokens.VAR_SAMP : case Tokens.RANK : case Tokens.DENSE_RANK: return readAggregate(); case Tokens.NEXT : return readSequenceExpression(); case Tokens.LEFT : case Tokens.RIGHT : // CLI function names break; default : if (isCoreReservedKey()) { throw unexpectedToken(); } } return readColumnOrFunctionExpression(); } // OK - composite production - // <numeric primary> <charactr primary> <binary primary> <datetime primary> <interval primary> Expression XreadAllTypesPrimary(boolean boole) { Expression e = null; switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.SUBSTRING : case Tokens.SUBSTRING_REGEX : case Tokens.LOWER : case Tokens.UPPER : case Tokens.TRANSLATE_REGEX : case Tokens.TRIM : case Tokens.OVERLAY : case Tokens.NORMALIZE : // case Tokens.POSITION : case Tokens.OCCURRENCES_REGEX : case Tokens.POSITION_REGEX : case Tokens.EXTRACT : case Tokens.CHAR_LENGTH : case Tokens.CHARACTER_LENGTH : case Tokens.OCTET_LENGTH : case Tokens.CARDINALITY : case Tokens.ABS : case Tokens.MOD : case Tokens.LN : case Tokens.EXP : case Tokens.POWER : case Tokens.SQRT : case Tokens.FLOOR : case Tokens.CEILING : case Tokens.CEIL : case Tokens.WIDTH_BUCKET : FunctionSQL function = FunctionSQL.newSQLFunction(token.tokenString, compileContext); if (function == null) { throw unsupportedFeature(); } e = readSQLFunction(function); break; default : e = XreadAllTypesValueExpressionPrimary(boole); } e = XreadModifier(e); return e; } Expression XreadModifier(Expression e) { switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.AT : { read(); Expression e1 = null; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.LOCAL) { read(); } else { readThis(Tokens.TIME); readThis(Tokens.ZONE); e1 = XreadValueExpressionPrimary(); switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.YEAR : case Tokens.MONTH : case Tokens.DAY : case Tokens.HOUR : case Tokens.MINUTE : case Tokens.SECOND : { IntervalType type = readIntervalType(); if (e1.getType() == OpTypes.SUBTRACT) { e1.dataType = type; } else { e1 = new ExpressionOp(e1, type); } } } } e = new ExpressionOp(OpTypes.ZONE_MODIFIER, e, e1); break; } case Tokens.YEAR : case Tokens.MONTH : case Tokens.DAY : case Tokens.HOUR : case Tokens.MINUTE : case Tokens.SECOND : { IntervalType type = readIntervalType(); if (e.getType() == OpTypes.SUBTRACT) { e.dataType = type; } else { e = new ExpressionOp(e, type); } break; } case Tokens.COLLATE : { read(); SchemaObject collation = database.schemaManager.getSchemaObject(token.namePrefix, token.tokenString, SchemaObject.COLLATION); } } return e; } Expression XreadValueExpressionWithContext() { Expression e; compileContext.contextuallyTypedExpression = true; e = XreadValueExpressionOrNull(); compileContext.contextuallyTypedExpression = false; return e; } Expression XreadValueExpressionOrNull() { return XreadAllTypesCommonValueExpression(true); } /** * <value expression> ::= * <common value expression> * | <boolean value expression> * | <row value expression> * */ Expression XreadValueExpression() { return XreadAllTypesCommonValueExpression(true); } // union of <numeric | datetime | string | interval value expression> Expression XreadRowOrCommonValueExpression() { return XreadAllTypesCommonValueExpression(false); } // union of <numeric | datetime | string | interval | boolean value expression> // no <row value expression> and no <predicate> Expression XreadAllTypesCommonValueExpression(boolean boole) { Expression e = XreadAllTypesTerm(boole); int type = 0; boolean end = false; while (true) { switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.PLUS : type = OpTypes.ADD; boole = false; break; case Tokens.MINUS : type = OpTypes.SUBTRACT; boole = false; break; case Tokens.CONCAT : type = OpTypes.CONCAT; boole = false; break; case Tokens.OR : if (boole) { type = OpTypes.OR; break; } // $FALL-THROUGH$ default : end = true; break; } if (end) { break; } read(); Expression a = e; e = XreadAllTypesTerm(boole); e = boole ? new ExpressionLogical(type, a, e) : new ExpressionArithmetic(type, a, e); } return e; } Expression XreadAllTypesTerm(boolean boole) { Expression e = XreadAllTypesFactor(boole); int type = 0; boolean end = false; while (true) { switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.ASTERISK : type = OpTypes.MULTIPLY; boole = false; break; case Tokens.DIVIDE : type = OpTypes.DIVIDE; boole = false; break; case Tokens.AND : if (boole) { type = OpTypes.AND; break; } // $FALL-THROUGH$ default : end = true; break; } if (end) { break; } read(); Expression a = e; e = XreadAllTypesFactor(boole); if (e == null) { throw unexpectedToken(); } e = boole ? new ExpressionLogical(type, a, e) : new ExpressionArithmetic(type, a, e); } return e; } Expression XreadAllTypesFactor(boolean boole) { Expression e; boolean minus = false; boolean not = false; boolean unknown = false; switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.PLUS : read(); boole = false; break; case Tokens.MINUS : read(); boole = false; minus = true; break; case Tokens.NOT : if (boole) { read(); not = true; } break; } e = XreadAllTypesPrimary(boole); if (boole && token.tokenType == Tokens.IS) { read(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.NOT) { read(); not = !not; } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.TRUE) { read(); } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.FALSE) { read(); not = !not; } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.UNKNOWN) { read(); unknown = true; } else { throw unexpectedToken(); } } if (unknown) { e = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.IS_NULL, e); } else if (minus) { e = new ExpressionArithmetic(OpTypes.NEGATE, e); } else if (not) { e = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.NOT, e); } return e; } Expression XreadStringValueExpression() { return XreadCharacterValueExpression(); // XreadBinaryValueExpression(); } Expression XreadCharacterValueExpression() { Expression e = XreadCharacterPrimary(); SchemaObject collation = readCollateClauseOrNull(); while (token.tokenType == Tokens.CONCAT) { read(); Expression a = e; e = XreadCharacterPrimary(); collation = readCollateClauseOrNull(); e = new ExpressionArithmetic(OpTypes.CONCAT, a, e); } return e; } Expression XreadCharacterPrimary() { switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.SUBSTRING : // case Token.SUBSTRING_REGEX : case Tokens.LOWER : case Tokens.UPPER : // case Token.TRANSLATE_REGEX : case Tokens.TRIM : case Tokens.OVERLAY : // case Token.NORMALIZE : FunctionSQL function = FunctionSQL.newSQLFunction(token.tokenString, compileContext); return readSQLFunction(function); default : } return XreadValueExpressionPrimary(); } Expression XreadNumericPrimary() { switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.POSITION : // case Token.OCCURRENCES_REGEX : // case Token.POSITION_REGEX : case Tokens.EXTRACT : case Tokens.CHAR_LENGTH : case Tokens.CHARACTER_LENGTH : case Tokens.OCTET_LENGTH : case Tokens.CARDINALITY : case Tokens.ABS : case Tokens.MOD : case Tokens.LN : case Tokens.EXP : case Tokens.POWER : case Tokens.SQRT : case Tokens.FLOOR : case Tokens.CEILING : case Tokens.CEIL : // case Token.WIDTH_BUCKET : FunctionSQL function = FunctionSQL.newSQLFunction(token.tokenString, compileContext); if (function == null) { throw super.unexpectedToken(); } return readSQLFunction(function); default : } return XreadValueExpressionPrimary(); } Expression XreadNumericValueExpression() { Expression e = XreadTerm(); while (true) { int type; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.PLUS) { type = OpTypes.ADD; } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.MINUS) { type = OpTypes.SUBTRACT; } else { break; } read(); Expression a = e; e = XreadTerm(); e = new ExpressionArithmetic(type, a, e); } return e; } Expression XreadTerm() { Expression e = XreadFactor(); int type; while (true) { if (token.tokenType == Tokens.ASTERISK) { type = OpTypes.MULTIPLY; } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.DIVIDE) { type = OpTypes.DIVIDE; } else { break; } read(); Expression a = e; e = XreadFactor(); if (e == null) { throw unexpectedToken(); } e = new ExpressionArithmetic(type, a, e); } return e; } Expression XreadFactor() { Expression e; boolean minus = false; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.PLUS) { read(); } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.MINUS) { read(); minus = true; } e = XreadNumericPrimary(); if (e == null) { return null; } if (minus) { e = new ExpressionArithmetic(OpTypes.NEGATE, e); } return e; } Expression XreadDatetimeValueExpression() { Expression e = XreadDateTimeIntervalTerm(); while (true) { int type; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.PLUS) { type = OpTypes.ADD; } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.MINUS) { type = OpTypes.SUBTRACT; } else { break; } read(); Expression a = e; e = XreadDateTimeIntervalTerm(); e = new ExpressionArithmetic(type, a, e); } return e; } Expression XreadIntervalValueExpression() { Expression e = XreadDateTimeIntervalTerm(); while (true) { int type; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.PLUS) { type = OpTypes.ADD; } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.MINUS) { type = OpTypes.SUBTRACT; } else { break; } read(); Expression a = e; e = XreadDateTimeIntervalTerm(); e = new ExpressionArithmetic(type, a, e); } return e; } Expression XreadDateTimeIntervalTerm() { switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.CURRENT_DATE : case Tokens.CURRENT_TIME : case Tokens.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP : case Tokens.LOCALTIME : case Tokens.LOCALTIMESTAMP : // case Tokens.ABS : FunctionSQL function = FunctionSQL.newSQLFunction(token.tokenString, compileContext); if (function == null) { throw super.unexpectedToken(); } return readSQLFunction(function); default : } return XreadValueExpressionPrimary(); } // returns null Expression XreadDateTimeValueFunctionOrNull() { FunctionSQL function = null; switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.CURRENT_DATE : case Tokens.CURRENT_TIME : case Tokens.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP : case Tokens.LOCALTIME : case Tokens.LOCALTIMESTAMP : function = FunctionSQL.newSQLFunction(token.tokenString, compileContext); break; case Tokens.NOW : case Tokens.TODAY : function = FunctionCustom.newCustomFunction(token.tokenString, token.tokenType); break; default : return null; } if (function == null) { throw super.unexpectedToken(); } return readSQLFunction(function); } Expression XreadBooleanValueExpression() { try { Expression e = XreadBooleanTermOrNull(); if (e == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42568); } while (true) { int type; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.OR) { type = OpTypes.OR; } else { break; } read(); Expression a = e; e = XreadBooleanTermOrNull(); if (e == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42568); } e = new ExpressionLogical(type, a, e); } if (e == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42568); } return e; } catch (HsqlException ex) { ex.setLevel(compileContext.subQueryDepth); if (lastError == null || lastError.getLevel() < ex.getLevel()) { lastError = ex; } throw lastError; } } Expression XreadBooleanTermOrNull() { Expression e = XreadBooleanFactorOrNull(); int type; while (true) { if (token.tokenType == Tokens.AND) { type = OpTypes.AND; } else { break; } read(); Expression a = e; e = XreadBooleanFactorOrNull(); if (e == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42568); } e = new ExpressionLogical(type, a, e); } return e; } Expression XreadBooleanFactorOrNull() { Expression e; boolean not = false; boolean unknown = false; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.NOT) { read(); not = true; } e = XreadBooleanPrimaryOrNull(); if (e == null) { return null; } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.IS) { read(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.NOT) { read(); not = !not; } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.TRUE) { read(); } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.FALSE) { not = !not; read(); } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.UNKNOWN) { unknown = true; read(); } else { throw unexpectedToken(); } } if (unknown) { e = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.IS_NULL, e); } if (not) { e = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.NOT, e); } return e; } // <boolean primary> ::= <predicate> | <boolean predicand> Expression XreadBooleanPrimaryOrNull() { Expression e = null; int position; switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.EXISTS : case Tokens.UNIQUE : return XreadPredicate(); case Tokens.ROW : read(); readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); e = XreadRowElementList(true); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); break; default : position = getPosition(); try { e = XreadAllTypesCommonValueExpression(false); } catch (HsqlException ex) { ex.setLevel(compileContext.subQueryDepth); if (lastError == null || lastError.getLevel() < ex.getLevel()) { lastError = ex; } rewind(position); } } if (e == null && token.tokenType == Tokens.OPENBRACKET) { read(); position = getPosition(); try { e = XreadRowElementList(true); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); } catch (HsqlException ex) { ex.setLevel(compileContext.subQueryDepth); if (lastError == null || lastError.getLevel() < ex.getLevel()) { lastError = ex; } rewind(position); e = XreadBooleanValueExpression(); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); } } if (e != null) { e = XreadPredicateRightPart(e); } return e; } // similar to <value expression primary> Expression XreadBooleanPredicand() { Expression e; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.OPENBRACKET) { read(); e = XreadBooleanValueExpression(); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); return e; } else { return XreadSimpleValueExpressionPrimary(); } } Expression XreadPredicate() { switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.EXISTS : { read(); Expression s = XreadTableSubqueryForPredicate(OpTypes.EXISTS); return new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.EXISTS, s); } case Tokens.UNIQUE : { read(); Expression s = XreadTableSubqueryForPredicate(OpTypes.UNIQUE); return new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.UNIQUE, s); } default : { Expression a = XreadRowValuePredicand(); return XreadPredicateRightPart(a); } } } Expression XreadPredicateRightPart(final Expression l) { boolean hasNot = false; ExpressionLogical e = null; Expression r; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.NOT) { read(); hasNot = true; } switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.IS : { if (hasNot) { throw unexpectedToken(); } read(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.NOT) { hasNot = true; read(); } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.DISTINCT) { read(); readThis(Tokens.FROM); r = XreadRowValuePredicand(); e = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.NOT_DISTINCT, l, r); hasNot = !hasNot; break; } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.NULL || token.tokenType == Tokens.UNKNOWN) { read(); e = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.IS_NULL, l); break; } throw unexpectedToken(); } case Tokens.LIKE : { e = XreadLikePredicateRightPart(l); e.noOptimisation = isCheckOrTriggerCondition; break; } case Tokens.BETWEEN : { e = XreadBetweenPredicateRightPart(l); break; } case Tokens.IN : { e = XreadInPredicateRightPart(l); e.noOptimisation = isCheckOrTriggerCondition; break; } case Tokens.OVERLAPS : { if (hasNot) { throw unexpectedToken(); } e = XreadOverlapsPredicateRightPart(l); break; } case Tokens.EQUALS : case Tokens.GREATER_EQUALS : case Tokens.GREATER : case Tokens.LESS : case Tokens.LESS_EQUALS : case Tokens.NOT_EQUALS : { if (hasNot) { throw unexpectedToken(); } int type = getExpressionType(token.tokenType); read(); switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.ANY : case Tokens.SOME : case Tokens.ALL : e = XreadQuantifiedComparisonRightPart(type, l); break; default : { Expression row = XreadRowValuePredicand(); e = new ExpressionLogical(type, l, row); break; } } break; } case Tokens.MATCH : { e = XreadMatchPredicateRightPart(l); break; } default : { if (hasNot) { throw unexpectedToken(); } return l; } } if (hasNot) { e = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.NOT, e); } return e; } private ExpressionLogical XreadBetweenPredicateRightPart( final Expression a) { boolean symmetric = false; read(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.ASYMMETRIC) { read(); } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.SYMMETRIC) { symmetric = true; read(); } Expression left = XreadRowValuePredicand(); readThis(Tokens.AND); Expression right = XreadRowValuePredicand(); if (a.isParam() && left.isParam()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42567); } if (a.isParam() && right.isParam()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42567); } Expression l = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.GREATER_EQUAL, a, left); Expression r = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.SMALLER_EQUAL, a, right); ExpressionLogical leftToRight = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.AND, l, r); if (symmetric) { l = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.SMALLER_EQUAL, a, left); r = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.GREATER_EQUAL, a, right); Expression rightToLeft = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.AND, l, r); return new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.OR, leftToRight, rightToLeft); } else { return leftToRight; } } private ExpressionLogical XreadQuantifiedComparisonRightPart(int exprType, Expression l) { int tokenT = token.tokenType; int exprSubType = 0; Expression e; switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.ANY : case Tokens.SOME : exprSubType = OpTypes.ANY_QUANTIFIED; break; case Tokens.ALL : exprSubType = OpTypes.ALL_QUANTIFIED; break; default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Parser"); } read(); readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); int position = getPosition(); readOpenBrackets(); switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.TABLE : case Tokens.VALUES : case Tokens.SELECT : rewind(position); SubQuery sq = XreadSubqueryBody(false, OpTypes.IN); e = new Expression(OpTypes.TABLE_SUBQUERY, sq); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); break; default : rewind(position); e = readAggregateExpression(tokenT); if (e == null) { throw Error.error("Unsupported aggregate expression " + Tokens.getKeyword(tokenT), "", 0); } readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); } ExpressionLogical r = new ExpressionLogical(exprType, l, e); r.exprSubType = exprSubType; return r; } private ExpressionLogical XreadInPredicateRightPart(Expression l) { int degree = l.getDegree(); Expression e = null; read(); // A VoltDB extension to add support for x IN ? if (token.tokenType == Tokens.QUESTION && ! isCheckOrTriggerCondition) { read(); e = new ExpressionColumn(OpTypes.DYNAMIC_PARAM); compileContext.parameters.add(e); e.nodeDataTypes = new Type[degree]; ExpressionLogical r = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.EQUAL, l, e); r.exprSubType = OpTypes.ANY_QUANTIFIED; return r; } // End of VoltDB extension readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); int position = getPosition(); readOpenBrackets(); switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.TABLE : case Tokens.VALUES : case Tokens.SELECT : { rewind(position); SubQuery sq = XreadSubqueryBody(false, OpTypes.IN); e = new Expression(OpTypes.TABLE_SUBQUERY, sq); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); break; } default : { rewind(position); e = XreadInValueListConstructor(degree); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); break; } } ExpressionLogical r; if (isCheckOrTriggerCondition) { r = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.IN, l, e); } else { r = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.EQUAL, l, e); r.exprSubType = OpTypes.ANY_QUANTIFIED; } return r; } Expression XreadInValueList(int degree) { List<Expression> rowList = new ArrayList<>(); while (true) { Expression row = XreadValueExpression(); if (row.getType() == OpTypes.ROW) { // Disallow rows of the wrong length or rows of rows. if (row.nodes.length != degree) { // SQL error message throw unexpectedToken(); } for (Expression value : row.nodes) { if (value.getType() == OpTypes.ROW) { // SQL error message throw unexpectedToken(); } } } // Degree > 1 can only be satisfied by a list of row expressions. else if (degree != 1) { throw unexpectedToken(); } // Make a degree 1 row from a non-row value expression. else { row = new Expression(OpTypes.ROW, new Expression[]{ row }); } rowList.add(row); if (token.tokenType != Tokens.COMMA) { break; } read(); // consume the comma } Expression[] rowArray = new Expression[rowList.size()]; rowList.toArray(rowArray); return new Expression(OpTypes.TABLE, rowArray); } private ExpressionLogical XreadLikePredicateRightPart(Expression a) { read(); Expression b = XreadStringValueExpression(); Expression escape = null; if (token.tokenString.equals(Tokens.T_ESCAPE)) { read(); escape = XreadStringValueExpression(); } return new ExpressionLike(a, b, escape, this.isCheckOrTriggerCondition); } private ExpressionLogical XreadMatchPredicateRightPart(Expression a) { boolean isUnique = false; int matchType = OpTypes.MATCH_SIMPLE; read(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.UNIQUE) { read(); isUnique = true; } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.SIMPLE) { read(); matchType = isUnique ? OpTypes.MATCH_UNIQUE_SIMPLE : OpTypes.MATCH_SIMPLE; } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.PARTIAL) { read(); matchType = isUnique ? OpTypes.MATCH_UNIQUE_PARTIAL : OpTypes.MATCH_PARTIAL; } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.FULL) { read(); matchType = isUnique ? OpTypes.MATCH_UNIQUE_FULL : OpTypes.MATCH_FULL; } int mode = isUnique ? OpTypes.TABLE_SUBQUERY : OpTypes.IN; Expression s = XreadTableSubqueryForPredicate(mode); return new ExpressionLogical(matchType, a, s); } private ExpressionLogical XreadOverlapsPredicateRightPart(Expression l) { if (l.getType() != OpTypes.ROW) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42564); } if (l.nodes.length != 2) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42564); } read(); if (token.tokenType != Tokens.OPENBRACKET) { throw unexpectedToken(); } Expression r = XreadRowValuePredicand(); if (r.nodes.length != 2) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42564); } return new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.OVERLAPS, l, r); } Expression XreadRowValueExpression() { Expression e = XreadExplicitRowValueConstructorOrNull(); if (e != null) { return e; } return XreadRowValueSpecialCase(); } Expression XreadTableRowValueConstructor() { Expression e = XreadExplicitRowValueConstructorOrNull(); if (e != null) { return e; } return XreadRowValueSpecialCase(); } // union of <row value expression> | // <boolean predicand> | <non parenthesized value expression primary> | // translated to <explicit row value constructor> // <value expression primary> | <non parenthesized value expression primary> | Expression XreadRowValuePredicand() { return XreadRowOrCommonValueExpression(); } Expression XreadRowValueSpecialCase() { return XreadSimpleValueExpressionPrimary(); } // <row value constructor> // ISSUE - XreadCommonValueExpression and XreadBooleanValueExpression should merge Expression XreadRowValueConstructor() { Expression e; e = XreadExplicitRowValueConstructorOrNull(); if (e != null) { return e; } e = XreadRowOrCommonValueExpression(); if (e != null) { return e; } return XreadBooleanValueExpression(); } // returns null // must be called in conjusnction with <parenthesized .. Expression XreadExplicitRowValueConstructorOrNull() { Expression e; switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.OPENBRACKET : { read(); int position = getPosition(); int brackets = readOpenBrackets(); switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.TABLE : case Tokens.VALUES : case Tokens.SELECT : rewind(position); SubQuery sq = XreadSubqueryBody(false, OpTypes.ROW_SUBQUERY); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); return new Expression(OpTypes.ROW_SUBQUERY, sq); default : rewind(position); e = XreadRowElementList(true); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); return e; } } case Tokens.ROW : { read(); readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); e = XreadRowElementList(false); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); return e; } } return null; } Expression XreadRowElementList(boolean multiple) { Expression e; HsqlArrayList list = new HsqlArrayList(); while (true) { e = XreadValueExpression(); list.add(e); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.COMMA) { read(); continue; } if (multiple && list.size() == 1) { return e; } break; } Expression[] array = new Expression[list.size()]; list.toArray(array); return new Expression(OpTypes.ROW, array); } Expression XreadCurrentCollationSpec() { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0A000); } Expression XreadRowSubquery() { readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); SubQuery sq = XreadSubqueryBody(false, OpTypes.ROW_SUBQUERY); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); return new Expression(OpTypes.ROW_SUBQUERY, sq); } Expression XreadTableSubqueryForPredicate(int mode) { readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); SubQuery sq = XreadSubqueryBody(false, mode); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); return new Expression(OpTypes.TABLE_SUBQUERY, sq); } Expression XreadTableSubqueryOrJoinedTable() { boolean joinedTable = false; int position; readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); position = getPosition(); readOpenBrackets(); switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.TABLE : case Tokens.VALUES : case Tokens.SELECT : case Tokens.WITH : break; default : joinedTable = true; } rewind(position); if (joinedTable) { SubQuery sq = XreadJoinedTableAsSubquery(); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); return new Expression(OpTypes.TABLE_SUBQUERY, sq); } else { SubQuery sq = XreadTableSubqueryBody(); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); return new Expression(OpTypes.TABLE_SUBQUERY, sq); } } SubQuery XreadJoinedTableAsSubquery() { compileContext.subQueryDepth++; QueryExpression queryExpression = XreadJoinedTable(); queryExpression.resolve(session); if (((QuerySpecification) queryExpression).rangeVariables.length < 2) { throw unexpectedTokenRequire(Tokens.T_JOIN); } SubQuery sq = new SubQuery(database, compileContext.subQueryDepth, queryExpression, OpTypes.TABLE_SUBQUERY); sq.prepareTable(session); compileContext.subQueryDepth--; compileContext.subQueryList.add(sq); return sq; } QueryExpression XreadJoinedTable() { QuerySpecification select = new QuerySpecification(compileContext); Expression e = new ExpressionColumn(OpTypes.MULTICOLUMN); select.addSelectColumnExpression(e); XreadTableReference(select); return select; } SubQuery XreadTableSubqueryBody() { SubQuery sq = XreadSubqueryBody(true, OpTypes.TABLE_SUBQUERY); /* Select select = sq.queryExpression.getMainSelect(); for (int i = 0; i < select.indexLimitVisible; i++) { String colname = select.exprColumns[i].getAlias(); if (colname == null || colname.length() == 0) { // fredt - this does not guarantee the uniqueness of column // names but addColumns() will throw later if names are not unique. colname = HsqlNameManager.getAutoColumnNameString(i); select.exprColumns[i].setAlias(colname, false); } } */ sq.prepareTable(session); return sq; } SubQuery XreadSubqueryBody(boolean resolve, int mode) { compileContext.subQueryDepth++; QueryExpression queryExpression = XreadQueryExpression(); if (resolve) { queryExpression.resolve(session); } else { queryExpression.resolveReferences(session); } SubQuery sq = new SubQuery(database, compileContext.subQueryDepth, queryExpression, mode); compileContext.subQueryList.add(sq); compileContext.subQueryDepth--; return sq; } SubQuery XreadViewSubquery(View view) { compileContext.subQueryDepth++; QueryExpression queryExpression; try { queryExpression = XreadQueryExpression(); } catch (HsqlException e) { queryExpression = XreadJoinedTable(); } queryExpression.setAsTopLevel(); queryExpression.setView(view); queryExpression.resolve(session); SubQuery sq = new SubQuery(database, compileContext.subQueryDepth, queryExpression, view); compileContext.subQueryList.add(sq); compileContext.subQueryDepth--; return sq; } // Additional Common Elements // returns null SchemaObject readCollateClauseOrNull() { if (token.tokenType == Tokens.COLLATE) { read(); SchemaObject collation = database.schemaManager.getSchemaObject(token.namePrefix, token.tokenString, SchemaObject.COLLATION); return collation; } return null; } Expression readRow() { Expression r = null; while (true) { Expression e = XreadValueExpressionWithContext(); if (r == null) { r = e; } else if (r.getType() == OpTypes.ROW) { if (e.getType() == OpTypes.ROW && r.nodes[0].getType() != OpTypes.ROW) { r = new Expression(OpTypes.ROW, new Expression[] { r, e }); } else { r.nodes = (Expression[]) ArrayUtil.resizeArray(r.nodes, r.nodes.length + 1); r.nodes[r.nodes.length - 1] = e; } } else { r = new Expression(OpTypes.ROW, new Expression[] { r, e }); } if (token.tokenType != Tokens.COMMA) { break; } read(); } return r; } Expression XreadContextuallyTypedTable(int degree) { Expression e = readRow(); Expression[] list = e.nodes; boolean isTable = false; if (degree == 1) { if (e.getType() == OpTypes.ROW) { e.opType = OpTypes.TABLE; for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i].getType() != OpTypes.ROW) { list[i] = new Expression(OpTypes.ROW, new Expression[]{ list[i] }); } else if (list[i].nodes.length != degree) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42564); } } return e; } else { e = new Expression(OpTypes.ROW, new Expression[]{ e }); e = new Expression(OpTypes.TABLE, new Expression[]{ e }); return e; } } if (e.getType() != OpTypes.ROW) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42564); } for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i].getType() == OpTypes.ROW) { isTable = true; break; } } if (isTable) { e.opType = OpTypes.TABLE; for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i].getType() != OpTypes.ROW) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42564); } Expression[] args = list[i].nodes; if (args.length != degree) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42564); } for (int j = 0; j < degree; j++) { if (args[j].getType() == OpTypes.ROW) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42564); } } } } else { if (list.length != degree) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42564); } e = new Expression(OpTypes.TABLE, new Expression[]{ e }); } return e; } private Expression XreadInValueListConstructor(int degree) { compileContext.subQueryDepth++; Expression e = XreadInValueList(degree); SubQuery sq = new SubQuery(database, compileContext.subQueryDepth, e, OpTypes.IN); compileContext.subQueryList.add(sq); compileContext.subQueryDepth--; return e; } private SubQuery XreadRowValueExpressionList() { compileContext.subQueryDepth++; Expression e = XreadRowValueExpressionListBody(); HsqlList unresolved = e.resolveColumnReferences(RangeVariable.emptyArray, null); ExpressionColumn.checkColumnsResolved(unresolved); e.resolveTypes(session, null); e.prepareTable(session, null, e.nodes[0].nodes.length); SubQuery sq = new SubQuery(database, compileContext.subQueryDepth, e, OpTypes.TABLE); sq.prepareTable(session); compileContext.subQueryList.add(sq); compileContext.subQueryDepth--; return sq; } Expression XreadRowValueExpressionListBody() { Expression r = null; while (true) { int brackets = readOpenBrackets(); Expression e = readRow(); readCloseBrackets(brackets); if (r == null) { r = new Expression(OpTypes.ROW, new Expression[]{ e }); } else { r.nodes = (Expression[]) ArrayUtil.resizeArray(r.nodes, r.nodes.length + 1); r.nodes[r.nodes.length - 1] = e; } if (token.tokenType != Tokens.COMMA) { break; } read(); } Expression[] list = r.nodes; int degree = 1; if (list[0].getType() == OpTypes.ROW) { degree = list[0].nodes.length; } r.opType = OpTypes.TABLE; for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i].getType() == OpTypes.ROW) { if (list[i].nodes.length != degree) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42564); } } else { if (degree != 1) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42564); } list[i] = new Expression(OpTypes.ROW, new Expression[]{ list[i] }); } } return r; } Expression readCaseExpression() { Expression predicand = null; read(); if (token.tokenType != Tokens.WHEN) { predicand = XreadRowValuePredicand(); } return readCaseWhen(predicand); } /** * Reads part of a CASE .. WHEN expression */ private Expression readCaseWhen(final Expression l) { readThis(Tokens.WHEN); Expression condition = null; if (l == null) { condition = XreadBooleanValueExpression(); } else { while (true) { Expression newCondition = XreadPredicateRightPart(l); if (l == newCondition) { newCondition = new ExpressionLogical(l, XreadRowValuePredicand()); } if (condition == null) { condition = newCondition; } else { condition = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.OR, condition, newCondition); } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.COMMA) { read(); } else { break; } } } readThis(Tokens.THEN); Expression current = XreadValueExpression(); Expression elseExpr = null; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.WHEN) { elseExpr = readCaseWhen(l); } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.ELSE) { read(); elseExpr = XreadValueExpression(); readThis(Tokens.END); readIfThis(Tokens.CASE); } else { elseExpr = new ExpressionValue((Object) null, Type.SQL_ALL_TYPES); readThis(Tokens.END); readIfThis(Tokens.CASE); } Expression alternatives = new ExpressionOp(OpTypes.ALTERNATIVE, current, elseExpr); Expression casewhen = new ExpressionOp(OpTypes.CASEWHEN, condition, alternatives); return casewhen; } /** * reads a CASEWHEN expression */ private Expression readCaseWhenExpression() { Expression l = null; read(); readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); l = XreadBooleanValueExpression(); readThis(Tokens.COMMA); Expression thenelse = XreadRowValueExpression(); readThis(Tokens.COMMA); thenelse = new ExpressionOp(OpTypes.ALTERNATIVE, thenelse, XreadValueExpression()); l = new ExpressionOp(OpTypes.CASEWHEN, l, thenelse); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); return l; } /** * Reads a CAST or CONVERT expression */ private Expression readCastExpression() { boolean isConvert = token.tokenType == Tokens.CONVERT; read(); readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); Expression l = this.XreadValueExpressionOrNull(); if (isConvert) { readThis(Tokens.COMMA); } else { readThis(Tokens.AS); } Type typeObject = readTypeDefinition(true); if (l.isParam()) { l.setDataType(session, typeObject); } l = new ExpressionOp(l, typeObject); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); return l; } /** * reads a Column or Function expression */ private Expression readColumnOrFunctionExpression() { String name = token.tokenString; boolean isSimpleQuoted = isDelimitedSimpleName(); String prefix = token.namePrefix; String prePrefix = token.namePrePrefix; if (isUndelimitedSimpleName()) { // A VoltDB extension to augment the standard sql function set. FunctionSQL function; function = FunctionForVoltDB.newVoltDBFunction(name, token.tokenType); if (function == null) { // These seem to be JDBC ("Open Group"?) aliases and extensions to the standard sql functions. function = FunctionCustom.newCustomFunction(token.tokenString, token.tokenType); } /* disable 3 lines ... FunctionSQL function = FunctionCustom.newCustomFunction(token.tokenString, token.tokenType); ... disabled 3 lines */ // End of VoltDB extension if (function != null) { int pos = getPosition(); // A VoltDB extension to avoid abusing the exception handling mechanism // for normal flow control. HsqlException ex = null; try { ExpressionOrException result = readSQLFunction(function, false); ex = result.exception(); if (ex == null) { return result.knownGood(); } } catch (HsqlException caught) { ex = caught; } if (ex != null) { /* disable 3 lines ... try { return readSQLFunction(function); } catch (HsqlException ex) { ... disabled 3 lines */ // End of VoltDB extension ex.setLevel(compileContext.subQueryDepth); if (lastError == null || lastError.getLevel() < ex.getLevel()) { lastError = ex; } rewind(pos); } } else if (isReservedKey()) { function = FunctionSQL.newSQLFunction(name, compileContext); if (function != null) { // It's not really clear why readSQLFunction exceptions just get thrown through here // but get post-processed in the similar call above for FunctionForVoltDB and FunctionCustom return readSQLFunction(function); } } } read(); if (token.tokenType != Tokens.OPENBRACKET) { Expression column = new ExpressionColumn(prePrefix, prefix, name); return column; } checkValidCatalogName(prePrefix); prefix = session.getSchemaName(prefix); RoutineSchema routineSchema = (RoutineSchema) database.schemaManager.findSchemaObject(name, prefix, SchemaObject.FUNCTION); if (routineSchema == null && isSimpleQuoted) { HsqlName schema = database.schemaManager.getDefaultSchemaHsqlName(); routineSchema = (RoutineSchema) database.schemaManager.findSchemaObject(name, schema.name, SchemaObject.FUNCTION); if (routineSchema == null) { Method[] methods = Routine.getMethods(name); Routine[] routines = Routine.newRoutines(methods); HsqlName routineName = database.nameManager.newHsqlName(schema, name, true, SchemaObject.FUNCTION); for (int i = 0; i < routines.length; i++) { routines[i].setName(routineName); session.database.schemaManager.addSchemaObject( routines[i]); } routineSchema = (RoutineSchema) database.schemaManager.findSchemaObject( name, schema.name, SchemaObject.FUNCTION); } } if (routineSchema == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, name); } HsqlArrayList list = new HsqlArrayList(); readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET) { read(); } else { while (true) { Expression e = XreadValueExpression(); list.add(e); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.COMMA) { read(); } else { readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); break; } } } FunctionSQLInvoked function = new FunctionSQLInvoked(routineSchema); Expression[] arguments = new Expression[list.size()]; list.toArray(arguments); function.setArguments(arguments); compileContext.addRoutine(function); return function; } /** * Reads a NULLIF expression */ private Expression readNullIfExpression() { // turn into a CASEWHEN read(); readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); Expression c = XreadValueExpression(); readThis(Tokens.COMMA); Expression thenelse = new ExpressionOp(OpTypes.ALTERNATIVE, new ExpressionValue((Object) null, (Type) null), c); c = new ExpressionLogical(c, XreadValueExpression()); c = new ExpressionOp(OpTypes.CASEWHEN, c, thenelse); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); return c; } /** * Reads a COALESE or IFNULL expression */ private Expression readCoalesceExpression() { Expression c = null; // turn into a CASEWHEN read(); readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); Expression leaf = null; while (true) { Expression current = XreadValueExpression(); if (leaf != null && token.tokenType == Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET) { readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); leaf.setLeftNode(current); break; } Expression condition = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.IS_NULL, current); Expression alternatives = new ExpressionOp(OpTypes.ALTERNATIVE, new ExpressionValue((Object) null, (Type) null), current); Expression casewhen = new ExpressionOp(OpTypes.CASEWHEN, condition, alternatives); if (c == null) { c = casewhen; } else { leaf.setLeftNode(casewhen); } leaf = alternatives; readThis(Tokens.COMMA); } return c; } Expression readSQLFunction(FunctionSQL function) { // A VoltDB extension to avoid using exceptions for flow control. // Throwing exceptions as they are detected ensures that the normal code path // returns a valid expression. return readSQLFunction(function, true).knownGood(); } ExpressionOrException readSQLFunction(FunctionSQL function, boolean preferToThrow) { // End of VoltDB extension read(); int position = getPosition(); short[] parseList = function.parseList; if (parseList.length == 0) { // A VoltDB extension to avoid using exceptions for flow control. return new ExpressionOrException(function); /* disable 1 line ... return function; ... disabled 1 line */ // End of VoltDB extension } HsqlArrayList exprList = new HsqlArrayList(); // A VoltDB extension to avoid using exceptions for flow control. HsqlException e = null; int prevParamCount = compileContext.parameters.size(); try { e = readExpression(exprList, parseList, 0, parseList.length, false, false); } catch (HsqlException caught) { e = caught; } if (e != null) { if (function.parseListAlt == null) { if ( ! preferToThrow) { return new ExpressionOrException(e); } /* disable 4 lines ... try { readExpression(exprList, parseList, 0, parseList.length, false); } catch (HsqlException e) { if (function.parseListAlt == null) { ... disabled 4 lines */ // End of VoltDB extension throw e; } rewind(position); // Discard parsed parameters along with the token rewinding. for (int i = compileContext.parameters.size()-1; i >= prevParamCount; i--) { compileContext.parameters.remove(i); } parseList = function.parseListAlt; exprList = new HsqlArrayList(); // A VoltDB extension to avoid using exceptions for flow control. HsqlException e2 = readExpression(exprList, parseList, 0, parseList.length, false, false); if (e2 != null) { // Return or throw the original exception (e) thrown from the // mismatch with the preferred standard argument syntax, // rather than (e2) from the mismatch with the (not as // standard) alternative syntax that also failed. if ( ! preferToThrow ) { return new ExpressionOrException(e); } throw e; } /* disable 1 line ... readExpression(exprList, parseList, 0, parseList.length, false); ... disabled 1 line */ // End of VoltDB extension } Expression[] expr = new Expression[exprList.size()]; exprList.toArray(expr); function.setArguments(expr); // A VoltDB extension to avoid using exceptions for flow control. return new ExpressionOrException(function.getFunctionExpression()); /* disable 1 line ... return function.getFunctionExpression(); ... disabled 1 line */ // End of VoltDB extension } // A VoltDB extension to avoid using exceptions for flow control. /*** * * @param exprList * @param parseList * @param start * @param count * @param isOption * @param preferToThrow - if false, exceptions are quietly passed up the stack rather than thrown. * making it possible to distinguish (breakpoint at) serious exceptions * vs. false alarms that would merely indicate that the parser wandered * down an unfruitful path and needs to backtrack. * Exceptions should not be used for normal control flow. * @return a non-thrown HsqlException that can be thrown later if/when the alternatives have run out. */ private HsqlException readExpression(HsqlArrayList exprList, short[] parseList, int start, int count, boolean isOption, boolean preferToThrow) { /* disable 2 lines ... void readExpression(HsqlArrayList exprList, short[] parseList, int start, int count, boolean isOption) { ... disabled 2 lines */ // End of VoltDB extension for (int i = start; i < start + count; i++) { int exprType = parseList[i]; switch (exprType) { case Tokens.QUESTION : { Expression e = null; e = XreadAllTypesCommonValueExpression(false); exprList.add(e); continue; } case Tokens.X_POS_INTEGER : { Expression e = null; int integer = readInteger(); if (integer < 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42592); } e = new ExpressionValue(ValuePool.getInt(integer), Type.SQL_INTEGER); exprList.add(e); continue; } case Tokens.X_OPTION : { i++; int expressionCount = exprList.size(); int position = getPosition(); int elementCount = parseList[i++]; int initialExprIndex = exprList.size(); // A VoltDB extension to avoid using exceptions for flow control. HsqlException ex = null; try { ex = readExpression(exprList, parseList, i, elementCount, true, false); } catch (HsqlException caught) { ex = caught; } if (ex != null) { /* disable 4 lines ... try { readExpression(exprList, parseList, i, elementCount, true); } catch (HsqlException ex) { ... disabled 4 lines */ // End of VoltDB extension ex.setLevel(compileContext.subQueryDepth); if (lastError == null || lastError.getLevel() < ex.getLevel()) { lastError = ex; } rewind(position); exprList.setSize(expressionCount); for (int j = i; j < i + elementCount; j++) { if (parseList[j] == Tokens.QUESTION || parseList[j] == Tokens.X_KEYSET || parseList[j] == Tokens.X_POS_INTEGER) { exprList.add(null); } } i += elementCount - 1; continue; } if (initialExprIndex == exprList.size()) { exprList.add(null); } i += elementCount - 1; continue; } case Tokens.X_REPEAT : { i++; int elementCount = parseList[i++]; int parseIndex = i; while (true) { int initialExprIndex = exprList.size(); // A VoltDB extension to avoid using exceptions for flow control. if (preferToThrow) { readExpression(exprList, parseList, parseIndex, elementCount, true, true); } else { HsqlException ex = null; try { ex = readExpression(exprList, parseList, parseIndex, elementCount, true, false); } catch (HsqlException caught) { ex = caught; } if (ex != null) { // TODO: There is likely a more elegant pre-emptive way of handling // the inevitable close paren that properly terminates a repeating group. // This filtering probably masks/ignores some syntax errors such as // a trailing comma right before the paren. if (ex.getMessage().equalsIgnoreCase("unexpected token: )")) { break; } return ex; } } /* disable 2 lines ... readExpression(exprList, parseList, parseIndex, elementCount, true); ... disabled 2 lines */ // End of VoltDB extension if (exprList.size() == initialExprIndex) { break; } } i += elementCount - 1; continue; } case Tokens.X_KEYSET : { int elementCount = parseList[++i]; Expression e = null; if (ArrayUtil.find(parseList, token.tokenType, i + 1, elementCount) == -1) { if (!isOption) { // A VoltDB extension to avoid using exceptions for flow control. if ( ! preferToThrow) { return unexpectedToken(); } // End of VoltDB extension throw unexpectedToken(); } } else { e = new ExpressionValue( ValuePool.getInt(token.tokenType), Type.SQL_INTEGER); read(); } exprList.add(e); i += elementCount; continue; } case Tokens.OPENBRACKET : case Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET : case Tokens.COMMA : default : if (token.tokenType != exprType) { // A VoltDB extension to avoid using exceptions for flow control. if ( ! preferToThrow) { return unexpectedToken(); } // End of VoltDB extension throw unexpectedToken(); } read(); continue; } } // A VoltDB extension to avoid using exceptions for flow control. return null; // Successful return -- no exception to pass back. // End of VoltDB extension } private Expression readSequenceExpression() { read(); readThis(Tokens.VALUE); readThis(Tokens.FOR); checkIsSchemaObjectName(); String schema = session.getSchemaName(token.namePrefix); NumberSequence sequence = database.schemaManager.getSequence(token.tokenString, schema, true); read(); Expression e = new ExpressionColumn(sequence); compileContext.addSequence(sequence); return e; } HsqlName readNewSchemaName() { checkIsSchemaObjectName(); checkValidCatalogName(token.namePrefix); SqlInvariants.checkSchemaNameNotSystem(token.tokenString); HsqlName name = database.nameManager.newHsqlName(token.tokenString, isDelimitedIdentifier(), SchemaObject.SCHEMA); read(); return name; } HsqlName readNewSchemaObjectNameNoCheck(int type) { checkIsSchemaObjectName(); HsqlName hsqlName = database.nameManager.newHsqlName(token.tokenString, isDelimitedIdentifier(), type); if (token.namePrefix != null) { if (type == SchemaObject.GRANTEE) { throw unexpectedToken(); } HsqlName schemaName = session.database.schemaManager.findSchemaHsqlName( token.namePrefix); if (schemaName == null) { schemaName = database.nameManager.newHsqlName(token.namePrefix, isDelimitedIdentifier(), SchemaObject.SCHEMA); } hsqlName.setSchemaIfNull(schemaName); } read(); return hsqlName; } HsqlName readNewSchemaObjectName(int type) { checkIsSchemaObjectName(); HsqlName hsqlName = database.nameManager.newHsqlName(token.tokenString, isDelimitedIdentifier(), type); if (token.namePrefix != null) { if (type == SchemaObject.GRANTEE || type == SchemaObject.VARIABLE || type == SchemaObject.CATALOG) { throw unexpectedToken(); } HsqlName schemaName = session.getSchemaHsqlName(token.namePrefix); hsqlName.setSchemaIfNull(schemaName); } read(); return hsqlName; } HsqlName readNewDependentSchemaObjectName(HsqlName parentName, int type) { HsqlName name = readNewSchemaObjectName(type); name.parent = parentName; name.setSchemaIfNull(parentName.schema); if (name.schema != null && parentName.schema != null && name.schema != parentName.schema) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42505, token.namePrefix); } return name; } HsqlName readSchemaName() { checkIsSchemaObjectName(); checkValidCatalogName(token.namePrefix); HsqlName schema = session.getSchemaHsqlName(token.tokenString); read(); return schema; } SchemaObject readSchemaObjectName(int type) { checkIsSchemaObjectName(); SchemaObject object = database.schemaManager.getSchemaObject(token.tokenString, token.namePrefix, type); if (token.namePrePrefix != null) { if (!token.namePrePrefix.equals(database.getCatalogName().name)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42505, token.namePrefix); } } read(); return object; } SchemaObject readDependentSchemaObjectName(HsqlName parentName, int type) { checkIsSchemaObjectName(); SchemaObject object = database.schemaManager.getSchemaObject(token.tokenString, parentName.schema.name, type); if (token.namePrefix != null) { if (!token.namePrefix.equals(parentName.name)) { // todo - better error message throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42505, token.namePrefix); } if (token.namePrePrefix != null) { if (!token.namePrePrefix.equals(parentName.schema.name)) { // todo - better error message throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42505, token.namePrefix); } } } read(); return object; } Table readTableName() { checkIsIdentifier(); if (token.namePrePrefix != null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42551, token.tokenString); } Table table = database.schemaManager.getTable(session, token.tokenString, token.namePrefix); read(); return table; } ColumnSchema readSimpleColumnName(RangeVariable rangeVar) { ColumnSchema column = null; checkIsIdentifier(); if (token.namePrefix != null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42551, token.tokenString); } int index = rangeVar.findColumn(token.tokenString); if (index > -1 && rangeVar.resolvesTableName(token.namePrefix) && rangeVar.resolvesSchemaName(token.namePrePrefix)) { column = rangeVar.getTable().getColumn(index); read(); return column; } throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, token.tokenString); } ColumnSchema readSimpleColumnName(Table table) { checkIsIdentifier(); if (token.namePrefix != null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42551, token.tokenString); } int index = table.findColumn(token.tokenString); if (index == -1) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, token.tokenString); } ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(index); read(); return column; } ColumnSchema readColumnName(RangeVariable[] rangeVars) { ColumnSchema column = null; checkIsIdentifier(); if (strictSQLIdentifierParts && token.namePrefix != null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42551, token.tokenString); } for (int i = 0; i < rangeVars.length; i++) { int index = rangeVars[i].findColumn(token.tokenString); if (index > -1 && rangeVars[i].resolvesTableName(token.namePrefix) && rangeVars[i].resolvesSchemaName(token.namePrePrefix)) { column = rangeVars[i].getColumn(index); read(); return column; } } throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, token.tokenString); } StatementDMQL compileDeclareCursor() { int sensitivity = 0; // ASENSITIVE int scrollability = 0; // NO_SCROLL int holdability = 0; // WITHOUT_HOLD int returnability = 0; // WITHOUT_RETURN readThis(Tokens.DECLARE); readNewSchemaObjectName(SchemaObject.CURSOR); switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.SENSITIVE : read(); // sensitivity = SENSITIVE break; case Tokens.INSENSITIVE : read(); // sensitivity = INSENSITIVE break; case Tokens.ASENSITIVE : read(); break; } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.NO) { readThis(Tokens.SCROLL); } else { if (token.tokenType == Tokens.SCROLL) { read(); // scrollability = SCROLL } } readThis(Tokens.CURSOR); for (int round = 0; round < 2; round++) { if (token.tokenType == Tokens.WITH) { read(); if (round == 0 && token.tokenType == Tokens.HOLD) { read(); // holdability = HOLD } else { readThis(Tokens.RETURN); round++; // returnability = WITH_RETURN } } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.WITHOUT) { read(); if (round == 0 && token.tokenType == Tokens.HOLD) { read(); } else { readThis(Tokens.RETURN); round++; } } } StatementDMQL cs = compileCursorSpecification(); return cs; } /** * Retrieves a SELECT or other query expression Statement from this parse context. */ StatementDMQL compileCursorSpecification() { QueryExpression queryExpression = XreadQueryExpression(); queryExpression.setAsTopLevel(); queryExpression.resolve(session); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.FOR) { read(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.READ) { read(); readThis(Tokens.ONLY); } else { readThis(Tokens.UPDATE); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.OF) { readThis(Tokens.OF); OrderedHashSet colNames = readColumnNameList(null, false); } } } StatementDMQL cs = new StatementQuery(session, queryExpression, compileContext); return cs; } int readCloseBrackets(int limit) { int count = 0; while (count < limit && token.tokenType == Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET) { read(); count++; } return count; } int readOpenBrackets() { int count = 0; while (token.tokenType == Tokens.OPENBRACKET) { count++; read(); } return count; } void checkValidCatalogName(String name) { if (name != null && !name.equals(database.getCatalogName().name)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, name); } } public static final class CompileContext { // private int subQueryDepth; private HsqlArrayList subQueryList = new HsqlArrayList(true); HsqlArrayList parameters = new HsqlArrayList(true); private HsqlArrayList usedSequences = new HsqlArrayList(true); private HsqlArrayList usedRoutines = new HsqlArrayList(true); private HsqlArrayList rangeVariables = new HsqlArrayList(true); Type currentDomain; boolean contextuallyTypedExpression; final Session session; // private int rangeVarIndex = 0; public CompileContext(Session session) { this.session = session; reset(); } public void reset() { rangeVarIndex = 0; rangeVariables.clear(); subQueryList.clear(); subQueryDepth = 0; parameters.clear(); usedSequences.clear(); usedRoutines.clear(); // currentDomain = null; contextuallyTypedExpression = false; } public void registerRangeVariable(RangeVariable range) { range.rangePosition = getNextRangeVarIndex(); range.level = subQueryDepth; rangeVariables.add(range); } public int getNextRangeVarIndex() { return rangeVarIndex++; } public int getRangeVarCount() { return rangeVarIndex; } public RangeVariable[] getRangeVariables() { RangeVariable[] array = new RangeVariable[rangeVariables.size()]; rangeVariables.toArray(array); return array; } public NumberSequence[] getSequences() { if (usedSequences.size() == 0) { return NumberSequence.emptyArray; } NumberSequence[] array = new NumberSequence[usedSequences.size()]; usedSequences.toArray(array); return array; } public Routine[] getRoutines() { if (usedRoutines.size() == 0) { return Routine.emptyArray; } for (int i = 0; i < usedRoutines.size(); i++) { FunctionSQLInvoked function = (FunctionSQLInvoked) usedRoutines.get(i); usedRoutines.set(i, function.routine); } Routine[] array = new Routine[usedRoutines.size()]; usedRoutines.toArray(array); return array; } private void addSequence(NumberSequence sequence) { usedSequences.add(sequence); } void addRoutine(FunctionSQLInvoked function) { usedRoutines.add(function); } void resetSubQueryLevel() { for (int i = rangeVariables.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { RangeVariable range = (RangeVariable) rangeVariables.get(i); if (range.level > subQueryDepth) { rangeVariables.remove(i); } else { rangeVarIndex = rangeVariables.size(); break; } } for (int i = subQueryList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { SubQuery subQuery = (SubQuery) subQueryList.get(i); if (subQuery.level > subQueryDepth) { subQueryList.remove(i); } else { break; } } } /** * Return the list of subqueries as an array sorted according to the * order of materialization */ SubQuery[] getSubqueries() { if (subQueryList.size() == 0) { return SubQuery.emptySubqueryArray; } subQueryList.sort((SubQuery) subQueryList.get(0)); SubQuery[] subqueries = new SubQuery[subQueryList.size()]; subQueryList.toArray(subqueries); subQueryList.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < subqueries.length; i++) { subqueries[i].prepareTable(session); } return subqueries; } ExpressionColumn[] getParameters() { if (parameters.size() == 0) { return ExpressionColumn.emptyArray; } ExpressionColumn[] result = (ExpressionColumn[]) parameters.toArray( new ExpressionColumn[parameters.size()]); parameters.clear(); return result; } void clearParameters() { parameters.clear(); } public OrderedHashSet getSchemaObjectNames() { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < usedSequences.size(); i++) { NumberSequence sequence = (NumberSequence) usedSequences.get(i); set.add(sequence.getName()); } for (int i = 0; i < rangeVariables.size(); i++) { RangeVariable range = (RangeVariable) rangeVariables.get(i); HsqlName name = range.rangeTable.getName(); if (name.schema != SqlInvariants.SYSTEM_SCHEMA_HSQLNAME) { set.add(range.rangeTable.getName()); set.addAll(range.getColumnNames()); } else if (name.type == SchemaObject.TRANSITION) { set.addAll(range.getColumnNames()); } } Routine[] routines = getRoutines(); for (int i = 0; i < routines.length; i++) { set.add(routines[i].getName()); } return set; } } /************************* Volt DB Extensions *************************/ /** This wraps either an Expression result of readSQLFunction or a throwable Exception discovered * in the process of reading that Expression. * It allows different parser paths to be tried without losing exception * information OR needlessly throwing, catching, and recovering from those exceptions. * The main purpose of this class is to avoid using Exception for "normal case" flow control, * so that more significant exception throws can be tracked down more easily. * This helped a lot in the development of VoltDB-specific SQL functions. * It might have been slightly more traditional to collect the HsqlException 's initializers and * only construct the HsqlException when ready to throw it. * But having an HsqlException handy allowed better integration with the existing logic for * conditional re-throws. */ static class ExpressionOrException { private Expression m_good; private HsqlException m_bad; ExpressionOrException(Expression good) { m_good = good; } ExpressionOrException(HsqlException bad) { m_bad = bad; } // It MAY be safe to extract the Expression, // but if there was an exception, throw that now, instead. Expression orThrow() throws HsqlException { if (m_bad != null) throw m_bad; return m_good; } // Allow checking, to ensure whether the Expression value is valid. public HsqlException exception() { return m_bad; } // It is safe to extract the Expression when there is known not to be an Exception. public Expression knownGood() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub assert(m_bad == null); return m_good; } } /**********************************************************************/ }