/* This file is part of VoltDB. * Copyright (C) 2008-2017 VoltDB Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package org.voltdb.regressionsuites; import static com.google_voltpatches.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableSet; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.voltcore.logging.VoltLogger; import org.voltdb.BackendTarget; import org.voltdb.EELibraryLoader; import org.voltdb.ServerThread; import org.voltdb.StartAction; import org.voltdb.VoltDB; import org.voltdb.client.Client; import org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig; import org.voltdb.client.ClientFactory; import org.voltdb.common.Constants; import org.voltdb.compiler.VoltProjectBuilder; import org.voltdb.compiler.deploymentfile.DrRoleType; import org.voltdb.utils.CommandLine; import org.voltdb.utils.MiscUtils; import org.voltdb.utils.VoltFile; import com.google_voltpatches.common.collect.ImmutableSortedSet; import com.google_voltpatches.common.collect.Maps; /** * Implementation of a VoltServerConfig for a multi-process * cluster. All cluster processes run locally (keep this in * mind if building memory or load intensive tests.) */ public class LocalCluster extends VoltServerConfig { public enum FailureState { ALL_RUNNING, ONE_FAILURE, ONE_RECOVERING } // Used to provide out-of-band HostId determination. // NOTE: This mechanism can't be used when m_hasLocalServer is enabled public static final String clusterHostIdProperty = "__VOLTDB_CLUSTER_HOSTID__"; private VoltLogger log = new VoltLogger("HOST"); // the timestamp salt for the TransactionIdManager // will vary between -3 and 3 uniformly static final int TIMESTAMP_SALT_VARIANCE = 3; int getRandomTimestampSalt() { Random r = new Random(); // if variance is 3, get a range between 0 and 6 inclusive int retval = r.nextInt(TIMESTAMP_SALT_VARIANCE * 2 + 1); // shift that range so it goes from -3 to 3 inclusive retval -= TIMESTAMP_SALT_VARIANCE; return retval; } // how long to wait for startup of external procs static final long PIPE_WAIT_MAX_TIMEOUT = 60 * 1000 *2; //*2 == slow machine allowance String m_callingClassName = ""; String m_callingMethodName = ""; boolean m_compiled = false; protected int m_siteCount; int m_hostCount; int m_missingHostCount = 0; int m_kfactor = 0; int m_clusterId; protected String m_jarFileName; boolean m_running = false; private final boolean m_debug; FailureState m_failureState; int m_nextIPCPort = 10000; ArrayList<Process> m_cluster = new ArrayList<>(); int perLocalClusterExtProcessIndex = 0; VoltProjectBuilder m_builder; private boolean m_expectedToCrash = false; private boolean m_expectedToInitialize = true; int m_replicationPort = -1; Map<String, String> m_hostRoots = new HashMap<>(); /** Gets the dedicated paths in the filesystem used as a root for each process. * Used with NewCLI. */ public Map<String, String> getHostRoots() { return m_hostRoots; } // Dedicated paths in the filesystem to be used as a root for each process ArrayList<File> m_subRoots = new ArrayList<>(); public ArrayList<File> getSubRoots() { return m_subRoots; } boolean m_hasLocalServer = true; public void setHasLocalServer(boolean hasLocalServer) { m_hasLocalServer = hasLocalServer; } ArrayList<PipeToFile> m_pipes = null; ArrayList<CommandLine> m_cmdLines = null; ServerThread m_localServer = null; ProcessBuilder m_procBuilder; //wait before next node is started up in millisecond //to help matching the host id on the real cluster with the host id on the local //cluster private long m_deplayBetweenNodeStartupMS = 0; private final ArrayList<EEProcess> m_eeProcs = new ArrayList<>(); //This is additional process invironment variables that can be passed. // This is used to pass JMX port. Any additional use cases can use this too. private Map<String, String> m_additionalProcessEnv = null; protected final Map<String, String> getAdditionalProcessEnv() { return m_additionalProcessEnv; } // Produce a (presumably) available IP port number. public static final PortGeneratorForTest portGenerator = new PortGeneratorForTest(); private InternalPortGeneratorForTest internalPortGenerator; private int numberOfCoordinators = 1; private String m_voltdbroot = ""; private VoltFile m_filePrefix; private String[] m_versionOverrides = null; private String[] m_versionCheckRegexOverrides = null; private String[] m_buildStringOverrides = null; private String[] m_modeOverrides = null; private Map<Integer, Integer> m_sitesperhostOverrides = null; private String[] m_placementGroups = null; // The base command line - each process copies and customizes this. // Each local cluster process has a CommandLine instance configured // with the port numbers and command line parameter value specific to that // instance. private final CommandLine templateCmdLine = new CommandLine(StartAction.CREATE); private boolean isNewCli = Boolean.valueOf(System.getenv("NEW_CLI") == null ? "true" : System.getenv("NEW_CLI")); public boolean isNewCli() { return isNewCli; }; public void setNewCli(boolean flag) { isNewCli = flag; templateCmdLine.setNewCli(flag); templateCmdLine.startCommand("create"); }; private boolean isEnableSSL = Boolean.valueOf(System.getenv("ENABLE_SSL") == null ? Boolean.toString(Boolean.getBoolean("ENABLE_SSL")) : System.getenv("ENABLE_SSL")); public boolean isEnableSSL() { return isEnableSSL; }; public void setEnableSSL(boolean flag) { isEnableSSL = flag; templateCmdLine.m_sslEnable = flag; templateCmdLine.m_sslExternal = flag; }; private String m_prefix = null; private boolean m_isPaused = false; private boolean m_usesStagedSchema; private int m_httpOverridePort = -1; /** Schema to use on the mismatched node, or null to initialize a bare node. */ private String m_mismatchSchema = null; /** Node to initialize with a different schema, or null to use the same schema on all nodes. */ private Integer m_mismatchNode = null; public void setHttpOverridePort(int port) { m_httpOverridePort = port; } public int getHttpOverridePort() { return m_httpOverridePort; }; public LocalCluster(String jarFileName, int siteCount, int hostCount, int kfactor, BackendTarget target) { this(jarFileName, siteCount, hostCount, kfactor, target, null); } public LocalCluster(String jarFileName, int siteCount, int hostCount, int kfactor, BackendTarget target, int inactiveCount) { this(jarFileName, siteCount, hostCount, kfactor, target, null); this.m_missingHostCount = inactiveCount; } public LocalCluster(String jarFileName, int siteCount, int hostCount, int kfactor, BackendTarget target, Map<String, String> env) { this(jarFileName, siteCount, hostCount, kfactor, target, FailureState.ALL_RUNNING, false, false, env); } public LocalCluster(String jarFileName, int siteCount, int hostCount, int kfactor, BackendTarget target, boolean isRejoinTest) { this(jarFileName, siteCount, hostCount, kfactor, target, FailureState.ALL_RUNNING, false, isRejoinTest, null); } public LocalCluster(String jarFileName, int siteCount, int hostCount, int kfactor, int clusterId, BackendTarget target, boolean isRejoinTest) { this(jarFileName, siteCount, hostCount, kfactor, clusterId, target, FailureState.ALL_RUNNING, false, isRejoinTest, null); } public LocalCluster(String jarFileName, int siteCount, int hostCount, int kfactor, BackendTarget target, FailureState failureState, boolean debug) { this(jarFileName, siteCount, hostCount, kfactor, target, failureState, debug, false, null); } public LocalCluster(String jarFileName, int siteCount, int hostCount, int kfactor, BackendTarget target, FailureState failureState, boolean debug, boolean isRejoinTest, Map<String, String> env) { this(jarFileName, siteCount, hostCount, kfactor, 0, target, failureState, debug, isRejoinTest, env); } public LocalCluster(String jarFileName, int siteCount, int hostCount, int kfactor, int clusterId, BackendTarget target, FailureState failureState, boolean debug, boolean isRejoinTest, Map<String, String> env) { this(null, jarFileName, siteCount, hostCount, kfactor, clusterId, target, failureState, debug, isRejoinTest, env); } public LocalCluster(String schemaToStage, String catalogJarFileName, int siteCount, int hostCount, int kfactor, int clusterId, BackendTarget target, FailureState failureState, boolean debug, boolean isRejoinTest, Map<String, String> env) { if (schemaToStage == null) { assert catalogJarFileName != null : "Catalog jar file name is null"; setNewCli(isNewCli); } else { assert catalogJarFileName == null : "Cannot specify a pre-compiled catalog when using staged catalogs. You should put any stored procedures into the CLASSPATH."; setNewCli(true); m_usesStagedSchema = true; try { templateCmdLine.m_userSchema = VoltProjectBuilder.createFileForSchema(schemaToStage); log.info("LocalCluster staged schema as \"" + templateCmdLine.m_userSchema + "\""); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } assert siteCount > 0 : "site count is less than 0"; assert hostCount > 0 : "host count is less than 0"; numberOfCoordinators = hostCount <= 2 ? hostCount : hostCount <= 4 ? 2 : 3; internalPortGenerator = new InternalPortGeneratorForTest(portGenerator, numberOfCoordinators); m_additionalProcessEnv = env==null ? new HashMap<>() : env; if (Boolean.getBoolean(EELibraryLoader.USE_JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH)) { // set use.javalib for LocalCluster so that Eclipse runs will be OK. m_additionalProcessEnv.put(EELibraryLoader.USE_JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH, "true"); } // get the name of the calling class StackTraceElement[] traces = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(); m_callingClassName = "UnknownClass"; m_callingMethodName = "unknownMethod"; //ArrayUtils.reverse(traces); int i; // skip all stack frames below this method for (i = 0; ! traces[i].getClassName().equals(getClass().getName()); i++); // skip all stack frames from localcluster itself for (; traces[i].getClassName().equals(getClass().getName()); i++); // skip the package name int dot = traces[i].getClassName().lastIndexOf('.'); m_callingClassName = traces[i].getClassName().substring(dot + 1); m_callingMethodName = traces[i].getMethodName(); if (catalogJarFileName == null) { if (schemaToStage == null) { log.info("Instantiating empty LocalCluster with class.method: " + m_callingClassName + "." + m_callingMethodName); } else { log.info("Instantiating LocalCluster with schema and class.method: " + m_callingClassName + "." + m_callingMethodName); } } else { log.info("Instantiating LocalCluster for " + catalogJarFileName + " with class.method: " + m_callingClassName + "." + m_callingMethodName); } log.info("ClusterId: " + clusterId + " Sites: " + siteCount + " Hosts: " + hostCount + " ReplicationFactor: " + kfactor); m_cluster.ensureCapacity(hostCount); m_siteCount = siteCount; m_hostCount = hostCount; m_sitesperhostOverrides = Maps.newHashMap(); for (int hostId = 0; hostId < hostCount; hostId++) { m_sitesperhostOverrides.put(hostId, m_siteCount); } templateCmdLine.hostCount(hostCount); templateCmdLine.setMissingHostCount(m_missingHostCount); setEnableSSL(isEnableSSL); if (kfactor > 0 && !MiscUtils.isPro()) { m_kfactor = 0; } else { m_kfactor = kfactor; } m_clusterId = clusterId; m_debug = debug; m_jarFileName = catalogJarFileName; m_failureState = m_kfactor < 1 ? FailureState.ALL_RUNNING : failureState; m_pipes = new ArrayList<>(); m_cmdLines = new ArrayList<>(); // if the user wants valgrind and it makes sense, give it to 'em // For now only one host works. if (isMemcheckDefined() && (target == BackendTarget.NATIVE_EE_JNI) && m_hostCount == 1) { m_target = BackendTarget.NATIVE_EE_VALGRIND_IPC; } else { m_target = target; } String buildDir = System.getenv("VOLTDB_BUILD_DIR"); // via build.xml if (buildDir == null) { buildDir = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/obj/release"; } String classPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); if (m_jarFileName != null) { classPath += ":" + buildDir + File.separator + m_jarFileName; } classPath += ":" + buildDir + File.separator + "prod"; if (m_jarFileName != null) { // Remove the stored procedures from the classpath. Out-of-process nodes will // only be able to find procedures and dependent classes in the catalog, as intended classPath = classPath.replace(buildDir + File.separator + "testprocs:", ""); } // set the java lib path to the one for this process - Add obj/release/nativelibs String javaLibraryPath = System.getProperty("java.library.path"); if (javaLibraryPath == null || javaLibraryPath.trim().length() == 0) { javaLibraryPath = buildDir + "/nativelibs"; } else { javaLibraryPath += ":" + buildDir + "/nativelibs"; } // First try 'ant' syntax and then 'eclipse' syntax... String log4j = System.getProperty("log4j.configuration"); if (log4j == null) { log4j = "file://" + System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/tests/log4j-allconsole.xml"; } m_procBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(); // set the working directory to obj/release/prod //m_procBuilder.directory(new File(m_buildDir + File.separator + "prod")); m_procBuilder.redirectErrorStream(true); Thread shutdownThread = new Thread(new ShutDownHookThread()); java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(shutdownThread); this.templateCmdLine. addTestOptions(true). leader(""). target(m_target). startCommand(isNewCli() ? "probe" : "create"). jarFileName(VoltDB.Configuration.getPathToCatalogForTest(m_jarFileName)). buildDir(buildDir). classPath(classPath). pathToLicense(ServerThread.getTestLicensePath()). log4j(log4j). setForceVoltdbCreate(true); if (javaLibraryPath!=null) { templateCmdLine.javaLibraryPath(javaLibraryPath); } this.templateCmdLine.m_noLoadLibVOLTDB = m_target == BackendTarget.HSQLDB_BACKEND; // "tag" this command line so it's clear which test started it this.templateCmdLine.m_tag = m_callingClassName + ":" + m_callingMethodName; } /** Directs this LocalCluster to initialize one of its nodes with a different schema. * Only use this with NewCLI clusters that have an initialized schema. * * @pre the node specified is not running * @param mismatchSchema schema to put on one node, or null if node should be empty * @param nodeID node to put the mismatch, or null to re-enable matched schemas */ public void setMismatchSchemaForInit( String mismatchSchema, Integer nodeID ){ assert isNewCli(); assert m_usesStagedSchema; m_mismatchSchema = mismatchSchema; m_mismatchNode = nodeID; } public CommandLine getTemplateCommandLine() { return templateCmdLine; } public void setToStartPaused() { m_isPaused = true; } /** * Override the Valgrind backend with a JNI backend. * Called after a constructor but before startup. */ public void overrideAnyRequestForValgrind() { if (templateCmdLine.m_backend == BackendTarget.NATIVE_EE_VALGRIND_IPC) { m_target = BackendTarget.NATIVE_EE_JNI; templateCmdLine.m_backend = BackendTarget.NATIVE_EE_JNI; } } public void overrideStartCommandVerb(String verb) { if (verb == null || verb.trim().isEmpty()) return; this.templateCmdLine.startCommand(verb); } public void setCustomCmdLn(String customCmdLn) { templateCmdLine.customCmdLn(customCmdLn); } public void setJavaProperty(String property, String value) { templateCmdLine.setJavaProperty(property, value); } @Override public void setCallingMethodName(String name) { m_callingMethodName = name; } public boolean compile(VoltProjectBuilder builder, final String voltRootPath) { if (! m_compiled) { m_initialCatalog = builder.compile(templateCmdLine.jarFileName(), m_siteCount, m_hostCount, m_kfactor, voltRootPath, m_clusterId); m_compiled = m_initialCatalog != null; templateCmdLine.pathToDeployment(builder.getPathToDeployment()); m_voltdbroot = builder.getPathToVoltRoot().getAbsolutePath(); } return m_compiled; } @Override public boolean compile(VoltProjectBuilder builder) { if (!m_compiled) { m_initialCatalog = builder.compile(templateCmdLine.jarFileName(), m_siteCount, m_hostCount, m_kfactor, null, m_clusterId); m_compiled = m_initialCatalog != null; templateCmdLine.pathToDeployment(builder.getPathToDeployment()); m_voltdbroot = builder.getPathToVoltRoot().getAbsolutePath(); } return m_compiled; } @Override public boolean compileWithPartitionDetection(VoltProjectBuilder builder, String snapshotPath, String ppdPrefix) { if (!m_compiled) { m_compiled = builder.compile(templateCmdLine.jarFileName(), m_siteCount, m_hostCount, m_kfactor, null, m_clusterId, true, snapshotPath, ppdPrefix); templateCmdLine.pathToDeployment(builder.getPathToDeployment()); m_voltdbroot = builder.getPathToVoltRoot().getAbsolutePath(); } return m_compiled; } @Override public boolean compileWithAdminMode(VoltProjectBuilder builder, int adminPort, boolean adminOnStartup) { if (adminOnStartup) { setToStartPaused(); } if (!m_compiled) { m_initialCatalog = builder.compile(templateCmdLine.jarFileName(), m_siteCount, m_hostCount, m_kfactor, m_clusterId); m_compiled = m_initialCatalog != null; templateCmdLine.pathToDeployment(builder.getPathToDeployment()); m_voltdbroot = builder.getPathToVoltRoot().getAbsolutePath(); } return m_compiled; } @Override public void startUp() { startUp(true); } @Override public void startUp(boolean clearLocalDataDirectories) { //if cleardirectory is true we dont skip init. startUp(clearLocalDataDirectories, ! clearLocalDataDirectories); } public void setForceVoltdbCreate(boolean newVoltdb) { templateCmdLine.setForceVoltdbCreate(newVoltdb); } public void setDeploymentAndVoltDBRoot(String pathToDeployment, String pathToVoltDBRoot) { templateCmdLine.pathToDeployment(pathToDeployment); m_voltdbroot = pathToVoltDBRoot; m_compiled = true; } public void setFilePrefix(VoltFile filePrefix) { m_filePrefix = filePrefix; } public void setHostCount(int hostCount) { m_hostCount = hostCount; if (hostCount < numberOfCoordinators) { numberOfCoordinators = hostCount; } // Force recompilation m_compiled = false; } public void setReplicationPort(int port) { m_replicationPort = port; } private void startLocalServer(int hostId, boolean clearLocalDataDirectories) throws IOException { startLocalServer(hostId, clearLocalDataDirectories, templateCmdLine.m_startAction); } private void startLocalServer(int hostId, boolean clearLocalDataDirectories, StartAction action) throws IOException { // Generate a new root for the in-process server if clearing directories. File subroot = null; if (!isNewCli) { try { if (m_filePrefix != null) { subroot = m_filePrefix; m_subRoots.add(subroot); } else if (clearLocalDataDirectories) { subroot = VoltFile.initNewSubrootForThisProcess(); m_subRoots.add(subroot); } else { if (m_subRoots.size() <= hostId) { m_subRoots.add(VoltFile.initNewSubrootForThisProcess()); } subroot = m_subRoots.get(hostId); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // Make the local Configuration object... CommandLine cmdln = (templateCmdLine.makeCopy()); cmdln.startCommand(action); cmdln.setJavaProperty(clusterHostIdProperty, String.valueOf(hostId)); if (this.m_additionalProcessEnv != null) { for (String name : this.m_additionalProcessEnv.keySet()) { cmdln.setJavaProperty(name, this.m_additionalProcessEnv.get(name)); } } if (!isNewCli) { cmdln.voltFilePrefix(subroot.getPath()); } cmdln.internalPort(internalPortGenerator.nextInternalPort(hostId)); cmdln.coordinators(internalPortGenerator.getCoordinators()); cmdln.port(portGenerator.nextClient()); cmdln.adminPort(portGenerator.nextAdmin()); cmdln.zkport(portGenerator.nextZkPort()); cmdln.httpPort(portGenerator.nextHttp()); // replication port and its two automatic followers. cmdln.drAgentStartPort(m_replicationPort != -1 ? m_replicationPort : portGenerator.nextReplicationPort()); portGenerator.nextReplicationPort(); portGenerator.nextReplicationPort(); if (m_target == BackendTarget.NATIVE_EE_VALGRIND_IPC) { EEProcess proc = m_eeProcs.get(hostId); assert(proc != null); cmdln.m_ipcPort = proc.port(); } if (m_target == BackendTarget.NATIVE_EE_IPC) { cmdln.m_ipcPort = portGenerator.next(); } if ((m_versionOverrides != null) && (m_versionOverrides.length > hostId)) { assert(m_versionOverrides[hostId] != null); assert(m_versionCheckRegexOverrides[hostId] != null); cmdln.m_versionStringOverrideForTest = m_versionOverrides[hostId]; cmdln.m_versionCompatibilityRegexOverrideForTest = m_versionCheckRegexOverrides[hostId]; if ((m_buildStringOverrides != null) && (m_buildStringOverrides.length > hostId)) { assert(m_buildStringOverrides[hostId] != null); cmdln.m_buildStringOverrideForTest = m_buildStringOverrides[hostId]; } } if ((m_modeOverrides != null) && (m_modeOverrides.length > hostId)) { assert(m_modeOverrides[hostId] != null); cmdln.m_modeOverrideForTest = m_modeOverrides[hostId]; cmdln.m_isPaused = true; } if ((m_sitesperhostOverrides != null) && (m_sitesperhostOverrides.size() > hostId)) { assert(m_sitesperhostOverrides.containsKey(hostId)); cmdln.m_sitesperhost = m_sitesperhostOverrides.get(hostId); } // for debug, dump the command line to a unique file. // cmdln.dumpToFile("/Users/rbetts/cmd_" + Integer.toString(portGenerator.next())); m_cluster.add(null); m_pipes.add(null); m_cmdLines.add(cmdln); if (isNewCli) { cmdln.m_startAction = StartAction.PROBE; cmdln.enableAdd(action == StartAction.JOIN); cmdln.m_hostCount = m_hostCount; String hostIdStr = cmdln.getJavaProperty(clusterHostIdProperty); String root = m_hostRoots.get(hostIdStr); //For new CLI dont pass deployment for probe. cmdln.pathToDeployment(null); cmdln.voltdbRoot(root + File.separator + Constants.DBROOT); } m_localServer = new ServerThread(cmdln); if (m_usesStagedSchema) { // ServerThread sets this to true, always - override with our desired behavior. // Only do this for staged schema tests - preserve old behavior for others. cmdln.setForceVoltdbCreate(clearLocalDataDirectories); } m_localServer.start(); } /** Gets the voltdbroot directory for the specified host. * WARNING: behavior is inconsistent with {@link VoltFile#getServerSpecificRoot(String, boolean)}, * which returns the parent directory of voltdbroot. */ public String getServerSpecificRoot(String hostId) { if (!m_hostRoots.containsKey(hostId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("getServerSpecificRoot possibly called before cluster has started."); } assert( new File(m_hostRoots.get(hostId)).getName().equals(Constants.DBROOT) == false ) : m_hostRoots.get(hostId); return m_hostRoots.get(hostId) + File.separator + Constants.DBROOT; } void initLocalServer(int hostId, boolean clearLocalDataDirectories) throws IOException { // Make the local Configuration object... CommandLine cmdln = (templateCmdLine.makeCopy()); cmdln.startCommand(StartAction.INITIALIZE); cmdln.setJavaProperty(clusterHostIdProperty, String.valueOf(hostId)); if (this.m_additionalProcessEnv != null) { for (String name : this.m_additionalProcessEnv.keySet()) { cmdln.setJavaProperty(name, this.m_additionalProcessEnv.get(name)); } } if (new Integer(hostId).equals(m_mismatchNode)) { assert m_usesStagedSchema; cmdln.m_userSchema = m_mismatchSchema == null ? null : VoltProjectBuilder.createFileForSchema(m_mismatchSchema); } cmdln.setForceVoltdbCreate(clearLocalDataDirectories); //If we are initializing lets wait for it to finish. ServerThread th = new ServerThread(cmdln); File root = VoltFile.getServerSpecificRoot(String.valueOf(hostId), clearLocalDataDirectories); assert( root.getName().equals(Constants.DBROOT) == false ) : root.getAbsolutePath(); cmdln.voltdbRoot(new File(root, Constants.DBROOT)); try { th.initialize(); } catch (VoltDB.SimulatedExitException expected) { //All ok } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Failed to initialize cluster process:" + ex.getMessage(), ex); assert (false); } //Keep track by hostid the voltdbroot String hostIdStr = cmdln.getJavaProperty(clusterHostIdProperty); m_hostRoots.put(hostIdStr, root.getAbsolutePath()); } private boolean waitForAllReady() { if (!m_expectedToInitialize) { return true; } long startOfPipeWait = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean allReady = false; while ( ! allReady) { if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startOfPipeWait) > PIPE_WAIT_MAX_TIMEOUT) { return false; } allReady = true; for (PipeToFile pipeToFile : m_pipes) { if (pipeToFile == null) { continue; } synchronized(pipeToFile) { // if prtests/frontend/org/voltdb/regressionsuites/LocalCluster.javaocess is dead, no point in waiting around if (isProcessDead(pipeToFile.getProcess())) { // dead process means the other pipes won't start, // so bail here return false; } // if eof, then no point in waiting around if (pipeToFile.m_eof.get()) { continue; } // if not eof, then wait for statement of readiness if ( ! pipeToFile.m_witnessedReady.get()) { try { // use a timeout to prevent a forever hang pipeToFile.wait(250); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { log.error(ex.toString(), ex); } allReady = false; } } } } return true; } private void printTiming(boolean logtime, String msg) { if (logtime) { System.out.println("************ " + msg); } } public void startUp(boolean clearLocalDataDirectories, boolean skipInit) { if (m_running) { return; } VoltServerConfig.addInstance(this); // needs to be called before any call to pick a filename VoltDB.setDefaultTimezone(); if (m_isPaused) { // Set paused mode templateCmdLine.startPaused(); } System.out.println("New CLI options set to: " + isNewCli); // set to true to spew startup timing data boolean logtime = false; long startTime = 0; printTiming(logtime, "Starting cluster at: " + System.currentTimeMillis()); // clear any logs, export or snapshot data for this run if (clearLocalDataDirectories && !isNewCli) { try { m_subRoots.clear(); VoltFile.deleteAllSubRoots(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // reset the port generator. RegressionSuite always expects // to find ClientInterface and Admin mode on known ports. portGenerator.reset(); internalPortGenerator = new InternalPortGeneratorForTest(portGenerator, numberOfCoordinators); templateCmdLine.leaderPort(portGenerator.nextInternalPort()); templateCmdLine.coordinators(internalPortGenerator.getCoordinators()); m_eeProcs.clear(); int hostCount = m_hostCount - m_missingHostCount; for (int ii = 0; ii < hostCount; ii++) { String logfile = "LocalCluster_host_" + ii + ".log"; m_eeProcs.add(new EEProcess(templateCmdLine.target(), m_siteCount, logfile)); } m_pipes.clear(); m_cluster.clear(); m_cmdLines.clear(); int oopStartIndex = 0; // create the in-process server instance. if (m_hasLocalServer) { try { //Init if (isNewCli && !skipInit) { initLocalServer(oopStartIndex, clearLocalDataDirectories); } startLocalServer(oopStartIndex, clearLocalDataDirectories); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } ++oopStartIndex; } // create all the out-of-process servers for (int i = oopStartIndex; i < hostCount; i++) { try { if (isNewCli && !skipInit) { initOne(i, clearLocalDataDirectories); } String placementGroup = null; if (m_placementGroups != null && m_placementGroups.length == m_hostCount) { placementGroup = m_placementGroups[i]; } startOne(i, clearLocalDataDirectories, StartAction.CREATE, true, placementGroup); //wait before next one if (m_deplayBetweenNodeStartupMS > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(m_deplayBetweenNodeStartupMS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } } printTiming(logtime, "Pre-witness: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms"); boolean allReady = false; allReady = waitForAllReady(); printTiming(logtime, "Post-witness: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms"); // verify all processes started up and count failures int downProcesses = 0; for (Process proc : m_cluster) { if ((proc != null) && (isProcessDead(proc))) { downProcesses++; } } // throw an exception if there were failures starting up if ((downProcesses > 0) || ! allReady) { // poke all the external processes to die (no guarantees) for (Process proc : m_cluster) { if (proc != null) { try { proc.destroy(); } catch (Exception e) {} } } if (downProcesses > 0) { int expectedProcesses = m_hostCount - (m_hasLocalServer ? 1 : 0); if (!m_expectedToCrash) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format("%d/%d external processes failed to start", downProcesses, expectedProcesses)); } } // this error case should only be from a timeout else if (!allReady) { throw new RuntimeException( "One or more external processes failed to complete initialization."); } } // Finally, make sure the local server thread is running and wait if it is not. if (m_hasLocalServer) { m_localServer.waitForInitialization(); } printTiming(logtime, "DONE: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms"); m_running = true; // if supposed to kill a server, it's go time if (m_failureState != FailureState.ALL_RUNNING) { killOne(); } // after killing a server, bring it back in recovery mode if (m_failureState == FailureState.ONE_RECOVERING) { int hostId = m_hasLocalServer ? 1 : 0; recoverOne(logtime, startTime, hostId); } } private void killOne() { log.info("Killing one cluster member."); int procIndex = 0; if (m_hasLocalServer) { procIndex = 1; } Process proc = m_cluster.get(procIndex); proc.destroy(); int retval = 0; File valgrindOutputFile = null; try { retval = proc.waitFor(); EEProcess eeProc = m_eeProcs.get(procIndex); valgrindOutputFile = eeProc.waitForShutdown(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.info("External VoltDB process is acting crazy."); } finally { m_cluster.set(procIndex, null); } // exit code 143 is the forcible shutdown code from .destroy() if (retval != 0 && retval != 143) { log.info("killOne: External VoltDB process terminated abnormally with return: " + retval); } failIfValgrindErrors(valgrindOutputFile); } private void initOne(int hostId, boolean clearLocalDataDirectories) throws IOException { PipeToFile ptf = null; CommandLine cmdln = (templateCmdLine.makeCopy()); cmdln.setJavaProperty(clusterHostIdProperty, String.valueOf(hostId)); if (this.m_additionalProcessEnv != null) { for (String name : this.m_additionalProcessEnv.keySet()) { cmdln.setJavaProperty(name, this.m_additionalProcessEnv.get(name)); } } File root = null; try { //If clear clean VoltFile.getServerSpecificRoot(String.valueOf(hostId)) root = VoltFile.getServerSpecificRoot(String.valueOf(hostId), clearLocalDataDirectories); assert( root.getName().equals(Constants.DBROOT) == false ) : root.getAbsolutePath(); cmdln = cmdln.voltdbRoot(new File(root, Constants.DBROOT)); cmdln = cmdln.startCommand(StartAction.INITIALIZE); if (clearLocalDataDirectories) { cmdln.setForceVoltdbCreate(true); } else { cmdln.setForceVoltdbCreate(false); } if (new Integer(hostId).equals(m_mismatchNode)) { assert m_usesStagedSchema; cmdln.m_userSchema = m_mismatchSchema == null ? null : VoltProjectBuilder.createFileForSchema(m_mismatchSchema); } m_procBuilder.command().clear(); List<String> cmdlnList = cmdln.createCommandLine(); String cmdLineFull = "Init cmd host=" + String.valueOf(hostId) + " :"; for (String element : cmdlnList) { assert(element != null); cmdLineFull += " " + element; } log.info(cmdLineFull); m_procBuilder.command().addAll(cmdlnList); // write output to obj/release/testoutput/<test name>-n.txt // this may need to be more unique? Also very useful to just // set this to a hardcoded path and use "tail -f" to debug. String testoutputdir = cmdln.buildDir() + File.separator + "testoutput"; System.out.println("Process output will be redirected to: " + testoutputdir); // make sure the directory exists File dir = new File(testoutputdir); if (dir.exists()) { assert (dir.isDirectory()); } else { boolean status = dir.mkdirs(); assert (status); } File dirFile = new VoltFile(testoutputdir); if (dirFile.listFiles() != null) { for (File f : dirFile.listFiles()) { if (f.getName().startsWith(getName() + "-" + hostId)) { f.delete(); } } } Process proc = m_procBuilder.start(); String fileName = testoutputdir + File.separator + "LC-" + getFileName() + "-" + m_clusterId + "-init-" + hostId + "-" + "idx" + String.valueOf(perLocalClusterExtProcessIndex++) + ".txt"; System.out.println("Process output can be found in: " + fileName); ptf = new PipeToFile( fileName, proc.getInputStream(), String.valueOf(hostId), false, proc); ptf.setName("ClusterPipe:" + String.valueOf(hostId)); ptf.start(); proc.waitFor(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error("Failed to start cluster process:" + ex.getMessage(), ex); assert (false); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { log.error("Failed to start cluster process:" + ex.getMessage(), ex); assert (false); } if ( root != null ) { String hostIdStr = cmdln.getJavaProperty(clusterHostIdProperty); m_hostRoots.put(hostIdStr, root.getPath()); } } void startOne(int hostId, boolean clearLocalDataDirectories, StartAction startAction, boolean waitForReady, String placementGroup) throws IOException { PipeToFile ptf = null; CommandLine cmdln = (templateCmdLine.makeCopy()); cmdln.setJavaProperty(clusterHostIdProperty, String.valueOf(hostId)); if (isNewCli) { cmdln.m_startAction = StartAction.PROBE; cmdln.enableAdd(startAction == StartAction.JOIN); cmdln.hostCount(m_hostCount); String hostIdStr = cmdln.getJavaProperty(clusterHostIdProperty); String root = m_hostRoots.get(hostIdStr); //For new CLI dont pass deployment for probe. cmdln.voltdbRoot(root); cmdln.pathToDeployment(null); cmdln.setForceVoltdbCreate(clearLocalDataDirectories); } if (this.m_additionalProcessEnv != null) { for (String name : this.m_additionalProcessEnv.keySet()) { cmdln.setJavaProperty(name, this.m_additionalProcessEnv.get(name)); } } try { cmdln.internalPort(internalPortGenerator.nextInternalPort(hostId)); cmdln.coordinators(internalPortGenerator.getCoordinators()); if (m_replicationPort != -1) { int index = m_hasLocalServer ? hostId + 1 : hostId; cmdln.drAgentStartPort(m_replicationPort + index); } else { // set the dragent port. it uses the start value and // the next two sequential port numbers - so burn those two. cmdln.drAgentStartPort(portGenerator.nextReplicationPort()); portGenerator.next(); portGenerator.next(); } // add the ipc ports if (m_target == BackendTarget.NATIVE_EE_IPC) { // set 1 port for the EE process cmdln.ipcPort(portGenerator.next()); } if (m_target == BackendTarget.NATIVE_EE_VALGRIND_IPC) { EEProcess proc = m_eeProcs.get(hostId); assert(proc != null); cmdln.m_ipcPort = proc.port(); } cmdln.port(portGenerator.nextClient()); cmdln.adminPort(portGenerator.nextAdmin()); if (cmdln.m_httpPort != Constants.HTTP_PORT_DISABLED) cmdln.httpPort(portGenerator.nextHttp()); cmdln.timestampSalt(getRandomTimestampSalt()); cmdln.setPlacementGroup(placementGroup); if (m_debug) { cmdln.debugPort(portGenerator.next()); } cmdln.zkport(portGenerator.nextZkPort()); if (!isNewCli && startAction == StartAction.JOIN) { cmdln.startCommand(startAction); int portNoToRejoin = m_cmdLines.get(0).internalPort(); cmdln.leader(":" + portNoToRejoin); cmdln.enableAdd(true); } // If local directories are being cleared // generate a new subroot, otherwise reuse the existing directory File subroot = null; if (!isNewCli) { if (m_filePrefix != null) { subroot = m_filePrefix; m_subRoots.add(subroot); } else if (clearLocalDataDirectories) { subroot = VoltFile.getNewSubroot(); m_subRoots.add(subroot); } else { if (m_subRoots.size() <= hostId) { m_subRoots.add(VoltFile.getNewSubroot()); } subroot = m_subRoots.get(hostId); } cmdln.voltFilePrefix(subroot.getPath()); cmdln.voltRoot(subroot.getPath() + File.separator + m_voltdbroot); } if ((m_versionOverrides != null) && (m_versionOverrides.length > hostId)) { assert(m_versionOverrides[hostId] != null); assert(m_versionCheckRegexOverrides[hostId] != null); cmdln.m_versionStringOverrideForTest = m_versionOverrides[hostId]; cmdln.m_versionCompatibilityRegexOverrideForTest = m_versionCheckRegexOverrides[hostId]; if ((m_buildStringOverrides != null) && (m_buildStringOverrides.length > hostId)) { assert(m_buildStringOverrides[hostId] != null); cmdln.m_buildStringOverrideForTest = m_buildStringOverrides[hostId]; } } if ((m_modeOverrides != null) && (m_modeOverrides.length > hostId)) { assert(m_modeOverrides[hostId] != null); cmdln.m_modeOverrideForTest = m_modeOverrides[hostId]; } if ((m_sitesperhostOverrides != null) && (m_sitesperhostOverrides.size() > hostId)) { assert(m_sitesperhostOverrides.containsKey(hostId)); cmdln.m_sitesperhost = m_sitesperhostOverrides.get(hostId); } cmdln.setMissingHostCount(m_missingHostCount); m_cmdLines.add(cmdln); m_procBuilder.command().clear(); List<String> cmdlnList = cmdln.createCommandLine(); String cmdLineFull = "Start cmd host=" + String.valueOf(hostId) + " :"; for (String element : cmdlnList) { assert(element != null); cmdLineFull += " " + element; } log.info(cmdLineFull); System.out.println(cmdLineFull); m_procBuilder.command().addAll(cmdlnList); // write output to obj/release/testoutput/<test name>-n.txt // this may need to be more unique? Also very useful to just // set this to a hardcoded path and use "tail -f" to debug. String testoutputdir = cmdln.buildDir() + File.separator + "testoutput"; System.out.println("Process output will be redirected to: " + testoutputdir); // make sure the directory exists File dir = new File(testoutputdir); if (dir.exists()) { assert (dir.isDirectory()); } else { boolean status = dir.mkdirs(); assert (status); } File dirFile = new VoltFile(testoutputdir); if (dirFile.listFiles() != null) { for (File f : dirFile.listFiles()) { if (f.getName().startsWith(getName() + "-" + hostId)) { f.delete(); } } } Process proc = m_procBuilder.start(); m_cluster.add(proc); String fileName = testoutputdir + File.separator + "LC-" + getFileName() + "-" + m_clusterId + "-" + hostId + "-" + "idx" + String.valueOf(perLocalClusterExtProcessIndex++) + ".txt"; System.out.println("Process output can be found in: " + fileName); ptf = new PipeToFile( fileName, proc.getInputStream(), PipeToFile.m_initToken, false, proc); m_pipes.add(ptf); ptf.setName("ClusterPipe:" + String.valueOf(hostId)); ptf.start(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error("Failed to start cluster process:" + ex.getMessage(), ex); assert (false); } if (waitForReady && (startAction == StartAction.JOIN || startAction == StartAction.PROBE || startAction == StartAction.REJOIN)) { waitOnPTFReady(ptf, true, System.currentTimeMillis(), System.currentTimeMillis(), hostId); } if (hostId > (m_hostCount - 1)) { m_hostCount++; this.m_compiled = false; //Host count changed, should recompile } } public void setNumberOfCoordinators(int i) { checkArgument(i > 0 && i <= m_hostCount, "coordinators count %s must be greater than 0, and less or equal to host count %s", i, m_hostCount); numberOfCoordinators = i; } /** * Use the weird portable java way to figure out if a cluster is alive */ private boolean isProcessDead(Process p) { try { p.exitValue(); return true; // if no exception, process died } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) { return false; // process is still alive } } public boolean recoverOne(int hostId, Integer portOffset, String rejoinHost, boolean liveRejoin) { StartAction startAction = isNewCli ? StartAction.PROBE : (liveRejoin ? StartAction.LIVE_REJOIN : StartAction.REJOIN); return recoverOne( false, 0, hostId, portOffset, rejoinHost, startAction); } public void joinOne(int hostId) { try { if (isNewCli && !m_hostRoots.containsKey(Integer.toString(hostId))) { initLocalServer(hostId, true); } startOne(hostId, true, StartAction.JOIN, true, null); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } } public void joinOne(int hostId, String placementGroup) { try { if (isNewCli && !m_hostRoots.containsKey(Integer.toString(hostId))) { initLocalServer(hostId, true); } startOne(hostId, true, StartAction.JOIN, true, placementGroup); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } } //create a new node and join to the cluster via rejoin public void rejoinOne(int hostId) { try { if (isNewCli && !m_hostRoots.containsKey(Integer.toString(hostId))) { initLocalServer(hostId, true); } startOne(hostId, true, StartAction.REJOIN, true, null); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } } /** * join multiple nodes to the cluster * @param hostIds a set of new host ids */ public void join(Set<Integer> hostIds) { for (int hostId : hostIds) { try { if (isNewCli && !m_hostRoots.containsKey(Integer.toString(hostId))) { initLocalServer(hostId, true); } startOne(hostId, true, StartAction.JOIN, false, null); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } } waitForAllReady(); } /** * join multiple nodes to the cluster under their placement groups * @param hostIds a set of new host ids and their placement groups */ public void join(Map<Integer, String> hostIdByPlacementGroup) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : hostIdByPlacementGroup.entrySet()) { try { if (isNewCli && !m_hostRoots.containsKey(Integer.toString(entry.getKey()))) { initLocalServer(entry.getKey(), true); } startOne(entry.getKey(), true, StartAction.JOIN, false, entry.getValue()); if (m_deplayBetweenNodeStartupMS > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(m_deplayBetweenNodeStartupMS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } } waitForAllReady(); } public boolean recoverOne(int hostId, Integer portOffset, String rejoinHost) { return recoverOne(false, 0, hostId, portOffset, rejoinHost, StartAction.REJOIN); } private boolean recoverOne(boolean logtime, long startTime, int hostId) { return recoverOne( logtime, startTime, hostId, null, "", StartAction.REJOIN); } // Re-start a (dead) process. HostId is the enumberation of the host // in the cluster (0, 1, ... hostCount-1) -- not an hsid, for example. private boolean recoverOne(boolean logtime, long startTime, int hostId, Integer rejoinHostId, String rejoinHost, StartAction startAction) { // Lookup the client interface port of the rejoin host // I have no idea why this code ignores the user's input // based on other state in this class except to say that whoever wrote // it this way originally probably eats kittens and hates cake. if (rejoinHostId == null || m_hasLocalServer) { rejoinHostId = 0; } if (isNewCli) { //If this is new CLI we use probe startAction = StartAction.PROBE; } int portNoToRejoin = m_cmdLines.get(rejoinHostId).internalPort(); if (hostId == 0 && m_hasLocalServer) { templateCmdLine.leaderPort(portNoToRejoin); try { startLocalServer(rejoinHostId, false, startAction); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } return true; } log.info("Rejoining " + hostId + " to hostID: " + rejoinHostId); // rebuild the EE proc set. if (templateCmdLine.target().isIPC && m_eeProcs.contains(hostId)) { EEProcess eeProc = m_eeProcs.get(hostId); File valgrindOutputFile = null; try { valgrindOutputFile = eeProc.waitForShutdown(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } failIfValgrindErrors(valgrindOutputFile); } if (templateCmdLine.target().isIPC) { String logfile = "LocalCluster_host_" + hostId + ".log"; m_eeProcs.set(hostId, new EEProcess(templateCmdLine.target(), m_siteCount, logfile)); } PipeToFile ptf = null; long start = 0; try { CommandLine rejoinCmdLn = m_cmdLines.get(hostId); rejoinCmdLn.setForceVoltdbCreate(false); // some tests need this rejoinCmdLn.javaProperties = templateCmdLine.javaProperties; rejoinCmdLn.setJavaProperty(clusterHostIdProperty, String.valueOf(hostId)); rejoinCmdLn.startCommand(startAction); rejoinCmdLn.setJavaProperty(clusterHostIdProperty, String.valueOf(hostId)); // This shouldn't collide but apparently it sucks. // Bump it to avoid collisions on rejoin. if (m_debug) { rejoinCmdLn.debugPort(portGenerator.next()); } rejoinCmdLn.leader(rejoinHost + ":" + String.valueOf(portNoToRejoin)); rejoinCmdLn.m_port = portGenerator.nextClient(); rejoinCmdLn.m_adminPort = portGenerator.nextAdmin(); rejoinCmdLn.m_httpPort = portGenerator.nextHttp(); rejoinCmdLn.m_zkInterface = "" + portGenerator.next(); rejoinCmdLn.m_internalPort = internalPortGenerator.nextInternalPort(hostId); rejoinCmdLn.m_coordinators = internalPortGenerator.getCoordinators(); setPortsFromConfig(hostId, rejoinCmdLn); if (this.m_additionalProcessEnv != null) { for (String name : this.m_additionalProcessEnv.keySet()) { rejoinCmdLn.setJavaProperty(name, this.m_additionalProcessEnv.get(name)); } } //rejoin can hotfix if ((m_versionOverrides != null) && (m_versionOverrides.length > hostId)) { assert(m_versionOverrides[hostId] != null); assert(m_versionCheckRegexOverrides[hostId] != null); rejoinCmdLn.m_versionStringOverrideForTest = m_versionOverrides[hostId]; rejoinCmdLn.m_versionCompatibilityRegexOverrideForTest = m_versionCheckRegexOverrides[hostId]; if ((m_buildStringOverrides != null) && (m_buildStringOverrides.length > hostId)) { assert(m_buildStringOverrides[hostId] != null); rejoinCmdLn.m_buildStringOverrideForTest = m_buildStringOverrides[hostId]; } } //Rejoin does not do paused mode. //Rejoin mixed sitesperhost if ((m_sitesperhostOverrides != null) && (m_sitesperhostOverrides.size() > hostId)) { assert(m_sitesperhostOverrides.containsKey(hostId)); rejoinCmdLn.m_sitesperhost = m_sitesperhostOverrides.get(hostId); } List<String> rejoinCmdLnStr = rejoinCmdLn.createCommandLine(); String cmdLineFull = "Rejoin cmd line:"; for (String element : rejoinCmdLnStr) { cmdLineFull += " " + element; } log.info(cmdLineFull); m_procBuilder.command().clear(); m_procBuilder.command().addAll(rejoinCmdLnStr); Process proc = m_procBuilder.start(); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // write output to obj/release/testoutput/<test name>-n.txt // this may need to be more unique? Also very useful to just // set this to a hardcoded path and use "tail -f" to debug. String testoutputdir = rejoinCmdLn.buildDir() + File.separator + "testoutput"; // make sure the directory exists File dir = new File(testoutputdir); if (dir.exists()) { assert(dir.isDirectory()); } else { boolean status = dir.mkdirs(); assert(status); } ptf = new PipeToFile( testoutputdir + File.separator + "LC-" + getFileName() + "-" + hostId + "-" + "idx" + String.valueOf(perLocalClusterExtProcessIndex++) + ".rejoined.txt", proc.getInputStream(), PipeToFile.m_initToken, true, proc); synchronized (this) { m_pipes.set(hostId, ptf); // replace the existing dead proc m_cluster.set(hostId, proc); m_cmdLines.set(hostId, rejoinCmdLn); } Thread t = new Thread(ptf); t.setName("ClusterPipe:" + String.valueOf(hostId)); t.start(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error("Failed to start recovering cluster process:" + ex.getMessage(), ex); assert (false); } m_running = true; return waitOnPTFReady(ptf, logtime, startTime, start, hostId); } /* * Wait for the PTF to report initialization/rejoin */ private boolean waitOnPTFReady(PipeToFile ptf, boolean logtime, long startTime, long start, int hostId) { // wait for the joining site to be ready synchronized (ptf) { if (logtime) System.out.println("********** pre witness: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms"); while (ptf.m_witnessedReady.get() != true) { // if eof, then no point in waiting around if (ptf.m_eof.get()) { System.out.println("PipeToFile: Reported EOF"); break; } // if process is dead, no point in waiting around if (isProcessDead(ptf.getProcess())) { System.out.println("PipeToFile: Reported Dead Process"); break; } try { // wait for explicit notification ptf.wait(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { log.error(ex.toString(), ex); } } } if (ptf.m_witnessedReady.get()) { long finish = System.currentTimeMillis(); log.info("Took " + (finish - start) + " milliseconds, time from init was " + (finish - ptf.m_initTime)); return true; } log.info("Recovering process exited before recovery completed"); try { silentKillSingleHost(hostId, true); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } @Override synchronized public void shutDown() throws InterruptedException { // there are couple of ways to shutdown. sysproc @kill could be // issued to listener. this would require that the test didn't // break the cluster somehow. Or ... just old fashioned kill? try { if (m_localServer != null) { m_localServer.shutdown(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failure to shutdown LocalCluster's in-process VoltDB server.", e); } finally { m_running = false; } shutDownExternal(); VoltServerConfig.removeInstance(this); } public void killSingleHost(int hostNum) throws InterruptedException { log.info("Killing " + hostNum); if (hostNum == 0 && m_localServer != null) { m_localServer.shutdown(); } else { silentKillSingleHost(hostNum, false); } } private void silentKillSingleHost(int hostNum, boolean forceKillEEProcs) throws InterruptedException { Process proc = null; //PipeToFile ptf = null; EEProcess eeProc = null; PipeToFile ptf; synchronized (this) { proc = m_cluster.get(hostNum); //ptf = m_pipes.get(hostNum); m_cluster.set(hostNum, null); ptf = m_pipes.get(hostNum); m_pipes.set(hostNum, null); if (m_eeProcs.size() > hostNum) { eeProc = m_eeProcs.get(hostNum); } } if (ptf != null && ptf.m_filename != null) { //new File(ptf.m_filename).delete(); } if (proc != null) { proc.destroy(); proc.waitFor(); } // if (ptf != null) { // new File(ptf.m_filename).delete(); // } if (eeProc != null) { if (forceKillEEProcs) { eeProc.destroy(); } File valgrindOutputFile = eeProc.waitForShutdown(); failIfValgrindErrors(valgrindOutputFile); } } public void shutDownExternal() throws InterruptedException { shutDownExternal(false); } public void waitForNodesToShutdown() { if (m_cluster != null) { // join on all procs for (Process proc : m_cluster) { if (proc == null) continue; int retval = 0; try { retval = proc.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("Unable to wait for Localcluster process to die: " + proc.toString(), e); } // exit code 143 is the forcible shutdown code from .destroy() if (retval != 0 && retval != 143) { log.error("External VoltDB process terminated abnormally with return: " + retval); } } } if (m_cluster != null) m_cluster.clear(); for (EEProcess proc : m_eeProcs) { File valgrindOutputFile = null; try { valgrindOutputFile = proc.waitForShutdown(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("Unable to wait for EEProcess to die: " + proc.toString(), e); } failIfValgrindErrors(valgrindOutputFile); } m_eeProcs.clear(); m_running = false; } public synchronized void shutDownExternal(boolean forceKillEEProcs) { if (m_cluster != null) { // kill all procs for (Process proc : m_cluster) { if (proc == null) continue; proc.destroy(); } } waitForNodesToShutdown(); } @Override public String getListenerAddress(int hostId) { return getListenerAddress(hostId, false); } @Override public String getAdminAddress(int hostId) { return getListenerAddress(hostId, true); } private String getListenerAddress(int hostId, boolean useAdmin) { if (!m_running) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < m_cmdLines.size(); i++) { CommandLine cl = m_cmdLines.get(i); String hostIdStr = cl.getJavaProperty(clusterHostIdProperty); if (hostIdStr.equals(String.valueOf(hostId))) { Process p = m_cluster.get(i); // if the process is alive, or is the in-process server if ((p != null) || (i == 0 && m_hasLocalServer)) { return "localhost:" + (useAdmin ? cl.m_adminPort : cl.m_port); } } } return null; } @Override public int getListenerCount() { return m_cmdLines.size(); } @Override public List<String> getListenerAddresses() { if (!m_running) { return null; } ArrayList<String> listeners = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < m_cmdLines.size(); i++) { CommandLine cl = m_cmdLines.get(i); Process p = m_cluster.get(i); // if the process is alive, or is the in-process server if ((p != null) || (i == 0 && m_hasLocalServer)) { listeners.add("localhost:" + cl.m_port); } } return listeners; } /** * This is used in generating the cluster name, to * avoid name conflicts between LocalCluster instances * that have the same site-host-Kfactor configuration, * but have other configuration differences. This could * be used to differentiate between LocalCluster instances * with different initial JVM properties through m_additionalProcessEnv, * for example. * @param prefix */ public void setPrefix(String prefix) { m_prefix = prefix; } @Override public String getName() { String prefix = (m_prefix == null) ? "localCluster" : String.format("localCluster-%s", m_prefix); if (m_failureState == FailureState.ONE_FAILURE) prefix += "OneFail"; if (m_failureState == FailureState.ONE_RECOVERING) prefix += "OneRecov"; return prefix + "-" + String.valueOf(m_siteCount) + "-" + String.valueOf(m_hostCount) + "-" + templateCmdLine.target().display.toUpperCase(); } String getFileName() { String prefix = m_callingClassName + "-" + m_callingMethodName; if (m_failureState == FailureState.ONE_FAILURE) prefix += "-OneFail"; if (m_failureState == FailureState.ONE_RECOVERING) prefix += "-OneRecov"; return prefix + "-" + String.valueOf(m_siteCount) + "-" + String.valueOf(m_hostCount) + "-" + templateCmdLine.target().display.toUpperCase(); } @Override public int getNodeCount() { return m_hostCount; } public boolean areAllNonLocalProcessesDead() { for (Process proc : m_cluster){ try { if (proc != null) { proc.exitValue(); } } catch (IllegalThreadStateException ex) { return false; } } return true; } public int getLiveNodeCount() { int count = 0; if (m_hasLocalServer) { count++; } if (m_cluster != null) { for (Process proc : m_cluster) { try { if (proc != null) { proc.exitValue(); } } catch (IllegalThreadStateException ex) { // not dead yet! count++; } } } return count; } public int getBlessedPartitionDetectionProcId() { int currMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int currMinIdx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_pipes.size(); i++) { PipeToFile p = m_pipes.get(i); System.out.println("Index " + i + " had hostid: " + p.getHostId()); if (p.getHostId() < currMin) { currMin = p.getHostId(); currMinIdx = i; System.out.println("Setting index: " + i + " to blessed."); } } return currMinIdx; } @Override public void finalize() throws Throwable { try { shutDownExternal(); } finally { super.finalize(); } } class ShutDownHookThread implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { shutDownExternal(true); } } @Override public boolean isHSQL() { return templateCmdLine.target() == BackendTarget.HSQLDB_BACKEND; } public void setOverridesForHotfix(String[] versions, String[] regexOverrides, String[] buildStrings) { assert(buildStrings != null); m_buildStringOverrides = buildStrings; setOverridesForHotfix(versions, regexOverrides); } public void setOverridesForHotfix(String[] versions, String[] regexOverrides) { assert(versions != null); assert(regexOverrides != null); assert(versions.length == regexOverrides.length); m_versionOverrides = versions; m_versionCheckRegexOverrides = regexOverrides; } public void setOverridesForModes(String[] modes) { assert(modes != null); m_modeOverrides = modes; } public void setOverridesForSitesperhost(Map<Integer, Integer> sphMap) { assert(sphMap != null); assert(!sphMap.isEmpty()); m_sitesperhostOverrides = sphMap; } public void setPlacementGroups(String[] placementGroups) { this.m_placementGroups = placementGroups; } @Override public void setMaxHeap(int heap) { templateCmdLine.setMaxHeap(heap); } public String getPathToDeployment() { return templateCmdLine.pathToDeployment(); } public String zkinterface(int hostId) { return m_cmdLines.get(hostId).zkinterface(); } public int drAgentStartPort(int hostId) { return m_cmdLines.get(hostId).drAgentStartPort(); } public int internalPort(int hostId) { return m_cmdLines.get(hostId).internalPort(); } public NavigableSet<String> coordinators(int hostId) { return m_cmdLines.get(hostId).coordinators(); } public int port(int hostId) { return m_cmdLines.get(hostId).port(); } public int adminPort(int hostId) { return m_cmdLines.get(hostId).adminPort(); } public void setPortsFromConfig(int hostId, VoltDB.Configuration config) { CommandLine cl = m_cmdLines.get(hostId); assert(cl != null); cl.m_port = config.m_port; cl.m_adminPort = config.m_adminPort; cl.m_zkInterface = config.m_zkInterface; cl.m_internalPort = config.m_internalPort; cl.m_leader = config.m_leader; cl.m_coordinators = ImmutableSortedSet.copyOf(config.m_coordinators); } public static boolean isMemcheckDefined() { final String buildType = System.getenv().get("BUILD"); if (buildType == null) { return false; } return buildType.toLowerCase().startsWith("memcheck"); } @Override public boolean isValgrind() { System.out.println("----templateCmdLine.m_backend=" + templateCmdLine.m_backend); return templateCmdLine.m_backend == BackendTarget.NATIVE_EE_VALGRIND_IPC; } public static boolean isDebugDefined() { final String buildType = System.getenv().get("BUILD"); if (buildType == null) { return false; } return buildType.toLowerCase().startsWith("debug"); } @Override public boolean isDebug() { return isDebugDefined(); } @Override public void createDirectory(File path) throws IOException { for (File root : m_subRoots) { File actualPath = new File(root, path.getPath()); if (!actualPath.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException(); } } } @Override public void deleteDirectory(File path) throws IOException { for (File root : m_subRoots) { File actualPath = new File(root, path.getPath()); VoltFile.recursivelyDelete(actualPath); } } @Override public ArrayList<File> listFiles(File path) throws IOException { ArrayList<File> files = new ArrayList<>(); for (File root : m_subRoots) { File actualPath = new File(root, path.getPath()); for (File f : actualPath.listFiles()) { files.add(f); } } return files; } @Override public File[] getPathInSubroots(File path) throws IOException { File retval[] = new File[m_subRoots.size()]; for (int ii = 0; ii < m_subRoots.size(); ii++) { retval[ii] = new File(m_subRoots.get(ii), path.getPath()); } return retval; } /** * @return the m_expectedToCrash */ public boolean isExpectedToCrash() { return m_expectedToCrash; } /** * @param m_expectedToCrash the m_expectedToCrash to set */ public void setExpectedToCrash(boolean expectedToCrash) { this.m_expectedToCrash = expectedToCrash; } /** * @return the m_expectedToInitialize */ public boolean isExpectedToInitialize() { return m_expectedToInitialize; } /** * @param m_expectedToInitialize the m_expectedToInitialize to set */ public void setExpectedToInitialize(boolean expectedToInitialize) { this.m_expectedToInitialize = expectedToInitialize; } /** * @param watcher watcher to attach to active output pipes */ public void setOutputWatcher(OutputWatcher watcher) { for (PipeToFile pipe : m_pipes) { if (pipe != null) { pipe.setWatcher(watcher); } } } @Override public int getLogicalPartitionCount() { return (m_siteCount * m_hostCount) / (m_kfactor + 1); } /** * Parse the output file produced by valgrind and produce a JUnit failure if * valgrind found any errors. * * Deletes the valgrind file if there are no errors. * * @param valgrindOutputFile */ public static void failIfValgrindErrors(File valgrindOutputFile) { if (valgrindOutputFile == null) { return; } List<String> valgrindErrors = new ArrayList<>(); ValgrindXMLParser.processValgrindOutput(valgrindOutputFile, valgrindErrors); if (!valgrindErrors.isEmpty()) { String failString = ""; for (final String error : valgrindErrors) { failString = failString + "\n" + error; } org.junit.Assert.fail(failString); } else { valgrindOutputFile.delete(); } } // Use this for optionally enabling localServer in one of the DR clusters (usually for debugging) public static LocalCluster createLocalCluster(String schemaDDL, int siteCount, int hostCount, int kfactor, int clusterId, int replicationPort, int remoteReplicationPort, String pathToVoltDBRoot, String jar, boolean isReplica) throws IOException { return createLocalCluster(schemaDDL, siteCount, hostCount, kfactor, clusterId, replicationPort, remoteReplicationPort, pathToVoltDBRoot, jar, isReplica ? DrRoleType.REPLICA : DrRoleType.MASTER, false); } public static LocalCluster createLocalCluster(String schemaDDL, int siteCount, int hostCount, int kfactor, int clusterId, int replicationPort, int remoteReplicationPort, String pathToVoltDBRoot, String jar, DrRoleType drRole, boolean hasLocalServer) throws IOException { VoltProjectBuilder builder = new VoltProjectBuilder(); return createLocalCluster(schemaDDL, siteCount, hostCount, kfactor, clusterId, replicationPort, remoteReplicationPort, pathToVoltDBRoot, jar, drRole, hasLocalServer, builder); } public static LocalCluster createLocalCluster(String schemaDDL, int siteCount, int hostCount, int kfactor, int clusterId, int replicationPort, int remoteReplicationPort, String pathToVoltDBRoot, String jar, DrRoleType drRole, boolean hasLocalServer, VoltProjectBuilder builder) throws IOException { return createLocalCluster(schemaDDL, siteCount, hostCount, kfactor, clusterId, replicationPort, remoteReplicationPort, pathToVoltDBRoot, jar, drRole, hasLocalServer, builder, null); } public static LocalCluster createLocalCluster(String schemaDDL, int siteCount, int hostCount, int kfactor, int clusterId, int replicationPort, int remoteReplicationPort, String pathToVoltDBRoot, String jar, DrRoleType drRole, boolean hasLocalServer, String callingMethodName) throws IOException { VoltProjectBuilder builder = new VoltProjectBuilder(); return createLocalCluster(schemaDDL, siteCount, hostCount, kfactor, clusterId, replicationPort, remoteReplicationPort, pathToVoltDBRoot, jar, drRole, hasLocalServer, builder, callingMethodName); } public static LocalCluster createLocalCluster(String schemaDDL, int siteCount, int hostCount, int kfactor, int clusterId, int replicationPort, int remoteReplicationPort, String pathToVoltDBRoot, String jar, DrRoleType drRole, boolean hasLocalServer, VoltProjectBuilder builder, String callingMethodName) throws IOException { LocalCluster lc = compileBuilder(schemaDDL, siteCount, hostCount, kfactor, clusterId, replicationPort, remoteReplicationPort, pathToVoltDBRoot, jar, drRole, builder, callingMethodName); System.out.println("Starting local cluster."); lc.setHasLocalServer(hasLocalServer); lc.overrideAnyRequestForValgrind(); lc.setJavaProperty("DR_QUERY_INTERVAL", "5"); lc.setJavaProperty("DR_RECV_TIMEOUT", "5000"); if (!lc.isNewCli()) { lc.setDeploymentAndVoltDBRoot(builder.getPathToDeployment(), pathToVoltDBRoot); lc.startUp(false); } else { lc.startUp(true); } for (int i = 0; i < hostCount; i++) { System.out.printf("Local cluster node[%d] ports: %d, %d, %d, %d\n", i, lc.internalPort(i), lc.adminPort(i), lc.port(i), lc.drAgentStartPort(i)); } return lc; } public void compileDeploymentOnly(VoltProjectBuilder voltProjectBuilder) { // NOTE: voltDbRoot must be set prior to calling this method if you care about it. // When this method was written no users cared about the deployment's voltdbroot path, // since staged catalog tests use multi-node clusters with node specific voltdbroots. templateCmdLine.pathToDeployment(voltProjectBuilder.compileDeploymentOnly(m_voltdbroot, m_hostCount, m_siteCount, m_kfactor, m_clusterId)); m_compiled = true; } public static LocalCluster compileBuilder(String schemaDDL, int siteCount, int hostCount, int kfactor, int clusterId, int replicationPort, int remoteReplicationPort, String pathToVoltDBRoot, String jar, DrRoleType drRole, VoltProjectBuilder builder, String callingMethodName) throws IOException { builder.addLiteralSchema(schemaDDL); builder.setDrProducerEnabled(); if (drRole == DrRoleType.REPLICA) { builder.setDrReplica(); } else if (drRole == DrRoleType.XDCR) { builder.setXDCR(); } if (remoteReplicationPort != 0) { builder.setDRMasterHost("localhost:" + remoteReplicationPort); } LocalCluster lc = new LocalCluster(jar, siteCount, hostCount, kfactor, clusterId, BackendTarget.NATIVE_EE_JNI, false); lc.setReplicationPort(replicationPort); if (callingMethodName != null) { lc.setCallingMethodName(callingMethodName); } assert(lc.compile(builder, pathToVoltDBRoot)); return lc; } public Client createClient(ClientConfig config) throws IOException { Client client = ClientFactory.createClient(config); for (String address : getListenerAddresses()) { client.createConnection(address); } return client; } public Client createAdminClient(ClientConfig config) throws IOException { Client client = ClientFactory.createClient(config); client.createConnection(getAdminAddress(0)); return client; } public void setDeplayBetweenNodeStartup(long deplayBetweenNodeStartup) { m_deplayBetweenNodeStartupMS = deplayBetweenNodeStartup; } }