package com.bddinaction.flyinghigh.jbehave.steps; import org.jbehave.core.annotations.Given; import org.jbehave.core.annotations.Then; import org.jbehave.core.annotations.When; import org.junit.Assert; import java.util.Date; import static; public class EarningPointsFromFlights { @Given("the flying distance between $departure and $destination is $distance km") public void define_flying_distance(String departure, String destination, int distance) { } @When("I fly from $departure to $destination on $date$") public void I_fly_from(String departure, String destination, Date date) throws Throwable { } @Then("I should earn $points points") public void I_should_earn_points(int points) throws Throwable { Assert.assertThat(points, is(points)); } @Then("I should earn a status bonus of <bonus>") public void I_should_earn_a_status_bonus_of(int bonus) throws Throwable { } @When("I fly on a flight that is worth <base> base points") public void I_fly_on_a_flight_that_is_worth_base_base_points() throws Throwable { } @When("I fly on a flight that is worth $points base points") public void I_fly_on_a_flight_that_is_worth_base_points(int points) throws Throwable { } @Then("I should have guaranteed minimum earned points per trip of $minimum") public void I_should_have_guaranteed_minimum_earned_points_per_trip_of(int minimum) throws Throwable { } @Then("I should earn $total points in all") public void I_should_earn_points_in_all(int total) throws Throwable { } @Given("we can earn points with partners") public void partnerFeatureAvailable() { // TODO: Doesn't work properly yet // Assume.assumeTrue("The partner feature is ready", false); } }