package net.thucydides.core.reports.adaptors.specflow; import; import; import; import net.thucydides.core.ThucydidesSystemProperty; import net.thucydides.core.guice.Injectors; import net.thucydides.core.util.EnvironmentVariables; import net.thucydides.core.util.Inflector; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import java.util.List; public class SpecflowScenarioTitleLine { public static final String START_ARGUMENT = "("; public static final char ESCAPE_CHAR = '\\'; public static final char STRING_SEP = '"'; public static final char ARG_SEP = ','; public static final char END_ARGUMENT = ')'; public static final String NULL = "null"; private final String scenarioTitle; private final String storyTitle; private final String storyPath; private final List<String> parameters; private final Inflector inflector = new Inflector(); private final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables; public SpecflowScenarioTitleLine(String titleLine, EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables) { List<String> titleElements = elementsFrom(stripLead(titleLine)); this.environmentVariables = environmentVariables; scenarioTitle = scenarioTitleIn(Lists.reverse(titleElements).get(0)); storyTitle = storyTitleIn(titleElements); storyPath = pathFrom(titleElements); parameters = argumentsFrom(titleLine); } /** * From a title line that looks like: * ***** ESD.Epp.RegularPaymentCapture.SpecFlow.Features.RegularPaymentGroupServiceCallsFeature.PopulateBusinessTransactionAndPaymentTypeDropDownLists("Inputter","Funds Transfer between Own Accounts","N/A","Funds Transfer",null) * returns a list of string: ["Inputter","Funds Transfer between Own Accounts","N/A","Funds Transfer",""] * It assumes that the escape character is '\' and it replaces null by an empty string * @param titleLine the title line * @return a list of argumenents */ private List<String> argumentsFrom(String titleLine) { if(!titleLine.contains(START_ARGUMENT)) { return Lists.newArrayList(); } String argumentString = titleLine.substring(titleLine.indexOf(START_ARGUMENT) + 1, titleLine.lastIndexOf(END_ARGUMENT)); List<String> result = Lists.newArrayList(); StringBuilder currentResult = new StringBuilder(); boolean inString = false; for (int i = 0; i < argumentString.length(); i++) { Character c = argumentString.charAt(i); if(c == ESCAPE_CHAR) { i++; currentResult.append(argumentString.charAt(i)); } else if(c == STRING_SEP){//this should happen only while parsing string inString = !inString; } else if(c == ARG_SEP && !inString) { addResult(result, currentResult); currentResult = new StringBuilder(); } else { currentResult.append(c); } } if(currentResult.length() != 0) { addResult(result, currentResult); } return result; } private void addResult(List<String> result, StringBuilder currentResult) { String s = currentResult.toString(); if(s.equals(NULL)) { s = ""; } result.add(s); } public SpecflowScenarioTitleLine(String titleLine) { this(titleLine, Injectors.getInjector().getProvider(EnvironmentVariables.class).get() ); } private String pathFrom(List<String> titleElements) { List<String> pathElements = Lists.newArrayList(titleElements); pathElements.remove(pathElements.size() - 1); pathElements = removeExcludedElementsFrom(pathElements); return Joiner.on(".").join(pathElements); } private List<String> removeExcludedElementsFrom(List<String> pathElements) { List<String> purgedPathElements = Lists.newArrayList(pathElements); String excludedElementConfiguration = environmentVariables.getProperty(ThucydidesSystemProperty.THUCYDIDES_REQUIREMENT_EXCLUSIONS,""); List<String> excludedElements = Lists.newArrayList(Splitter.on(",") .trimResults() .omitEmptyStrings() .split(excludedElementConfiguration)); purgedPathElements.removeAll(excludedElements); return purgedPathElements; } private String storyTitleIn(List<String> titleElements) { List<String> reverseTitleElements = Lists.reverse(titleElements); return inflector.of(reverseTitleElements.get(1)).inHumanReadableForm().toString(); } private String scenarioTitleIn(String titleElement) { return Splitter.on("(").split(titleElement).iterator().next(); } private List<String> elementsFrom(String titleElements) { return Lists.newCopyOnWriteArrayList(Splitter.on(".").split(titleElements)); } private String stripLead(String titleLine) { return StringUtils.strip(titleLine, "* "); } public String getScenarioTitle() { return scenarioTitle; } public String getStoryTitle() { return storyTitle; } public String getStoryPath() { return storyPath; } public String getTitleName() { return storyPath + "." + scenarioTitle; } public List getArguments() { return parameters; } public String getRowTitle() { return scenarioTitle + "[" + getArguments() + "]"; } }