package net.thucydides.samples; import net.thucydides.core.annotations.*; import net.thucydides.core.pages.Pages; import net.thucydides.core.steps.ScenarioSteps; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static; public class SampleWebdriverScenarioSteps extends ScenarioSteps { public SampleWebdriverScenarioSteps(Pages pages) { super(pages); } @Steps public SampleScenarioNestedSteps nestedSteps; @Step @TestsRequirement("LOW_LEVEL_BUSINESS_RULE") public void stepThatSucceeds() { } @Step @TestsRequirements({"LOW_LEVEL_BUSINESS_RULE_1","LOW_LEVEL_BUSINESS_RULE_2"}) public void anotherStepThatSucceeds() { } @Step public void stepThree(String option) { } @Step public void stepWithParameters(String option1, Integer option2) { } @Step public void stepThatFails() { assertThat(1, is(2)); } @Step public void stepFour(String option) { } @Step public void stepThatShouldBeSkipped() { } @StepGroup("Nested group of steps") public void stepThatCallsNestedSteps() { nestedSteps.stepThatSucceeds(); nestedSteps.anotherStepThatSucceeds(); } @Step("A pending step") @Pending public void stepThatIsPending() { } @Step @Ignore public void stepThatIsIgnored() { } public void anUnannotatedMethod() { } @Step public void stepWithAParameter(String value) { } @Step public void stepWithTwoParameters(String value, int number) { } @StepGroup("Group of steps") public void groupOfStepsContainingAFailure() { stepThatSucceeds(); stepThatFails(); stepThatShouldBeSkipped(); } @StepGroup("Another group of steps") public void anotherGroupOfSteps() { stepThatSucceeds(); anotherStepThatSucceeds(); stepThatIsPending(); } @StepGroup("Group of steps") public void groupOfStepsContainingAnError() { stepThatSucceeds(); anotherStepThatSucceeds(); String nullString = null; int thisShouldFail = nullString.length(); } @Step public void stepThatFailsWithWebdriverException() { throw new NoSuchElementException("No such element"); } @Step public void stepThatFailsWithRuntimeException() { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Something nasty went wrong"); } }