package net.thucydides.core.requirements.model; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import*; import java.util.List; import static net.thucydides.core.requirements.RequirementsPath.fileSystemPathElements; /** * Load a narrative text from a directory. * A narrative is a text file that describes a requirement, feature, or epic, or whatever terms you are using in your * project. The directory structure itself is used to organize capabilities into features, and so on. At the leaf * level, the directory will contain story files (e.g. JBehave stories, JUnit test cases, etc). At each level, a * "narrative.txt" file provides a description. * */ public class NarrativeReader { private static final String NEW_LINE = System.getProperty("line.separator"); private static final String BACKSLASH = "\\\\"; private static final String FORWARDSLASH = "/"; private final String rootDirectory; private final List<String> requirementTypes; protected NarrativeReader(String rootDirectory, List<String> requirementTypes) { this.rootDirectory = rootDirectory; this.requirementTypes = ImmutableList.copyOf(requirementTypes); } public static NarrativeReader forRootDirectory(String rootDirectory) { return new NarrativeReader(rootDirectory, RequirementsConfiguration.DEFAULT_CAPABILITY_TYPES); } public NarrativeReader withRequirementTypes(List<String> requirementTypes) { return new NarrativeReader(this.rootDirectory, requirementTypes); } public Optional<Narrative> loadFrom(File directory) { return loadFrom(directory, 0); } public Optional<Narrative> loadFrom(File directory, int requirementsLevel) { File[] narrativeFiles = directory.listFiles(calledNarrativeDotTxt()); if (narrativeFiles.length == 0) { return Optional.absent(); } else { return narrativeLoadedFrom(narrativeFiles[0], requirementsLevel); } } public Optional<Narrative> loadFromStoryFile(File storyFile) { return narrativeLoadedFrom(storyFile, "story"); } private Optional<Narrative> narrativeLoadedFrom(File narrativeFile, int requirementsLevel) { String type = directoryLevelInRequirementsHierarchy(narrativeFile, requirementsLevel); return narrativeLoadedFrom(narrativeFile, type); } private Optional<Narrative> narrativeLoadedFrom(File narrativeFile, String type) { try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(narrativeFile), "UTF-8")); List<String> lines = readPreambleFrom(reader); String title = null; String cardNumber = findCardNumberIn(lines); List<String> versionNumbers = findVersionNumberIn(lines); Optional<String> titleLine = readOptionalTitleFrom(lines); if (titleLine.isPresent()) { title = titleLine.get(); } String text = readNarrativeFrom(lines); reader.close(); return Optional.of(new Narrative(Optional.fromNullable(title), Optional.fromNullable(cardNumber), versionNumbers, type, text)); } catch(IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return Optional.absent(); } private String findCardNumberIn(List<String> lines) { String cardNumber = null; for(String line: lines) { String normalizedLine = line.toUpperCase(); if (normalizedLine.startsWith("@ISSUES")) { String issueList = normalizedLine.replace("@ISSUES","").trim(); List<String> issues = Lists.newArrayList(Splitter.on(",").trimResults().split(issueList)); if (!issues.isEmpty()) { cardNumber = issues.get(0); } } else if (normalizedLine.startsWith("@ISSUE")) { String issueNumber = normalizedLine.replace("@ISSUE","").trim(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(issueNumber)) { cardNumber = issueNumber; } } } return cardNumber; } private List<String> findVersionNumberIn(List<String> lines) { for(String line: lines) { String normalizedLine = line.toUpperCase(); if (normalizedLine.startsWith("@VERSIONS")) { String versionList = line.substring("@VERSIONS".length()).trim(); return Lists.newArrayList(Splitter.on(",").trimResults().split(versionList)); } } return ImmutableList.of(); } private String readNarrativeFrom(List<String> lines) { StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder(); for(String line : lines) { if (!isMarkup(line) && !isAnnotation(line)) { description.append(line); description.append(NEW_LINE); } } return description.toString(); } private boolean isAnnotation(String line) { return normalizedLine(line).startsWith("@"); } private Optional<String> readOptionalTitleFrom(List<String> lines) { if (!lines.isEmpty()) { String firstLine = lines.get(0); if (!isMarkup(firstLine)) { lines.remove(0); return Optional.of(stripFeatureFrom(firstLine)); } } return Optional.absent(); } private String stripFeatureFrom(String firstLine) { return (firstLine.toLowerCase().startsWith("feature:")) ? firstLine.substring(8).trim() : firstLine; } private boolean isMarkup(String line) { String normalizedLine = normalizedLine(line); return normalizedLine.startsWith("narrative:") || normalizedLine.startsWith("givenstory:") || normalizedLine.startsWith("meta") || normalizedLine.startsWith("@") || normalizedLine.startsWith("givenstories:"); } private List<String> readPreambleFrom(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { List<String> usefulLines = Lists.newArrayList(); boolean preambleFinished = false; while (!preambleFinished) { String nextLine = reader.readLine(); if (nextLine == null) { preambleFinished = true; } else { if (preambleFinishedAt(nextLine)) { preambleFinished = true; } else if (thereIsUsefulInformationIn(nextLine)) { usefulLines.add(nextLine); } } } return usefulLines; } private boolean preambleFinishedAt(String nextLine) { return normalizedLine(nextLine).startsWith("scenario:"); } private String normalizedLine(String nextLine) { return nextLine.trim().toLowerCase(); } private boolean thereIsUsefulInformationIn(String nextLine) { String normalizedText = normalizedLine(nextLine); return !normalizedText.isEmpty() && !normalizedText.startsWith("meta:") && !(normalizedText.startsWith("@") && (!normalizedText.startsWith("@issue") && (!normalizedText.startsWith("@versions")))); } private String directoryLevelInRequirementsHierarchy(File narrativeFile, int requirementsLevel) { String normalizedNarrativePath = normalized(narrativeFile.getAbsolutePath()); String normalizedRootPath = normalized(rootDirectory); int rootDirectoryStart = normalizedNarrativePath.lastIndexOf(normalizedRootPath); int rootDirectoryEnd = (rootDirectoryStart >= 0) ? rootDirectoryStart + normalizedRootPath.length() : 0; String relativeNarrativePath = normalizedNarrativePath.substring(rootDirectoryEnd); int directoryCount = fileSystemPathElements(relativeNarrativePath).size() - 1; int level = requirementsLevel + directoryCount - 1; return getRequirementTypeForLevel(level); } private String normalized(String path) { return path.replaceAll(BACKSLASH, FORWARDSLASH); } private String getRequirementTypeForLevel(int level) { if (level > requirementTypes.size() - 1) { return requirementTypes.get(requirementTypes.size() - 1); } else { return requirementTypes.get(level); } } private FilenameFilter calledNarrativeDotTxt() { return new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File file, String name) { return name.toLowerCase().equals("narrative.txt"); } }; } }