package net.thucydides.junit.rules; import net.thucydides.core.guice.Injectors; import net.thucydides.core.util.EnvironmentVariables; import org.junit.rules.MethodRule; import org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod; import org.junit.runners.model.Statement; /** * Conserves the webdriver-related system properties (webdriver.*). * If they were defined, they will be restored to their old values. * If they where not defined before a test, they will be deleted. * * @author johnsmart */ public class DisableThucydidesHistoryRule implements MethodRule { private final class RestoreThucydidesLogLevelStatement extends Statement { private final Statement statement; private final String originalValue; private RestoreThucydidesLogLevelStatement(final Statement statement, final String originalValue) { super(); this.statement = statement; this.originalValue = originalValue; } @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable { try { statement.evaluate(); } finally { restoreOldLogLevel(); } } private void restoreOldLogLevel() { if (originalValue != null) { environmentVariables.setProperty("", originalValue); } else { environmentVariables.clearProperty(""); } } } EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables; private final String originalValue; public DisableThucydidesHistoryRule() { environmentVariables = Injectors.getInjector().getProvider(EnvironmentVariables.class).get() ; originalValue = environmentVariables.getProperty(""); environmentVariables.setProperty("","false"); } public Statement apply(final Statement statement, final FrameworkMethod method, final Object target) { return new RestoreThucydidesLogLevelStatement(statement, originalValue); } }