package net.thucydides.junit.runners; import; import; import net.thucydides.core.Thucydides; import net.thucydides.core.ThucydidesSystemProperty; import net.thucydides.core.annotations.ManagedWebDriverAnnotatedField; import net.thucydides.core.annotations.Pending; import net.thucydides.core.annotations.TestCaseAnnotations; import net.thucydides.core.batches.BatchManager; import net.thucydides.core.batches.BatchManagerProvider; import net.thucydides.core.guice.Injectors; import net.thucydides.core.model.TestOutcome; import net.thucydides.core.pages.Pages; import net.thucydides.core.reports.AcceptanceTestReporter; import net.thucydides.core.reports.ReportService; import net.thucydides.core.statistics.TestCount; import net.thucydides.core.steps.*; import net.thucydides.core.tags.TagScanner; import net.thucydides.core.webdriver.*; import net.thucydides.junit.listeners.JUnitStepListener; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier; import org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner; import org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod; import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError; import org.junit.runners.model.Statement; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import static net.thucydides.core.Thucydides.initializeTestSession; /** * A test runner for WebDriver-based web tests. This test runner initializes a * WebDriver instance before running the tests in their order of appearance. At * the end of the tests, it closes and quits the WebDriver instance. * The test runner will by default produce output in XML and HTML. This * can extended by subscribing more reporter implementations to the test runner. * * @author johnsmart */ public class ThucydidesRunner extends BlockJUnit4ClassRunner { /** * Provides a proxy of the ScenarioSteps object used to invoke the test steps. * This proxy notifies the test runner about individual step outcomes. */ private StepFactory stepFactory; private Pages pages; private final WebdriverManager webdriverManager; private String requestedDriver; private ReportService reportService; private final TestCount testCount; /** * Special listener that keeps track of test step execution and results. */ private JUnitStepListener stepListener; private PageObjectDependencyInjector dependencyInjector; /** * Retrieve the runner getConfiguration().from an external source. */ private Configuration configuration; private TagScanner tagScanner; private BatchManager batchManager; private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ThucydidesRunner.class); public Pages getPages() { return pages; } /** * Creates a new test runner for WebDriver web tests. * * @param klass the class under test * @throws InitializationError if some JUnit-related initialization problem occurred */ public ThucydidesRunner(final Class<?> klass) throws InitializationError { this(klass, Injectors.getInjector()); } /** * Creates a new test runner for WebDriver web tests. * * @param klass the class under test * @param module used to inject a custom Guice module * @throws InitializationError if some JUnit-related initialization problem occurred */ public ThucydidesRunner(Class<?> klass, Module module) throws InitializationError { this(klass, Injectors.getInjector(module)); } public ThucydidesRunner(final Class<?> klass, final Injector injector) throws InitializationError { this(klass, injector.getInstance(WebdriverManager.class), injector.getInstance(Configuration.class), injector.getInstance(BatchManager.class) ); } public ThucydidesRunner(final Class<?> klass, final WebDriverFactory webDriverFactory) throws InitializationError { this(klass, webDriverFactory, Injectors.getInjector().getInstance(Configuration.class)); } public ThucydidesRunner(final Class<?> klass, final WebDriverFactory webDriverFactory, final Configuration configuration) throws InitializationError { this(klass, webDriverFactory, configuration, new BatchManagerProvider(configuration).get() ); } public ThucydidesRunner(final Class<?> klass, final WebDriverFactory webDriverFactory, final Configuration configuration, final BatchManager batchManager) throws InitializationError { this(klass, new ThucydidesWebdriverManager(webDriverFactory, configuration), configuration, batchManager ); } public ThucydidesRunner(final Class<?> klass, final BatchManager batchManager) throws InitializationError { this(klass, Injectors.getInjector().getInstance(WebdriverManager.class), Injectors.getInjector().getInstance(Configuration.class), batchManager); } public ThucydidesRunner(final Class<?> klass, final WebdriverManager webDriverManager, final Configuration configuration, final BatchManager batchManager) throws InitializationError { super(klass); this.webdriverManager = webDriverManager; this.configuration = configuration; this.requestedDriver = getSpecifiedDriver(klass); this.tagScanner = new TagScanner(configuration.getEnvironmentVariables()); this.testCount = Injectors.getInjector().getInstance(TestCount.class); if (TestCaseAnnotations.supportsWebTests(klass)) { checkRequestedDriverType(); } this.batchManager = batchManager; batchManager.registerTestCase(klass); } private String getSpecifiedDriver(Class<?> klass) { if (ManagedWebDriverAnnotatedField.hasManagedWebdriverField(klass)) { return ManagedWebDriverAnnotatedField.findFirstAnnotatedField(klass).getDriver(); } else { return null; } } /** * The Configuration class manages output directories and driver types. * They can be defined as system values, or have sensible defaults. * @return the current configuration */ protected Configuration getConfiguration() { return configuration; } /** * Batch Manager used for running tests in parallel batches * @return the current batch manager object */ protected BatchManager getBatchManager() { return batchManager; } /** * Ensure that the requested driver type is valid before we start the tests. * Otherwise, throw an InitializationError. */ private void checkRequestedDriverType() { if (requestedDriverSpecified()) { SupportedWebDriver.getDriverTypeFor(requestedDriver); } else { getConfiguration().getDriverType(); } } private boolean requestedDriverSpecified() { return !StringUtils.isEmpty(this.requestedDriver); } public File getOutputDirectory() { return getConfiguration().getOutputDirectory(); } /** * To generate reports, different AcceptanceTestReporter instances need to * subscribe to the listener. The listener will tell them when the test is * done, and the reporter can decide what to do. * @param reporter an implementation of the AcceptanceTestReporter interface. */ public void subscribeReporter(final AcceptanceTestReporter reporter) { getReportService().subscribe(reporter); } public void useQualifier(final String qualifier) { getReportService().useQualifier(qualifier); } /** * Runs the tests in the acceptance test case. */ @Override public void run(final RunNotifier notifier) { RunNotifier localNotifier; if (!skipThisTest()) { try { setupFixtureServices(); localNotifier = initializeRunNotifier(notifier);; } catch (Throwable someFailure) { someFailure.printStackTrace(); throw someFailure; } finally { notifyTestSuiteFinished(); generateReports(); dropListeners(notifier); closeDrivers(); shutdownFixtureServices(); } } } private void setupFixtureServices() { } private void shutdownFixtureServices() { } private void notifyTestSuiteFinished() { try { StepEventBus.getEventBus().testSuiteFinished(); } catch (Throwable listenerException) { // We report and ignore listener exceptions so as not to mess up the rest of the test mechanics. logger.error("Test event bus error: " + listenerException.getMessage(), listenerException); } } private void dropListeners(final RunNotifier notifier) { JUnitStepListener listener = getStepListener(); notifier.removeListener(listener); getStepListener().dropListeners(); } protected void generateReports() { generateReportsFor(getTestOutcomes()); } private boolean skipThisTest() { return testNotInCurrentBatch(); } private boolean testNotInCurrentBatch() { return (batchManager != null) && (!batchManager.shouldExecuteThisTest(getDescription().testCount())); } /** * The Step Listener observes and records what happens during the execution of the test. * Once the test is over, the Step Listener can provide the acceptance test outcome in the * form of an TestOutcome object. * @return the current step listener */ protected JUnitStepListener getStepListener() { if (stepListener == null) { buildAndConfigureListeners(); } return stepListener; } protected void setStepListener(JUnitStepListener stepListener) { this.stepListener = stepListener; } private void buildAndConfigureListeners() { initStepEventBus(); if (webtestsAreSupported()) { initPagesObjectUsing(webdriverManager.getWebdriver(requestedDriver)); setStepListener(initListenersUsing(getPages())); initStepFactoryUsing(getPages()); } else { setStepListener(initListeners()); initStepFactory(); } } private RunNotifier initializeRunNotifier(RunNotifier notifier) { RunNotifier notifierForSteps = new RunNotifier(); notifierForSteps.addListener(getStepListener()); return (shouldRetryTest() ? notifier : new RetryFilteringRunNotifier(notifier, notifierForSteps)); } private boolean shouldRetryTest() { return configuration.getEnvironmentVariables().getPropertyAsBoolean(ThucydidesSystemProperty.JUNIT_RETRY_TESTS, false); } protected void initStepEventBus() { StepEventBus.getEventBus().clear(); } private void initPagesObjectUsing(final WebDriver driver) { pages = new Pages(driver, getConfiguration()); dependencyInjector = new PageObjectDependencyInjector(pages); } protected JUnitStepListener initListenersUsing(final Pages pageFactory) { return JUnitStepListener.withOutputDirectory(getConfiguration().getOutputDirectory()) .and().withPageFactory(pageFactory) .and().withTestClass(getTestClass().getJavaClass()) .and().build(); } protected JUnitStepListener initListeners() { return JUnitStepListener.withOutputDirectory(getConfiguration().getOutputDirectory()) .and().withTestClass(getTestClass().getJavaClass()) .and().build(); } private boolean webtestsAreSupported() { return TestCaseAnnotations.supportsWebTests(this.getTestClass().getJavaClass()); } private void initStepFactoryUsing(final Pages pagesObject) { stepFactory = new StepFactory(pagesObject); } private void initStepFactory() { stepFactory = new StepFactory(); } private void closeDrivers() { getWebdriverManager().closeAllCurrentDrivers(); } protected WebdriverManager getWebdriverManager() { return webdriverManager; } private ReportService getReportService() { if (reportService == null) { reportService = new ReportService(getOutputDirectory(), getDefaultReporters()); } return reportService; } /** * A test runner can generate reports via Reporter instances that subscribe * to the test runner. The test runner tells the reporter what directory to * place the reports in. Then, at the end of the test, the test runner * notifies these reporters of the test outcomes. The reporter's job is to * process each test run outcome and do whatever is appropriate. * * @param testOutcomeResults the test results from the previous test run. */ private void generateReportsFor(final List<TestOutcome> testOutcomeResults) { getReportService().generateReportsFor(testOutcomeResults); } @Override protected void runChild(FrameworkMethod method, RunNotifier notifier) { clearMetadataIfRequired(); if (shouldSkipTest(method)) { return; } if (isPending(method)) { markAsPending(method); notifier.fireTestIgnored(describeChild(method)); return; } else { processTestMethodAnnotationsFor(method); } FailureDetectingStepListener failureDetectingStepListener = new FailureDetectingStepListener(); StepEventBus.getEventBus().registerListener(failureDetectingStepListener); int maxRetries = getConfiguration().maxRetries(); for (int attemptCount = 0; attemptCount <= maxRetries; attemptCount++) { if (notifier instanceof RetryFilteringRunNotifier) { ((RetryFilteringRunNotifier) notifier).reset(); } if (attemptCount > 0) { logger.warn(method.getName() + " failed, making attempt " + (attemptCount + 1) + ". Max retries: " + maxRetries); StepEventBus.getEventBus().testRetried(); } initializeTestSession(); resetBroswerFromTimeToTime(); additionalBrowserCleanup(); failureDetectingStepListener.reset(); super.runChild(method, notifier); if (!failureDetectingStepListener.lastTestFailed()) { break; } } if (notifier instanceof RetryFilteringRunNotifier) { ((RetryFilteringRunNotifier) notifier).flush(); } } private void clearMetadataIfRequired() { if (!configuration.getEnvironmentVariables().getPropertyAsBoolean(ThucydidesSystemProperty.THUCYDIDES_MAINTAIN_SESSION, false)) { Thucydides.getCurrentSession().clearMetaData(); } } protected void additionalBrowserCleanup() { // Template method. Override this to do additional cleanup e.g. killing IE processes. } private boolean shouldSkipTest(FrameworkMethod method) { return !tagScanner.shouldRunMethod(getTestClass().getJavaClass(), method.getName()); } private void markAsPending(FrameworkMethod method) { stepListener.testStarted(Description.createTestDescription(method.getMethod().getDeclaringClass(), testName(method))); StepEventBus.getEventBus().testPending(); StepEventBus.getEventBus().testFinished(); } /** * Process any Thucydides annotations in the test class. * Ignored tests will just be skipped by JUnit - we need to ensure * that they are included in the Thucydides reports * If a test method is pending, all the steps should be skipped. */ private void processTestMethodAnnotationsFor(FrameworkMethod method) { if (isIgnored(method)) { stepListener.testStarted(Description.createTestDescription(method.getMethod().getDeclaringClass(), testName(method))); StepEventBus.getEventBus().testIgnored(); } } private boolean isPending(FrameworkMethod method) { return method.getAnnotation(Pending.class) != null; } private boolean isIgnored(FrameworkMethod method) { return method.getAnnotation(Ignore.class) != null; } protected boolean restartBrowserBeforeTest() { return notAUniqueSession() || dueForPeriodicBrowserReset(); } private boolean dueForPeriodicBrowserReset() { return shouldRestartEveryNthTest() && (currentTestNumber() % restartFrequency() == 0); } private boolean notAUniqueSession() { return !isUniqueSession(); } protected int restartFrequency() { return getConfiguration().getRestartFrequency(); } protected int currentTestNumber() { return testCount.getCurrentTestNumber(); } protected boolean shouldRestartEveryNthTest() { return (restartFrequency() > 0); } protected boolean isUniqueSession() { return TestCaseAnnotations.isUniqueSession(getTestClass().getJavaClass()); } protected void resetBroswerFromTimeToTime() { if (isAWebTest() && restartBrowserBeforeTest()) { WebdriverProxyFactory.resetDriver(getDriver()); } } /** * Running a unit test, which represents a test scenario. */ @Override protected Statement methodInvoker(final FrameworkMethod method, final Object test) { if (webtestsAreSupported()) { injectDriverInto(test, method); initPagesObjectUsing(driverFor(method)); injectAnnotatedPagesObjectInto(test); initStepFactoryUsing(getPages()); } injectScenarioStepsInto(test); useStepFactoryForDataDrivenSteps(); Statement baseStatement = super.methodInvoker(method, test); return new ThucydidesStatement(baseStatement, stepListener.getBaseStepListener()); } private void useStepFactoryForDataDrivenSteps() { StepData.setDefaultStepFactory(stepFactory); } /** * Instantiate the @Managed-annotated WebDriver instance with current WebDriver. * @param testCase A Thucydides-annotated test class * @param method the test method */ protected void injectDriverInto(final Object testCase, final FrameworkMethod method) { TestCaseAnnotations.forTestCase(testCase).injectDriver(driverFor(method)); dependencyInjector.injectDependenciesInto(testCase); } protected WebDriver driverFor(final FrameworkMethod method) { if (TestMethodAnnotations.forTest(method).isDriverSpecified()) { String testSpecificDriver = TestMethodAnnotations.forTest(method).specifiedDriver(); return getDriver(testSpecificDriver); } else { return getDriver(); } } /** * Instantiates the @ManagedPages-annotated Pages instance using current WebDriver. * @param testCase A Thucydides-annotated test class */ protected void injectScenarioStepsInto(final Object testCase) { StepAnnotations.injectScenarioStepsInto(testCase, stepFactory); } /** * Instantiates the @ManagedPages-annotated Pages instance using current WebDriver. * @param testCase A Thucydides-annotated test class */ protected void injectAnnotatedPagesObjectInto(final Object testCase) { StepAnnotations.injectAnnotatedPagesObjectInto(testCase, pages); } protected WebDriver getDriver() { return getWebdriverManager().getWebdriver(requestedDriver); } protected WebDriver getDriver(final String driver) { return getWebdriverManager().getWebdriver(driver); } /** * Find the current set of test outcomes produced by the test execution. * @return the current list of test outcomes */ public List<TestOutcome> getTestOutcomes() { return getStepListener().getTestOutcomes(); } /** * @return The default reporters applicable for standard test runs. */ protected Collection<AcceptanceTestReporter> getDefaultReporters() { return ReportService.getDefaultReporters(); } public boolean isAWebTest() { return TestCaseAnnotations.isWebTest(getTestClass().getJavaClass()); } }